Mothers and Mothering in Supernatural

Mothers and Mothering in Supernatural

Who is your favorite mother in Supernatural? That was the kick-off question asked of a Con-Tinual panel on “Mothers and Mothering in Supernatural” hosted by Gail Z. Martin. Gail, a professional paranormal romance novelist and writer for The WFB, asked me and six other Supernatural writers/fans to chat about how mothering is depicted in Supernatural. The…

Supernatural’s Top 10 Characters Who Unexpectedly Stole Our Hearts

Supernatural’s Top 10 Characters Who Unexpectedly Stole Our Hearts

It’s happened to all of us at one time or another. While watching an otherwise suspenseful or scary episode of Supernatural, our attention is abruptly shifted to a shiny, cuddly or sweet distraction in the story. Our reactions can vary from an envious “Wow! Look at that!” to an unabashed “Awwww”, but from that moment…


Supernatural’s Top 10 Best and Worst Dressed Characters

Let’s have some fun. Remember fun? That’s something we did all the time before a global pandemic made us all afraid, serious, grieving, intense people. I haven’t had fun in a long time. I’ve relaxed. I’ve watched movies. I’ve gotten a lot of long term to-dos done around the house. But nonsense, “no purpose at…

The Heavenly Host: Supernatural’s Most Memorable Angels

The Heavenly Host: Supernatural’s Most Memorable Angels

Do angels exist? Christian, Hebrew and Muslim religious texts abound with references to the heavenly host. Within Supernatural, the concept of angels was first explored in 2.13 “Houses of the Holy.” This is when we learned that a young, narrow-minded Dean was absolutely certain angels didn’t exist. Sam, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure….

Top 10 Supernatural Characters Gone Too Soon

Top 10 Supernatural Characters Gone Too Soon

Death is a frequent fate for many recurring and one-time characters on Supernatural. In fact, characters die so often that death is often only temporary, with resurrection and a second (third, fourth, fifth) chance at life almost an expected aftermath of even the most dramatic death scenes. Sam has died seven times, according to Supernatural…

Bobby Singer’s Top Ten Supernatural Episodes/ Moments

Bobby Singer’s Top Ten Supernatural Episodes/ Moments

Hi, everyone! I’m back with another top ten Supernatural list! This time I’m going with the most significant episodes and/or moments featuring Bobby Singer.  I once again compiled my list by picking the ten memories of Bobby that came to mind first. I figured these impacted and affected me the most.  Now before you read…

Supernatural’s Top Ten Friends to Foes, Enemies to Allies

Supernatural’s Top Ten Friends to Foes, Enemies to Allies

Hi, everyone! I’m back with another Supernatural Top Ten list! This time I’m featuring characters who either started as a Friend but then became a Foe, and/or characters who started out as an Enemy but later became an Ally. Once again, I chose my list by picking the first ten characters that came to mind,…


Supernatural’s Ten Most Disturbing Character Deaths

Hi, everyone! I’m back with another top ten article about Supernatural! This time I’ve picked the ten most disturbing deaths of beloved recurring characters.  Once again, I chose my list by picking the first ten that came to me. I figured these deaths impacted and affected me the most.  Now, before you read my list, write…