Let’s Speculate: “Survival of the Fittest”
Warning!!!!! If you haven’t seen the “Supernatural” season finale, “Survival of the Fittest,” read no further! There will be discussion about all the events, so you’ll get spoiled!
First and foremost, thank you, Sera Gamble, for a great season finale. I’m really, really, REALLY excited about season 8 now. I think this premise is excellent and has so much potential. Now it’s up to Jeremy Carver and the rest of the writers to capitalize on the setup! All right, let’s just dive in here, shall we? The sooner I get this done, the sooner we can all join in the speculating!
Farewell, Bobby?
We all knew that they were going to have to burn the flask to release Bobby. I mean, really. I’m glad that he pulled back from going truly, no-coming-back vengeful spirit, but it had to be done. And that he recognized this fact with grace at the very end was so very Bobby. And I loved how they didn’t actually show Bobby burning, just showed the flask and the reaction on Sam and Dean’s faces. That was beautiful. And if Bobby is gone for good this time, I’ll be really sad because Jim Beaver is amazing, and I’m going to miss him a whole hell of a lot. But is Bobby really gone? Let’s discuss this further later on in the purgatory section of today’s speculation.
Poor Sam
He’s pretty screwed right now, isn’t he? Man, he looked so lost after Crowley pointed out how alone he is and then disappeared. But Sam’s not totally alone out there. He can team up with Jody Mills or Garth, to name two people. I would love to see more of Jody. She and Sam worked really well together in “Time After Time.” And if he can spring Meg, maybe she would help, too, but Sam’s track record of working with demon women…not so good, so that might not be the best of plans. I think he’s going to open a gate to purgatory again and go after Dean and Cass. FInd Kevin Tran and you get virgin blood, right? I mean, I’m just guessing there, but seems possible. Lots of leviathans still running around out there, so you could get some of their blood for the purgatory resident part, or just grab some off the walls from the Dick explosion. And perusing NASA’s website tells me there’s a total solar eclipse on November 13, 2012. Okay, Sam, I just figured it all out for you! Get to work!
How about that ending, huh? That was pretty cool. The creatures in purgatory are really, really creepy. They remind me of the mothman from “Mothman Prophecies,” a movie that scared the pants off me. I’m probably going to have nightmares for weeks after that finale, so thanks for that, special effects department. I’ll send you my therapy bill. Dean and Cass are so screwed, aren’t they? I think Cass will be back next season for sure, and he didn’t just abandon Dean. I’m guessing he just flitted off so he could do a proper recon, see what they’re up against. And to give the show a nice “Dean’s alone in Purgatory” shot. Dramatic!
But the real exciting thing about having Purgatory as a viable option now is that the show has an opportunity to write the rules about who ends up there. For example, do ghosts who have started to go vengeful spirit go there? Bobby. Do ghosts who stick around for years after their deaths and can’t be found in heaven? Mary. Do angels go there when they die? Gabriel, Balthazar, Zachariah, Anna, Raphael, etc. Leviathans end up there? Dick Roman is back, baby! Monsters go there when they die, so who will we see again? Lenore, Gordon, Amy, Madison, alpha shapeshifter, the list is endless. And what about if you’re a demon and you get killed by the demon knife? Do you go to hell or purgatory? What if you’re killed by the Colt? (Thanks to some Twitter friends for bringing this up. Really interesting topic.) The possibilities are endless, and the show has a chance to set up some very interesting rules. What about Azazel’s psychic kids? What if you’re possessed against your will and get killed? What if you’re turned into a monster against your will and then get killed? How epically screwed is Dean once the monsters in purgatory realize who he is? You know some of those things will want revenge.
So if the show decides that ghosts who turned slightly vengeful are monsters, Bobby could come back in purgatory and help Dean and Cass get out. Would you want to see Bobby again in that capacity? I think I would, as long as they don’t try to kill him off again. Because I adore Bobby and couldn’t take it again if they killed him. Either keep him dead for good (oh, Bobby) or bring him back and let him stay alive or alive-ish, whatever. Also, I love that alive-ish is a viable option. Oh, show. *hugs show*
Okay, time for some bullet points!
* Dick Roman was such a great bad guy, and I really hope we haven’t seen the last of him. He just amused me to no end. Really horrible creature, but so damn entertaining.
* Baby was back! Meg drove the hell out of her, but crashing into that glass sign? Well, it looked cool as hell, not gonna lie.
* Dean, your inappropriate humor always makes me laugh. “Let’s go bone this nun.” Yep, I am a horrible person, but that was funny.
*Cass playing Twister. And making sandwiches. And communing with flowers. And covered in nothing but bees. And harvesting honey. He’s a hippie angel for sure. But when push came, he fought for Dean, like he always does.
* I don’t mind that Sam and Dean are separated right now because there’s no animosity between them. They’re going to fight to find each other again. Not because they have to to save the world or anything but because they want to.
* Kevin Tran, I still like you. I hope you come back next season and are in one piece.
* Crowley did a lot of finger snapping this episode, didn’t he? Remind you of anyone? We’ve never seen Crowley’s eyes flash, and Mark Sheppard keeps teasing us about that, so maybe Crowley isn’t a demon at all. Maybe he’s a trickster playing at being a demon.
* Dean was so subtly scared in Purgatory. That little hitch in his voice was perfect.
* Something to look forward to during the long summer hellatus: Sam and Dean are gonna have one epic hug when they reunite.
What did you think, everyone? Were you satisfied with the finale? Are you excited by this setup? Who is on your wishlist of people to see in purgatory? And a little plug before I set you all free to comment: I will be doing live tweets on the official WinFamBusiness account of past episodes on Fridays, probably at 9:00 EST, throughout Hellatus. So check us out if you’re on Twitter! I’ll possibly post a schedule at the site, if I can get organized enough to do so. Thanks for the great season of speculation, everyone!
