Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×05 “Dog Dean Afternoon”
If you have not seen tonight’s episode then beware that there are spoilers below.
Brief recap: So this was an interesting diversion. Episode opens with the murder of a taxidermist and we know we’re about to get all kinds of weird. But we did get a second Game of Thrones reference and I’m so totally reading that as telling me to compare show to the cable show that features incest. *Linda waits for Sam to lose his hand.*
Back to the boys, who have apparently rescued Kevin from a ho-down weekend in Branson that left him hungover. Really? I mean does Kevin not get a Vegas weekend as well? I call discrimination! *Linda feels bad for the teenage prophet whose action probably included a male impersonator of Dolly Parton.*
Anyway, it was a funny episode, for sure, and proves yet again that Jensen Ackles can do comedy, like for real. The episode was a straight forward “monster of the week” with a human who dabbled in shamanism to put off death, kind of like you know letting your brother be possessed by a supernatural being to stop death, but I’ll let that go…for now. *Linda hates your angel, show.*
So the main case was tracking down the weekly villain, who was eating animals and animal parts. At first they think it’s the owners of a vegan bakery who are animal rights activists. They started “SNART,” which totally should be funny but kind of falls flat. Anyhoo, it turns out the real villain is a gourmet chef. Dean figures out that the first victim’s dog, the Colonel (who has an amazing voice), was indicating he knew something so Sam calls Kevin and gets a magic spell so Dean can talk to the dog. Because you know how Dean loves dogs. Comedy ensues, which includes Dean playing fetch, Dean barking at a postman, Dean ogling a poodle (and now I have trauma, forever), Dean talking to all the animals including a rather hilarious exchange with a pigeon (because animals have a universal language like Esperanto), Sam petting a gay yorkie for information, and Dean being alpha of the dog pack. I’m waiting on my A/B/O fic now, show. Don’t tease if you won’t please. *Linda types out other fanfic tropes and puts in envelope addressed to writers’ room.*
Now the snark reviewer in me wants to note the abundance of kinks in this episode, but I’ll refrain and let y’all do that, for amusement’s sake. But there was pussycat eating, so yay for the metaphorical vagina. The episode ends with the bad guy chef trying to eat Sam, who was healed by Zeke after getting slashed in the throat, so bad guy thinks Sam is a super-duper crispy happy meal with cool toys – seriously, I’m not making this up. Dean interrupts dinner. Chef Villain eats a wolf heart and is two seconds away from a knotting meme when he is killed by a pack of dogs, Dean’s pack. (Not kidding, really). Of course we had to have the deep, not very subtle discussion about the cost of stalling death by unnatural/supernatural means. The episode ends with a new trope for this season – Dean being woobie over a dying person and looking like Jensen Ackles lost his shoe. The final act includes Sam’s “WTF is happening to me” face and Dean’s “I got guilts” expression, as well as Linda’s “I’m going to burn everything with Zeke in it” rage. *Linda focuses on Ackles doing puppyplay.*
Top Five Favorite and Creepy Moments:
1. Dean ogling the poodle. I’m shipping Doodle.
2. Dean resisting the urge to sniff Sam’s butt and lick him.
3. Jensen Ackles comedic timing. Pure frigging gold.
4. Sam trying to not laugh at his bitch of a brother.
5. Sam petting the gay Yorkie.
Top Three What the Hell Moments:
1. Zeke. Always Zeke.
2. Kevin, the disappearing prophet and new Bobby.
3. No Cas mention…who is somewhere being homeless.
Theories for the week:
Theory, the first: Ardeospina mentioned that she thinks perhaps the duel Game of Thrones reference may be a hint that the show will follow the battle for king of Hell.
Theory, the second: I think Sam is smart enough to know Dean is lying and will get more curious as time goes by and as Zeke starts to take more control, outside of Dean’s purview. Zeke is like a kid who needs boundaries or a demon child who will suck your soul from your body.
