sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of “Supernatural” 9.06 – “Heaven Can’t Wait”
Welcome Robert Berens. You did a very nice job.
I guess I wasn’t looking forward to this episode quite as much as some people. I’m impatient (in a good way) for what’s going on between Sam and Dean and the nasty road that’s taking us down and though I’m interested to see how Castiel is doing out in the big, bad, human world, not at the expense of the arc that I’m feeling the feels for this season. I’m just loving (terrified of) that story.
Sometimes when the Show has Sam and Dean having their own adventures or it concentrates more on other characters, I find it can be jarring, but not this time. New writer on the block, Berens, managed to walk that line many writers can’t, a standalone style episode deeply rooted in the mythology of the season, one that is driven by the all characters as opposed to the case. Let’s face it the case, in this..er…case, was really just window dressing. Pink window dressing.
Misha Collins does little lost lamb so well. Those expressive big blues of his sure don’t hurt none! I enjoyed seeing Castiel’s struggle to integrate into our world. The simple joy he took in doing a good job, mundane or otherwise. The studying and copying of small, everyday habits, like stirring a coffee. The awkward high-five and over zealous good luck wishes to the lottery ticket woman…making him look a bit creepy! It was all very heart warming.
Of course the real story is told by his toothbrush and sleeping bag at the Gas-n-Sip. He has no home. The words he spoke to the baby about being shoved out into this human life with no explanation for all the feelings, a hairs breath from terror or pain. He feels like he doesn’t understand anything at all, the minute he thinks he does, he’s proved wrong. He’s confused. He’s lost. He misses his powers, his ability to help. This is how he’s really feeling. He’s trying to fit whilst juggling a whole lot of new emotions along with his old emotions of failure and guilt over his time as an angel. All this is what brought Ephraim to Cass…because he sensed Cass’ sadness and assumed that meant he didn’t want to live. Not being used to emotion, Ephraim doesn’t understand that, as Cass put it, humanity’s emotions ebb and flow. The baby helped Castiel recognise that both in himself and also in the fallen angels…how they must all be confused and struggling, even more so than Cass who a least has some experience with the human race.
With Misha’s sensitive touch, all this was communicated with a great deal of pathos and charm. Uncertainty is etched in his face at every turn, alongside occasional hope and desolation. Cass is trying so damn hard to fit. He may have experienced this world first hand for several years, but not the torrent of feelings that humans have whilst navigating it.
I literally moaned out loud when I realised that Cass’ date was actually with that baby! Oh my goodness. I was just hoping his boss wouldn’t see the rose! Aww. Poor Cass. Dating’s tough enough without having to deal with something like that! Heartbreaking.
The whole thing was so sad and ended even sadder. With that small flicker of hope for a little happiness or satisfaction in the new life he has chosen, disappearing before his very eyes. He started with nothing and ended with even less… A-Wahhhhhh!
Dean’s interactions with Cass came across to me as overcompensating a little on the brightness factor! He feels crappy that he kicked Cass out, even though we get why and his reason, in his eyes, is sound, he’d obviously feel crappy about it, so he seemed to be being a bit perky to try and cover all that up. Desperately ignoring the issue as only Dean can do.
Seeing how his friend is struggling and how he admits to being scared is why I think Dean didn’t tell Cass about the angels. Here’s his friend, who told him “Here, at least I have a shot at getting things right.” His friend, who is weighed down with new experience and new emotions. His friend, who’s not doing so great and just, had a seriously bad night but is trying so hard. I saw Dean’s not telling Cass, as simply him reading the situation and deciding, now was not the time. There are good times and bad times to break bad news. That looked like a really bad time to me too. I don’t believe Dean had an agenda on this one, except being conscious of his friend’s fragile state.
I’d also imagine that he’d want to have a proper conversation with his brother about the whole thing rather than a few minutes on the phone, before he dashes his friend’s dreams completely. I couldn’t be mad at Dean for this one and believe me there are plenty of times I am furious at his behaviour, the more you love the madder you get! But I couldn’t put this into the, another lie basket. For me, there’s was nothing underhanded here, I think he just didn’t want to shatter his buddy…again…just yet.
I’m also not in the slightest surprised that in the end, Dean told Cass to go live his life and don’t worry about the angels, that’s not his job anymore. Dean has seen what hunting has done to him and his brother, his whole family, the bulk of his friends. If there’s a chance for Castiel to not get involved in the life and to try and find a place in the world without hunting, why would Dean not encourage that? Cass said that’s what he was trying to do; live normal. Dean wants that life for his brother, eventually, maybe even for himself, in places he doesn’t like to talk about, so yeah…why not Cass.
I saw Dean’s actions towards Cass as almost uncharacteristically gentle, with a side helping of overcompensating because of guilt. Not that Dean can’t be gentle, he certainly can, but Dean doesn’t say I love you, he doesn’t do love and you know, love. He shows it in other ways, like making sure his friend was dressed properly for a date or making sure he gave him tips on what Dean thinks chicks like (I’m quite sure Dean knows exactly what chick like)…all that stuff was super sweet. It really warmed my heart. Cass was sad, Dean didn’t want to make him sadder.
Though…he could give him a leg up! Bit of cash, fake credit card, set him up somewhere. Geesh. I’m sure Cass would accept a little help from Dean. I think it’s a bit odd that we haven’t seen that happen quite frankly, or at least mentioned that Dean has done that, because I think he would.
I also wished Dean had talked to Cass about the Ezekiel thing. Cass would be an excellent sounding board. He’d have a different view. He might be able to tell Dean something about Zeke. But he’d for sure tell Dean to tell Sam and Dean’s not ready to do that and obviously the Show’s not ready for us to hear any of that! So we wait…gnashing…as Dean stews and everything get’s worse. Ack!
Meanwhile back at the Bunker.
Dean managed to get out of research! He was tap dancing like Fred Astaire again, as he tried to convince Sam that he was just going on a reccy to check out a possible job not a real job and that he’s not going to see Cass, honest. I keep wondering how much of what Dean’s not saying he’s not saying for Sam and how much is to hide stuff from Zeke…who even though wasn’t in this episode, still seemed like a lurking presence!
The Crowley Sam dance was so fun to watch. I love how Sam just knew which buttons to press to get the King of Hell’s knickers in twist. He’s pretty easy is Crowley! Sam played him like Kevin Tran would play video games! Sam was awesome…especially that look he gave when Crowley tossed the paper in his face. That was gold. I also love how he always stares Crowley down as he closes the doors. It’s quite imposing (and hot).
The interaction between Crowley and Abaddon was fabulous. Gosh those two can chew up some scenery! I’m looking forward to their inevitable show down. Crowley is right, Abaddon’s methods can’t be maintained. Even in Hell, you’d have to have order. In fact, you’d think Hell would need even more order considering the inhabitants! It was interesting that their conversation ended with Crowley deciding to help translate the doodles. Was he just keeping to his agreement as he said, or is he starting to see that he’ll have to work with the Winchesters as opposed to against them if he has any hope of getting rid of Abaddon and getting back his Empire. By the way, “Ganky putrescent skanger” may well be the best insult ever!
And guys! Did you notice Abaddon was standing in front of Castle Storage? Recycled prop signage coincidence or is John’s storage unit still there and there’s something in it Abaddon wants?
I’m not so sure Crowley is telling the truth about the angel spell. Why did Sam seem so adamant that this time Crowley was telling the truth? I’m not so sure that’s all the God rock doodles said and I think the guys need to do more research on that…somehow. Hey, if Crowley can read that ancient, long dead doodle language…what about Zeke?
And what about Crowley and the blood? I have a few half-baked theories.
- Crowley has been affected by the trials more than he cares to mention and he likes sensing his own humanity – so essentially, he was jonesing for a hit of feels. He’s turned blood junky.
- He needs Kevin’s blood to flush out Sam’s trial’s tainted blood. Sam’s blood was being affected by the trials; he was undergoing some form of transformation, as was his blood, so maybe if Crowley injected some plain old human blood, it might counteract Sam’s blood and return Crowley to his feelingless, narky self.
- He’s trying to continue the cure, because if he can get the demoness out, the Devil’s traps will no longer work – though the neck lock and handcuffs still will! So there’s that.
- There’s something in the Prophet’s blood that will give Crowley power. I don’t know what that would be.
There…that’s all I’ve got and it’s most likely none of the above!
Crowley was so great in this episode. The subtle changes in him. The cracks that are starting to show. I think the Winchester’s plan to keep him in solitary, along with the world he built crashing around him, is starting to chip away at our frenemy, Crowley. I like it!
There were a few other things that I liked or had thinky thoughts about…
I loved Cass singing the theme from The Greatest American Hero! That was my ringtone for the longest time! Plus, my goodness that was a cute baby!
What did the cops make of an FBI agent bringing Steve the Sales Associate to a crime scene? That made me giggle.
To that matter, what would the cops make of a crime scene that is covered in hot pink granulated human! Yuck. And Awesome.
Did you all notice that the sheriff was Mr Berrisford from the Dark Angel episode, “The Berrisford Agenda”? The one where Alec fell in love. So Jensen had worked with that actor, Michael Kopsa before.
I loved the teenager who had to explain “kinda” to Dean. My gosh, she was sassy.