I think what I hate the most about this ep is that I could like it if it weren’t for Castiel. I have just come to hate the character so much. I think the stuff about bees and flowers and monkeys is just annoying, and him being in Purgatory with Dean while Sam is alone just makes me want to scream.
Other notes:
I loved Bobby’s ending. I knew it needed to happen, and I’m glad he came back to himself and went peacefully. I was really dreading that Sam and Dean would have to hunt him in the end.
Sorry to see Dick finished off as well. I thought he was a great bad guy. Also glad that killing him just kerfluffled the other levis rather than ending them all.
Crowley was epic. I can’t wait for him to explain how he got out of his deal with Dick, since those are supposed to be ironclad. That’s my impression anyway–maybe being able to break a deal a check in the not-a-demon list.
What an awesome post! Most of these thoughts went through my head, but duh’ all the monsters (including ones we liked) gunning for Dean in Purgatory?! Epic. Archangels and Angels in Purgatory? That would also be amazing. I’ll swallow anything to see Gabe and Balthy again. Gabriel especially since he gave such a stirring monologue about being on humanity’s side when he fought Lucifer. Also I concur re: Cas, he would never abandon Dean like that. Doubtless scouting or something. I hope he recovers his marbles in Purgatory, because he needs to be able to defend not only Dean, but himself. But having them together in Purgatory is superlative. I love their chemistry. I also like the more compelling season arc of Sam and Dean finding their way back to each other.
This was a wonderful episode. There are so many possibilities.
I have a further thought about Dean and Cas. I believe they have at least one ally in Purgatory and that would be Dr. Visyak. After all, she was a creature who crossed over to our world from Purgatory and when she was killed by Cas and Crowley, she would have returned back to that world. She could help Dean a lot.
Helping Dean would be a great thing for her to do. Telling Castiel, you tortured me to death but no biggie would really bug the heck out of me.
I loved all the Cass stuff! Yes I would have loved to have seen bad ass Cass back but I have a feeling that will happen next season.
I’ve seen some people on other sites that thought Cass left Dean in Purgatory and can I just say no way! He would never leave Dean like that. I’m thinking Crowley pulled him out of there to torture him.
I love the idea about who would could see in Purgatory!
And I too am very glad we didn’t see Bobby burn. The expressions on the boys faces was more than enough to reduce me to tears.
Jared really had some great facial expressions tonight. Especially during the burning of the flask and end Crowley scene.
I remember last episode when we are talking about There Will Be Blood? In Alice Review?
I remember mentioning that it would be awesome if the Major cliffhanger is The Boys get separated and each other thought that their brother is dead. And not reunited until two episode of S8.
I wish I did not say that. It is not the same with my prediction but it is heartbreaking nonetheless. The brothers do get separated, don’t they?
holy mother of Jesus! that was A W E S O M E ….
woofffff!!! too much! I mean.. man! I cried so much with bobby!!! that was beautiful, horrible yeah I just want them to find a way to make him stay but… well it was beautiful. I do believe he’s gonna be back in purgatory… remember about how the winchester didn’t know where goshts go when they’re killed? well I kinda always thought they were lead there.
Man! abt the list first it is John, Mary Trickster Chuck (I’m not quite sure abt him but hell I’d love to see him again!) Ana, azazel.. gee the list is endless!
Dean is in purgatory— holy damn! that was a awesome twist! I totally love that idea… love love love love it! (poor Dean.. alone in a place where most of the population were killed by you or your family ) and sammy… o sammy boy u break my heart.. alone again! but hell I’m so looking forward to that hug! talking abt looking forward to it … now I get the “see you next season” .. you know purgatory.. alphas all over.
O man… I love this show, it’s a shame Sera will not be there anymore cuz she’s terrific but if this is for real her last episode damn she did a great great job! I cried laugh and started yelling at my screen …
Boy do we really need to wait until september? how horrible is that… but I’m so excited abt season 8 I’m sure I wouldn’t mind waiting a whole year to get it.
Jeremy, welcome home. I bet you’ll do fantastic in season 8!
one last thing…. poor Dean! holy crap I can’t believe everything he’s gonna have to face there… poor poor bastard.
awesome !!!!
Still need time to process. But things I loved.
The ending both Sam’s and Dean’s – Sam looked so scared and like a little boy for a second and Dean in purgatory that was so completely unexpected and sets up such cool possibilities.
Such as Bobby being there and John and all the other people you listed and maybe away to expand the SPN characters back out in a satisfying way. And for the other reasons you mentioned.
Loved Baby being back but was too short and now Dean’s in purgatory and STILL can’t drive her.
I liked how they wrapped up the Levi storyline because I didn’t like them all dying with Dick it just seemed too pat. And we still don’t know the ultimate effect of Dick’s dying on them was.
Loved Crowley and Dick scenes.
Loved that Bobby pulled back before he went bad and that it was Sam that pulled him back (every other time it’s been Dean-with John, Bobby and Sam) and the burning the flask scene was heartbreaking.
Actually the only thing I didn’t like is what WASN’T there. Jensen and Jared both said several threads were being left for next season. So are Sam and Dean mental health issues one of those threads or did they just drop it? Was Dean depressed and apathetic the whole season for nothing? Or is the trip to purgatory going to give him a new lease on life. And will it have the opposite effect on Sam? He’s never done that well without Dean and now he has that whole hell experience hanging over him (or is that dropped?)
As for the brother moments this season, its not that I haven’t seen them and enjoy them. The lighthearted banter and kidding is reminiscent of season one and two. They do seem more balanced in power, which is good. But I do miss them taking care of each other. There just were just a lot of missed opportunities this season where they could have(imo should have) had discussions but didn’t. When John died we had several episodes of talks/arguments, mostly instigated by Sam. When Bobby died-nothing (both times). I had begun to think that there was a reason for this but if there was one it was not given to us this season.
