SPN 1529

Let’s Discuss: How did Demon Mythology Impact Supernatural?

Ben Edlund, one of the brilliant writers who shaped Supernatural‘s mythology in the first half of its groundbreaking 15-year run, penned 24 episodes in seasons 2 through 8. Some of his episodes, such as “Hollywood Babylon” (2.18), “Ghostfacers” (3.13), “Monster Movie” (4.05) and “The French Mistake” (6.15), were fun, creative departures from routine episodic television….

Let’s Discuss:  Should There Be Another Season of Supernatural?

Let’s Discuss: Should There Be Another Season of Supernatural?

Collider went and did it.  They opened up a can of worms that quite frankly, needed opening since Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles hinted at the Supernatural convention in Honolulu during the Gold Member Panel  that some ideas are being bounced around.  It sounded really preliminary, and maybe not totally serious, but it was certainly…

Let’s Discuss: What Do You Want to See in Season 1 of The Winchesters?

Let’s Discuss: What Do You Want to See in Season 1 of The Winchesters?

After a seven week holiday break, The Winchesters returns to us Tuesday, January 24 at a new time of 9E/8C (U.S.). Having aired seven episodes, the Supernatural prequel is half way through its 13 episode first season. In that time, we met the younger versions of John Winchester and Mary Campbell, and Mary’s hunting buddies:…

Let’s Discuss: Did Walker’s Season 2 Plotlines Make Sense?

Let’s Discuss: Did Walker’s Season 2 Plotlines Make Sense?

Season 2 of Walker brought us some interesting ups and downs over the course of 20 episodes. It had some great character moments, along with some plots that left me scratching my head. I will admit that I’ve been giving the Walker writers a bit of slack due to Lindsey Morgan leaving, something that undoubtedly…

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Let’s Discuss: Where Did Supernatural Go Wrong, or Did it?

Let’s Discuss: Where Did Supernatural Go Wrong, or Did it?  After reading this brilliant analysis on collider.com, “Supernatural Was at Its Best When It Was a Horror Show”, I started a deeper look back to pinpoint when my discontent started spiraling.  Like this article has contended, I think that once we got beyond the Kripke…

Walker Independence

“Walker: Independence” Trailer – Introducing a Legacy

The trailer for Walker: Independence dropped at the CW Upfronts and it definitely did not disappoint! See it again and read through the extended series plot description, then chime in with your thoughts!  Recap The trailer begins with Abby and Liam Walker as they travel to Independence, Texas, where Liam will be taking the sheriff’s…

The Winchesters Trailer: A New Story Begins (if we let it)

The Winchesters Trailer: A New Story Begins (if we let it)

What were your initial impressions of the Supernatural spinoff show, The Winchesters? After seeing the series trailer released at the CW upfronts on Thursday, May 19th, I have to admit, I was… shocked. What I saw wasn’t at all what I expected the show to be. I rewatched the trailer several times, trying to understand how…