I thought the new angel lore was cool and I thought it was really neat that the Kevorkian angel assumed that because Cass chose to be human, he was choosing death. It’s kind of true in a black and white way. Though did Cass have an alternative?
Cass’ quick thinking with the rose and the banishing sigal.
I always dig seeing the blood phone.
I loved Dean’s line “We’re not keeping him chained up for the one-liners.” I GUFAWED…at the hairdressers.
Kevin. I liked him and I liked him giving Dean lip.
Everyone looked really pretty! It was another episode where it was impossible not to pause and have love hearts fill your eyes!
I thought “Heaven Can’t Wait” was a lovely character piece and that’s what Supernatural’s all about, the characters, their relationships and the journeys they take along the way. Regardless of the same mistakes being made, I feel like over season 8 and now 9, we’ve seen a lot of growth in the members of our favourite dysfunctional family. Just makes me love them more and more. I found “Heaven Can’t Wait” a thoroughly enjoyable hour. I’m calling season 9… 6 for 6.
By the way…I can’t wait for next week’s episode! I’m predicting bro feels! Weeee!
Thanks for reading.
I can’t watch this series yet, as it’s not being broadcast here and wifi charges are prohibitive but as usual I’m all about the spoilers. Catching up via your posts etc, etc.
And can I just say that as I was reading I this literally said:
to Dean while flicking his nose (my computer screen).
Seriously. Someone take Cas home. I mean, I’d do it…
Sorry…other than the Sam/Kevin/Crowley stuff, this whole episode left me feeling distinctly underwhelmed. (Shrug) Just…bleh…really.
Sorry…other than the Sam/Kevin/Crowley stuff, this whole episode left me feeling distinctly underwhelmed. (Shrug) Just…bleh…really.
Thanks for the nice review. I love episodes that explore the characters and once in awhile it’s nice to see Sam and Dean doing things separately but in touch. Cas was so sad and I have wondered why Dean isn’t giving him some financial help. Writing misstep maybe? All in all a good first episode for a new writer and director on the show.
Thanks for the nice review. I love episodes that explore the characters and once in awhile it’s nice to see Sam and Dean doing things separately but in touch. Cas was so sad and I have wondered why Dean isn’t giving him some financial help. Writing misstep maybe? All in all a good first episode for a new writer and director on the show.
i liked it ok but didn’t love it. it was the only one i didn’t rewatch right away. i can wait til the cw reruns it. don’t get me wrong, i like cas but i don’t think he’s all that entrancing to dedicate half an eppy to him, not like they could with bobby. i thought weekend at bobby’s was a really great eppy. bobby was colorful and interesting enough to keep my attention and not seeing the boys in it so much didn’t bother me. don’t get me wrong, this story, for me, was nice, but underwhelming. my mind started to wander during the dean/cas parts and i only perked up during the sam/crowley/kev in parts. . guess that’s blasphemy huh…sorry…i guess i found cas way more interesting when he was a wayward angel trying and failing….for me, his human storyline, while it has it’s moments, i mean i did love him singing the greatest american hero theme to the baby, it just doesn’t fascinate me. on my bright side, i do feel like cas will eventually be on the way back towards being that wayward angel again…. my fingers crossed there.
one thing bugged me alot and unfortunately it clouds alot of the ep for me…last week we saw how dean was worried that zeke could very well take possession of sam. i mean that thought seemed to go through dean’s head last week. we know how worried dean is about the whole zeke inside sam situation, but not once in the entire time that dean was with cas did he bring zeke up and question cas about him. i mean he could’ve been subtle about it. he didn’t have to tell cas why, i mean it’s not like dean has trouble lying…so why didn’t he ask cas anything about zeke? when it ended all i thought about was a wasted opportunity and i kept asking myself…how could dean not ask? his fear is so great, how can he not question cas at all? i don’t think the timing of this ep was right. it made no sense that dean didn’t take the opportunity to find out something about zeke given his overwhelming sense of doubt and guilt. this eppy should’ve been shown after sam found out the truth. i guess if dean had no contact with cas at all, til the save, it would’ve made more sense because dean wouldn’t have had the time to ask…but spending all this time with him…i can’t help it…this is the one thing that i can’t get passed. 😥
did really enjoy crowley/sam/ kevin portion of the show. and i gotta wonder what’s the deal with having kevin’s blood? both blood is human…so was crowley simply jonesing for a hit of humanity? why not sam’s blood? is he pissed off that sam made him human in the first place? would sam’s blood complete the trial? i don’t think that kevin’s blood can counteract sam’s.. does it have to do with kevin being a prophet? would crowley have wanted dean’s over sam’s? i’m really curious about the blood thing.
love abbadon. don’t know that crowley was lying..do think that cas, zeke, sam and dean will have to find a way to bring down metatron though.
glad it was only sam tonight.
looking forward to next week and just the boys on a good old fashioned ghost hunt.
thanks for another great review by the way.
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i liked it ok but didn’t love it. it was the only one i didn’t rewatch right away. i can wait til the cw reruns it. don’t get me wrong, i like cas but i don’t think he’s all that entrancing to dedicate half an eppy to him, not like they could with bobby. i thought weekend at bobby’s was a really great eppy. bobby was colorful and interesting enough to keep my attention and not seeing the boys in it so much didn’t bother me. don’t get me wrong, this story, for me, was nice, but underwhelming. my mind started to wander during the dean/cas parts and i only perked up during the sam/crowley/kev in parts. . guess that’s blasphemy huh…sorry…i guess i found cas way more interesting when he was a wayward angel trying and failing….for me, his human storyline, while it has it’s moments, i mean i did love him singing the greatest american hero theme to the baby, it just doesn’t fascinate me. on my bright side, i do feel like cas will eventually be on the way back towards being that wayward angel again…. my fingers crossed there.
one thing bugged me alot and unfortunately it clouds alot of the ep for me…last week we saw how dean was worried that zeke could very well take possession of sam. i mean that thought seemed to go through dean’s head last week. we know how worried dean is about the whole zeke inside sam situation, but not once in the entire time that dean was with cas did he bring zeke up and question cas about him. i mean he could’ve been subtle about it. he didn’t have to tell cas why, i mean it’s not like dean has trouble lying…so why didn’t he ask cas anything about zeke? when it ended all i thought about was a wasted opportunity and i kept asking myself…how could dean not ask? his fear is so great, how can he not question cas at all? i don’t think the timing of this ep was right. it made no sense that dean didn’t take the opportunity to find out something about zeke given his overwhelming sense of doubt and guilt. this eppy should’ve been shown after sam found out the truth. i guess if dean had no contact with cas at all, til the save, it would’ve made more sense because dean wouldn’t have had the time to ask…but spending all this time with him…i can’t help it…this is the one thing that i can’t get passed. 😥
did really enjoy crowley/sam/ kevin portion of the show. and i gotta wonder what’s the deal with having kevin’s blood? both blood is human…so was crowley simply jonesing for a hit of humanity? why not sam’s blood? is he pissed off that sam made him human in the first place? would sam’s blood complete the trial? i don’t think that kevin’s blood can counteract sam’s.. does it have to do with kevin being a prophet? would crowley have wanted dean’s over sam’s? i’m really curious about the blood thing.
love abbadon. don’t know that crowley was lying..do think that cas, zeke, sam and dean will have to find a way to bring down metatron though.
glad it was only sam tonight.
looking forward to next week and just the boys on a good old fashioned ghost hunt.
thanks for another great review by the way.
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[quote name=”Rhonda Benedict”]Sorry…other than the Sam/Kevin/Crowley stuff, this whole episode left me feeling distinctly underwhelmed. (Shrug) Just…bleh…really.[/quote]
Yeah, same…
[quote]Sorry…other than the Sam/Kevin/Crowley stuff, this whole episode left me feeling distinctly underwhelmed. (Shrug) Just…bleh…really.[/quote]
Yeah, same…
I’m not interested in exploring Cas’ character, so for me, the episode wasn’t all that interesting. I did like the Ephraim story. I did think JA did a good job showing Dean’s mindset throughout.
I’m not interested in exploring Cas’ character, so for me, the episode wasn’t all that interesting. I did like the Ephraim story. I did think JA did a good job showing Dean’s mindset throughout.
I think it is a episode you will either like or not. I suppose it depends on how much you are into Castiel and his relationship with Dean. I still feel like Sam is in a circular pattern until he finds out about Ezekiel and this episode did little for him.
I think it is a episode you will either like or not. I suppose it depends on how much you are into Castiel and his relationship with Dean. I still feel like Sam is in a circular pattern until he finds out about Ezekiel and this episode did little for him.
I liked this episode, I haven’t had time to rewatch it yet, and it’s bugging me! Work has been getting in the way of my SPN enjoyment. 🙂 I was perfectly okay with Dean keeping Cas in the dark. Sometimes we lie to the ones we love to save them from pain, that’s what I saw in Dean’s decision. But oh, how it shows on his beautiful face, it’s really hurting him not to tell Cas about what the Winchesters are doing about the angels, Crowley, Zeke. Sheesh, that’s quite a lot!
