Robin’s Rambles: “Supernatural” 7.23 – “Survival of The Fittest”
Episode 23, season 7
Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel
“Carry On, Wayward Son” opens the final ep of the season, as usual, over a montage of what the brothers have been through this year, and it always makes me cry. This season is no different. My poor Winchesters!
How do you take it? Dick asks Crowley. Alcoholic, the latter says–shall we get on with this then? Just extending the hand of hospitality, says Dick. To a mutation like me, says Crowley, tired of swimming in hot garbage, are we? That was a little colorful, eh? says Dick, laughing at the memory of what he’d called Crowley at an earlier meeting. He hands the demon a drink and sits down opposite him–well, adds the Leviathan, didn’t mean to offend. Of course you did, corrects Crowley, now you’re suddenly calling; I guess you’re up to speed on the Winchesters, which means you intercepted the Prophet, and the Prophet told you my blood is the key to everything. The demons finishes his drink, licks his lips and says, you know what I like about you? Lack of pretension? guesses Dick. You’re smarter than you look, says Crowley. Oh, well now you’re just flirting, says Crowley–not easy to kill me, but doable, especially for you lot–you kill angels, suddenly wipe a demon off the board, and yet, here we are, negotiating like proper psychopaths. Giving him a refill, Dick says, I assume you have a vial of your blood stashed somewhere that in the event of your death goes directly to Sam and Dean. Dick hands Crowley the drink. See, smart assumption, says the demon. One can’t live on looks alone, says the Leviathan–here’s my offer. All ears, says Crowley. Full immunity for you and your constituents, offers Dick, free-range grazing for all demon-kind; I’m willing to cordon off, says, Canada–you and your crew can work your little deals, have your way with the locals. All of Canada, says Crowley. Have it, says Dick. Fair, says Crowley-and down here? All of America’s ours, says Dick, your sales team stays out, period, that’s not up for negotiation, we need America–they’re so FAT! And in exchange? asks Crowley. Dick takes out a vial of blood. The blood of one sadly unimpressive demon in New Jersey–all I ask is that you give it to Frick and Frack, tell them it’s yours, stand back, and let them come to me. Crowley takes the vial and says, I can’t deny I long to see those two digested once and for all. He mulls it over a few moments, then says, you’ve got a deal–I suppose you want it in writing. I don’t kiss on the mouth, says Dick. Crowley takes out a piece of paper that unrolls and falls to the floor at Dick’s feet. I just so happen to have a standard rider right here, he says, taking out a magnifying glass–“I do so like this part, don’t you?” Dick grins.
Driving along, Sam tells Dean the next exit’s in three miles. I still say this is a bad idea, says Dean. It was your idea, says Sam, and the best either of us had. I said it as a joke, says Dean. Bad joke–good idea, says Sam. Yeah, only because we got no magic spells, no book, nothin’ on how to find a freakin’ righteous bone, says Dean. You can call Castiel again, says Sam. Dude, on my car, he showed up naked, covered in bees, says Dean. Yeah, I’m really sorry I missed that, says Sam, turning on the radio. “The price of stock hit an all-time high after Roman’s acquisition of Sucrocorp,” says the radio announcement, “I say Roman’s a buy.” “Got to disagree with you there,” says a woman, “I call it a wait and watch.” “Come on, Lachay, you’re killing me here!” “Hear me out, she says, “it’s a new sector for Roman.” “That’s right,” the man says, “he’s holed up at Sucrocorp right now.” “So sit tight,” advises Lachay.” Sam turns off the radio. Holed up at Sucrorcorp, huh, notes Dean.
Bobby, still wearing the cleaning woman he possessed last week, stops in front of a storefront wherein a TV set shows Dick Roman. We can see an enraged Bobby staring at him.
Crowley and Roman are going over their lengthy agreement together. “Should the party of the first part fail to inform the party of the second part of his intent,” reads Crowley aloud. “Stop right there,” orders Dick–correct me, that should be party of the second part vis a vis party of the second part cause we just amended clause 314 Sub A. That’s right. You should do this professionally.” “Splendid,” opines Crowley, “so, should the part of the second part. . .”
I guess we can find a righteous bone in a freakin’ nunnery crypt, says Dean. Sister Mary Benedict, reads Sam from a huge tome, taught the learning impaired, died at age 23. That’s a little young, says Dean, find someone who’s had time to cook. Here’s sister Mary Eunice, says Sam, fed the poor, became Mother Superior at age 60. Sounds political, says Dean, power corrupts. Right, says Sam, listen to this, Sister Mary Constant, 83 years, quiet, humble nunlike goodness. He shows Dean her page and asks, what do you think? Wow, says Dean, I wanna be more righteous just reading this. Exactly, says Sam. The odds are on her, says Dean, shining his flashlight around them. They find her burial place, and Dean says, inappropriately, but very funny, “Let’s bone this nun. Sorry.” He goes at her crypt with a sledgehammer.
Crowley and Roman finish going over the enormous document. Susan! calls Dick–take this from Mr. Crowley, make copies in triplicate, get pens and a notary, we’re ready to sign this puppy.
Rufus’ cabin – Sam and Dean summon Crowley. When he doesn’t appear right away, Dean wonders, is he going to make a grand entrance? I dunno, says Sam. Son of a bitch, he’s standing us up, says Dean. We summoned him, doesn’t he have to. . .says Sam. If Crowley wants to screw ya, he’ll screw ya, says Dean. Or, he can’t come because something went wrong, says Sam. Maybe, says Dean. Someone knocks at the door. Sam takes out his gun. Maybe it’s good news, says Dean. It’s Meg, who says, you deal with him, I can’t anymore. You might want to be more specific, says Dean. I was laying low halfway across the world when emo boy pops up out of nowhere, she says, and zaps me right back here. Why? asks Dean. Go ask him, she says, he was your boyfriend first. Dean finds Castiel sitting in a car, listening to the very sad song, “Vincent.” Hearing the tune, Dean braces himself for the emo. So, Cas, what’s the word? Dean, says Cas, I’ve been thinking–monkeys are so clever, they’re sensible in that they leave the skins ON the bananas that they eat–is it really necessary to test cosmetics on them? I mean, how important is lipstick to you, Dean? Not very, says Dean–you wanna come inside and tell us what’s going on?