I’m wondering if there was/is a plan to play a longer game since they were pretty sure of 8th season and probably even a 9th. Or if they just decided to drop the mental angst because they decided it wasn’t working (although this would still irritate me) . But what about the toned down brother scenes what was the point of that?
I really liked this episode individually. I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about it as it fit into the season as a whole and how I feel about the season as a whole. There are definitely lots of episodes I love but ….I don’t know.
To me this episode fell kind of flat. It did have its moments and one of the saddest was burning the flask. I think Bobby should have been there for fight against Dick.
I don’t see how Dean can survive even one minute in Purgatory those monsters will tear him to shreds!
Cas as a cuckoo angel is funny but I think it is a bit annoying.
I am left with so many emotions and I can’t wait to see what happens next season.
I didn’t like it. Sorry – in advance – for the long post.
First, I hated the ending. I have ZERO desire to see Dean dodging creatures in Purgatory with the utterly and completely useless Castiel while Sam does . . . . nothing I presume. Is Sam going to fade even further into the background than he already has? I want to see the boys together, not apart. I want this show to get back to basics and to show Sam and Dean hunting together and enjoying each other’s company. I don’t hate Cas but I never signed up to watch the Dean/Cas show with a side of Sam. And that’s what I suspect I’ll be seeing next year.
Second, I hate this new useless Castiel. He irritated and annoyed me throughout the entire episode. The only good part of the entire finale, IMO, was Dean calling Cas out for bringing the Leviathan here and then refusing to do his part in getting rid of them! Cas is an ass. And mind you, I don’t hate Castiel. But I don’t like this new personality of his. It’s not funny to ne. Castiel was introduced as a powerful character and has been reduced to stupid comic relief. Kripke did this too in parts of Season 5. I hated it then and I still do. Either return Cas to his former glory or get rid of him!
Third, I’m sorry but have I found every single thing about the Leviathan boring. Their plan. Their ultimate goal. How they constantly eat people or refer to eating people. All of it – absolutely boring! They were just an awful enemy. I never felt the boys were in danger of not defeating them. A large part of the episode was boring to me because of them. That board room scene was boring. Dick talking to his secretary – my eyes were glazing over.
I feel a lot of the heart of the show is missing. In past seasons, I found myself emotionally involved and invested in the outcome of the final fight and what happened, and that’s largely b/c the boys had some personal investment in the outcome. Not this year. “We have to stop the Leviathan from eating the world” is not as powerful as “We need to save Dean from Hell” or “We need to kill the YED” or “We need to get Sam’s soul back.” I honestly couldn’t have cared less what happened w/the Leviathan. It wasn’t a personal journey for the boys. I never once felt they were in actual danger. The show needs it “heart” back.
Fourth, I just didn’t care about Kevin Tran. The actor is cute and capable, but I don’t really care about him. What is Crowley’s plan for him? I don’t know, and I honestly don’t care Hopefully, the boys waste Crowley next year and don’t team up with any demons or angels or anyone else! I’m done w/Crowley.
Finally, I can’t be excited about another season with the boys apart and where I strongly suspect Sam will be shoved to the wayside. Sam is literally alone. He has no one. I’m not even sure he knows where Dean is. How is he supposed to look for Dean when he has no clue where to start, and what happens if he reopens Purgatory? Do more horrible Leviathan escape? Are we getting depressed Sam or focused Sam next year? Will the show focus on Dean’s adventures in Purgatory while Sam hunts a ghost topside in between looking for ways to help Dean?!?!? I can’t see them doing that. Will one episode focus on Dean’s adventures in Purgatory and then Sam topside? I’m not interested in seeing them have their own separate adventues. To me, the heart of the show is the boys. If JC truly understands this show, he will reunite these brothers and get this show back on track!
I also strongly disliked the repetitive, immature “dick” jokes. There were far too many of them. I felt the scene where Dick asked that girl to disrobe was exploitative and skeevy. It seemed completely unneccessary since all Dick wanted to demonstrate was that the creamer killed skinny people or whatever. Why was she made to disrobe? I also don’t like how the show can’t keep up w/its own canon. If Kevin Tran is a prophet, shouldn’t be protected by an arcangel. Are they saying there are no more angels? Is that what Castiel was saying? I didn’t really hear what Crowley said to Sam, but I guess it doesn’t really matter anyway.
Bad finale. I’m not too hopeful about next season fixing this mess!
This was one of those episodes where I can genuinely say ‘I don’t know what to think about that’.
Okay, there were lots of really great moments; Bobby’s ‘death’, the banter, the separation at the end, in Purgatory I thought ‘old’ Castiel seemed to be back and I really enjoyed Meg in this one, but then there were also some bits that just seemed played for laughs; the contract negotiations, Castiel and the honey and the monkeys and Twister (though comforting the pig before he slaughtered it for the ham was hilarious) and then some bits that were just too much; getting the kid to strip down, the numerous Dick jokes and the ‘Let’s bone a nun’. I know I’m possibly the crudest and most irreverent person on here but Jesus, there’s a line.
One of the most intriguing things about the episode is the possibilities it raises for what might (might…) happen in season 8. Sam truly alone for the first time ever; no Dean, no Castiel, no Bobby, no Kevin, no Meg. Hell, no Lucifer even. Will it be up to Sam to get Dean and Castiel out? (And if it is, please don’t introduce a new genius hunter to ‘help’ him aka figure it out for him. Yeah, I’m referring to you Ardeospina……) Does Sam even [i]know[/i] Dean is in Purgatory? Will we see a return of the [i]Mystery Spot[/i] Sam or will the damage his psyche has endured over the past number of years allow him to be that? Will we see a completely new personality of Sam? Will we get the exploration of Sam we were meant to get in season three before the writers’ strike cut it short? This is possibly the most interesting bit about season 8 for me, the possibility of delving into Sam’s many abilities and personality? How will he work between stopping the Leviathans and getting Dean (and Kevin) out? That giant Sammy brain will be working triple time for the next few months! Excellent.