I hadn’t noticed the Castle Storage, nice touch. It’ll be even more interesting if it’s because of John’s storage unit, that’s what I’m hoping for anyway. And Abaddon and Crowley, I love those two together. Such a nice litte demon couple. 😉 Imagine what those two would accomplish if they were working together instead of apart. Yikes, perish the thought. 😮
Oh, and Micheal Kopsa was the head baddie in the last season of “Fringe”. I always thought he had such beautiful blue eyes. 😳 It was nice seeing him again. Unfortunately “Dark Angel” is too far in my past to remember him, and the DVD’s are friggin’ expensive! I’ve been checking periodically, and the price never goes down.
Thanks for the lovely review Amy.
I liked this episode, I haven’t had time to rewatch it yet, and it’s bugging me! Work has been getting in the way of my SPN enjoyment. 🙂 I was perfectly okay with Dean keeping Cas in the dark. Sometimes we lie to the ones we love to save them from pain, that’s what I saw in Dean’s decision. But oh, how it shows on his beautiful face, it’s really hurting him not to tell Cas about what the Winchesters are doing about the angels, Crowley, Zeke. Sheesh, that’s quite a lot!
I hadn’t noticed the Castle Storage, nice touch. It’ll be even more interesting if it’s because of John’s storage unit, that’s what I’m hoping for anyway. And Abaddon and Crowley, I love those two together. Such a nice litte demon couple. 😉 Imagine what those two would accomplish if they were working together instead of apart. Yikes, perish the thought. 😮
Oh, and Micheal Kopsa was the head baddie in the last season of “Fringe”. I always thought he had such beautiful blue eyes. 😳 It was nice seeing him again. Unfortunately “Dark Angel” is too far in my past to remember him, and the DVD’s are friggin’ expensive! I’ve been checking periodically, and the price never goes down.
Thanks for the lovely review Amy.
Thank you again for a great review! You never disappoint, girl.
No one but Misha could ever pull off playing so perfectly fine that poor, homeless waif that Cas has become. I’m sweet on Dean, too, but am deeply in love with those huge blue eyes.
I’m fearing that Crowley is asking for Kevin’s blood to dilute Sam’s blood but also to undo the effectiveness of the devil’s trap that keeps him locked up in the dungeon. He’s such a conniving little bugger, human influence running somewhere in the back reaches of his brain may come out after he escapes…such an interesting facet of the story!
I loved this episode for settling some loose ends with Cas and trying to make it ok that he was asked to leave the bunker. I am one who does not trust Zeke, in the slightest.
One thing I have to say (I was trying to resist the urge but failed miserably) is that I miss the slower pace of early seasons. The writers have developed ADHD with the style of shooting these newest episodes and we now don’t have nuance behind the obvious. Not sure how to explain it, but I’m left with feeling rushed through it. I miss watching Dean and Sam’s faces to see thoughts running through their heads. It was through those subtleties that I felt involved in earlier seasons. Maybe when the writers find a pace the old feel will return? Make any sense?
Anyway, as always, I look forward to your reviews. Those, and your podcasts with Jules, bring some new perspectives to light and are also fun to spend time with.
Thank you again for a great review! You never disappoint, girl.
No one but Misha could ever pull off playing so perfectly fine that poor, homeless waif that Cas has become. I’m sweet on Dean, too, but am deeply in love with those huge blue eyes.
I’m fearing that Crowley is asking for Kevin’s blood to dilute Sam’s blood but also to undo the effectiveness of the devil’s trap that keeps him locked up in the dungeon. He’s such a conniving little bugger, human influence running somewhere in the back reaches of his brain may come out after he escapes…such an interesting facet of the story!
I loved this episode for settling some loose ends with Cas and trying to make it ok that he was asked to leave the bunker. I am one who does not trust Zeke, in the slightest.
One thing I have to say (I was trying to resist the urge but failed miserably) is that I miss the slower pace of early seasons. The writers have developed ADHD with the style of shooting these newest episodes and we now don’t have nuance behind the obvious. Not sure how to explain it, but I’m left with feeling rushed through it. I miss watching Dean and Sam’s faces to see thoughts running through their heads. It was through those subtleties that I felt involved in earlier seasons. Maybe when the writers find a pace the old feel will return? Make any sense?
Anyway, as always, I look forward to your reviews. Those, and your podcasts with Jules, bring some new perspectives to light and are also fun to spend time with.
First off, love the review. You really put your heart into it and I appreciate that. And I always enjoy reading these.
The episode itself for me was just an OK one. While I appreciated that the angel storyline was moved forward some, I found the Dean-Cas part of this ep, a bit boring. Although it probably had to happen to push Cas into whatever direction he will go. No fault of the wonderful acting from Misha and Jensen, just a bit to slow and eh for me in the storyline department.
I did find it hilarious and ironic that Cas’s lullaby was the theme from the Greatest American Hero. Somehow it fit perfectly,,,and nice shout out to those 80’s kids amongst us. LOL.
On the other side of the coin, the Crowley storyline was excellent all around. The humor of him being ‘put on hold’ and then the very end with blood self-injection…loved the whole thing. The writers are using Kevin well too and I was nice to see him with some Sam interaction.
Each year we all have those few eps that just don’t cut it for us, this was the first in Season 9 for me, which is a completely enjoyable season so far.
First off, love the review. You really put your heart into it and I appreciate that. And I always enjoy reading these.
The episode itself for me was just an OK one. While I appreciated that the angel storyline was moved forward some, I found the Dean-Cas part of this ep, a bit boring. Although it probably had to happen to push Cas into whatever direction he will go. No fault of the wonderful acting from Misha and Jensen, just a bit to slow and eh for me in the storyline department.
I did find it hilarious and ironic that Cas’s lullaby was the theme from the Greatest American Hero. Somehow it fit perfectly,,,and nice shout out to those 80’s kids amongst us. LOL.
On the other side of the coin, the Crowley storyline was excellent all around. The humor of him being ‘put on hold’ and then the very end with blood self-injection…loved the whole thing. The writers are using Kevin well too and I was nice to see him with some Sam interaction.
Each year we all have those few eps that just don’t cut it for us, this was the first in Season 9 for me, which is a completely enjoyable season so far.
This season seems to be bringing out so many different views about SPN with some fans loving it, hating it and some just saying meh. I have only watched the first 2 so far as I want to make up my own mind. I never realised before this season how divided the fandom is over Castiel/Misha. Personally I always enjoyed his contribution to the Winchester story line, but it seems to have evolved into something else. I haven’t worked out quite what his role is going to be this season, but I must admit there is a tiny part of me (ok a little bigger than tiny) that is glad he is getting a taste of lowly humanity after what he did to Sam all those seasons ago. Is it just me but he seems to have gotten off relatively lightly judging from the way Sam suffered. So I guess I am not as sympathetic as I would usually be. I think Dean is going to go through something similar in the next couple of weeks eeek I am NOT looking forward to that.
I feel that Dean’s lying to everyone is AGAIN changing the Winchester dynamic… am not sure that Carver is going to be able to fix what he damaged last season brother wise, so am NOT particularly happy with the Dean direction at the moment
This season seems to be bringing out so many different views about SPN with some fans loving it, hating it and some just saying meh. I have only watched the first 2 so far as I want to make up my own mind. I never realised before this season how divided the fandom is over Castiel/Misha. Personally I always enjoyed his contribution to the Winchester story line, but it seems to have evolved into something else. I haven’t worked out quite what his role is going to be this season, but I must admit there is a tiny part of me (ok a little bigger than tiny) that is glad he is getting a taste of lowly humanity after what he did to Sam all those seasons ago. Is it just me but he seems to have gotten off relatively lightly judging from the way Sam suffered. So I guess I am not as sympathetic as I would usually be. I think Dean is going to go through something similar in the next couple of weeks eeek I am NOT looking forward to that.
I feel that Dean’s lying to everyone is AGAIN changing the Winchester dynamic… am not sure that Carver is going to be able to fix what he damaged last season brother wise, so am NOT particularly happy with the Dean direction at the moment
#4 #6 #7 #10 To be honest, I have similar struggles with Cass. That’s why I was suprised at how much I enjoyed this one. I didn’t even look at the promo until I started on the preview. Sacrilegous!
For me, the show hasn’t known what to do with Castiel since the end of season 5 and they’ve been constantly trying to work it out. He’s more often than not seemed a bit shoe-horned in and in many ways, I don’t like the direction they took, what was once this kick ass, all powerful character. It’s a times seemed disrespectful of the character.
Making him human is the only way for him to not be a get out of jail free card – hence where we’ve landed with the character, I believe. In all honesty, if they manage to work out this angel thing, I can see no other purposeful outcome for the character than to head home to Heaven and I’d hazard a guess that I’d probably cool with that if it’s done right.
I think a big part of the reason I found this episode so engaging was the Crowley/Sam storyline which was super fun, they both rocked it, but also how Misha handled this performance as Cass. He did a lovely job and the sadness, it touched me. I felt sad for Castiel. I think human Cass is more interesting than any Cass since season 5.
I also just liked Dean a hell of a lot in this episode – which may sound redundant to you guys coming from me 😆 but I found his interactions with Cass rather charming and damn it, I’m just going to say it, he looked super pretty throughout. (I’m nothing if not consistently shallow! 😉 )
Having said all that, I can’t wait to get back to my ghost hunting bros next week. They’ve been making me squee like a fangirl this season. I’m loving that it feels like them against the world again…even though three’s company and I know it’s going to go pearshapped at any moment and all that (hopefully not for long). I’m just living in denial that it’s all sunshine and lollipops in my Winchester World!
