Top Ten Supernatural Antagonists – #1
Azazel turned out to be the one with the master plan, and his unforeseen demise at the hands of Dean didn’t do anything to stop that plan from going forward. Demons are a rather patient lot, and what Azazel put into place in demon time was hundreds of years in the making. Death of the key player wasn’t going to stop them, and neither was the reluctance of the sole surviving “child.” The demonic creed seems to be “When there’s a will there’s a way.”
So, enter Ruby. Her role cannot be denied, despite how many didn’t care for her. She’s hardly a mastermind, but definitely a brilliant manipulator. So what’s the best way to get the attention of the chosen one who refuses to step up to his destiny? Save his life? Not enough. Promise to help him save his brother from impending doom? Closer. Still not enough though since she didn’t. So, once brother is out of the way, how about trying to be a sympathetic friend and mentor? Then lover. Yeah, that worked.
Her patience in earning Sam’s trust, even to the behest of Dean, coming in after Azazel’s death to finish what he started cemented her claim that she is indeed “awesome.” Even she was floored that her plan worked. At least she had a couple minutes of joy before Dean gutted her like a fish.
Alastair gets major kudos as a true antagonist because Christopher Heyerdahl is that good. Any villain that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end and turn my stomach into knots ranks very high in my book. I don’t turn so easily. Sure, his obvious masterpiece was “On The Head Of A Pin,” a performance that’s more incredible given the fact he was chained up most of the episode yet still evoked full-on hebegeebees. Then he managed to get the same reaction out of me with his less than two minute appearance in “When The Levee Breaks.” Easily the best acting I’ve seen from a guest actor portraying the villain.

There you have it! Another top ten done. This list likely went places few expected, and that makes me happy. Tell me where I’m right, where I’m wrong, and who I missed. If you don’t I’ll forget that these lists are subjective and I’m not the all powerful authority on such things. Coming up next is a small bonus, the top five worst antagonists. I promise it’ll be in one article. I don’t want to waste too much space on the unworthy.
Top Ten Supernatural Antagonists – #2
Top Ten Supernatural Antagonists – #3
Top Ten Supernatural Antagonists – #4
Top Ten Supernatural Antagonists – #5
Top Ten Supernatural Antagonists – #6
Top Ten Supernatural Antagonists – #7
Top Ten Supernatural Antagonists – #8 and 9
Top Ten Supernatural Antagonists – #10

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Great list, Alice,
I love that you gave the demons involved in Azazel’s plan the top spot (where else would they go!?) and as a group.
I will admit I’m thrilled Ruby is dead, her story was great and I may have liked her better had a different actress been cast this season, admittedly, as much as I loved that final scene, GC just sucked the life out of any suspense or tension in the scene. Watching S3 again I don’t get why so many didn’t like KC, she brought the tension, but NA remains tops for the female bada**s…now SHE was awesome.
I like your last line…don’t want to waste too much time on the unworthy…hah!
Considering you gave well considered comments to each of your choices, I like that you spread them out over time. A morsel a day is yummy and we’re that much closer to S5!
You made a great list Alice. All I would do is juggle the middle ones a leetle bit. I always have trouble making lists with this show as I always like too much of everything about it.
elle2 – I too don’t get the dislike of Katie Cassidy as Ruby. Thought she was very good as Ruby. She was sassy and spunky and snarky and everything that the new Ruby wasn’t. The new one was just too blah altogether. As good as season four was, think how much better it would have been with the KC Ruby. And how great it would have been when Dean dispatched her nasty self.
Good choice!
I can’t rank anything, I’m far too indecisive ( umm, or not … ) I liked major-sarcasm-blonde-evil-barbie Ruby best, the latter one was dull as a really dull thing. I kept expecting her to burst forth and start chewing the scenery but she kept the tedium going to the bitter end. Mind you it is quite an achievement to make a world destroying howl of triumph a bit underwhelming but she managed it so well done her for displaying extreme restraint while monologuing …
YED rules though …