Theory, the third: I believe Kevin will become a burlesque dancer in Branson and choose “Zelda the Welder” as his stage name.
Theory, the fourth: Serious theory – I think that the theme for this season is the consequences of the brothers’ love and that Dean is eventually going to have to learn that letting Sam go means letting Sam be. Dean has played fast and loose for a long time with near god-like powers. He’s made decisions that were not his to make and I think the chef was a way of not paralleling Sam but confronting Dean with the maniacal nature of desperation. Even though the chef’s physical nature was close to Sam – being possessed and being healed – his emotional state was much closer to Dean’s.
Feel free to share your reactions, theories, and other thoughts below.
Dean being prepared to shoot the pigeon was clearly the best moment.
You are right about your fourth, Carver has said the theme of the season would consequences – the consequences for not closing the gates of Hell, the consequences of kidnapping the King of Hell, and of course the consequences that come with saving Sam.
They only ask my talented MR JENSEN ACKLES to do such things HE
IS THAT GOOD OF AN ACTOR. His best by far was 2014 DEAN and 2009 DEAN. [should have been NOMINATED for that performance.]
ok this is 2 back to back LIGHT episodes. can we please get back to myth-arc. just threw CASTIEL away, it seems.
that’s it. rant finished. good going JENSEN and see you all next bat time and channel. PIG IN A POKE TUESDAY 😉
I loved this episode! I was so afraid because of the writers and it looked like it might be too cheesy but I laughed so hard … you need these sometimes before delving back into more serious eps. And, as much as I love Cas, it was nice to have the boys out on a hunt just the two of them (Zeke just made a quick appearance this time) for a bit. And it did tie in to the main mythology a bit at the end which was nice. Season 7 and 8 had a lot of episodes that wouldn’t touch the fact that the boys were fighting the episode before or even mention Cas in any way, shape or form even after the boys realizing he was being controlled and wanting to find out what was going on. Kinda made the season lose momentum a bit at times and this one has been better at that so far.
Absolutely LOVED this episode. I was afraid it would be stupid but it was just plain fun and a little creepy. (Cat eating) Nice pacing, great one off but with mentions to main story, very little Zeke interference. JA does comedy so well. Did I say how much I loved this episode! This is one I’ll watch again and again. I think Dean was considering coming clean to Sam at the end about Zeke.
I enjoyed this episode. It had some really funny moments with Dean unknowingly playing fetch, reacting to the Postman and him pulling out his gun to shoot the pigeon.
I liked the Shaman storyline and how it paralleled to some degree with the Sam/Zeke/Dean storyline.
I think the fight for King of Hell and the consequences of all actions taken will be this seasons storyline.
The only thing that would have worked better for me was if we the audience couldn’t understand/hear the animals.
If they just let Dean do all the interpreting. I just found some of the animal dialog and voices were just a little over the top for me.
Oh Bookdal, so much hate for my new favorite character, Zeke. He’s like a drug. Every time he appears you know it will make things better immediately but overall leave things much worse. Still, I find myself jonesing for those blue eyes. 🙂
Hi Bookdal, nice review, although I could’t really tell if you liked it or not? Also, I don’t watch Game of Thrones, so I didn’t understand any of the references there. Who’s Linda?
I agree with dashnjo, I was very pleasantly surprised by this episode. I was not looking forward to it given the Vegan bakery preview, and the somewhat shaky track record of this writing team, but I thought it flowed pretty well, the pacing was good, (better than last week) the plotting was logical and it was creepy, interesting and relevant to the season long myth arcs.