Oh and another thing I thought about Kevin’s blood…maybe Crowley was just screwing with Kevin. He did start on that cause a while back, maybe he was just being a dick!
Thanks for the comments, guys.
#4 #6 #7 #10 To be honest, I have similar struggles with Cass. That’s why I was suprised at how much I enjoyed this one. I didn’t even look at the promo until I started on the preview. Sacrilegous!
For me, the show hasn’t known what to do with Castiel since the end of season 5 and they’ve been constantly trying to work it out. He’s more often than not seemed a bit shoe-horned in and in many ways, I don’t like the direction they took, what was once this kick ass, all powerful character. It’s a times seemed disrespectful of the character.
Making him human is the only way for him to not be a get out of jail free card – hence where we’ve landed with the character, I believe. In all honesty, if they manage to work out this angel thing, I can see no other purposeful outcome for the character than to head home to Heaven and I’d hazard a guess that I’d probably cool with that if it’s done right.
I think a big part of the reason I found this episode so engaging was the Crowley/Sam storyline which was super fun, they both rocked it, but also how Misha handled this performance as Cass. He did a lovely job and the sadness, it touched me. I felt sad for Castiel. I think human Cass is more interesting than any Cass since season 5.
I also just liked Dean a hell of a lot in this episode – which may sound redundant to you guys coming from me 😆 but I found his interactions with Cass rather charming and damn it, I’m just going to say it, he looked super pretty throughout. (I’m nothing if not consistently shallow! 😉 )
Having said all that, I can’t wait to get back to my ghost hunting bros next week. They’ve been making me squee like a fangirl this season. I’m loving that it feels like them against the world again…even though three’s company and I know it’s going to go pearshapped at any moment and all that (hopefully not for long). I’m just living in denial that it’s all sunshine and lollipops in my Winchester World!
Oh and another thing I thought about Kevin’s blood…maybe Crowley was just screwing with Kevin. He did start on that cause a while back, maybe he was just being a dick!
Thanks for the comments, guys.
[quote name=”Rhonda Benedict”]Sorry…other than the Sam/Kevin/Crowley stuff, this whole episode left me feeling distinctly underwhelmed. (Shrug) Just…bleh…really.[/quote]
I’m with you Rhonda. I used to be able to tolerate the character of Castiel but this season I find him annoying. There are too many “Poor Cas” moments and too many puppy dog eyes which I find very contrived and unmoving. The character doesn’t seem to fit in with the show anymore. Maybe they could feature him in the spinoff.
[quote]Sorry…other than the Sam/Kevin/Crowley stuff, this whole episode left me feeling distinctly underwhelmed. (Shrug) Just…bleh…really.[/quote]
I’m with you Rhonda. I used to be able to tolerate the character of Castiel but this season I find him annoying. There are too many “Poor Cas” moments and too many puppy dog eyes which I find very contrived and unmoving. The character doesn’t seem to fit in with the show anymore. Maybe they could feature him in the spinoff.
Great review! I also thought it was a very good episode to move the story along but I am also dreading…so excited!…dreading…CAN. NOT. WAIT… gosh, it is going to be so painful… (sorry, what? Oh, right) for the Zeke/Sam and Dean plotline. I have a feeling I am going to be depressed over holiday hellatus.
Thank you for finally putting the puzzle pieces together for me with the sheriff. Every time he was on screen with Jensen I was trying to place where I knew him from. Good catch! 😀
Great review! I also thought it was a very good episode to move the story along but I am also dreading…so excited!…dreading…CAN. NOT. WAIT… gosh, it is going to be so painful… (sorry, what? Oh, right) for the Zeke/Sam and Dean plotline. I have a feeling I am going to be depressed over holiday hellatus.
Thank you for finally putting the puzzle pieces together for me with the sheriff. Every time he was on screen with Jensen I was trying to place where I knew him from. Good catch! 😀
Thanks for your great review, SweetonDean! I am with a lot of others who enjoyed the Sam/Kevin/Crowley part more that the Cas/Dean part. Dean, though, was hilarious at how excited he was to escape research. I will be patient with the Castiel’s situation as I am sure it will get more interesting when the plots converge. Really looking forward to next week–looks scary! -RG
Thanks for your great review, SweetonDean! I am with a lot of others who enjoyed the Sam/Kevin/Crowley part more that the Cas/Dean part. Dean, though, was hilarious at how excited he was to escape research. I will be patient with the Castiel’s situation as I am sure it will get more interesting when the plots converge. Really looking forward to next week–looks scary! -RG
Thanks for another great review. I feel the same as you, again. I enjoyed the episode. Kind of melancholy for sure. I don’t mind an ep here and there where the bros are separated, and I thought the writer did a better job than most at keeping them in contact. Also didn’t see Dean’s decision not to tell Cass as a deliberate lie. Why shoot a friend when he’s already down. Pure Dean, caretaker to the end and sometimes at further expense. Always the protector. He’s got such a big MAMA gene!!! Prob why I love him. I can identify.
On my rewatch I paid closer attention to Crowley’s reactions and facial expressions. Almost seemd like he was thinking he was gonna lose the hell battle after talking with Abaddon. And his look when injecting the blood looked like someone totally relieved at getting a fix. Can’t begin to guess on his motive, just my observation. Can never know with Crowley.
Is it just me or does Sam look kind of like a combination of Zeke and Sam when dealing with Crowley? Stands so straight, piercing looks, etc. (EEK, Zeke blending, can’t think on that too long!)
Can’t wait for next week’s episode. Is that little Sam in the back seat of the impala as he and John drive away without Dean. Think of how he’d feel back then when his real ‘father’ and ‘protector’ had always been Dean and now it’s just him and dad.
And what exactly happened to Dean in that home. It’s not like boys are usually sent to those places for only a few days or weeks! Expecting lots of feels next week. Hope it helps prepare Sam for a better understanding of his big bro when the big secret hits the fan soon!!! The anticipation for eps 9, 10 and 11 are killing me based on the many tweets from cast and crew. And when Jensen said at the last con that the hardest scene he has ever done was coming up. And Jared’s comment on his rough day of filming part of ep 11 and reading Nightsky’s letter. Oh the angst!!!!
Keep writing and I’ll keep reading!
Thanks for another great review. I feel the same as you, again. I enjoyed the episode. Kind of melancholy for sure. I don’t mind an ep here and there where the bros are separated, and I thought the writer did a better job than most at keeping them in contact. Also didn’t see Dean’s decision not to tell Cass as a deliberate lie. Why shoot a friend when he’s already down. Pure Dean, caretaker to the end and sometimes at further expense. Always the protector. He’s got such a big MAMA gene!!! Prob why I love him. I can identify.
On my rewatch I paid closer attention to Crowley’s reactions and facial expressions. Almost seemd like he was thinking he was gonna lose the hell battle after talking with Abaddon. And his look when injecting the blood looked like someone totally relieved at getting a fix. Can’t begin to guess on his motive, just my observation. Can never know with Crowley.
Is it just me or does Sam look kind of like a combination of Zeke and Sam when dealing with Crowley? Stands so straight, piercing looks, etc. (EEK, Zeke blending, can’t think on that too long!)
Can’t wait for next week’s episode. Is that little Sam in the back seat of the impala as he and John drive away without Dean. Think of how he’d feel back then when his real ‘father’ and ‘protector’ had always been Dean and now it’s just him and dad.
And what exactly happened to Dean in that home. It’s not like boys are usually sent to those places for only a few days or weeks! Expecting lots of feels next week. Hope it helps prepare Sam for a better understanding of his big bro when the big secret hits the fan soon!!! The anticipation for eps 9, 10 and 11 are killing me based on the many tweets from cast and crew. And when Jensen said at the last con that the hardest scene he has ever done was coming up. And Jared’s comment on his rough day of filming part of ep 11 and reading Nightsky’s letter. Oh the angst!!!!
Keep writing and I’ll keep reading!
I always love your reviews, Amy. You manage to stay so very objective and often help me work through any issues I might have with an episode. Sadly, I don’t know if that’s going to work this time. I’ll watch the ep again, with your review in mind, to see if my feelings change, but largely I’m in the ‘meh’ camp on this ep.
I greatly admire and like Misha, but Castiel has ceased to be an i teresting character for me. I can’t find myself caring about his struggle. I fear it’s because, as you say, he’s been shoe-horned in since season 5 and I have consequently become ambivalent.
That said, there were loads of moments to like. Jensen did a great job, and the teenaged girl was nice and sassy.
What I really did enjoy was the whole Sam/Crowley interaction -with some cool Kevin thrown in. Watching Crowley try to out-stubborn Sam – good luck with that! The phone call to Hell. I loved that Crowley was put on hold, and that he had to explain who he was. Seems like Abaddon is doing a good job of pushing him out, so yes, I think he’s getting desperate to get back. Where he said he had all the time in the world, it’s becoming apparent that he doesn’t.