Cas enters the cabin, reminding them that he doesn’t participate in aggressive activity. He picks up their recently acquired bone, sniffs it, and says, Sister Mary Constant–good choice. Why did you go to Meg, Cas? When I left, I wanted to observe the flowers, says Cas, flowers come first, obviously, but I heard nothing from them. You heard nothing from who? asks Sam. The garrison, answers Cas. What happened to the garrison? asks Sam. The silence was deafening, says Cas, so I went to look to the home of the Prophet–you know, Leviathan can kill angels–that’s the reason my father locked them in Purgatory–they’re the piranha that would eat the whole aquarium–they’re gone, the entire garrison dead–if there’s anyone left at all, they’re in hiding. I’m sorry, says Dean, the angels are dead–where’s Kevin? I can steal them from their cages, says Cas, the monkeys, but where would I put them all? Hey, says Dean sharply, focus–is Kevin alive? I don’t want a fight, says Cas, Calming himself down, Dean says, we’re worried. They took him, says Cas, he-s alive–I felt such responsibility, but it’s in your hands now. Hold on a frickin’ minute, says Dean. You’re much better, says Cas. Noting the bowl, matches and other summoning items, Meg asks about them. We called Crowley, admits Sam. You WHAT? she asks. Don’t worry, he never showed, says Dean. What do you mean, never. . .she asks. Do you see him anywhere? asks Dean–he stood us up. I’m sorry about that, she says, but I’m outta. . . Showed up at any time, says Crowley, hello, boys. sorry I’m late–this IS an embarrassment of riches. Cas and Meg gaze at Crowley in consternation.
Stay, won’t you, Crowley bids Meg, there’s really nowhere to run. She tries anyway, but is stopped by the demon. Don’t even think of smoking out, pussycat, he warns Meg, I got eyes all over the place. Leave her be, says Cas. Castiel, says Crowley, when last we spoke, you enslaved me–I’m confused–why aren’t you dead? I don’t know, admits Cas. Do you want to be? asks Crowley, because I can help with that. All right, that’s enough, says Dean. It’s enough when I say, insists Crowley, I came here to help you, find out you’ve been lying to me, harboring an angel, and not just any angel, the angel I most want to crush between my teeth! Oh, so you can crush angels now, huh? asks Meg. You bore me, you know that? asks Crowley, you have no sense of poetry–now, what do you have to say for yourself? I’m still honing my communications strategy, says Cas, I haven’t even been back to heaven–I keep thinking there are no insects up there–but here we have trillions–they’re making honey and silk–miracles, really. (Dean and Crowley exchange a Cas has gone crazy look.) What are you talking about? asks Cas. Preferring insect to angels, I guess, says Cas, here–I can offer a token if you like. He takes a plastic bag from his coat pocket and hands it to Crowley. It’s honey, says Cas, I collected it myself. Crowley gives Dean another Cas has gone bye-bye look and says to the angel, “You’re off your rocker. He’s off his rocker, is that it? Kharma’s a bitch, isn’t it?” Crowley takes one of the Winchester’s drinks from the table and sniffs it. Look, says Dean, did you come here to donkey punch your old grudges or to help us end Dick?–Pick a battle! Well, I’m vexed, says Crowley, I’d like to do both–where’s the fun in clobbering a bowl of wet fur?–text me here when Sparkles here retrieves his marbles, I suppose–meanwhile, a prezzie. He takes out what appears to be the vial of blood Dick gave him earlier. Really, says Sam, just boxed up and ready to go? I’m a model of efficiency, says Crowley. Is that right? says Sam, the why were you late? Dick had me in a Devil Trap, says Crowley, he’s not an idiot, he knows what you two are after. So what did he offer you? asks Sam. A fair deal, says Crowley–it’s demon, but is it mine?–it’s my blood, real deal. Why should be trust you? asks Dean. Good God, don’t never trust anyone, says Crowley, little lesson I learned from my last business partner. (That would be Castiel.) All right, says Dean, give us the blood. Certainly, says Crowley, oh, bonus, bank, and he turns to Meg–I’m gonna scoop you up and take you home and roast you till you’re jerky–noy yet–Cas can have you for now–hilariously, it seems he’d be upset at losing you–and the boys need Cas to get Dick–don’t they, Cas? I don’t fight anymore, insists Cas. Come on, says Crowley, given the particulars of your enemies, sadly, you’re vital. Crowley tosses the vial of blood to Sam, who fumbles in catching it.
Bobby, still wearing the cleaning woman from the hotel, walks down the street, a newspaper with Dick Roman on the front page in one hand and some folded paper in the other. He accidentally touches a chain made of pure iron in a truck, causes an electric shock and ends up separating from his host. Noting on the front page that Dick Roman has been nominated Man of the Year, he becomes intensely angry and tells the cleaning woman, “I need you.” Despite her protests at being possessed against her will, Bobby leaps back inside her again.
Back at Roman Enterprises, Dick asks Susan if he looks like a fool. Not in that particular body, no, she replies. Good, he says, have I told you there are three rules to contract negotiation?–bring breath mints, get it in writing, and have a plan for when they screw ya–go to the freezer. The arm? she asks. The arm, attagirl, says Dick.
Kevin tries the door to his prison, but it’s locked, and he can’t get out. A man escorts a pretty blond girl into the office with Kevin. She sits down, eating a Twizzler. They introduce themselves; she’s Polly. He asks her what she’s doing here. Sitting, she says. So, basically I’m on my own, says Kevin.