Heaven, Hell, Fairy dimension, the past and now Purgatory, dude really does get around! There’s really interesting symbolism with Dean now being in Purgatory. He’s called himself a monster, he considers himself a killer, cursed, unfit for heaven and doing good. Will his soul be ‘cleaned’ of all the pain, depression etc it is in at the moment so that when he comes back (and you know he’s going to come back) then he’ll be unburdened with his soul joyful (or joyful for Dean at least!) Given his state of mind this season that is actually a damn good idea and hugely fitting. Well done Sera Gamble!
I wonder if will Dean get himself out of Purgatory. He does have an angel down there, and surely a few virgins, plenty of Leviathans, c’est possible. I think (I hope to sweet God) it will be Sam. Given what his failure to save Dean did last time, I’d like to see that rectified. Dean has saved Sam from messes he’s found himself in on umpteen occasions, I’d like for it to be Sam’s turn now. Let Dean do the battling, atone for his ‘sins’ in Purgatory and when he is ready, when he feels he has atoned enough, he is helped from there by his brother, as Sam was with hell. Yeah, I’m liking that. Actually, I am loving that idea because as much as Dean needs Purgatory (in a biblical sense) Sam needs it just as much. He [i]needs[/i] to prove to Dean that he can be trusted, that he is able, that he can save as much as he can destroy, that he can be right and make the good decision because with the visions and powers and the blood and the hell and the soulless and the Lucifer, Sam has been in Purgatory since 5.01, if not longer. Oh man, I’m going to build a temple to Gamble right friggin’ now!
Is Castiel where he was meant to be? Heaven won’t take him, Hell would hardly take him, he doesn’t do so well on earth so maybe.
Bobby, I’ll just say ‘Thank you’. That was amazingly beautiful and thanks for not causing the boys the additional heartbreak of being forced to burn you without your consent. Lovely scene. Now find your wife, find your friends and enjoy the rewards of your life.
Speaking of getting into messes. This is one thing that ticked me the hell off the minute I saw it. Dick has been stabbed, he’s doing his laugh and emitting off sound waves or something and Sam and Dean just….. stand there. I mean, for the love of God! Have those two lost the goddamn ability to run? Every time, [i]every[/i] damn time it’s ‘Oh, let’s just wait around here and see what happens’. What happens is that you end up in the shit, again.
And Sam pouring blood over the non pointy part of the bone! Why, why? Were they going to stab Dick with the blunt end? Sorry, but that seemed silly.
What was Sam going to use to blow up the lab, the power of good looks? (Actually, that would probably work.) Or maybe Sam would pull a MacGyver, that’d be cool.
And creamer will make you fat with or without the extra Leviahan additive!
So the bone of a nun is one of God’s weapons? Man, they’re remarkably evil to find. I’ve two gran-aunts who are nuns so I’ve got weapons all over the house.
And how did Meg see over the steering wheel in the Impala? Jeez, Dean can barely see over it so did Meg have a booster seat??
Crowley certainly [i]did[/i] do a lot of finger snapping for a demon, and he put a lot of emphasis on Sam having to cope alone now, (last time we saw that was in [i]Mystery Spot[/i]), and he does have a lot of nicknames for him, he has a bit of an oral fixation thing going on and Meg seemed very scared of him (why would Meg be so scared of Crowley, in [i]Caged Heat[/i] she was kicking his short ass?) Why would a demon want a prophet unless he has access to the word of God and where would a demon get access to the word of God? Crowley does seem to help Sam and Dean out a lot, almost as if he is watching over them, making sure they don’t fail in saving the world. If I didn’t know better I’d think he was an angel, or a God…. (No please, don’t make God Scottish. We’ll never be able to beat the in the rugby.)
Also, and genuine question, do all kids nowadays learn how to pick locks in school because that was ridiculously easy? I tried it a while ago, just to see if I could do it and I ended up having to change the lock (I forgot about the waxy bit at the end of a bobby pin and when I pulled it out of the lock that bit got stuck inside. I didn’t have John to teach me….) Oh, and that ‘opening the door with a credit card’ thing, also damn hard to do. Do we need to be changing our curriculum because over here we just teach the kids pointless things like English and Math?
I’m assuming that Jeremy Carver had a hand in this episode as well, given that it is he who will be picking up the reigns next year?
I’m actually feeling much better, and more optimistic, about the episode now that I was twenty minutes ago!
Thanks Ardeospina.
My only hope is that Carver will care about Sam’s emotional journey, because Lord knows the rest of the writing staff hasn’t cared for years, since season three to be exact.
I would love for Crowley to be God, finally cleaning up the mess Lucifer made. I am one of the few people who once we found out demons were really people tortured into insanity, actually wanted the demons to find a way to peace.
Sadly, I think we are going to get a quick Castiel helps Dean in Hell and all is forgiven story. Then Cas and Dean return and Sam goes back to being wallpaper. I really want to be wrong about that.
Good luck Jeremy Carver, you are my only hope!
I wish Jeremy Carver luck to but to be honest I can’t see a massive seachange in how Sam is written regardless of who is in charge.
[quote]My only hope is that Carver will care about Sam’s emotional journey, because Lord knows the rest of the writing staff hasn’t cared for years, since season three to be exact.
I would love for Crowley to be God, finally cleaning up the mess Lucifer made. I am one of the few people who once we found out demons were really people tortured into insanity, actually wanted the demons to find a way to peace.
Sadly, I think we are going to get a quick Castiel helps Dean in Hell and all is forgiven story. Then Cas and Dean return and Sam goes back to being wallpaper. I really want to be wrong about that.
Good luck Jeremy Carver, you are my only hope![/quote]
Percy, I think you’re right about that. I’m sure Sam will be reduced to wallpaper next year. Dean couldn’t rescue Sam from Hell. Sam couldn’t rescue Dean from Hell either. Why would he be able to rescue Dean from Purgatory? Sam doesn’t even know that’s where Dean is! He has no clue what happened to Dean. It took Castiel forever to find Purgatory but Sam is supposed to help Dean in some way?!?!?! How?