First off, only Jensen Ackles could make such off beat material like this work, because the premise of the episode and the “talk to the animals” spell were admittedly a bit weird. He had just the right amount of wacky and funny and not too much of the campy, creating a great blend that worked, at least for me. I also really like the MOW format; it seems like ages since we’ve seen the boys out on the road, in a motel just working a case. Don’t get me wrong, I love the bunker, but I also love the boys out on the road too. I liked how the episode weaved in the myth arc in an organic and relevant way that upped the tension regarding the Zeke thing way more than the OZ episode did. And this episode was grittier, bloodier, scarier and more violent than we’ve seen in a while (yeah, I’m a ghoul who loves that sort of thing. 😳 ). I loved the MOW, he was CREEPY and smart too! When he came out of the wall paper because he’d eaten a chameleon that allowed him to hide to get the drop on Sam? That was pretty cool and scary. So even though Sam ended up unconscious once again (poor boy, every single episode so far!) it made sense and drove the plot so I didn’t mind, and seeing Dean’s concern was just… my heart’s melting here! And I agree that the idea of consequences was strong in this episode. I could get why the MOW was doing what he was doing, and so did Dean, but it’s funny and relevant that Dean stopped the MOW, but didn’t stop Zeke. He also admitted to Sam (unbeknownst to Sam himself) that he may be loosing control of the entire Zeke situation and it was clear how much it all was bothering him. It will be interesting to see if Zeke begins to pop to the surface more and more and what Dean will do about that.
There were a few things that I didn’t care for; the episode was a little campy, it rode a fine line for me, sometimes going over that line into ‘ugh’ territory but not too often. It seems the PTB have totally forgotten Dean’s supposed fear of dogs or that Sam really likes them. Oh well. Strangely, I didn’t care for all the dog voices; I wish that they hadn’t gone there at all, and just had Dean be the only one who could hear them. Dean had to explain what he was hearing to Sam anyway, so he could have explained it to us as well, without us having to endure all of those annoying and snarky character voices coming out of the dogs. Dean would have come across as way more crazy if he was the only one who could hear the voices, forcing him to respond to things we could only learn about after the fact; I think it would have been funnier that way. Dean lusting after the poodle was just this side of “ick”… and there were entirely too many poop jokes; I know, they’re dogs, but geez. Still, those things seem like minor quibbles to me in an episode that held my attention, and gave me some much needed plot advancement on the Zeke thing. Perhaps because I was expecting an episode on the level of MBFWB or ADGTH and this wasn’t that, I was pleasantly surprised.
There were a few things that I didn’t care for; the episode was a little campy, it rode a fine line for me, sometimes going over that line into ‘ugh’ territory but not too often. It seems the PTB have totally forgotten Dean’s supposed fear of dogs or that Sam really likes them. Oh well. Strangely, I didn’t care for all the dog voices; I wish that they hadn’t gone there at all, and just had Dean be the only one who could hear them. Dean had to explain what he was hearing to Sam anyway, so he could have explained it to us as well, without us having to endure all of those annoying and snarky character voices coming out of the dogs. Dean would have come across as way more crazy if he was the only one who could hear the voices, forcing him to respond to things we could only learn about after the fact; I think it would have been funnier that way. Dean lusting after the poodle was just this side of “ick”… and there were entirely too many poop jokes; I know, they’re dogs, but geez. Still, those things seem like minor quibbles to me in an episode that held my attention, and gave me some much needed plot advancement on the Zeke thing. Perhaps because I was expecting an episode on the level of MBFWB or ADGTH and this wasn’t that, I was pleasantly surprised.[/quote]
Dean was never afraid of dogs, he just really didn’t care for them.
[quote]Oh Bookdal, so much hate for my new favorite character, Zeke. He’s like a drug. Every time he appears you know it will make things better immediately but overall leave things much worse. Still, I find myself jonesing for those blue eyes. :-)[/quote]
Agree! Isn’t old Zeke mysterious, bizarre and scary? And he’s getting scarier with each new appearance. I’m dying to know what he is after – not Sam’s soul, I hope? No?
And one more thing – being as big as that Colonel shouldn’t have been such a coward, should’ve tried to help his master. Or is he too human to be loyal?
I had a ball with this eppy, but was nervous about it. Trying to pull something like this off in a TV show without coming off as moronically stupid? Very difficult. Some how, SPN manages to pull off the impossible time after time.