Well, one thing’s for sure, says Dean, we only get one shot–this thing don’t reload. They speculate on whether or not Crowley is double-crossing them. Yeah, says Dean, you gotta figure who he wants dead more, us or Dick. It depends on what Dick offered, says Sam, pouring the blood into the blood–here we go–how soon do we, uh. There’s no magic words, nothin’, says Dean, we just go. Sam pours the blood mixture over the righteous bone. They look around, expecting someone to appear. Where’s all the thunder and lightning? asks Dean. Uh, maybe it worked? says Sam. Awesome, says Dean. Cas appears with two sandwiches and slaps Dean on the shoulder. None of this should cause you any ill effect, the angel says, I went to a little farm in Normandy for the wheat, lettuce and tomato and I thoroughly examined and comforted the pig before I slaughtered it for the ham. Here–he hands one plate to Dean–you need your strength. Thanks, Cas, says Dean. Cas, asks Sam, why was Crowley so sure you wouldn’t come with us? Crowley’s wrong, says Cas, I’ll be waiting right here, but please accept this sandwich as a gesture of solidarity.
Morning, sir, greets Susan, placing a huge container on his desk, delegates are on their way, Perfect, he says, we’re going to want everything in place before they get here–send in the security detail, would you? She leaves to take care of business. Dick opens the container. Inside, on ice, is a severed arm with an expensive watch still on it. “Hello, Mr. Roman,” he says, “nice watch.”
Kevin paces the room that’s his prison. The man who brought in the pretty blond brings in an outfit. Get dressed, he orders her, and she begins to disrobe–in front of Kevin. Why does he want you to. . .he asks, but she isn’t talking. He checks the dress and notes a little package of all sorts of bobby pins and similar items attached to it.
Dick and Susan greet a group of VIP’s and welcome them to Sucrocorp. Polly has changed into her pretty gray dress and is just sitting there. Kevin is brought a hamburger and fries. I’m a vegan, he says to the man who dropped off the food. The girl is taken away. Kevin sips his water, then goes to work on the lock with the bobby pin he stole.
Dick throws down a file that reads Gas n Sip on the table. I’m pleased as punch to see you all here, he tells the assembled VIPS. Last time we were in one room, it was inside that angel. (Everyone laughs.) As key players, I need you up to speed on every aspect of the program, not just the sudden influx of Happy Delicious stoners in your neighborhood. Oh, eat up–the sushi’s made of fresh orphan. (Everyone dives into the food with alacrity.) All righty–the slaughterhouses–cutting edge, humane, efficient–the first one goes online next month.
As Dick describes what is going to happen, including “upping the dosage” just before harvest time, Kevin is listening in. We’re taking a regional approach, says Dick–Ohio, beta testing, Wisconsin, processing, Florida, breeding program, if you flip to page 10, you’ll see we’re having a ball buying fertility clinics, real juicy stuff. Kevin, having apparently heard enough, runs toward an exit, but Susan blocks his path. Why are you out of your cage, mouse? she asks him.
Now I want to talk to you about something I’m really excited about, Dick tells the VIPs. Polly is brought up. Everyone, meet Polly.
Sam and Dean pull up in front of Sucrocorp, where they are able to pull up Dick on their computer. “Thank you, Charlie, wherever you are,” says Sam. “Gotcha, Dick,” says Dean. To their consternation, they find Dick in more than one place. “Son-of-a-bitch,” says Dean.
So, genetic propensity for these three cancers zapped–she’s too stoned to care, explains the Dick in the boardroom, Polly, take off your dress. She complies. She’s a slip of a thing, isn’t she? says Dick, and she eats like a linebacker–bottom line, we’re not making art–we want to engineer the perfect beast–we want meat, and these zippy little humming birds have to be bred out fast. Someone is filling a needle. Additive 3.0, says Dick–keep in mind the stuff we’re shipping, a little diluted, underacting. (He stabs a very long needle into her arm and injects her with the contents, making her whimper. She vomits and passes out, twitching, on the floor.) Additive 3.0 targets only the characteristics we want to breed out, says Dick, we added a non-dairy creamer–first shipment heads to Los Angeles tomorrow, so watch those dysentery reports–and stop by the lab before you go, ’cause those creamer cups are just adorable. (They want to breed out low body mass, vertically challenged, hemophilia, and and those with I.Q.s higher than 150).
Cycle through again, says Sam, looking through binoculars. He spots Bobby in the guise of the cleaning woman. “That’s the maid from the motel!” he says–“oh, no. Oh, Bobby, what are you doing?” “Are you sayin’ that Bobby. . .?” asks Dean. “Just wait here,” says Sam. “Are you outta your mind?” demands Dean. “You got the weapon and eyes on Dick–plural!” says Sam–“I’ll take care of Bobby.” “Sam, hey,” says Dean, as his brother exits the car. “Shut up,” orders Sam, hurrying away.
Sam confronts Bobby and tells him to stop–“There are cameras everywhere, including one very nearby. “You’re going to get her killed!” She just pushes him down. Sam scrambled to his feet and tries again. “Bobby, damn it, how you gonna kill Dick, huh? You can’t!” She pulls out a large knife. “Good enough for me,” she says darkly. “No, I’m not letting you go!” insists Sam. “Get outta here,” she orders him. “No,” says Sam. She grabs him around the throat and pins him against an SUV, choking him. “Stop,” pleads Sam, “stop.” Catching sight of himself in the SUV’s glass, Bobby not only releases Sam, he frees the body he’s been inhabiting. Sam lifts the woman into his arms.
