Thoughts on Supernatural 10.21: “Dark Dynasty”
The Styne Family: Pride and Disappointment
This family is all about status. When we first encountered this group weeks back, they were arrogant and self-assured – absolute in the certainty of both success and being avenged by the hordes of brothers that would come after them. This week, we open on brother Eldon whom we know, even before catching a glimpse of the crest tattoo, to be an evil Styne based on the accent alone. Eldon is posing as an eye doctor to harvest organs from unsuspecting students because as we will later learn the family is actually descendant from Frankenstein and they enhance themselves through extra organs. Unfortunately Elton’s predilections get in the way and allow her to scream, creating a whole lot of mess and discovery.
All of this leads to a conversation with the head of the Styne Family, who expresses great disappointment for Eldon and implies that he will be demoted from heir, among other things. It is this suggestion that pushes Eldon’s actions throughout the episode, through to and including disconnecting (gnawing?) his arm to escape the bunker and his final encounter with Charlie. The Styne family clearly operates on pride – that is unquestionable. They have a hierarchy, mistakes are punished very harshly and slights against the family are met with extreme retaliation. This latter evidenced in the aggressive pursuance of Charlie, presumably even after knowing she doesn’t have the book. On meeting her he states he is there to retrieve what is his, “Mine and my family’s.”
Demon Dynastys and Wicked Witches, Oh My
Crowley returns to the story! Mark Sheppard, we’ve missed you so! Yes, it was wonderful to see our favourite King of Hell again, even in the brief appearances he made. So Crowley has an all-points bulletin out for his mother and a hunt for a mysterious demon lover Rowena once had, information gained from her enemy-turned-pet-hamster. Here’s what we can say about Crowley: enjoyable to watch as always, Mark Sheppard has great acting chops even opposite a hamster and clearly this information about both the mystery boy-toy and search for Rowena are going to tie in to our main game in some way or another so my interest is piqued.
Rowena is more enjoyable as well these days. It seems when now as she’s part of a decent plot, she is far less irritating. One has to wonder – having seen the devastating end of this episode – when Rowena mentioned reading Charlie when she first walked into the room and then commenting that her devotion to the Winchesters would be the end of her, did she mean reading her in a psychic way or when she cast the bones? Rowena’s interest in Charlie seemed genuine at points throughout their time together and it was almost a shame to have it cut short (for many reasons of course) – I bet they could have taught each other some snarky comebacks and respective tradecrafts with a bit more time together.
One question about Rowena: could she truly not recognize Castiel as an angel or at least his power? Somehow, this seems odd.
The Winchesters Clan: Love and Devotion
It’s interesting because for weeks we’ve been hearing Sam, and occasionally Castiel, talk about Dean getting worse or losing control, etc., but more and more it’s Sam who we witness succumbing to his desperation to save his brother. This week that meant assembling a team of Rowena and Charlie (and referee Castiel too) to study the Book to crack the Code to get rid of the Mark. Both Charlie and Castiel were beyond uncomfortable with the idea of not telling Dean about the Book. Charlie reminded Sam that Dean wanted it destroyed and Cas said what many of us think when the boys do these things: it never ends well. There is practically a neon sign flashing at Sam cautioning away from the secret keeping here.
Let’s be clear, there’s no condemnation of Sam’s actions here. Not from this writer. Undoubtedly, the longer we see the calm from Dean – the bigger that meltdown will be (eep!). I’m just identifying the contrast between the two brothers: Sam is caught in distressed love and fear, determined that Dean must be getting worse; Dean may be getting worse though as far as we see so far, he’s calm and very carefully controlled. Where Sam sees this as giving up and it makes him more anxious; Dean is using his energies to focus on a day-at-a-time and hunting strategies perhaps. Furthering their issue is a problem that often hinders these two – silence. While on track in the field for a while, they seem further in their own heads as the situation gets worse. Hopefully, this changes now that there is one less unknown between them. Regardless of the coping mechanism being adopted by either brother, Sam is passionate about his mission and love for his brother drives him.
Interrogation and Confrontation
From the top of the episode, Dean suspects something is happening with Sam: he’s been gone all night, he’s shifty about his phone calls – something isn’t 100%. Then there is an odd call from Castiel, who try though he might, just can’t smoothly cover it up. The tipping point is when Eldon mentions the Book can’t be destroyed because it’s protected and Dean realizes what happened that night.