I like your theories and agree. Crowley is hatching a plot, and what that is will eventually come out. Meanswhile we’re left to wildly guess. I’ll add one more to the mix, Crowley senses that something is different with Sam. Maybe he even suspects the truth, so doesn’t want to be tainted by Sam’s blood. If he’s guessed he might be storing the knowledge up until he can work out how to use it.
I am, however, really looking forward to next week. It’s Kevin Parks’ 2nd go at directing, and having been in Vancouver at filming for one of the days makes it even more special.
I always love your reviews, Amy. You manage to stay so very objective and often help me work through any issues I might have with an episode. Sadly, I don’t know if that’s going to work this time. I’ll watch the ep again, with your review in mind, to see if my feelings change, but largely I’m in the ‘meh’ camp on this ep.
I greatly admire and like Misha, but Castiel has ceased to be an i teresting character for me. I can’t find myself caring about his struggle. I fear it’s because, as you say, he’s been shoe-horned in since season 5 and I have consequently become ambivalent.
That said, there were loads of moments to like. Jensen did a great job, and the teenaged girl was nice and sassy.
What I really did enjoy was the whole Sam/Crowley interaction -with some cool Kevin thrown in. Watching Crowley try to out-stubborn Sam – good luck with that! The phone call to Hell. I loved that Crowley was put on hold, and that he had to explain who he was. Seems like Abaddon is doing a good job of pushing him out, so yes, I think he’s getting desperate to get back. Where he said he had all the time in the world, it’s becoming apparent that he doesn’t.
I like your theories and agree. Crowley is hatching a plot, and what that is will eventually come out. Meanswhile we’re left to wildly guess. I’ll add one more to the mix, Crowley senses that something is different with Sam. Maybe he even suspects the truth, so doesn’t want to be tainted by Sam’s blood. If he’s guessed he might be storing the knowledge up until he can work out how to use it.
I am, however, really looking forward to next week. It’s Kevin Parks’ 2nd go at directing, and having been in Vancouver at filming for one of the days makes it even more special.
Thanks for the review! I loved the episode and how it explored Dean and Cas’s relationship now that the power positions have been shifted. I would never define myself as a Cas girl BUT the ep really was heartbreaking. The dialogue and Misha’s acting were amazing.
I really hated Dean for being so harsh on Cas when they first saw each other but glad that he sort of redeemed himself at the end of the episode with the ‘I’m proud of you.’ Definitely the fact that nothing has been shown or mentioned about Dean helping Cas out – fake credit cards! – bugs me.
As for Crowley and Sam…what else can I say that hasn’t been said yet? my fav moment was how Crowley looked like a bratty child after throwing the paper with the doodles on Sam’s face. I laughed so hard!!!
Crowley injecting the blood was not expected. I tend to think that it’s either a human blood junky thing or there’s something more important about the blood of a prophet that could benefit Crowley.
For a newbie, I think Berens did an excellent job, despite the little hiccups mentioned in your review.
Can’t believe we’re getting so close to hellatus so fast! how did that happen?
Thanks for the review! I loved the episode and how it explored Dean and Cas’s relationship now that the power positions have been shifted. I would never define myself as a Cas girl BUT the ep really was heartbreaking. The dialogue and Misha’s acting were amazing.
I really hated Dean for being so harsh on Cas when they first saw each other but glad that he sort of redeemed himself at the end of the episode with the ‘I’m proud of you.’ Definitely the fact that nothing has been shown or mentioned about Dean helping Cas out – fake credit cards! – bugs me.
As for Crowley and Sam…what else can I say that hasn’t been said yet? my fav moment was how Crowley looked like a bratty child after throwing the paper with the doodles on Sam’s face. I laughed so hard!!!
Crowley injecting the blood was not expected. I tend to think that it’s either a human blood junky thing or there’s something more important about the blood of a prophet that could benefit Crowley.
For a newbie, I think Berens did an excellent job, despite the little hiccups mentioned in your review.
Can’t believe we’re getting so close to hellatus so fast! how did that happen?
Thanks for the great review, Amy! I always enjoy your POV of the boys’ adventures… and your knowledge; I KNEW that sheriff looked somewhat familiar but despite wrecking my mental TV archive I couldn’t place him. Dark Angel it was!
I’m as well dying from excitement to see Dean finally reveal the truth to Sam, with all its ugly aftermath that is sure to follow (it’s SPN after all; whoever seriously thinks this could go down without any fallout between the brothers has apparently been watching a different show lol) and I’d love to get to this ep asap. Still, I liked this one more than I’d thought I would. Poor Cas; his bad luck with women is on its way to rival Sam’s. But whoever Nora dated, Cas would’ve been a better choice; call me a sappy romantic but where do you nowadays find a guy who brings you a red rose on the first date?!
I especially loved Dean’s line about him not ever having any powers; to me it was kind of an acknowledgement to one of the facts that make his character so fascinating and easy to relate to. I know a lot of fans would love to see a storyarc with Dean getting possessed, gaining supernatural powers like Sam had with the visions or the demon blood, but honestly I don’t. As challenging as these scenarios would be for Jensen to portray, I somehow need Dean to be this completely human and therefore failable, normal but yet so extraordinary hero. Makes him even more loveable to me! OK, I actually can’t think of anything that would him make any less loveable in my book, but not the point here… 😉
I can’t wait for next week’s ep; looks like one of these wonderful old-school SPN ones with a motw and the Winchesters back at the family business! And lots of emotions…sigh!
It goes without saying that I’m equally excited to read your thoughts on ‘Bad Boys‘! 🙂
Thanks for the great review, Amy! I always enjoy your POV of the boys’ adventures… and your knowledge; I KNEW that sheriff looked somewhat familiar but despite wrecking my mental TV archive I couldn’t place him. Dark Angel it was!
I’m as well dying from excitement to see Dean finally reveal the truth to Sam, with all its ugly aftermath that is sure to follow (it’s SPN after all; whoever seriously thinks this could go down without any fallout between the brothers has apparently been watching a different show lol) and I’d love to get to this ep asap. Still, I liked this one more than I’d thought I would. Poor Cas; his bad luck with women is on its way to rival Sam’s. But whoever Nora dated, Cas would’ve been a better choice; call me a sappy romantic but where do you nowadays find a guy who brings you a red rose on the first date?!
I especially loved Dean’s line about him not ever having any powers; to me it was kind of an acknowledgement to one of the facts that make his character so fascinating and easy to relate to. I know a lot of fans would love to see a storyarc with Dean getting possessed, gaining supernatural powers like Sam had with the visions or the demon blood, but honestly I don’t. As challenging as these scenarios would be for Jensen to portray, I somehow need Dean to be this completely human and therefore failable, normal but yet so extraordinary hero. Makes him even more loveable to me! OK, I actually can’t think of anything that would him make any less loveable in my book, but not the point here… 😉
I can’t wait for next week’s ep; looks like one of these wonderful old-school SPN ones with a motw and the Winchesters back at the family business! And lots of emotions…sigh!
It goes without saying that I’m equally excited to read your thoughts on ‘Bad Boys‘! 🙂
Sweetondean, I was thinking the same thing – can’t Zeke help with the tablet translations?! If not, can he call upon a fallen librarian angel? There have to be some around who’d be willing to help with the mission of reversing the spell. Yes, the tablet also says how to close heaven, but just show them the part about the spell and how to reverse it?
And, these Mercy Hands angels (it does sound like there are more than one of them), they must be above average healers if they were the medics of the angel battlefield so could one of them heal Sam and Zeke?
I also see a common thread in all the episodes with Castiel – all the talk of how confused, angry, scared, out of their depth, the angels are after being thrown down to earth. So, is this recurring theme also meant to give us an insight into what is going on with Zeke? That being hurt, he feels the need to hide? That he is just as confused and scared as many of them are?
Is Castiel in this episode a reflection of all the fear, pain and sadness that the angels are feeling?
Just my thinky thoughts…
Thanks for the review, Amy!
Sweetondean, I was thinking the same thing – can’t Zeke help with the tablet translations?! If not, can he call upon a fallen librarian angel? There have to be some around who’d be willing to help with the mission of reversing the spell. Yes, the tablet also says how to close heaven, but just show them the part about the spell and how to reverse it?
And, these Mercy Hands angels (it does sound like there are more than one of them), they must be above average healers if they were the medics of the angel battlefield so could one of them heal Sam and Zeke?
I also see a common thread in all the episodes with Castiel – all the talk of how confused, angry, scared, out of their depth, the angels are after being thrown down to earth. So, is this recurring theme also meant to give us an insight into what is going on with Zeke? That being hurt, he feels the need to hide? That he is just as confused and scared as many of them are?
Is Castiel in this episode a reflection of all the fear, pain and sadness that the angels are feeling?
Just my thinky thoughts…
Thanks for the review, Amy!
[quote]I saw Dean’s not telling Cass, as simply him reading the situation and deciding, now was not the time[/quote]
I agree! And I also think that Dean would want to double-check with Sam about why he is so adamant that Crowley is telling the truth. Crowley has always been manipulative, so why would they outright trust him now. I don’t think Dean would’ve wanted to tell Cas this news, based solely on the say so of Crowley. Just my opinion.