Rufus’ cabin – “She’s fine,” reports Sam, “checking out of the hospital tonight.” Well that’s positive, says Cas, offering Sam another sandwich. Tell em again why you turned tail for some maid–you were right there, says Meg. Shut up, Meg, says Dean. Because Dick made more Dicks, says Sam. Dean and Cas exchange a look. He must have kept a chunk of the original Dick Roman somewhere, says Sam, then he’ll have to touch it. Hey Shifty, what’s your problem? Dean asks Cas. Drying a plate, Cas asks, Do we need a cat?–doesn’t this place feel one species short? You got anything to say on the topic of Dicks? asks Dean–Crowley was pretty sure that you could help. (I’m laughing, sorry, it never gets old.) I can’t. . .help, insists Cas, you understand, I CAN’T–I destroyed everything, and I will destroy everything again–can we please just leave it at that. (But he SO CAN, why won’t he?) No we can’t says Dean, rising to his feet. Dean, says Sam, stopping him. We can’t leave it, says Dean sternly, you let these friggin’ things in, so you don’t get to make a sandwich, you don’t get a damned cat–nobody cares that you’re broken, Cas–clean up your mess! You know, we should play Twister, suggests Cas. Dean and Sam give each other a look of disbelief. Cas flies away. Nice–you scared off the Empire’s only hope, says Meg. Meaning? asks Dean. Did it occur to you that every one of those things was IN Cas? she asks, he KNOWS them, he can see past the meat suits. So he’ll be able to spot the real fake Dick Roman, realizes Sam. Gold star, sugar pants, says Meg. They turn to see Cas playing Twister by himself.
“There’s no use looking for a tell,” says Dean, “they all downloaded Dick’s brain, they all have the same tells.” “All right,” says Sam, “then maybe the real question is, what would the real Dick be doing?” “Is that the best you can do–idjits?” asks Bobby. “Bobby, we didn’t know if you–” says Sam. “Well, you shoulda,” says Bobby, “you got the flask–dumb–you shoulda burned it right off.” “Bobby. . .” says Dean. “I’m still jonesin’ to go back,” says Bobby, “grab some poor bastard, kamikaze and go after Dick.” Bobby rubs his arm and admits, “It’s bad.” (Poor Bobby!) “Let’s be real,” says Bobby, “i damn near killed you–and that woman.” “It wasn’t your fault, Bobby, not really,” says Sam. “Right,” says Bobby, “that’s just what ghosts turn into–I really bet the farm I could outsmart that.” “So what’s it feel like?” asks Dean. “What–goin’ vengeful?” asks Bobby–“it’s an itch you can’t scratch out.” Sam and Dean look at each other, sad for Bobby. “Look,” says Bobby, “I’m done–go get Dick–but don’t do it because you think it’ll scratch the itch–do it ’cause it’s the job–and when it’s your time–GO.” Both brothers have tears in their eyes, threatening to run down their cheeks.
A fire has been built. “Here’s to running into you guys on the other side,” says Bobby, “only, not too soon, all right?” He smiles. Dean tosses the flask into the fire, and it melts down. Bobby disappears, leaving Dean and Sam crying. The man they thought of as a second father is really gone. From the staircase, Cas somberly watches and listens.
Cas is setting up the game Uno when Dean comes over and says, “I need a wingman.” “Deeeean,” says Cas warningly. “If you don’t want to jump into the jaw of death, that’s fine,” says Dean, “how about run a little errand?”
“Thanks for the lift,” says Dean. They arrive in a barn where the Impala is stored. “My pleasure,” says Cas, “Dean. . .” “I get it,” says Dean, “we’ve been over it, you can’t help.” “If we attack Dick,” says Cas, “and we fail, then you and Sam die heroically, correct?” “I dunno, I guess,” says Dean. “At best, I die trying to stop my own stupid mistake,” says Cas, “or don’t die, and am brought back again–I see now, it’s a punishment resurrection, gets worse every time.” “I’m sorry,” says Dean, “we talkin’ about God crap, right?” “I’m not good luck, Dean,” says Cas. “You know what?” asks Dean–“bottom of the ninth, you’re the only guy left on the bench, sorry, but I’d rather have you, cursed or not–and any way knot up, we’re all cursed–I seem like good luck to you?” Cas smiles. “What?” asks Dean. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” says Cas, looking at the ground, “but I detect a note of forgiveness. “Yeah, well, I’m probably going to die tomorrow, so–” “Well,” says Cas, “I’ll go with you–and I’ll do my best.” “Thanks,” says Dean. “So,” says Cas, “can I ask the plan?” “According to Crowley, Dick knows we’re comin’,” says Dean, “so we’re going to announce ourselves–big.”
And, to the tune of “Born to Be Wild,” the magnificent 1967 Impala, aka Baby, heads to Dick’s office building! It breaks through the gate without stopping and bursts through the Sucropcorp sign, breaking it into a thousand pieces, where it stops. A bunch of Leviathan employees, armed and dangerous, come piling out, shooting Meg, who is armed with Borax and a sword, but the bullets have no effect on her.
Inside the building, Sam peeps through a door. Dean is with him. Sam enters room 427.
Meg tosses Borax in the face of one guy, who backs off, face burning. Meg has beheaded three employees. “Later, home nuggets,” she says.
Dean looks in at one Dick, then Cas checks him out and shakes his head–not the right Dick.
Meg is accosted by two demons, one of whom says, “The King of Hell will see you now.”
Sam bursts into a room, where he finds Kevin tied up and gagged. “We gotta hustle,” warns Sam, untying him. Kevin insists they can’t leave yet, Dick’s got stuff in his lab, he’s going to kill all the skinny people–“We have to blow up the lab, Sam.” Horrified, Sam nevertheless says, Okay, let’s go.”