The confrontation with Sam and Dean was a great conversation, because it’s been building since Sam made the switch. Dean approaches it with a slow lead up and we can feel the tension fill the space, watching as Sam gets more uncomfortable because he knows absolutely where the conversation is leading but has nothing to say to explain besides what actually took place. The final moment on this exchange is Sam’s phone ringing and Dean daring him to answer – which Sam does to learn Charlie’s gone missing. Jared and Jensen do a wonderful job in this scene: the quiet anger, the nervous expression, everything is just perfect conveyance for Sam and Dean and the circumstances that have led to this particular discussion. Of course, the epilogue to this is the frantic car ride, Dean is even more upset having learned Charlie was pulled in and is now missing and Sam is upset too but trying to explain himself to Dean. He says: “Charlie loves you, Dean. We all love you.”
Charlie Bradbury: Lost Sister
Since we first met her all those year ago Charlie has been one of the Winchesters without question. She fit into the world and brought a new element to the boy’s old school research as well. Never truly a damsel and always ready to get her hands dirty, Charlie had a hunters spirit and a Winchester kick-it-in-the-ass attitude. So, I guess we should have known this day was inevitable. Charlie told Rowena what we already knew, that she loved Sam and Dean like brothers, Rowena said she’d made them the family she didn’t have – so deep down, we knew we couldn’t keep her.
Determinedly, bravely Charlie defied orders and took her research back to the Blackbird. She cracked the Codex just in time and sent it off to the boys before destroying her laptop (and revealing her hiding spot in the process). Pulling out her knife, Charlie stood against Elton and probably knew she’d die.
The final moments in the hotel were dramatic, touching, intense and wholly ideal. While Charlie is in the bathroom and on the phone, afraid but resolute, sending the last of the research with her signature on the computer a cat contrasted by Eldon crashing through the room, dripping rain and sweeping the books off the table against a backdrop of lightening and midnight blues and streetlight. When the two finally meet in the turquoise bathroom, Eldon is finely dress, despite the blood, and offering a nasty looking smirk to Charlie’s sweet auburn bob, plaid over-shirt and smiling clown-faced T-shirt as clutches the knife boldly.
Finally, the last moment of Sam and Dean finding Charlie: Sam gags and covers his mouth, while Dean simply says her name: “Charlie?”
It’s not new to state that while the Stynes are about pride, the Winchesters are loyalty and love. Nor is it new to say that the Winchester family is beyond the limits of Winchester blood. And just in case that needs to be re-illustrated, Charlie was happy to get her sketchpad out.
Final Thoughts
Strong episode at parts (thank goodness Dean is finally in on the Book thing – and I did love their conversations about the Book too as I mentioned), but lackluster in other areas. What can I say – the Styne family are disappointing villians. I said it before and I’ll say it again – there isn’t room to deal with them properly at this point, so they should have been left alone. Frankenstein lineage just isn’t…awesome – at least not from where I’m standing and from what we’re told. I’m devastated that Charlie is gone, but then as Sam told Claire just last week – goodbye isn’t always final in this business. That feels like a pat on the head and a cookie for the kids at this point maybe too, but it’s something to hold on to that maybe, just maybe we’ll see her again in the future. Did she have to die? Nope. But she did – so let’s be damned sure it gets us somewhere significant. Is this the tipping point for Dean and the Mark? What did Charlie crack exactly and where will it take us? This feels like the first part of a trilogy for the conclusion of the season now, so the real question is where do we go from here – and do we brace for worse yet to come?
Your thoughts?
Sam gets the message from Charlie. Rowena finishes the spell. Sam casts it and all hell breaks loose, part 3. 😉
or… an interesting twist that can be filed under things that will never happen – Sam does “drop it”, but Dean also sees the email from Charlie, and after going off the rails in episode 22, gets desperate enough to try the cure himself.
Thank you Elle I think you pretty much summed up how I felt about this episode. Parts of it worked really well and others didn’t. I’m with you on the Frankenstein reveal. I was also underwhelmed. Charlie’s death however for me seemed to go too far. I could have thought of a dozen other ways it could have gone, still been dramatic, still drove Dean over the edge and left Charlie alive. I did like the scene where Sam got busted. Dean got larger and larger and Sam got smaller. I agree that Sam is the one going off the rails here. He is making reckless decisions and now Charlie is dead. I know they were her choices not Sam’s. But Sam is going to beat himself up about it anyway and probably go even further off the rails.
