What a Wonderful Supernatural World: An Ode of Thanksgiving
I wanted to contribute something that would fit Thanksgiving and I like to use things that already exist and twist them for my own purposes. Kind of like parodies, I suppose. There is a reason that I review shows that other people write and change the words of existing songs: I’m not blessed with original ideas that often! “What a Wonderful World” (first sung by Louis Armstrong) just spoke to me as a happy, yet meloncholy song that would perfectly fit Supernatural. Keep that song in mind as you enjoy my “Ode of Thanksgiving: What a Wonderful Supernatural World”!
What a Wonderful Supernatural World
I see Sam and Dean
And their flowing blood, too
I see them die painfully
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful Supernatural world.
I see an Impala of black
And ghosts so white
The dark cursed day
The darker bloody night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful Supernatural world.
The colors of burning bodies
So vivid in the sky
Reflect the horror on the faces
Of people going by
And I see amazing flashbacks
Of incredible days
In the lives of our boys
The memories that will never fade
I hear babies scream
I watch Sam and Dean go
Rescue those lil’ ones
As clueless parents say “D’oh”
But Sam and Dean have done more
Then they’ll ever know
And I say to myself
What a wonderful Supernatural World
I see Castiel arriving
What a mess he makes
But he’s awfully handy at getting
Sam and Dean out of scrapes
And I think to myself
What a wonderful Supernatural world
It’s Anna with Dean
And Sam with Ruby
They might be bad ladies
But clearly are bendy
And I say to myself
What a wonderful Supernatural world
I see Jody to the rescue
And all these guys, too
I can also see Mary
But I’d rather not, eww
And I say to myself
What a wonderful Supernatural world
I see Sam and Dean hugging
Saying don’t die again
They’re really saying
I love you, man
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself what a wonderful Supernatural world
If anyone can think of more verses and pictures to go with them, I’d love to have my ode extended! Please drop your verses into the comments.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I’m thankul for all the support and love (and constructive criticism) from the readers and writers of this incredible site.
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