Holding up the innocuous-looking little creamer, Dick says to the guy who invented it, “You know, I think this might be the slickest little genocide in history?–just sayin’, I smell promotion.” Dick downs the little creamer himself. Dick turns to see his employee has been beheaded, Cas and Dean standing behind the body. “A little abrupt,” says Dick, “but okay–Castiel, good to see you again–thanks for the ride into Paradise.” And to Dean: “Good on you, pulling that together, A plus.” Dean takes out his bone weapon. “You don’t think this’ll work, do ya?” he asks Dick–“you trust that demon?” “You sure I’m even me, Dean?” asks Dick. “No,” admits Dean, “but he is.” He nods his head toward Cas–“see, here’s the thing when dealing with Crowley–he will ALWAYS find a way to bone you.” “This meeting’s over,” says Dick, moving to leave the room. Cas moves to stop Dick, who tosses the angel across the room. Dean thrusts the bone into Dick’s gut. Dick withdraws the bone from his chest, breaks it in half and drops the pieces to the floor. “Did you really think you could trump me?” he demands. “Honestly? No,” says Dean. Behind Dick, Cas pulls back the Leviathan’s head, exposing his throat. Dean pulls a second bone and sticks it in Dick’s neck, under one ear straight through his head and out the other side. Dick begins to make the most God-awful gargling sounds. “I figured we’d have to catch you off-guard,” says Dean. Dick turns into the Leviathan, back into Dick. Sam and Kevin enter the room. Dick, grinning and laughing, a hideous sound, explodes into black goo.
Sam, who had covered Kevin’s body with his to protect him, looks around an empty room. “Sam, we should go,” insists Kevin. “What the hell?” says Sam. “More chompers any second, Sam!” warms Kevin. “Not to worry,” says Crowley, “I have a small army of demons outside; cut off the head and the body will flounder after all–think if you’d had just one king before the first sunrise–you’d be in a kurfuffle, too.” “This is exactly what you wanted,” says a horrified Sam. “So did you,” shrugs Crowley–“without a master plan, the Levi’s are just another monster–hard to stomp, sure, but you love a challenge–YOUR job is to keep them from organizing.” “Where’s Dean?” demands Sam, upset. “That bone has a bit of a kick,” says Crowley, “God weapons often do–they should put a warning on the box.” “WHERE ARE THEY, CROWLEY?” Sam asks again. “Can’t help you, Sam,” says Crowley, and snaps his fingers. Kevin, imprisoned between two demons, appears. “Sorry, Sam, Prophet’s mine,” says Crowley, and snaps his fingers again, rendering Kevin and the demons gone. “You got what you wanted,” Crowley reminds him, “Dick’s dead, you saved the world, so I want one little Prophet–sorry, Moose, wish I could help–you certainly got a lot on your plate right now–looks like you are well and truly on your own.” Crowley disappears, leaving Sam hyperventilating in the massive, empty lab of Sucrocorp.
In a very dark place, Cas orders Dean, “Wake up.” Dean does, rising to his feet. “Good,” says Cas, “we need to get out of here.” “Where are we?” asks Dean. “You don’t know,” says Cas, who seems back to his old self again. “Last I remember, we ganked Dick,” says Dean. “And where would he go in death?” asks Cas. “What, are you telling me. . .? asks Dean. “Every soul here is a monster,” reveals Cas, “this is where they come to prey upon each other for all eternity.” “We’re in Purgatory?” asks Dean, horrified–“how do we get out?” “I’m afraid we’re much more likely to be ripped to shreds,” says Cas. Hearing a growl, Dean turns, then turns back, saying, “Yes, I think we’d better. . .” Cas, however, is gone. “Cas?” calls Dean, but there’s only the sound of growling, and what looks like a monsters in the woods surrounding him.
Dean stands alone, in the worst possible place in the entire universe.
This is our cliffhanger until next year, and thanks for nothing, Sera! Oh my God! Once again, the Winchesters save the world, and once again, they have been thoroughly boned for doing so! Will they ever learn? Dick’s plans for us were horrible, terrible, disgusting, and I’m SO glad he got his comeuppance. He should have died a more painful death, seriously.
What an episode! We have Bobby’s poignant exit, Dick’s violent, well-deserved death, Crowley comes through for the Winchesters but screws over both the Leviathan’s and Sam and Dean, Meg helps, but Crowley got her and probably shoved her in Purgatory, too (maybe she and Dean will figure out an exit strategy together). Will Sam figure out where Dean is? If so, will he be able to get there and save his brother? Will he even WANT to go to Purgatory and save his brother? That looked like a very scary, forbidding place to me, not one I’d want to go even to save someone I love very much.
Poor Sam and Dean, they truly are alone now. What they need is a whole new group of friends. Of course, I’m sure Dean will be reunited with Dean again in Purgatory, but who knows. Maybe Cas saw it as every man/angel for himself and just hightailed out of the place–assuming he was able to. Perhaps he found his powers clipped. I guess we’ll find out.
What are Crowley’s plans for Kevin? What use does he have for God’s plans?
See you next year, my friends. Until then, we have a lot to worry about as far as the Winchesters are concerned. Bobby, R.I.P. You were loved by us fans and will be sorely missed.
As season finales go, this was good, not great. I give it an 8. Let’s face it, will anything ever be better than the Impala being T-boned by a semi driven by a demon as “Bad Moon Rising” played over the soundtrack? Or Dean hanging from meat-hooks in Hell, calling “SAAAAM?”
1. Why do you think Crowley wants Kevin?
2. Whose punishment sent Cas and Dean to Purgatory, Crowley’s or God’s? Must be Crowley’s, I suppose, why would God want to send two beings who saved the world—again–to such a nasty place?
3. Speculate—how do you think Dean and Cas are going to get out of Purgatory?
4. A lot of folks think the Leviathan storyline was a parody of our own government’s intentions. Do you really think they’re planning to fatten us up and devour us? Should I really stop eating foods with high fructose corn syrup in it?
5. What did you think of the Leviathans as a Big Bad? Were they as bad as Lucifer? How about Azazel?
6. Rate season 7 from 1-10. I give it a 7 as a whole. .
7. Rate this episode from 1-10. I give it an 8.
[quote]1. Why do you think Crowley wants Kevin?[/quote] I can’t see why he would, especially if Crowley’s a demon (which I’m wavering on). I mean, Kevin is only able to prophesise if he has the Word of God in front of him, he’s not like Chuck who could tell the future. Kevin is more like someone who reads the Gospel at mass so unless Crowley has the Word of God somewhere then Kevin is just taking up space, really.