I highly doubt Sam will rescue Dean. I actually doubt we’ll see much of Sam next year at all. I have ZERO faith in these writers when it comes to Sam. None of the writers seem interested in his character. He gets no characater exploration, and hasn’t since Season 3. I expect things will remain the same w/Sam w/Sam being wallpaper.
The setup was great for those interested in Dean/Castiel though. I actually like Castiel, but just as I wouldn’t be interested in seeing Sam/Castiel exclusively, I’m not interested in seeing Dean/Castiel exclusively.
Let’s say Cas isn’t around – I’m also not interested in seeing Dean roam around Purgatory eitehr. I just want the boys in the car, hunting monsters for what it is likely the last season.
Not cared about Sam? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH. Sam is the only fucking character who gets the limelight.
I’m with you, Tim! You make me giggle 🙂
I did not enjoy the Leviathan storyline this year at all, but did love certain aspects of the season (the Bobby story line for sure). So, for me this season finale seemed more about setting up an awesome season 8 than it did about wrapping up a well done season 7 arc. And I’m okay with that since I wasn’t crazy about the season 7 big bad anyway–on to season 8!!
Loved your ideas a lot, especially about Dean finding redemption (for himself because I don’t really think he needs to be redeemed) in purgatory. That might even make me like Defending Your Life better because they had that whole “people need to be punished†thing. And Sam definitely needs to be the one to get him out. That’s is sort of a redemption for him too for not being able to save him before. Also I maybe the only one but I got the impression this season that he has lost a lot of confidence in himself and this would hopefully help him (and Dean) see how strong he is. Although I do think that he is going to have someone with him. (My pick is Jody Mills). Not because he is not capable of doing it on his own but for story telling purposes. It’s hard to have the person mumbling to themselves over the course of 1 or more episodes. Although Carver did it with Sam and a bit character in Free to Be You and Me, so he might be able to make it work without it. And if we could get a peek inside Sam’s head at the same time I would be in heaven.
Last night I was thinking I was being a Pollyanna, with thoughts that maybe Gamble always intended that she would start LOTS of threads to be continued into next season and perhaps beyond (and maybe I still am). But after reading your thought as well as Ardeospina’s I’m running with this idea. Partially because it takes away (or postpones) most of the problems I had with this season.
Now make me feel better about the main issue I have left. Why did they cut down on the more profound brother moments this season? I didn’t mind in season 6, there weren’t a ton but since Sam was soulless half the season and there were only a few moments it worked within the story and characters, since they were both kind of happy (for them)a good portion of the 2nd half.
But this season there were lots of moments where not only would it have been appropriate I actually felt one was necessary. The most glaring examples are Bobby’s death and even worse when Sam was in the hospital. I gave the writers the benefit of the doubt that they were leading somewhere that there was a reason for it but now I’m at a loss.
Anyone have any thoughts?
Kelly, why would Sam need redemption for not saving Dean from going to Hell? I’m curious about why you think he needs to redeemef for that failure. Not trying to start a fight or anything; just trying to understand your position.
I don’t think it was Sam’s fault that he couldn’t save Dean from that demon deal. And I think it will be equally hard if not impossible for him to save Dean now. I don’t know why people think Sam can save Dean from Purgatory. I don’t think he can. I won’t fault him for failing. I’m sure Cas will “rescue” Dean or help Dean find his own way out. Sam cannot open the door to Purgatory b/c that will cause more Leviathan or worse monsters to escape.
I’m not at all happy w/the separation. I can only hope we get a more hardened Sam. I don’t want to see him bonding w/anyone actually. I would prefer a Mystery Spot Sam over anything else.
To answer your question, it seems Sera was bound and determined to remove all the heart from the show. Why? I have no idea, but she succeeded, IMO, it making the entire season a very unemotional, cold event. The best she did with Sam’s hallucinations and the impact on the brothers was HCW. The other two episodes devoted to this major plot were unemotional and cold and distant.
I don’t think Sera quite understands why most people watch. I’ve never done a poll, but I would guess that most viewers watch for the Sam/Dean relationship.
I don’t think he does but I do think he think to some extent he does. Although redemption is probably not the best word in his case. Maybe more like right a wrong that he couldn’t before.
Also I think most would agree with you that the brothers are the show. Lose any other character, even Bobby or Cas and the show will survive but not without the brothers and their bond.
I don’t that can be Gamble’s motivation, assuming you’re not being facetious, though. And I don’t think the season was cold or unemotional we did have lots of great brother moments but most of them were lighthearted. So I don’t know if she was trying to keep it light to counteract the effects of all the trauma or if they just decide that the show was overly emotional, I don’t know. But unless it part of some upcoming storyline I don’t like it and the need to reverse it -QUICK.
Still looking for some explanation that makes sense.
I think I understand what you mean KELLY.
But the word maybe not redemption. But second chance? I would love to see Sam’s working hard to get Dean out of Purgatory. Regardless if he will succeed or not. I know it’s not Sam’s fault that he cannot save Dean from Hell. And it hit him hard.
In Mystery Spot Sam become hardened almost soulless. In HEaven and Hell he is desperate to sell his soul but no Demon would deal with him. Dean cannot save Sam from hell but we also don’t get to see Dean’s sleepless nights as he poured over books and old manuscript as he angsting and brooding and his nightmare. He was only saying it in passing that he is miserable without his brother in Exile. And he was saying it to Soulless Sam who could not care less about his misery.
I’d love to see Sam tearing up the rest of Levis to get info on purgatory. Despite his soulful eyes and puppy dog eyes Sam’s character has been proven to be able to become hardened and dangerous when it is Dean’s life on the line. Gabriel is right when he said “Everyone always said it is Dean who is disfunctional but clearly they never see you with a sharp object before. Full leather Jacket, Sam? You are willing to kill for your brother?”
