SPN909HD 1057

sweetondean’s wrap-up of the “Supernatural” mid-season finale: “Holy Terror”

  I woke up the morning after “Holy Terror” with images in my mind of Kevin Tran’s smouldering empty eyesockets, Sam’s feet going up the stairs and Dean in a crumpled mess on the bunker floor crying one perfect tear and saying “Kevin….Kevin.” Those images have been bouncing around in my brain ever since this…

I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This – Let’s Discuss What’s Going to Happen in the Mid-Season Finale

I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This – Let’s Discuss What’s Going to Happen in the Mid-Season Finale

If you’re spoiler free and haven’t watched the promo for the mid-season finale you may want to back quietly away now…. I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This – Let’s Discuss What’s Going to Happen in the Mid-Season Finale It’s nearly mid-season finale time and we’ve all got theories as to where this is all…

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and a Hard Place”

  Owies. The pain! Here I was having a perfectly good time. There was creepy scenes, scary dungeonous pits, awesome Sam and Jody being awesome, Dean being cocky, bummed out, nervous, awkward and then…um… Olé! It was all kind of joyous and then…IT WASN’T! Oh Supernatural; when you’re really good, you’re really painful! Before I…

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview of Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and a Hard Place”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview of Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and a Hard Place”

2 more episodes until hellatus people! 2 MORE! *clutches heart* I’m starting to get real nervous. Jensen and Jared’s latest convention chatter isn’t helping any! I’m all nervous/excited/scared/excited/nervous! All the emotions! And it hasn’t even happened yet…what ever IT may be. Okay, I’m calm again. So where were we?

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview of “Supernatural” 9.07 – “Bad Boys”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview of “Supernatural” 9.07 – “Bad Boys”

Hello! Welcome to another spoiler-lite preview. With only a few episodes to go until the mid-season hiatus, we’re getting to the pointy end of what has been set up as the first half of the season 9 arc…and by pointy end, I mean that jabby bit that the show is about to stab into all…

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of “Supernatural” 9.06 – “Heaven Can’t Wait”

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of “Supernatural” 9.06 – “Heaven Can’t Wait”

  Welcome Robert Berens. You did a very nice job. I guess I wasn’t looking forward to this episode quite as much as some people. I’m impatient (in a good way) for what’s going on between Sam and Dean and the nasty road that’s taking us down and though I’m interested to see how Castiel…