A very fun monster of the week eppy.
And being the owner of 2 Yorkies myself, the belly rub had me rolling. You really CAN get hand cramps trying to make those dogs happy. LOL!
I do hope that we see the end of the Sam not knowing about Zeke thing soon though. Looks like it’s coming to a head and it needs to before the end of the first half of the season.
A fun eppy all around for me.
That was silly, campy fun. Jensen Ackles is so good at this king of comedy, love him for it! 😆 That is one lucky Yorkie. 😳 I agree with you Karen, I think it would have been better if we didn’t hear the voices, but then again, those dogs were kind of funny. Especially the ones in the kennel. Being a cat person myself, I cringed when I saw the bad guy gobbling that poor kitty cat up. 😮
This one fell flat for me; some funny moments but it crossed the line in to overly campy too often. I’ll give it a rewatch tonight to see if my opinion changes. Sam getting knocked unconscious every episode tells me he’s become a liability and shouldn’t be out there hunting. Still don’t think Zeke is a bad guy; he might be up to something but seemed more pissed than anything else about having to save Sam again. And, that was consistent with the last episode, Zeke telling Dean that everytime he had to use his powers would extend the time it took him to heal Sam and himself. Zeke’s probably wondering how the hell Sam & Dean have survived this long without having an angel possessing one of them. The parallels between the chef being possessed and Sam/Zeke could have been done with something more subtle than the sledgehammer that was used.
Complete agreement with your theory #4 and the theme of consequences, particularly of Dean’s actions this year. Not saying Dean’s actions weren’t done with good intent, but were these decisions his to make? Can’t wait to find out what favor Dean will owe Zeke when all of this is over. After all, when is a deal ever a good thing?
Forgot to add that the ‘fetch’ scene when Sam rolled the paper up and shot it into the trash can…then Dean retrieved it…took me a second to realize that Dean was playing fetch, but once I did, I almost fell outta my chair. Kudos to Jensen for playing that so straight. These guys can make any scene work. Would LOVE to see the outtakes from this one. ha!
Wow, what a great episode! So fricking funny – I even laughed out loud at the opening “Then” scenes and it just got better from there. I had to rewind the scene where Dean first talks to the dog. “You” “You” “You” – how *perfectly* did Jensen play that?
I loved the brotherly moments we got. Like listening to music in the motel – when do we ever see that? And the clear love and caring that is motivating Dean, even though he’s not doing the right thing and probably can’t even see what the “right thing” is anymore, he’s so blinded by his need to keep Sammy safe. I also love to see Sam’s renewed happiness with the brothers just doing their job. Of course, being SPN, the boys’ relationship is so good because we’re being set up for a real implosion. I’ll hate it, and love it, and watch it, of course! Damn you show.
Like you guys, I keep thinking about how Dean is going to have to pay for these resurrections he keeps coercing out of Ezekiel. I think this will be separate from the fallout with Sam. The whole situation has always reminded me of Dean wearing Death’s ring for one day, and how his decision to cheat death set off the chain of events that led to the nurse dying. It just can’t end well.
Personally, I’m not tired of Zeke or Samzekiel yet.*ducks* Then again, I don’t see Zeke being inside of Sam as quite non-con as others do, so when he exerts his powers it doesn’t squick me in the same way (I do think it has consequences, though, I think you’re bang on about that, Linda). I am leaning toward Zeke being good, partly because I want him to be good, but also because I’m hoping that the show will not take the expected route in this case. We’re all thinking Zeke has some nefarious ulterior motive, and I hope they surprise us by not going that way. I think the fact that Zeke keeps getting knocked out or pushed into the background when he heals people is a sign that he *is* too weak to leave Sam. The question is why. None of the other angels we’ve met have any loss of power beyond “flying”. What happened to Zeke that he’s so weak and needs to heal? Cas, who lost his grace, doesn’t even need that (of course, he can’t heal his grace, so it’s kinda different).