I swear you are inside my head channeling my thoughts! I really wish Bobby could have been led into the light by his wife with a smile on his face; I am going to seriously miss him! I am going to forgive the flaws in the finale because I am SO excited for the possibilities here for Sam and Dean. You KNOW Sam has to still be carrying that weight of not being able to rescue Dean – that very failure is part of what led both of them to where they are right now. I so want to see Sam take the lead on his side of the void and be the one to save Dean. And I think you are right – Dean running this gauntlet might just break him out of his apathy and put him back in touch with the hunter within. And I think Cas’ issues are going to put Dean fully in the driver’s seat, rather than Cas being the one to solve all the problems. Yes, I am really excited for the potential of Season 8, especially in the hands of Jeremy Carver, who understands on a deep level the relationship that is the backbone of this show. Great comments!
oh my gosh my thoughts are all a jumble,,, where do you start…
I thought that as a whole the episode was well done, fantastic!
Yes, thought the Dick jokes were a bit overkill, but I did like the scenes between Crowley and Dick the most in this one,,,so so funny.
Cass, well Cass I can’t really understand, one min he appears to be off his head, and the next, you get the impression he knows quite well what is going on.
The part when he sits on the stairs listening to the boys discussions was so interesting, as was when Cass and Dean went for Baby (the Impala).
I got the impression that Dean held the key to Cass’s ‘sanity’ with being able to forgive Cass for everything. Cass seems to become his old self once he had Dean’s forgiveness.
Wow how do you end up in Purgatory if your still alive? I don’t really understand how Dean or Cass could be sent there if they are not already dead? and isn’t Purgatory only for monsters??? Crowley said Dean was God’s Tool, what does he mean by that?
And Sammy, oh boy, I really don’t know what is in store for him next season,,, yeah he’s alone, but he seems to be in a better situation than Kevin! Being alone is not gonna kill you and its not the first time he and Dean have been apart, so he’ll manage like he always does. I thought his story arc could have been a bit more exciting for next season. I felt alittle let down for him.
And there are still unanswered questions many in fact, where is God, is he still on that bloomin’ tortilla holiday? Is there an ulterior plan involved with everything, for the boys?? hmmmm hope there is much much more energy for next season, because I couldn’t remember what the story arc has been this season, its dragged and i’ve forgotton as its been so slow at times…. But i’ve big hopes for next season and love this show so much.
In S2, Sam had Bobby to tow the car.
How is he going to acquire the Impala this time? Is Sam going to be surrounded by pod people so that is how there won’t be police/reporters at Sucrocorp? Maybe Jody is a vegan too and in fine form to help with that little problem?
I have seen all the big possibilities addressed and wanted to add this cliffhanger issue as well…
No words for the awesomeness of the finale. So many possibilities…..I think both boys really have an opportunity for character growth in a completely new direction than we’ve seen before. I’m also 99% certain they won’t be separate for too long. The question is of course, how do we get Dean out without letting other things out as well?
(Anybody else find the idea of a rugged, combat hardened warrior Dean next season really appealing?)
October sure seems a long way out today.
Elle, I would love a hardened warrior Dean next season. Bring him on! And love it more if he could regain his confidence and a little joy in his life.
Love also if we could get Gabriel, Bobby, Henriksen, and more of the great guest stars that have perished.
Maybe whatever Sam manages to do will also free Bobby and Gabe as well as Dean. I can hope for that all summer long. 🙄
Can’t wait for that EPIC HUG that will be coming! 😛
Holy Effing Crap!
I’m not going to survive this Hiatus.
I sure as hell never saw this one coming!
My heart is just aching for everyone involved.
Kevin – What is Crowley going to do with him? I guess Cas was right, that all the Angels/Archangels are dead otherwise one should have come to Kevin as soon as he was taken by the Leviathans.
Meg – I actually feel bad for her. I wonder if she will escape or will they just have her killed off.
OMG! Dean and Cas…how the hell are they going to get out! The only way we’ve been shown was by having the door opened from the outside. Unless only souls that don’t belong their can be expelled in some way. It will be interesting to see if they run into some old foes and possible old friends.
And Poor Sammy all alone…Other than Garth and Sheriff Mills, who else does he have?
The only other one I can think of is Death and would he be willing or even be able to help him?
Bobby! I had commented back in Of Grave Importance that if Bobby had to pass on I would prefer if it was because Bobby was ready to go, that he knew it was his time. That I wanted Bobby and the boys to all be at peace with the decision, with no guilt, no regrets and with no resentment.
Although I’m happy they went that way it still broke my heart to actually watch it happen. I hope he’s not in purgatory. RIP Bobby.
Baby! They finally bring her out of hiding only to trash her. I don’t think it was Meg driving, I believe it was Dean. I could see two people in the front. I just figured Cas zapped them from the car into the building while Meg distracted the Leviathans.
Crowley – I always wondered why we have never seen his eyes go black or any other colour, but why would the devils trap work on him, if he wasn’t a demon? And if he isn’t a Demon then who’s blood did he give? Who is the rightful ‘ruler of fallen humanity’? I just take his finger snapping as being his style, he is kind of the flashy type.
I thought this was a typical SG script; good start, sag in the middle, lots of holes, too crowded, and stories not resolved satisfactorily. What I did like is that it left Carver with great possibilities to take the show and the two leads (*cough, cough* — as I think there are now probably three leads) in whatever direction he wants. That’s the good part.
While the flask burning was a good scene, the whole thing proved that Bobby should have been left dead in Death’s Door. The GhostBobby story really ended up being totally useless, except that it took Dean’s whole season story away. In effect, Dean once again had no story in the season. He’s no longer drinking excessively, his revenge story was given to GhostBobby, and I guess he’s forgiven Cass (based on Cas’s dialogue), so he’s not depressed. Actually, he hasn’t been depressed for a few episodes now.