[quote]2. Whose punishment sent Cas and Dean to Purgatory, Crowley’s or God’s? Must be Crowley’s, I suppose, why would God want to send two beings who saved the world—again–to such a nasty place? [/quote] I don’t know if it was a punishment. I kinda thought that Dean and Castiel got caught in like, the vacuum of Dick Roman’s disintegration and so got sucked into Purgatory. I wonder if Leviathans go to Purgatory when the die or are they just gone, gone.
[quote]3. Speculate—how do you think Dean and Cas are going to get out of Purgatory? [/quote] Sam will drop them in a very big ladder…. I don’t know but I very much want to see Sam play a role in it. I feel what he sees as his failure to save Dean in season 3, and from hell, has haunted him for a long time. This is his chance to prove that he can do the protective brother and to prove that he can save as well as destroy.
[quote]4. A lot of folks think the Leviathan storyline was a parody of our own government’s intentions. Do you really think they’re planning to fatten us up and devour us? Should I really stop eating foods with high fructose corn syrup in it? [/quote]I won’t even go there! I couldn’t go there. But ‘yes’ to the corn syrup!
[quote]5. What did you think of the Leviathans as a Big Bad? Were they as bad as Lucifer? How about Azazel?[/quote] I don’t think so mainly because with the Leviathans I felt there was no personal connection with them for the boys. With Lucifer it [i]had[/i] to be Sam and Dean, it could only be Sam and Dean so that really sucked us in. The same applies to Azazel. With the Leviathans any hunter could have killed them, it did’nt have to be Sam and Dean. That didn’t draw me in as much, I’m afraid. Plus, they were rather comic book villain in this episode with their orphan sushi…..
[quote]6. Rate season 7 from 1-10. I give it a 7 as a whole. [/quote] I’m thinking positively about it at the moment because I’m basking in the afterglow of speculation on the episode. I’m imagining big things next year, big awesome things. Now that the season is over I imagine as the hiatus goes on we will see more and more connections between the episodes during the season and the finale. For example what Chronos said in Time [i]after Time[/i] makes sense now. “I know your future. It’s covered in thick, black ooze. It’s everywhere. They’re everywhere. Enjoy oblivion.†Eeek!
[quote]7. Rate this episode from 1-10. I give it an 8. [/quote] Me too, maybe an 8 ½. There were still some bits that dragged on and others that were quite unnecessary but still and all, a good strong episode.
Thanks for this, Robin. And once again thanks for the awesome work you’ve done with it all season. I love the ‘Rambles’ because I often don’t get the colloquialisms used on the show so this has been a lifesaver for me a few times so cheers for that. You’ve earned yourself a good rest now!
Thank you so much! What I do with these episodes takes hours, at least 10-12 or more. I usually awaken at 1 am, download the ep, watch it and transcribe it, dialog and all, into my computer, then go through it for my opinion. I make up my questions, add them, and then I’m done. My husband can’t believe all the work I put into something just because I love it so much.
To hubby I say, “Without love, what else do we have to do anything for?” That shuts him up, LOL!
[b][b]2. Whose punishment sent Cas and Dean to Purgatory, Crowley’s or God’s? Must be Crowley’s, I suppose, why would God want to send two beings who saved the world—again–to such a nasty place?[/b][/b]
I don’t think they were sent to Purgatory as punishment by anyone. They were too close to Roman when he died and got sucked into Purgatory with him..and yes I think that’s where he went and there’s a good possibility we will see him next season.
I appreciate your contribution to this site and I don’t mean to sound ignorant but I just don’t understand why you spend the time to type the whole episode, quotes and all??
I liked the episode and admired the ending of Sam and Dean separated like Season three and five
I love the show very much and it gives me pleasure to make this contribution. A lot of people complain they can’t get a lot of the dialog, especially those from foreign countries, and I’m glad if my synopses help them.
[b]1. Why do you think Crowley wants Kevin? [/b]
The Prophet knows the Word of God. That kind of knowledge is power.
[b]2. Whose punishment sent Cas and Dean to Purgatory, Crowley’s or God’s? Must be Crowley’s, I suppose, why would God want to send two beings who saved the world—again–to such a nasty place?[/b]
I think it was because they were in the blast zone and got bits of Dick on them… perhaps next time running from the fall out zone…
[b]3. Speculate—how do you think Dean and Cas are going to get out of Purgatory?[/b]
That is on Sam’s head. Cas seems buggy still.
[b]4. A lot of folks think the Leviathan storyline was a parody of our own government’s intentions. Do you really think they’re planning to fatten us up and devour us? Should I really stop eating foods with high fructose corn syrup in it?[/b]
Don’t give the government that much credit. The thing that they are good at is taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich.
[b]5. What did you think of the Leviathans as a Big Bad? Were they as bad as Lucifer? How about Azazel?[/b]
Smart monsters. but with Borax and stuff, not so scary.
[b]6. Rate season 7 from 1-10. I give it a 7 as a whole. .[/b]
8. Bobby’s episode made this season.
[b]7. Rate this episode from 1-10. I give it an 8. [/b]
9. Bobby again. His final swan song. Was perfect. And then there was Baby…
Dean and Sam’s send-off for Bobby in this ep had me crying. I just can’t believe our Bobby is really gone.
[b][i]1. Why do you think Crowley wants Kevin? [/i][/b]
No idea, unless he’s looking for the other two Word of God tablets. The thing about this episode is that there wasn’t a resolution to the Word of God arc. Roman is dead, but all the rest of the Levi are out there…just leaderless. So, I guess, they’re going to go on eating the general population –disorganized and random chomping. I was hoping the Levi would be put to bed this season.