I’m surprised Sam was so trusting of Crowley. I wonder if it’s because he recognizes some humanity in Crowley, the leftover effects from the trial, and just believes he is telling the truth? But it’s so risky – who knows if Crowley is just putting on an act now? Maybe he deliberately let Sam see him injecting Kevin’s blood to make Sam think is still craving humanity… and he’s just biding his time 😕
[quote]The Crowley Sam dance was so fun to watch.[/quote]
I loved these scenes so much. Jared & Mark work so well together, as do Jensen & Misha. As you said, there were nice moments for everyone in this episode.
I’m totally enthralled by the Sam/Zeke/Dean situation. Also, I wonder if Crowley actually knows that something’s up with Sam? I starting to suspect he does, but is keeping tight-lipped about it. Imagine if it’s Crowley that eventually spills the beans to Sam – he’d get plenty of satisfaction in doing that 🙁
I’m also giving the season 6 out of 6 so far. I’ve enjoyed every episode and can’t wait for Tuesday night (aka Wednesday night for us Aussies). 😉
[quote]I saw Dean’s not telling Cass, as simply him reading the situation and deciding, now was not the time[/quote]
I agree! And I also think that Dean would want to double-check with Sam about why he is so adamant that Crowley is telling the truth. Crowley has always been manipulative, so why would they outright trust him now. I don’t think Dean would’ve wanted to tell Cas this news, based solely on the say so of Crowley. Just my opinion.
I’m surprised Sam was so trusting of Crowley. I wonder if it’s because he recognizes some humanity in Crowley, the leftover effects from the trial, and just believes he is telling the truth? But it’s so risky – who knows if Crowley is just putting on an act now? Maybe he deliberately let Sam see him injecting Kevin’s blood to make Sam think is still craving humanity… and he’s just biding his time 😕
[quote]The Crowley Sam dance was so fun to watch.[/quote]
I loved these scenes so much. Jared & Mark work so well together, as do Jensen & Misha. As you said, there were nice moments for everyone in this episode.
I’m totally enthralled by the Sam/Zeke/Dean situation. Also, I wonder if Crowley actually knows that something’s up with Sam? I starting to suspect he does, but is keeping tight-lipped about it. Imagine if it’s Crowley that eventually spills the beans to Sam – he’d get plenty of satisfaction in doing that 🙁
I’m also giving the season 6 out of 6 so far. I’ve enjoyed every episode and can’t wait for Tuesday night (aka Wednesday night for us Aussies). 😉
I really liked the whole episode … the Dean/Cas parts I enjoyed as well as Sam/Crowley/Kevin bits. I’m loving that the writers are riding the line a bit better between Cas as comedy relief (which there’s gonna always be a bit of) but fleshing out the character a bit more now that he’s human. I’m fairly certain he’ll be back in the fray soon enough …
I love watching Sam and Crowley in a scene together! Of course, Crowleys frustration with not being recognized when he made the call and the being placed on hold was hilarious!
I really liked the whole episode … the Dean/Cas parts I enjoyed as well as Sam/Crowley/Kevin bits. I’m loving that the writers are riding the line a bit better between Cas as comedy relief (which there’s gonna always be a bit of) but fleshing out the character a bit more now that he’s human. I’m fairly certain he’ll be back in the fray soon enough …
I love watching Sam and Crowley in a scene together! Of course, Crowleys frustration with not being recognized when he made the call and the being placed on hold was hilarious!
Don’t like the fact that Lucifer never lied to Sam and now Dean is (weep & howl)
Don’t like the fact that Lucifer never lied to Sam and now Dean is (weep & howl)
You know, I’ve just re-watched this episode and it strikes me as odd that when Sam and Dean are talking on the phone about the angels spell not being reversible, we don’t see Sam’s face. The entire scene is shot from behind. What if Dean wasn’t talking to Sam there? What if he was actually talking to Zeke? Maybe Zeke has a reason for not wanting to go back to heaven and this conversation is him trying to discourage Dean from continuing. I mean, it really seemed strange to me that Sam would believe Crowley without question like that.
I don’t know. Maybe Zeke has been appearing more than we know; even chatting to Crowley.
😕 😕
I’m probably reading way too much into that one scene, but I do wonder why we didn’t see Sam’s face during that conversation.
You know, I’ve just re-watched this episode and it strikes me as odd that when Sam and Dean are talking on the phone about the angels spell not being reversible, we don’t see Sam’s face. The entire scene is shot from behind. What if Dean wasn’t talking to Sam there? What if he was actually talking to Zeke? Maybe Zeke has a reason for not wanting to go back to heaven and this conversation is him trying to discourage Dean from continuing. I mean, it really seemed strange to me that Sam would believe Crowley without question like that.
I don’t know. Maybe Zeke has been appearing more than we know; even chatting to Crowley.
😕 😕
I’m probably reading way too much into that one scene, but I do wonder why we didn’t see Sam’s face during that conversation.
And another theory…
What if Zeke enlisted Crowley’s help to get him to say that the spell was irreversible (because he doesn’t want to go back to heaven) and in return he gave Crowley more of Sam’s blood… because Crowley wants to hold on to that re-discovered humanity??? 😕
And another theory…
What if Zeke enlisted Crowley’s help to get him to say that the spell was irreversible (because he doesn’t want to go back to heaven) and in return he gave Crowley more of Sam’s blood… because Crowley wants to hold on to that re-discovered humanity??? 😕
I love this show. And (for the most part) I love this fandom. I love how some can pick up on some nuance and speculate on what it means. I didn’t notice Castle Storage on the first watch, but, it could mean something. I did notice the lovely camera work as usual, but never asked myself if that meant something. After eight plus years we know it could be a clue, or not.
I did wonder at first why Kevin needed to use a syringe to get the blood for the spell, as they usually just cut for that, then realized that when demons have used it as a phone, it’s always from a vein, (they might want to consult a phlebotomist tho, but I guess it looks better when you plunge a needle straight down into the arm).
However, I did notice Sam only put part of the blood from the syringe into the bowl, but when Crowley hung up the blood bowl phone, it was gone so I assumed he palmed it.
I enjoyed being introduced to a different kind of angel, I hope there are more. I am finding the beginning of this season to be very good. I expect a dud now and then but I am very pleased so far.
I love this show. And (for the most part) I love this fandom. I love how some can pick up on some nuance and speculate on what it means. I didn’t notice Castle Storage on the first watch, but, it could mean something. I did notice the lovely camera work as usual, but never asked myself if that meant something. After eight plus years we know it could be a clue, or not.
I did wonder at first why Kevin needed to use a syringe to get the blood for the spell, as they usually just cut for that, then realized that when demons have used it as a phone, it’s always from a vein, (they might want to consult a phlebotomist tho, but I guess it looks better when you plunge a needle straight down into the arm).
However, I did notice Sam only put part of the blood from the syringe into the bowl, but when Crowley hung up the blood bowl phone, it was gone so I assumed he palmed it.
I enjoyed being introduced to a different kind of angel, I hope there are more. I am finding the beginning of this season to be very good. I expect a dud now and then but I am very pleased so far.
[quote name=”KG_SPN”]And another theory…
What if Zeke enlisted Crowley’s help to get him to say that the spell was irreversible (because he doesn’t want to go back to heaven) and in return he gave Crowley more of Sam’s blood… because Crowley wants to hold on to that re-discovered humanity??? :-?[/quote]
KG-SPN Very interesting theory! Here’s a follow up for it, if you are right then in that case the reason why Cas had to go is so that the guys have to rely on Crowley.
Zeke could have been plotting knowing that at some point Kevin would get the translation done and wondering how to sabotage it.
Zeke is Cas’s friend so he was willing to help him, it was just when he realized he was going to stay in the bunker that he said he had to go – not to keep him away from Sam but to keep him away from a translation that he could do!
[quote]And another theory…
What if Zeke enlisted Crowley’s help to get him to say that the spell was irreversible (because he doesn’t want to go back to heaven) and in return he gave Crowley more of Sam’s blood… because Crowley wants to hold on to that re-discovered humanity??? :-?[/quote]
KG-SPN Very interesting theory! Here’s a follow up for it, if you are right then in that case the reason why Cas had to go is so that the guys have to rely on Crowley.
Zeke could have been plotting knowing that at some point Kevin would get the translation done and wondering how to sabotage it.
Zeke is Cas’s friend so he was willing to help him, it was just when he realized he was going to stay in the bunker that he said he had to go – not to keep him away from Sam but to keep him away from a translation that he could do!
Sweetondean I am picturing you getting your haircut and watching SPN at the same time and the hairdresser watching it over your shoulder, which I guess would be a little distracting …. did the haircut come out well? 😛
Sweetondean I am picturing you getting your haircut and watching SPN at the same time and the hairdresser watching it over your shoulder, which I guess would be a little distracting …. did the haircut come out well? 😛
#24 KG_SPN
Oooooooo *goes off to rewatch that scene*
You know, I never considers that, but it could be interesting if that’s the way it was going. Zeke has been becoming less stilted in his vocal tones and Jared said he becomes more humanised the longer he stays in Sam. Because it did sound like Sam, but maybe he can copy Sam’s inflections now?
Anyway — I’m going to go watch that scene, because shooting Sam from behind the whole time does sound odd. And if Zeke is on the run – he was getting off a bus afterall – maybe he doesn’t want to get back to Heaven for reasons.
