Random Acts Raises over $67,000 during Endure4Kindness
Here’s some good news from our friends at Random Acts. Below is the press release that explains all the good new about the recent Endure4Kindness event.
Hundreds Take Part in Random Acts’ Endure4Kindness;
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 – Hundreds of people endured calluses, weather and their own exhaustion this past weekend (November 2nd and 3rd, 2013) to raise over $67,000 to fund acts of kindness throughout the world. Endure 4 Kindness (E4K) is a global endurance event sponsored by Random Acts, an international charity dedicated to acts of kindness. Participants are invited to pick an activity and invite their friends, family and members of the local community to pledge money for Random Acts.
Last year hundreds of individuals all around the world came together to take part in the first ever Random Acts endurance event. Now an annual event, E4K is about challenging yourself and putting forth the effort and sacrifice to make a big difference in someone else’s life. Activities are not limited to physical actions; any pursuit can be eligible for E4K such as knitting, crocheting, baking cakes to be donated to a local homeless shelter, or an old-school Nintendo game-a-thon. Donations are made to Random Acts through the funding site Crowdrise.
Misha Collins, known as the angel Castiel on The CW’s Supernatural and the founder of Random Acts said, “The very first funds raised for our non-profit were from pledges collected for my 50 mile run. We are carrying on the tradition with well over 200 people participating in all kinds of endurance fundraisers this weekend. I say we are all running fools. Might as well do some good while we are at it.” Collins ran 20 miles through Los Angeles for his E4K adventure, past crowds of supporters and even some fans that joined him for parts of his route.
E4K participants may add social media badges from the Random Acts website to their Twitter or Facebook profiles to raise funds from their online neighbors (using hashtag #E4K) as well as their local community. Random Acts will accept donations for E4K through the end of the month through the crowdsourcing site Crowdrise.
Random Acts Director Cinde Monsam said, “E4K is a full-on participatory endeavor by Random Acts’ supporters. They have a lot of fun, challenge themselves and others, while gaining support and encouragement that they can achieve their personal goal and share kindness at the same time. I am always overwhelmed by the number of participants, their creativity, their willingness to endure and of course their generosity! Endure 4 Kindness participants are all winners and Random Acts salutes them!”
E4K participants have all sorts of talents. Kara ran 21K – a half marathon – in support of E4K. “Five blisters. At least three different body parts currently writing very stern letters of complaint. Walking is difficult. Descending stairs is nigh impossible,” Kara hadn’t trained for such a long run, and the Random Acts team is proud of her accomplishment. PHOTO: Kara Half Marathon E4K

Team Science Bros delivered 150 mini- apple, strawberry, and strawberry rhubarb pies to the Larkin Street Youth Services in San Francisco via the Food Runners volunteer organization. According to the Team, the kids were very happy to see their snacks, all lovingly wrapped with the E4K logo. K & J Orchards donated 50 pounds of apples, which were used in the pies. Plus, Team Science Bros collected $200 in donations to Random Acts! Thanks to all involved in this special project. PHOTO: Team Science Bros Pies E4K

Kerry Kittleson raised $1,203 for Random Acts by crocheting sock-monkey hat. Kerry plans to give away all of the hats she created during E4K, creating 10 of these intricate hats over the course of the weekend. PHOTO: SockMonkey Hats E4K

In past years, funding from Endure4Kindess was used to fund activities all over the world, including the construction of an orphanage for children in post-earthquake Haiti called the Jacmel Children’s Center; a school bus for the students of the Free High School in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua; and to provide gas cards to a family travelling hours daily to visit their premature baby in the hospital. In addition, Random Acts supporters are encouraged to create their own projects and have received funds to perform 38 acts of kindness in just the first two quarters of 2013. Over $10,000 has been spent on those funded acts.
About Random Acts
On December 3, 2009, Misha Collins, the angel Castiel on The CW’s Supernatural, used Twitter to ask his followers (affectionately known as his “minions”) to come up with ideas for a “minion stimulus” project. This idea morphed into Random Acts, a Division of The Art Department, Inc. Random Acts seeks to conquer the world one random act of kindness at a time. Run by an all-volunteer staff, we encourage participation by constituents around the globe. We offer a network of tools to help in completing acts of kindness including funding opportunities for projects, awards to recognize excellence in the community and large fundraising campaigns such as Hope 2 Haiti that help to meet the most basic needs of indigent populations.
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Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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