But I also think he’s going to be good because I think setting up Dean’s debt to Zeke will play nicely against Dean’s relationship with Castiel. I’m no Destiel shipper, but even platonically, I think the newly neutered Castiel is going to be a little surprised/annoyed by and jealous of Dean’s reliance on another one of Cas’ brothers. Should be interesting to see how it plays out. I want Zeke to return in his yummy original vessel! Is there Dean/Zeke fic out there?
I knew intellectually that they weren’t going to have Dean let Sam in on the Angelwich he’s got going on, but I still found myself holding my breath during the last scene outside the shelter. The pause, the look in Dean’s eyes, you could see how conflicted he is about this whole thing. But then he didn’t – or Sam didn’t push him hard enough – and the moment passed. Exceptional acting by Jensen, of course, and also by Jared, who made Sam’s confusion start to peel back into grudging suspicion. Sam knows something’s up, he’s seen Dean tap dance too often now, but I also thought that Sam doesn’t seem to want to believe something’s wrong with him, so he’s going along with the lame excuses. But he’s too smart not to start turning this over in his mind. I’m sure he’ll blame himself for this before he learns of Dean’s role, and the betrayal will feel even more epic.
Linda, while I’m in a different place from you about Zeke, I completely agree about the parallels between Dean and the nutty chef. I didn’t rewatch the scene to get specifics, but the dialogue about how crazy it had become, and how “sooner or later it takes over” seemed pointedly self-aimed at how Dean’s feeling about this whole situation. I also love your theory about Dean’s love for Sam, and how he is back to Season 2 Dean, who was unable to deal with a world without his Sammy. That may be why I’m loving this season so much.
E – Linda is our esteemed reviewer Bookdal. 🙂 And I agree with you about the Dean lusting after the poodle part. We stayed on that a little too long for my comfort, but maybe that was intentional. Oh the bestiality! But it was a girl dog before Dean was sniffing around (a little) so hey, I guess this isn’t TOO far off.)
Nonetheless, I loved this – and cringed at this – so much. Dean playing fetch will be my absolute favorite scene now of all they’ve done. I could watch that forever. “Dean! What are you doing?” “I don’t know!” OMG, I was dying.
And before you knew it everything got serious and boy I love how this show can turn on a dime like that and not make me nauseous. I am so sure Sam is suspicious now, but it’s so weird to me that he’s not questioning it. He questions why the chef asked what he was, but he didn’t question his healing? That was off to me, but I’m a forgiver. I don’t let this kind of thing hang me up too long. The only thing so far I have not been able to forgive is having Amelia in the show, and I suppose in time I will come to accept the sense of it. Otherwise, I’ll just choose to believe Sam is watching now and waiting for something. I too think Dean is on the verge of confessing. I’m really tired of him telling Sam he can’t do something because he’s “on the mend” and I’m glad Sam is tired of hearing that too. That part is becoming a warped CD.
I can’t get home fast enough today to rewatch that ep. (Especially since some knucklehead in my household deleted my ep from last week and I can’t rewatch the Winchesters of Oz until I pony up Amazon money.
This ep was so much fun.
#12 I agree. I bet Zeek is wondering how the boys have lasted this long.
It also tells me that Sam may be a little amped up on angel juice, But he’s being knocked out so easily, that you can tell he’s definitely off his game. Luckily Zeek is in there.
I think Sam knows something is going on. He’s not stupid, just playing a little dumb. I think he knows Dean is lying to him, and he isn’t going to like what he finds out. However, take a look at the history of the lying between the two and I think Sam knows that Dean would do
ANYTHING for his well-being.
So he asks questions, trying to figure it out, but isn’t pushing it because, and only because, he trusts Dean with his life and soul. Literally. In this case, it happens to be that case. I think Sam can see Dean keeping an eye on him. But not understanding how serious it is he chafes at the need for ‘whatever’. Hence all the little info digs and eye rolls.