Sam’s story was poorly done and quickly resolved. He was used as a tool to bring Cas back onboard, and I resent the hell out of that.
Fruit Loop Cas is no longer fruit loopy, I guess. He seemed perfectly fine from the minute he said Dean forgave him. Obviously, Cas has gone through another quick transformation, but I have no idea what he is now. Honestly, I am sick to death of Cas, and sick to death of Misha getting all the attention.
While I enjoy the Dean/Cas scenes, I’m sorry to see that he is now probably going to be another regular cast member, and I’m sorry to see that he is teamed up with Dean in Purgatory. I have this vision of the super-powered angel again protecting Dean, of Dean being a straight man to Cas’s silliness, of Cas solving Dean’s problems, and of Dean always needing to be saved by Cas because the supernaturals are too powerful for the mere human to handle…just like in this episode, Dean needed Cas’s assistance in killing Dick. I want Dean to be a badass hunter again, and not just the angel’s boyfriend.
While the actor did a good job with the Kevin Tran role, I would be happy if he weren’t still around. I have no idea why Crowley needed the prophet. And, BTW, don’t they need an eclipse to open the door to Purgatory to get Dean out?
The Levi story was not resolved satisfactorily. There’s still Biggerston’s, Gas ‘N Sips with contaminated foods, research labs, Levi infiltrated at all levels of government, and the other Levi’s at the roundtable who know all the plans. Isn’t Sucrocorp still standing? Isn’t Dick’s assistant who knows everything and seemed just as smart as Dick still alive?
I did not appreciate the political commentary and political slant to the season, so leaving the Levis in play doesn’t excite me one little bit.
Really disappointed in how they handled the re-introduction of the Impala. What a waste.
I’m left without a clue as to what Sam and Dean’s story for S8 will be, but there are some great possibilities for Carver dangling there that came out of this episode.
I’m so happy Meg is gone (temporarily perhaps) and Crowley was left as the big bad for next season. I did not like making Meg a frenemy this year, and I thought her send-off was pathetic, considering all the trouble and hurt this character has done to the Winchesters over the years. Another ruined character in a long list of ruined characters.
What the finale did well was make me very interested for Jeremy Carver to take over and for S8. Carver has a reputation of developing stories for all of his characters; something this show desperately needs at this point. I am sorry that Cas has such a prominent role again, but I am so looking forward to seeing what Carver does with Sam and Dean’s characters. I fully expect Dean to finally get a story of his own after this 7-year drought, and I hope Sam has one at the same time. They don’t have to be connected, but the leads of a series should have a story to be told each season. As a fan, I don’t think I am expecting too much in saying that — [i]and that means both leads[/i].
So my vote was that it was not too bad of a finale. It was certainly better than the last three have been.
I never believe myself that I said this. I agree with several of your points Ginger. I usually disagree with what Ginger said but this time you point out few things that I too feel lacking.
[quote]While the flask burning was a good scene, the whole thing proved that Bobby should have been left dead in Death’s Door. The GhostBobby story really ended up being totally useless, except that it took Dean’s whole season story away. In effect, Dean once again had no story in the season. He’s no longer drinking excessively, his revenge story was given to GhostBobby, and I guess he’s forgiven Cass (based on Cas’s dialogue), so he’s not depressed. Actually, he hasn’t been depressed for a few episodes now.[/quote]
Agreed. The whole Ghost Bobby story is distracting. And it’s distracting the boys too. It is shown what wrong choice Bobby made. Perhaps that’s what the writers are trying to tell us. That what’s dead should stay dead. Kinda like Dean’s speech on S2. But the result on the whole outlook on the boys is disastrous. I believe Sam and Dean don’t manage to get this far by being dumb, right? I believe even without Bobby’s help they will manage to kill the Levis but the writer make Bobby solve the ingredients before the boys did only to give the ghost something useful to do other than just standing there looking murderous as he broods over his anger and revenge towards Roman. It only serves to make the boys look dumb. Bad moves writers.
[quote]Sam’s story was poorly done and quickly resolved. He was used as a tool to bring Cas back onboard, and I resent the hell out of that.[/quote]
They were going strong in HCW when the brothers are helping each other. Dean’s speech to Sam in that warehouse about the stone really got me tearing up. That’s it boys! Help each other, be there for each other but when they brought Castiel back I was disappointed with how easy the fix is. And it’s not about the brother bond anymore. Dean should be Sam’s no. 1 stone but it’s gone. Sam should be the one struggling to re build his wall with Dean’s help and nurturing instinct of him towards his little brother but it’s gone too.
There should be this kind of dialogue “I got your back, man.†“Yeah me too. Don’t die on me, Dean. What do you think would happen to my wall and my number one stone if you die?†“Yeah, not to worry. We got no one left. All of our friends are dead. After Cas I don’t think I’d be able to trust anyone but we’re family. We stick together no matter what happens.â€
And I would literally die in tears if that happened. Sadly it wasn’t. Sam’s wall could fall down sooner and the boys could work on it sooner with Dean helping Sam holding his hand through his insanity. (Not literary holding hand, I mean they are guys, no chick flick moments and all that macho talk but with body language, supporting look towards each other) I have high hopes with the theme of S7. The writers promised us desperation, and the boys being backed into a corner with no one can help them beside each other. But … ?????