#24 KG_SPN
Oooooooo *goes off to rewatch that scene*
You know, I never considers that, but it could be interesting if that’s the way it was going. Zeke has been becoming less stilted in his vocal tones and Jared said he becomes more humanised the longer he stays in Sam. Because it did sound like Sam, but maybe he can copy Sam’s inflections now?
Anyway — I’m going to go watch that scene, because shooting Sam from behind the whole time does sound odd. And if Zeke is on the run – he was getting off a bus afterall – maybe he doesn’t want to get back to Heaven for reasons.
#28 eilf It turned out great! My hairdresser knows allllllll about my Supernatural..err..passion! After the episode we had my photo op from Dallas up with me and Jensen holding hands, because I liked my hair there and she was doing that again! So, she’s pretty used to me! Also, she’s moved interstate and just was back to visit friends and I think I may have convinced her to come back to Sydney in March to cut my hair before Vegascon! She understands the importance of these things! 😛 😀
#28 eilf It turned out great! My hairdresser knows allllllll about my Supernatural..err..passion! After the episode we had my photo op from Dallas up with me and Jensen holding hands, because I liked my hair there and she was doing that again! So, she’s pretty used to me! Also, she’s moved interstate and just was back to visit friends and I think I may have convinced her to come back to Sydney in March to cut my hair before Vegascon! She understands the importance of these things! 😛 😀
Hi Sweetondean, I like this episode too! I didn’t love, love, love it the way I love Mystery Spot, but it was a nice, slightly melancholy episode that was kind of gentle and I like that kind of thing from time to time.
As far as the withholding of the angel spell stuff from Cas, I am somewhat conflicted about that. Yes, it’s true that I think Dean was affected and surprised by Cas’s fear and that this as much as anything caused Dean to not want to tell Cas about the Angel spell being irriversable. And I can also see KG_SPN’s point of Dean wanting to disucss things with Sam first and get more information before letting Cas know. And yet, it still feels a little to me like Dean withholding info that could be very, very important to dealing with the whole situtaiton just to spare Cas’s feelings and clam his fears. And while that is very kind, I am not sure that it’s very smart. We have no idea how important Cas’s remaining information about angels and heaven mignt be to dealing with all the fallen angels, but we’ll never fiind out if Cas doesn’t even know what’s going on. Part of me was struck by this line in your review; “I’m also not in the slightest surprised that in the end, Dean told Cass to go live his life and don’t worry about the angels, that’s not his job anymore.” It’s true that Cas is now human and that hunting is not is job anymore, but the entire angel situation is Cas’s RESPONSIBILITY, like it or not, and his wanting to go live his own life and let Dean handle it all feels a little like hiding. Sam never got that consideration for what he was responsible for during season 4 from anyone, not Dean, Cas, Bobby or even that Tracy chick from episode 2. Sam was expected to own up to his mistakes, take responsibility like a man, and fiind a way to deal, and I feel that Cas should be willing to do that too. This, ironically is all part of being human and something that Cas still needs to learn. But he’s got to have all the facts first though. I think that Cas won’t be able to remain on the sidelines for long; I think that his inate sense of right and wrong will force him to get back in the game and confront the issues that he himself created. Then maybe he will ask for all of the information that Dean has on the angel spell, and will be able to think of a way to get around it the “irreversibleness” of it.
Hi Sweetondean, I like this episode too! I didn’t love, love, love it the way I love Mystery Spot, but it was a nice, slightly melancholy episode that was kind of gentle and I like that kind of thing from time to time.
As far as the withholding of the angel spell stuff from Cas, I am somewhat conflicted about that. Yes, it’s true that I think Dean was affected and surprised by Cas’s fear and that this as much as anything caused Dean to not want to tell Cas about the Angel spell being irriversable. And I can also see KG_SPN’s point of Dean wanting to disucss things with Sam first and get more information before letting Cas know. And yet, it still feels a little to me like Dean withholding info that could be very, very important to dealing with the whole situtaiton just to spare Cas’s feelings and clam his fears. And while that is very kind, I am not sure that it’s very smart. We have no idea how important Cas’s remaining information about angels and heaven mignt be to dealing with all the fallen angels, but we’ll never fiind out if Cas doesn’t even know what’s going on. Part of me was struck by this line in your review; “I’m also not in the slightest surprised that in the end, Dean told Cass to go live his life and don’t worry about the angels, that’s not his job anymore.” It’s true that Cas is now human and that hunting is not is job anymore, but the entire angel situation is Cas’s RESPONSIBILITY, like it or not, and his wanting to go live his own life and let Dean handle it all feels a little like hiding. Sam never got that consideration for what he was responsible for during season 4 from anyone, not Dean, Cas, Bobby or even that Tracy chick from episode 2. Sam was expected to own up to his mistakes, take responsibility like a man, and fiind a way to deal, and I feel that Cas should be willing to do that too. This, ironically is all part of being human and something that Cas still needs to learn. But he’s got to have all the facts first though. I think that Cas won’t be able to remain on the sidelines for long; I think that his inate sense of right and wrong will force him to get back in the game and confront the issues that he himself created. Then maybe he will ask for all of the information that Dean has on the angel spell, and will be able to think of a way to get around it the “irreversibleness” of it.
#31 – I totally get what you’re say E, from the aspect of, Cass could have more info on the subject or it could help Cass to know and I agree, Cass is partially responsible for the new order on Earth and I think that’s why he’s in such a emotional hole. And whether it was the right thing to do in that moment or not, I do think Dean was just trying to save his buddy any more emotional turmoil in that moment and yeah, that might not have been the best call, lord knows Dean makes plenty of mistakes in this area, but I think it came from the right place and I got why he didn’t feel like that was the appropriate moment to lump more crap on his friend. He’s got Cass’ number now, he can always call him with the news once he’s discussed it further with Sam, because I do think this information requires more than a short phone conversation with his brother. We’ll see how it all pans out over the next few painful weeks!
#31 – I totally get what you’re say E, from the aspect of, Cass could have more info on the subject or it could help Cass to know and I agree, Cass is partially responsible for the new order on Earth and I think that’s why he’s in such a emotional hole. And whether it was the right thing to do in that moment or not, I do think Dean was just trying to save his buddy any more emotional turmoil in that moment and yeah, that might not have been the best call, lord knows Dean makes plenty of mistakes in this area, but I think it came from the right place and I got why he didn’t feel like that was the appropriate moment to lump more crap on his friend. He’s got Cass’ number now, he can always call him with the news once he’s discussed it further with Sam, because I do think this information requires more than a short phone conversation with his brother. We’ll see how it all pans out over the next few painful weeks!
[quote]Here’s a follow up for it, if you are right then in that case the reason why Cas had to go is so that the guys have to rely on Crowley. [/quote]
That could be true, eilf. I love this week’s episode because it’s making me ponder so many things. I really do wonder what Zeke is up to. He has to have an agenda…
But I’m still inclined to think that Zeke had good intentions at the beginning and that he did see Cas as a genuine threat to his safety. For whatever reason, he seems to be on the run or in hiding (and wants to stay out of the way of other angels).
Imagine if Sam, Dean & Kevin did find a way to put the angels back in heaven… what would that mean for Zeke? Harder to hide in heaven, than on earth.
Also, Dean wasn’t very subtle at the beginning of the episode when he said let’s find a way to put the angels back in heaven (I can’t remember the exact quote, except that it was colourful in Dean’s unique way 😆 ). Zeke hears all of this, plus he has seen all their interactions with Crowley. So maybe it’s occurred to him over time that he can use Crowley to his advantage.
He is also getting more and more comfortable in Sam’s skin. Gosh, I hope we don’t have a period of time where we lose Sam completely to Zeke and Dean doesn’t even notice (that just occurred to me) 😥
Anyhow, I guess we will find out soon enough – it’s not long until the mid-season finale. Eek!
[quote]Here’s a follow up for it, if you are right then in that case the reason why Cas had to go is so that the guys have to rely on Crowley. [/quote]
That could be true, eilf. I love this week’s episode because it’s making me ponder so many things. I really do wonder what Zeke is up to. He has to have an agenda…
But I’m still inclined to think that Zeke had good intentions at the beginning and that he did see Cas as a genuine threat to his safety. For whatever reason, he seems to be on the run or in hiding (and wants to stay out of the way of other angels).
Imagine if Sam, Dean & Kevin did find a way to put the angels back in heaven… what would that mean for Zeke? Harder to hide in heaven, than on earth.
Also, Dean wasn’t very subtle at the beginning of the episode when he said let’s find a way to put the angels back in heaven (I can’t remember the exact quote, except that it was colourful in Dean’s unique way 😆 ). Zeke hears all of this, plus he has seen all their interactions with Crowley. So maybe it’s occurred to him over time that he can use Crowley to his advantage.
He is also getting more and more comfortable in Sam’s skin. Gosh, I hope we don’t have a period of time where we lose Sam completely to Zeke and Dean doesn’t even notice (that just occurred to me) 😥
Anyhow, I guess we will find out soon enough – it’s not long until the mid-season finale. Eek!