I want Zeek to be a good guy too. I’m not tired of him either. I wouldn’t even mind him and Sam sharing as long as Zeek lets the original/proper occupant take the lead. Not likely with the winchester boys.
I think Zeek is an ArchAngel who made a ‘back door to heaven’ on his way out. That’s why he’s extra weak.
No, I don’t have any proof of that, but we saw him blowing away 3 demons at once WITHOUT touching them (and he was still tattered). That speaks for a jaw-dropping amount of power.
If you were a big beefy guy being tossed out of your house, wouldn’t you grab/make a key on the way out? Especially if you were the only one who could reach/make it?
For me the 3 funniest moments were Dean unconsciously playing fetch, him almost shooting the pidgeon (that was just soooo Dean) and the gay(?) dog that make Sam cramp his hand pleasing him.
*Laugh laugh giggle giggle snort snort*
Don’t get your review at all, but I absolutely loved this episode. JA looked like he had fun filming it, and I had fun watching it.
MotW with the Winchesters working the case – Yeah!
Dusted off the horror handbook – Yeah!
The monster was truly dark – Yeah!
JA comedy is perfect – Yeah! Love me some DarkDean and SnarkyDean, but seeing his comedy is fun once in a while. “Hunters define themselves by what they kill.” Loved it.
JP as straight man to Dean’s goofiness – Yeah! I think that’s when JP is at his best. I love how Sam was thrown “off,” because Dean wasn’t Dean.
The “fetching” scene was hilarious, as was the pigeon scene.
Dean saying “SOB” in an episode – Yeah! Always look forward to hearing that.
No super duper AWESOME support characters (or teenagers). Love any episode that is written for the Winchesters.
The only part of the show I didn’t like was the preview for next week. More Cas looking like a challenged ex-angel and being stupidly human.
ETA: No canon trashing – Yeah! Dean has never been afraid of dogs. He IS afraid of hellhounds.
Re: the “Sally” comment directed at Dean by the lucky little Yorkie: Sally is a term some gay men use when they talk to another gay man. Usually an effeminate one. It’s a term of derision/affection, depending on the context.
I was surprised that with the Yorkie in this ep taking such a prominent role, they didn’t reference the Yorkie issues Dean’s had before. I think this, not acknowledging Dean’s rule about “no dogs in the car,” the Reaper lore mistakes, etc. etc. are all signs that the show runners/writers are new. Why this show doesn’t keep better track of these kinds of details is a mystery to me. Hell, they could probably get a superfan to do it for free! I know I’d volunteer. 🙂
I wonder if Sam is thinking that something is wrong with him because of the trials and not because Dean is lying to him. He has no reason to suspect that Dean is hiding something since Dean insisted on no more lying between them in GS.
I thought this was a fun, laugh out loud at times episode. So much better than I thought it was going to be.
I enjoyed this one, mostly. I was not expecting much and found myself entertained. I love the brothers rapport and comfort with each other and at the same time feel sad because it won’t last. It undeniably adds a layer of tension to every episode. Which I love. Mixed emotions for sure. Love Sam and the Yorkie. Love Dean playing fetch and hanging his head out the window. The voices of the animals were a bit too cartoony for me. This was a cringe/laugh episode. I do have to say (not for the first time) that I miss the early seasons sometimes. This sort of episode would never have worked back then. The funny, campy ones are never my favorites.I CAN appreciate them and give kudos to the show for keeping things interesting but still… So not a disappointment by any means and judging it against the other “dog” episodes it was down right great. 😀
JTA- I do think Sam’s spidey senses are tingling. He know something isn’t right but not enough to confront Dean yet.
I loved this ep! Loved Dean trying to fetch and them being brothers on the hunt for the MOW. I would like to know what the Colonel was going to tell Dean before the spell wore off.