I am having a SPN crisis here and your review helped a lot. Thank you for that.
Nice thoughts, Elle.
[quote]What can I say – the Styne family are disappointing villians. I said it before and I’ll say it again – there isn’t room to deal with them properly at this point, so they should have been left alone.[/quote]
This. There’s still so much left to wrap up with only two episodes remaining in the season. They should have been left on the outskirts of the story and introduced in full, next season (or not at all).
Agreed. What about Dean and the prophesy that Cain told him about killing Crowley/Cas and Sam….why aren’t they dealing with that as that is clearly the most pressing issue? They aren’t even having Dean really focus any of his anger on Sam yet, although it would seem as the show has manufactured plenty of reason for him to be totally focused on Sam and his “bad acts” and creating tension that Dean might actually be forced to fulfill Cains’ prophecy. The Styne’s had a glimmer of something interesting in Book of the Damned before that was killed by turning them into the five monster families in Chicago all over again, and giving them a preposterously overblown and unrealistic Frankenstein connection. This is pretty big and unnecessary plot point to be inserting at this stage of the season. The MoC has been an enormous and very loooooong disappointment. The whole story needs to go and now. If season 11 continues with this tired out “save Dean” even though he shows no real reason for needing the mark removed (after all its saved his life on several occasions) then I am done.
I agree with you that the Stynes are petty villains, and I think they are deliberately depicted this way like Bartolomew and Metatron before them. As I see the arc of these three seasons (and I may be mistaken here, I can’t read Carver’s mind) there are no bad boys left on earth who would be big enough to be a threat for our Brothers. So the mythology has been replaced by psychology, epic turned into drama. The biggest adversaries for the Winchesters are Sam and Dean, their weaknesses, guilty complex, codependency, whatever. These are the things that they have to fight now, not some supernatural forces. To me, the Mark of Cain looks more like a metaphor symbolising the dark side of Dean’s soul, that bloodthirst that’s always been inherent to him.
That is an interesting theory Novi. I hadn’t thought about it that way before. When you have defeated Lucifer the greatest evil in Heaven and Hell and the Leviathans that greatest evil in Purgatory where else can they go. The Stynes are just another bad guy to wipe off the map (MOTW). I agree with Elle though that they should have been introduced much sooner in the season. For them to suddenly pop up and be the driving force for Dean to go off the rails seems rushed. But that is an interesting idea that the show has turned into a more psychological journey as the brothers come to grips with who they are. And at some point being at peace with that.
That may be true, but that is not the show I signed on for. I don’t want to watch the brother’s endlessly battling themselves and each other, getting nowhere and being hopeless. They don’t learn anything, they don’t change their ways, their inner demons continue on unabated. That’s not what this show used to be about, it used to be about the family business “saving people, hunting things” and I’d like to see them return to that. And if that’s also true, that there are no more “big bads” in the world then why spend valuable time introducing them, creating a back story for them, wasting time rounding out the details if they are just going to be defeated in a few episodes? Like Bart and the other warring angel factions? What was the point? They did nothing, added noting affected nothing, and basically took time away from the leads and their stories. So why should the show bother and why should I care?
In reply to E
Yeah, but isn’t it always a problem – either the show stays put and the fans wrinkle their noses, “Same old, same old”, or it changes, and then everybody’s like, “This is not what it used to be”. So either way seems wrong at this stage (Season 10!) I personally don’t believe that it would be possible to return to the good old days when the weather was fine and our show was perfect because as Sam once said, “There is no going back, and there is no getting home.” But I agree with you and those who rightfully criticize the lack of cohesion and loose plot lines etc. Fans have a right to be demanding, so I’m with you here. Only, people, try to apply this level of criticism to any other genre show that is on tv nowadays, and you may be surprised how few of them can meet these high standards. But of course, SPN should be the best.;)
Elle I agree with pretty much everything you wrote. Yes I like it when they are hunting things and saving people but I like it when they branched out to other factors that involved their hunting skills. I am very disappointed that Charlie was killed as I think it was pointless.