[b][i] 2. Whose punishment sent Cas and Dean to Purgatory, Crowley’s or God’s? Must be Crowley’s, I suppose, why would God want to send two beings who saved the world—again–to such a nasty place?[/i][/b]
I don’t think it’s punishment. Crowley knew what would happen, but didn’t clue the brothers in. It suits his purposes — whatever they are — to have the brothers separated.
[b][i]3. Speculate—how do you think Dean and Cas are going to get out of Purgatory?[/i][/b]
No idea, but great storytelling possibilities. I hope to see Dean as a hardened hunter while trying to get out and Sam as frantic to get him out. I hope not to see Cas as the deus ex machina. Don’t they have to have an eclipse to open the door to Purgatory, though?
[b][i]4. A lot of folks think the Leviathan storyline was a parody of our own government’s intentions. Do you really think they’re planning to fatten us up and devour us? Should I really stop eating foods with high fructose corn syrup in it?
I think the government representatives (both those for the rich and those for the poor) eat all of us for lunch every day. I did not appreciate the political and social commentary in this season and would have preferred that the writers paid more attention to such things of giant plotholes, canon, unresolved storylines, characterization, actual stories for the two leads…their jobs…and left their politics in Hollywood.
[b][i]5. What did you think of the Leviathans as a Big Bad? Were they as bad as Lucifer? How about Azazel?[/i][/b]
See above comment. While the Levi story fell short and undeveloped…or too quickly developed in a couple of episodes, I do think that James Patrick Stewart did an excellent job of blending the flare and confidence and the menace of Dick Roman. I never saw a personal investment in the story by either Sam or Dean.
[b][i]6. Rate season 7 from 1-10. I give it a 7 as a whole.[/i][/b]
I’m not going to attempt a rating. I will say that, although I didn’t like S6’s domesticated Dean and Soulless Sam storielines, S7 was the worst season overall, IMO. There was too much wasted potential and it was all around messy and frustrating. I’m glad it’s over.
[b][i]7. Rate this episode from 1-10. I give it an 8.[/i][/b]
I would give it a B (7.5-8) only because of the potential it left for S8, the beautiful shots Robert Singer gave us, the lighting and the set designs.
P.S.: Thanks, Bob, for those sparkly, all angles shot of the Impala. While I was disappointed that we didn’t see Dean driving her, I did kind of appreciate that she got her own special ‘spot’ in the episode and we could admire her shining, black beauty from every angle.
I’ll end by saying I hope the show can come back to something like it was. There’s lots of potential there, the actors are great, there’s a dedicated production crew…all it needs is leadership, creativity, and bringing the TWO leads (not Cas) to the forefront again.
[i]1. Why do you think Crowley wants Kevin?
There could be other stones with runes on them out there, or it could be he wants a bargaining chip against whoever is left in Heaven.
[i]2. Whose punishment sent Cas and Dean to Purgatory, Crowley’s or God’s? Must be Crowley’s, I suppose, why would God want to send two beings who saved the world—again–to such a nasty place?[/i]
Not sure that it is so much a punishment as a proximity issue at the death of a powerful and ancient creature. I told Cas and Dean to duck and cover, but they weren’t listening to me through the TV.
[i]3. Speculate—how do you think Dean and Cas are going to get out of Purgatory?[/i]
I’d like to see it as a joint effort, if they could find some way of communicating with Sam through the veil. I suspect they will encounter some friendlier denizens in Purgatory, maybe even a few angels. It could end up a mass jailbreak. To an extent, I would have preferred all three of our leads to be trapped together, because that would have been unusual; one brother on earth and one elsewhere we have seen, but both in the muck together would be different.
[i]4. A lot of folks think the Leviathan storyline was a parody of our own government’s intentions. Do you really think they’re planning to fatten us up and devour us? Should I really stop eating foods with high fructose corn syrup in it?[/i]
I recommend against excessive sweetener in any form. But it is only the lizard people who plan to eat us.
[i]5. What did you think of the Leviathans as a Big Bad? Were they as bad as Lucifer? How about Azazel?[/i]
The Leviathans were not very intimidating in spite of all their horrors. Azazel and Lucifer and an urgent, driven, patient quality, while the Leviathans seemed bored by it all. They had no personal stake in victory, other than tastier food. I did not care for them in the end.
[i]6. Rate season 7 from 1-10. I give it a 7 as a whole. .[/i]
I give it a 6. It’s becoming hard to connect this to Seasons 1-5, or even 6 at its better moments.
[i]7. Rate this episode from 1-10. I give it an 8. [/i]
Also a 6. Too much, too quickly, without enough time to process and become invested.
Hello again, Hellatus.
[quote]1. Why do you think Crowley wants Kevin?[/quote]
no idea , but although he is a prophet with no archangel looking after him , its easier for crowley to do what ever he wants to do.
[quote]2. Whose punishment sent Cas and Dean to Purgatory, Crowley’s or God’s? Must be Crowley’s, I suppose, why would God want to send two beings who saved the world—again–to such a nasty place?[/quote]
it wasn’t a punishment , they somehow got trapped in Purgatory with Dick’s getting smashed , but i wonder if dick is going to be back? i love the charachter but enough with Leviathans already! i’m not intersted in them.
[quote]3. Speculate—how do you think Dean and Cas are going to get out of Purgatory?[/quote]
maybe with some help from some monsters there? i mean like that vampire they killed in s6 which was a good vamp in fact?! i don’t know , im totally looking forward to that.
[quote]4. A lot of folks think the Leviathan storyline was a parody of our own government’s intentions. Do you really think they’re planning to fatten us up and devour us? Should I really stop eating foods with high fructose corn syrup in it?[/quote]
i have no idea , i don’t live in america~!
[quote]5. What did you think of the Leviathans as a Big Bad? Were they as bad as Lucifer? How about Azazel?[/quote]
we were told they are very dangerous and all that but that didn’t make them special for me. i wasn’t intersted in their storyline and whatever they wanted to do which was clever and it wasn’t very supernatural after all. i think the main ideas of season 2 or 5 was big and more effective beacuase the brothers were involved too and they had to made choices between each other and all that … but in the end , i didn’t like the Leviathans at all!