[quote]And I don’t believe for a second that they are somehow implying incest, which is part of GoT story, and which by the way has its own consequences for the characters involved. It’s like how Carver said. This season is about consequences.
I mean no disrespect to the Wincest shippers. 🙂 This is just my two-cents.[/quote]
Well I read Wincest and I in no way shape of form even thought that they were hinting at it in this episode, So definitely no offense for me.
[quote]I was surprised that with the Yorkie in this ep taking such a prominent role, they didn’t reference the Yorkie issues Dean’s had before.[/quote]
I actually never thought Dean actually had Yorkie issues. The only Yorkie interaction I recall was in Yellow Fever.I always thought that his reaction in YF had to do with being infected by the fear demon/ghost/whatever it was. That was always my feeling about Dean and dogs that in general he isn’t afraid of them Hell Hounds sure, but dogs in general he just doesn’t like.
well I am PTFO. I just tried to view it again and my favorite part is MAGICALLY not recorded on my VCR. Quit laughing at me…..stop I said……..
now i have to watch it with commercials on the cwtv.com 🙁 😥
He almost shot the neighbor’s Yorkie in EOMS. For some reason Yorkies keep popping up but no, I agree, I don’t think he is actually afraid of them. I don’t even think he really dislikes dogs. He just has a problem with them in the Impala. Usually. And this one barfed in the backseat so I am not sure he has changed his mind about. We had a conversation about Dean and his interactions with dogs awhile ago but we were mostly kidding as to why Dean might have a problem with our canine friends. 🙂
Thx for helming the intial TWFB reaction, Bookdal 🙂 Love the talking-to-yourself style 😉
(Quick plea tho! Have not seen Game of Thrones, but have good intentions to. Please no spoilers for that series everyone!)
• Agree muchly – so very muchly- that JA was brilliant in the comedic scenes. Playing fetch was EPIC, timing and subtlety-wise. One of the funniest scenes of the series. Plus, JP was just as good as the ‘straight man’. And , as I said on Alice’s page, not an anvil in sight (yay)!
• The pigeon exchange made me laugh too as did the Dean-scratching-his-head – and the ‘barking’ at the postman was perfection! Hahahahaha! “You! You! You! You! You!”
• Checking out the female poodle? Yuck. And also? Ick. And obvious. And ouch, there goes that anvil…Just, no.
• Loved also JA’s body language in the opening scene where Sam is trying to convince Dean to take this case and JA turns completely away from JP, feet on table pointing in opposite direction away from the conversation. Subtle perfection. The Ackles School of Acting.
• And JP is consistently excellent each week. Loved his annoyed/amused little brother this week. He’s definitely been on a roll since the Season 8. Kudos, Mr Padalecki.
• Differ on EzekiSam feelings tho. I have to say I like the Zeke storyline (sorry!) and like the build-up of evidence and tension. Alice had a cool theory about Zeke being too weak to leave Sam or being trapped in him, which would be a fascinating mirror image of the Lucifer vessel storyline…*watches this space*
• NB. Second Kristin’s comment of hoping we get to see Zeke in his original packaging again 😉
• Your theory three: disturbing!
Agree with E’s suggestion that it would have been even better if we had not been able to hear the animals’ voices – only Dean (like Tom Hanks and ‘Wilson’ in Castaway). The voices were a little on-the-nose, but did not detract too much from the episode for me.
So, tho it was not a perfect episode, and though I am pro-Kevin and Charlie (and Misha and Mark Sheppard) and love Abbadon, twas really good to have a classic MOTW, just-the-brothers, on-the-road, Season 1-style quintessential Supernatural episode. Love this show!
Now am off to check if the Jared-tall local police-guy-with-the-hat is any relation to Matthew Modine and if Dave Stevens (guy Dean interviews who collects the guts from the taxidermist) is any relation to Chad Lindberg 😉
[quote]Re: the “Sally” comment directed at Dean by the lucky little Yorkie: Sally is a term some gay men use when they talk to another gay man. Usually an effeminate one. It’s a term of derision/affection, depending on the context.
