
Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 13.05, “Advanced Thanatology”

Before doing my re-watch of “Advanced Thanatology,” I watched “The Big Empty” first (I skipped “Patience” because rereading my scathing review brought back all sorts of memories).  I realized watching both these episodes together are a must.  They pair perfectly in their themes about grief and loss and they’re both written by two junior writers…

Caption This! #410

Caption This! #410

It’s the beginning of the week, it must be time for another Caption This! contest.  Nate certainly gave you all a run for your money with last week’s selection.  I think it perplexed most.  The entries were certainly lighter than usual.   While Nate can’t turn down some good toilet humor, I tend to favor…

Caption This! #409

Caption This! #409

Wow! Last caption of the first month of 2025 already? Where does the time go. For our previous winner… well I admit I try to be a little more classy, but AlyCat22’s gag was just too hilarious not to put on that image. This week…. we’re not quite coordinating with Alice’s rewatch through the season,…

13.2 0957 talk

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 13.02 – “The Rising Son”

Well…okay.  Look, for a typical Brad and Eugenie outing, “The Rising Son” could have been bad.  Instead I give it a “borderline mediocre.”  It was not an enthralling outing for sure, but some things did happen to move the story along, so it wasn’t a total waste of my hour.  Some things happened though that…

Caption This! #408

Caption This! #408

Happy new contest!  Hopefully you all are inside staying warm, for those of us freezing in the U.S. on this holiday weekend.  Plenty of indoor projects for me, like deciding the next Caption This! contest.  Picking a winner was really hard this week!  I had it down to three great possibilities.  While I really loved…

Caption This! #407

Caption This! #407

Welcome back, everyone to caption this! I don’t know about all of you, but we’ve been having quite the snow storm in our area lately. Lucky the boys are around to heat things up, eh? Speaking of “the boys’, Marion won the previous contest with… a caption several voiced their appreciation of. In that spirit,…

Caption This! #406

Caption This! #406

Happy 2025 everyone!  A new year, a new Caption This contest!   Before I get to our first installment of the new year, let’s reveal our winners of #405, the Christmas Edition contest.  For Caption #1, congrats AlyCat22!  I love how simple, yet how perfect this is.  For Caption #2, congrats Cheryl42!   Okay, now…

Reviews That I Missed:  Supernatural 12.15, “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell”

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 12.15, “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell”

I sat down and did the rewatch of “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell” knowing that I didn’t remember a darned thing about the episode.  After watching it, I’m not sure I ever watched it the first time!  I know there were a couple on my “never watched” list so maybe this was one of them? …