[quote]6. Rate season 7 from 1-10. I give it a 7 as a whole.[/quote]
season 7 wasn’t my favorite , because of lack of good moments and the stupid things they did to fan favorites and the pointless sam and dean arcs and everything. i give a 4 !
[quote]7. Rate this episode from 1-10. I give it an 8.[/quote]
i like this episode , if u could cut that dick big speech scene and kevin ‘s parts , i would give a 8! 🙂
and i wanted to say , yes , the show is about the boys and it have always been , but it grew , it had a lot of characters coming to the show and made it bigger and better and stronger. their own storylines and communications with the brothers made it more effective. so i will hope that we see the brothers WITH some other supporting characters with their own strong and good story line too , because just watching the boys , staring at each other and going hunting some Wendigos is Supernatural 7 years ago not now.
[b]1. Why do you think Crowley wants Kevin? [/b]
I have no idea, but I did find it strange that he appeared at the end. Also, I don’t recall Crowley snapping his fingers when he was directing his cronies. (someone help me out if I missed that in the past) I’m just wondering if it really was him at the end and not archangel in disguise. All the angels used to snap their fingers to get things done, not the demons. Also could this have something to do with Metatron? Kevin can read his script….
[b]2. Whose punishment sent Cas and Dean to Purgatory, Crowley’s or God’s? Must be Crowley’s, I suppose, why would God want to send two beings who saved the world—again–to such a nasty place?[/b]
I don’t think it was punishment, but more like being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Both Cas and Dean got swept up in Dick going back to Purgatory.
[b]3. Speculate—how do you think Dean and Cas are going to get out of Purgatory?[/b]
I think some communication through the veil is going to have to happen. Both guys are going to need to hook up with some friends. Dean has a few in Purgatory such as Lenore and Dr. Visyak, but Cas killed both of them and so that could be a deal breaker for their help. Sam is going to need Sheriff Mills, Garth and any one else he can find. I think it will be good for both of them. Sam saving Dean without any demon blood, etc. should help him resolve some issues that go all the way back for him. I foresee meaty storylines for both guys next season.
[b]4. A lot of folks think the Leviathan storyline was a parody of our own government’s intentions. Do you really think they’re planning to fatten us up and devour us? Should I really stop eating foods with high fructose corn syrup in it?[/b]
Since I live out here in LA, I get where the writers are coming from, but at the same time, I think it should have been left out of the series. Anyway, the government is already having it’s way with us by making us poorer and the rich richer.
[b]5. What did you think of the Leviathans as a Big Bad? Were they as bad as Lucifer? How about Azazel?[/b]
The Leviathans were okay. I think the writers could have done more with the storyline. I never felt that Dean and Sam had a real vested interest in getting them until Bobby was killed. Even then, it took them a while to get it into high gear.
[b]6. Rate season 7 from 1-10. I give it a 7 as a whole. [/b]
I rate it a little higher. I give it an 8. There was only one episode that really left me with my head scratching this year, unlike Season 6. I liked all the references to the earlier seasons and feel that Robbie Thompson brought a much needed breath of fresh air. I’m looking forward to seeing what Carver/Singer/Edlund/Thompson can cook up for next year.
[b]7. Rate this episode from 1-10. I give it an 8.[/b]
I really liked this episode and so I’ll rate it a 9. It wasn’t perfect, but it did have some unexpected twists that I really enjoyed. Plus some loose ends were tied up. I was sorry that Bobby died, but maybe that will tie into the Purgatory story for next year. After all, where do ghost go to when they don’t go with their reapers and turn all vengeful? Granted Bobby wasn’t a monster, but he sure came close.
I would also like to add that I’ve enjoyed your “rambles” this year Robin. It’s a weekly column that I read on a regular basis. Have a wonderful summer and I look forward to your take on Season 8 episodes in the fall. 😀
1/ I can only see three possibilities. As Subwoofer said “That kind of knowledge is power” and if Crowley can find more God-stones out there, as Ginger said, possibly Kevin can read them and as MisterGlass said, to trade Kevin for whoever is in power in Heaven. All very good possibilities.
2/It was the blow-by from the death of Dick by God tool that sent them to purgatory.
3/Actually, at the end of the episode, it looked like only Dean needed to get out of purgatory-Cas left already. So, if Cas comes back, I figure they have a chance to get out by Cas beaming them out. But if Cas has lost his beam out powers there or does not come back then he and Dean are in real trouble. Leviathan can kill angels and purgatory is where leviathan live so Cas has that problem. And I would think almost anything in purgatory can kill Dean-so….
maybe a deal with a purgatory citizen-not all of them are horribly bad, Dr Vizniak was a monster from purgatory but she liked being on earth and did not want to destroy any one. There are probably others…..
4/ Yes, stop eating foods with high fructose corn syrup, especially if you want to keep weight off and have more energy and keep the teeth in better condition, etc., etc.,-just plain bad, like eating spoonfuls of sugar-delicious but bad for general health. I do Not think the government is trying to fatten up the population-if we are all fat and die early from heart desease, who will pay our part of the taxes? No, I don’t think it is the government. I think it is simply the very large business’ figuring out the bottom line of profit management-make many products that have this ingredient in it and therefore taste good/sweet, and if that company controls that ingredient, guess who keeps on getting richer and richer from selling that ingredient. It is simply profit for the big business. And with this product making us all fat, think of all the new health care that will be needed. Bonus!
5/I agree with many comments that say that with Dean and Sam not being personally involved in the Leviathan story, it took awhile for interest to generate. At first I thought they were going to be a great big bad but too many stories had no mention of them or no contact with them, so interest, for me, waned and did not come back until Bobby was killed, then waned again until the finale.
They were a great concept-just needed more interaction with our guys.
6/Rate season 7 as an 8.
7/Rate the finale episode as a 9.
Thank you for the review.