I was surprised that with the Yorkie in this ep taking such a prominent role, they didn’t reference the Yorkie issues Dean’s had before. I think this, not acknowledging Dean’s rule about “no dogs in the car,” the Reaper lore mistakes, etc. etc. are all signs that the show runners/writers are new. Why this show doesn’t keep better track of these kinds of details is a mystery to me. Hell, they could probably get a superfan to do it for free! I know I’d volunteer. :-)[/quote]
He’s had whole whopping scene’s with Yorkies. First he was affected by a ghost sickness and second he was poisoned by a djinn – they were hardly incidents that would leave him mentally scarred towards Yorkies.
He doesn’t like dogs in his car, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t let one ride in it for a case – just like how he’s afraid of flying, and yet has flown for a case.
I still maintain that since reaper lore was pretty underwritten, that it is fair game to add on to it.
Quoting kristin #14:
“Personally, I’m not tired of Zeke or Samzekiel yet.*ducks* “
Hi kristin, I’m with you, I’m not tired of Zeke yet either. I think the whole storyline, the way Jared is playing both characters, Zeke perhaps less than honorable intentions and Dean’s web of lies is the best storyline we’ve had in years, maybe even since season 4. It’s so twisty and potentially hurty… I love, love, love it!
Quoting digyd #16:
“E – Linda is our esteemed reviewer Bookdal.”
OH!! Ha ha, OK totally embarrassing! Not sure at all why I didn’t pick that up. Thanks!!!
Quoting magichappening #28:
“Now am off to check if the Jared-tall local police-guy-with -the-hat is any relation to Matthew Modine and if Dave Stevens (guy Dean interviews who collects the guts from the taxidermist) is any relation to Chad Lindberg ;)”
Holy crap! Hells yeah! They both looked soooo familiar, I can totally see both of those being true.
[quote]Quoting magichappening #28:
“Now am off to check if the Jared-tall local police-guy-with -the-hat is any relation to Matthew Modine and if Dave Stevens (guy Dean interviews who collects the guts from the taxidermist) is any relation to Chad Lindberg ;)”
Holy crap! Hells yeah! They both looked soooo familiar, I can totally see both of those being true.[/quote]
Right? Tragically, IMDB and Wikipedia have failed me and I daren’t Google as don’t want to be spoiled for next week’s episode…ah well. Twill have to remain a mystery!
Hi magicishappening!
I don’t mind spoilers (I am addicted!) so I had a look-see about our potential Matthew Modine and Chad Lindberg relatives. I am sorry to say though it appears that they are not related in any way to those other actors despite the way they look.
‘Dave Stephens’ was played by an actor named Brock Johnson; he’s been on the show before in an unnamed (well, probably not unnamed, I just couldn’t find it) role in season 3’s Mystery Spot; maybe he was Cal?
‘Deputy’ was a 33 year old (can you believe that he’s 33?!! He looked like a baby) Canadian actor named Josh Young and he’s been on the show before too, as the ‘pregnant girl’s husband’ in season 5’s Good God Y’all. According to IMDB he’s 6′ 1/2″ but he sure looked taller. There are a lot of actors out there named Josh Young, so this might not be the same guy (here were very few pictures) and there is also a Tony Award winning Broadway actor out there also named Josh Young, but I am pretty sure that this Josh wasn’t that Josh.
Hope that this wasn’t too disappointing!
Hi magichappening and E- Just had to pop in and say when I saw and heard “guts” guy I immediately thought of Chad Lindberg!!! A little older and more grizzly but yep, that was my first thought. The Matthew Modine resemblance I missed. 🙂
What ever happened to the God tracker amulet Cas borrowed from Dean?
DEAN threw it away and we all hope, SAM picked it up and will present it to his brother or CAS in the future. jmo
Hi racestaffer, Wikipedia said there were 23 episodes this season.