[quote name=”KG_SPN”][quote]
He is also getting more and more comfortable in Sam’s skin. Gosh, I hope we don’t have a period of time where we lose Sam completely to Zeke and Dean doesn’t even notice (that just occurred to me) 😥
Anyhow, I guess we will find out soon enough – it’s not long until the mid-season finale. Eek![/quote]
Here’s another thought for you KG SPN – by the rules of possession that just apply to Zeke and Sam at the moment (because Zeke did’t get permission honestly) – how exactly do Sam or Dean get Zeke to leave if he doesn’t want to?
For that matter how will Dean know if Sam is healed enough to try?
(Dean to Zeke: Now?
How about now?
The options:
Dean tells him to go, Zeke zaps Dean across the room into a wall (actually that happens to Dean a lot – he should wear more padding)
Dean stabs Zeke’s meatsuit? So first of all Dean is unlikely to do that and then Zeke either heals Sam or lets him die – no win for the Winchesters.
Dean tells Sam he is possessed – Zeke wipes Sam’s memory – that can be an eternal loop if it wants to be.
Or Zeke knocks Sam out.
Or Zeke takes charge permanently.
How exactly is Sam going to be able to reject Zeke if he finds out about him?
In the meantime Zeke can take over whenever it suits him, get up to whatever mischief he wants to and then go back into hiding without anyone being any the wiser. How much trouble could that lead to!
Ad that doesn’t even begin to take into account the problems that are going to happen if the two start to blend together….
Yes I want to see how all this plays out too 😮 🙂
He is also getting more and more comfortable in Sam’s skin. Gosh, I hope we don’t have a period of time where we lose Sam completely to Zeke and Dean doesn’t even notice (that just occurred to me) 😥
Anyhow, I guess we will find out soon enough – it’s not long until the mid-season finale. Eek![/quote]
Here’s another thought for you KG SPN – by the rules of possession that just apply to Zeke and Sam at the moment (because Zeke did’t get permission honestly) – how exactly do Sam or Dean get Zeke to leave if he doesn’t want to?
For that matter how will Dean know if Sam is healed enough to try?
(Dean to Zeke: Now?
How about now?
The options:
Dean tells him to go, Zeke zaps Dean across the room into a wall (actually that happens to Dean a lot – he should wear more padding)
Dean stabs Zeke’s meatsuit? So first of all Dean is unlikely to do that and then Zeke either heals Sam or lets him die – no win for the Winchesters.
Dean tells Sam he is possessed – Zeke wipes Sam’s memory – that can be an eternal loop if it wants to be.
Or Zeke knocks Sam out.
Or Zeke takes charge permanently.
How exactly is Sam going to be able to reject Zeke if he finds out about him?
In the meantime Zeke can take over whenever it suits him, get up to whatever mischief he wants to and then go back into hiding without anyone being any the wiser. How much trouble could that lead to!
Ad that doesn’t even begin to take into account the problems that are going to happen if the two start to blend together….
Yes I want to see how all this plays out too 😮 🙂
[quote name=”sweetondean”]#28 eilf It turned out great! My hairdresser knows allllllll about my Supernatural..err..passion! After the episode we had my photo op from Dallas up with me and Jensen holding hands, because I liked my hair there and she was doing that again! So, she’s pretty used to me! Also, she’s moved interstate and just was back to visit friends and I think I may have convinced her to come back to Sydney in March to cut my hair before Vegascon! She understands the importance of these things! 😛 :D[/quote]
Glad to hear it Sweetondean! 😀 Personally I would be afraid of losing a chunk of ear if something unexpected happened on the show while hair cutting was progressing ….
That’s dedication to a customer to fly in for a haircut! But yes I totally understand the importance…May I ask, how many photos have you had taken with Jensen (and the other guys) by now? 🙂
[quote]#28 eilf It turned out great! My hairdresser knows allllllll about my Supernatural..err..passion! After the episode we had my photo op from Dallas up with me and Jensen holding hands, because I liked my hair there and she was doing that again! So, she’s pretty used to me! Also, she’s moved interstate and just was back to visit friends and I think I may have convinced her to come back to Sydney in March to cut my hair before Vegascon! She understands the importance of these things! 😛 :D[/quote]
Glad to hear it Sweetondean! 😀 Personally I would be afraid of losing a chunk of ear if something unexpected happened on the show while hair cutting was progressing ….
That’s dedication to a customer to fly in for a haircut! But yes I totally understand the importance…May I ask, how many photos have you had taken with Jensen (and the other guys) by now? 🙂
[quote name=”eilf”]May I ask, how many photos have you had taken with Jensen (and the other guys) by now? :-)[/quote]
Um. Alot! 😆 But never enough! 😀
[quote]May I ask, how many photos have you had taken with Jensen (and the other guys) by now? :-)[/quote]
Um. Alot! 😆 But never enough! 😀
[quote name=”sweetondean”][quote name=”eilf”]May I ask, how many photos have you had taken with Jensen (and the other guys) by now? :-)[/quote]
Um. Alot! 😆 But never enough! :D[/quote]
There are worse things to spend your money on 😀
[quote][quote]May I ask, how many photos have you had taken with Jensen (and the other guys) by now? :-)[/quote]
Um. Alot! 😆 But never enough! :D[/quote]
There are worse things to spend your money on 😀
[quote name=”eilf”] by the rules of possession that just apply to Zeke and Sam at the moment (because Zeke did’t get permission honestly) – how exactly do Sam or Dean get Zeke to leave if he doesn’t want to? For that matter how will Dean know if Sam is healed enough to try?[/quote]
It’s all a bit of a worry… because Zeke did say Sam could eject him while Zeke was still weak, but I don’t think that applies once Zeke regains his strength. Dean is going to be relying on him to keep his word, and if he is feeling strong in Sam’s vessel, I’m not sure he’s going to want to give it up so readily… BIG SIGH… shit is going to hit the fan, very soon I think :sigh:
[quote] by the rules of possession that just apply to Zeke and Sam at the moment (because Zeke did’t get permission honestly) – how exactly do Sam or Dean get Zeke to leave if he doesn’t want to? For that matter how will Dean know if Sam is healed enough to try?[/quote]
It’s all a bit of a worry… because Zeke did say Sam could eject him while Zeke was still weak, but I don’t think that applies once Zeke regains his strength. Dean is going to be relying on him to keep his word, and if he is feeling strong in Sam’s vessel, I’m not sure he’s going to want to give it up so readily… BIG SIGH… shit is going to hit the fan, very soon I think :sigh:
Dean is between a rock and a hard place with the heavy secrets he is holding. He has a gentleness that is obscured by the events of his life. He cannot give voice to them without becoming too vulnerable, so we get snarky Dean. Here,we see that he debates as to whether to even make contact with Cas. He does over compensate for having kicked him out of the bunker, but does support Cas with his I am proud of you speech. He cannot tell Cas the truth at this point and inflict further sorrow on his friend. Some have called Dean a douche for acting like this towards Cas, but he has to make a hard choice as his sometimes mentor and as the one who kicked him to the curb when Cas had less than nothing. Watch Dean’s tells( his lip twitch, eye glance) when he is struggling with decisions- he covers with quips. He is not in it for the one liners either. That remark about Crowley evoked a loud laugh. Lots of subtleties in this episode if you watch carefully. Building momentum. Reminds me a lot of the pace in season4 and that had twists and turns.
Dean is between a rock and a hard place with the heavy secrets he is holding. He has a gentleness that is obscured by the events of his life. He cannot give voice to them without becoming too vulnerable, so we get snarky Dean. Here,we see that he debates as to whether to even make contact with Cas. He does over compensate for having kicked him out of the bunker, but does support Cas with his I am proud of you speech. He cannot tell Cas the truth at this point and inflict further sorrow on his friend. Some have called Dean a douche for acting like this towards Cas, but he has to make a hard choice as his sometimes mentor and as the one who kicked him to the curb when Cas had less than nothing. Watch Dean’s tells( his lip twitch, eye glance) when he is struggling with decisions- he covers with quips. He is not in it for the one liners either. That remark about Crowley evoked a loud laugh. Lots of subtleties in this episode if you watch carefully. Building momentum. Reminds me a lot of the pace in season4 and that had twists and turns.
#39 debbab – love your comment!
#39 debbab – love your comment!
I just watch the episode (traveling) today, it was a lovely one, I really enjoy the Dean/Cass and the Sam/Crowley scenes. Reading some of the posts about the Sam/Zeke situation, I’m sticking with my version, Dean trust Benny and it turned out OK, Dean trust Zeke and it’s not going to be pretty…
By the way, all the guest actors from Dark Angel’s ‘The Berrisford Agenda’ officially guest starred in Supernatural, Mr. Berrisford as the Sheriff in this episode, his daughter was the actress that played one of the monsters in AiBS and of course Benny, he was the bodyguard.
Oh! and nice review as always!
I just watch the episode (traveling) today, it was a lovely one, I really enjoy the Dean/Cass and the Sam/Crowley scenes. Reading some of the posts about the Sam/Zeke situation, I’m sticking with my version, Dean trust Benny and it turned out OK, Dean trust Zeke and it’s not going to be pretty…
By the way, all the guest actors from Dark Angel’s ‘The Berrisford Agenda’ officially guest starred in Supernatural, Mr. Berrisford as the Sheriff in this episode, his daughter was the actress that played one of the monsters in AiBS and of course Benny, he was the bodyguard.
Oh! and nice review as always!