Mallena’s Musings:  As the Glass Shatters – Supernatural’s Bloody Good Scenes, Part One

Mallena’s Musings: As the Glass Shatters – Supernatural’s Bloody Good Scenes, Part One

Some of you might know that I enjoy watching a Winchester bleed, preferably while another family member is nearby.  Now, I don’t consider myself a particularly violent person.  In real life the sight of another person in pain isn’t something I relish.  I avoid confrontation, run away from fights, and abhor bullies.  Most of my…

Mallena’s Musings:  Supernatural 06.15 “The French Mistake”

Mallena’s Musings: Supernatural 06.15 “The French Mistake”

January 8th is the birthday of the actress of one of my favorite supporting characters on Supernatural – Ruby Two. (I’m not really a big fan of Ruby One, Katie Cassidy, sorry) In my Ruby’s honor, I’m doing a retro review of “The French Mistake,” in which she has a memorable role.  Genevieve Nicole Cortese…

What a Wonderful Supernatural World: An Ode of Thanksgiving

What a Wonderful Supernatural World: An Ode of Thanksgiving

I wanted to contribute something that would fit Thanksgiving and I like to use things that already exist and twist them for my own purposes.  Kind of like parodies, I suppose.  There is a reason that I review shows that other people write and change the words of existing songs: I’m not blessed with original…

Mallena’s Musings: Salt Lake Comic Convention FanX 2018 – Day Three

Mallena’s Musings: Salt Lake Comic Convention FanX 2018 – Day Three

Hello again!  It’s finally time for the thrilling conclusion to my convention adventures.  To refresh your memories, during the first weekend of September I ventured into the strange and wonderful world of the FanX Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. Part 1 of my report covers Thursday’s guests and our excursion into the vendor’s area. Part 2 talked about…

Mallena’s Musings:  Supernatural 13.23 “Let the Good Times Roll”

Mallena’s Musings: Supernatural 13.23 “Let the Good Times Roll”

I’m not sure that my good times were rolling while watching this Supernatural finale. I’m also not sure that I’ll enjoy Dean in his new role. This episode does have great moments and invites compelling speculation and wonder. I’ll have to debate the pros and cons of what happens in this story later.