[quote]Fruit Loop Cas is no longer fruit loopy, I guess. He seemed perfectly fine from the minute he said Dean forgave him. Obviously, Cas has gone through another quick transformation, but I have no idea what he is now. Honestly, I am sick to death of Cas, and sick to death of Misha getting all the attention.[/quote]
I honestly don’t have problem with Misha. I like it that Castiel have his own story in S6 not stealing the brothers story. But yes, the existence of Angel as their back up rendering the boys to become obsolete. I like S1 and S2 where it is about us or them. Humans or supernatural beings. The show is about the struggle of humanity in the face of evil, right? Being hunters are fighting supernatural evil, protecting humanity while staying sane doing it. Lot’s of hunters fall down to the darkness but human’s strength is the one that is tested here. Humans are the strongest of creation. We can withstand pain, anger, guilt, sorrow, sadness, even love. All of those powerful emotions and still we (as represented by the Winchesters) fight to the death against evil. With no mojo, no magic help, the Winchesters prove again and again the strength of human even against foes like Lucifer who think us no better than apes. Don’t you guys think that’s beautiful?
Rachel : I think you call him (Cas) when you need something…. Clearly you don’t or you won’t call him every time you stub your toe.
Sadly Rachel is right. What happens to our badass boys? I said it before during the finale of S6 and I said it again. The presence of Angel is rendering the boys obsolete. When they need to talk to Lenore the writer can show us how the boys scouting Lenore’s supposed hiding place. With extensive research, looking for signs of Vampire activity, fighting with several vamps. (I love it when they fight vamps) Finally getting to Lenore’s hiding and finding it’s useless since all of them had gone to answer Eve’s call. But Castiel wipe it up in a blink of his ass joke. See, Obsolete. They are getting lazy.
[quote]While I enjoy the Dean/Cas scenes, I’m sorry to see that he is now probably going to be another regular cast member, and I’m sorry to see that he is teamed up with Dean in Purgatory. I have this vision of the super-powered angel again protecting Dean, of Dean being a straight man to Cas’s silliness, of Cas solving Dean’s problems, and of Dean always needing to be saved by Cas because the supernaturals are too powerful for the mere human to handle…just like in this episode, Dean needed Cas’s assistance in killing Dick. I want Dean to be a badass hunter again, and not just the angel’s boyfriend.[/quote]
Please not this arc again. While I like Castiel as a character but too many Destiel overtone that I cannot stomach. I love the boys, with Castiel as a side menu is ok. But mainly the boys teaming up with each other. The reason I like Time and Time and Time Again is they are working together even though they were separated by time. Sheriff Mills is actually there not to solve the problem. Sam is still the one who is in lead of research who handles the rescue. Castiel should be written like that. Not overshadowing Sam and Dean. Stop calling Cas for help every time you stop your toe, boys! You can manage it in Grants Pass, Oregon when Castiel is rendered Powerless. You both kill Even with your deviousness. That’s the Sam and Dean that we all love.
[quote]What the finale did well was make me very interested for Jeremy Carver to take over and for S8. Carver has a reputation of developing stories for all of his characters; something this show desperately needs at this point. I am sorry that Cas has such a prominent role again, but I am so looking forward to seeing what Carver does with Sam and Dean’s characters. I fully expect Dean to finally get a story of his own after this 7-year drought, and I hope Sam has one at the same time. They don’t have to be connected, but the leads of a series should have a story to be told each season. As a fan, I don’t think I am expecting too much in saying that — [i]and that means both leads[/i].
So my vote was that it was not too bad of a finale. It was certainly better than the last three have been.[/quote]
I hope that you are right, Ginger. The last three finales mean S6, S5, S4? Hmm, I like your comments more and more. 😀 😀
I’m so happy Meg is gone (temporarily perhaps) and Crowley was left as the big bad for next season. I did not like making Meg a frenemy this year, and I thought her send-off was pathetic, considering all the trouble and hurt this character has done to the Winchesters over the years. Another ruined character in a long list of ruined characters.
Your right, I wonder and still wonder why on earth isn’t Dean out to seek revenge for killing Joe and Ellen??? surely you can’t quantify love,,,and Dean cared about them two ladies in his life as much as he did Bobby?? Why all the misplaced hatred for a Levithian and not the Demon who killed Joe and Ellen so horribly???
Again this looks like another time when the story hasn’t been resolved and the characters have gaps in their story
Great review for a great episode.http://www.teenchoiceawards.com/music.aspx Vote for SPN
[b]* Crowley did a lot of finger snapping this episode, didn’t he? Remind you of anyone? We’ve never seen Crowley’s eyes flash, and Mark Sheppard keeps teasing us about that, so maybe Crowley isn’t a demon at all. Maybe he’s a trickster playing at being a demon.[/b]
I think Crowley is God..think about it. I’ve thought that for a long time…just saying.
First thought, while I know Sam will do whatever it takes to get Dean out of Purgatory, he really shouldn’t open another door to Purgatory after all of their (Dean, Bobby, and Sam’s) indignation and foot stomping over Cas wanting to open a door to Purgatory to defeat Raphael and stop the Apocalypse. The life of one person, even if that is your brother, shouldn’t outweigh the lives of billions.
Second thought, any chance this will be Dean’s Purgatory story told from Sam’s POV? Fair is fair.
First off, I apologize for the profanity, but HOLY FUCK! That was truly a great ending and a great cliffhanger. Dean in Purgatory, no way, Sam left alone to look for him, Bobby gone for good? maybe, maybe not. I enjoyed every little bit of it, thank you Sera Gamble, that was a good way for her to end her tenure with SPN.
As for what we have in store for next season, you sure bring up some good points. Dean could meet up with a plethora of people in Purgatory, some that will be good for him and some that will be very bad. But at least he has Cass with him, albeit not all there Cass. Only thing we know for sure is he won’t be going chasing after bees down there, hehe! I hope Sam calls on Jodi Mills for help, and who knows maybe Charlie could lend a hand.
On a last note, I am so happy that Crowley will be back, I really love to hate that demon. Wow, on to the hiatus, October will be so very far away, but I’m sure it will be worth the wait.
So, Season 7 is a wrap. And, overall, I liked the finale. Solid B/B+ for me. Some goods, some ‘not so goods’, averaging out to ‘pretty good’ overall.
[u][b]My Not-so-goods: [/b][/u]
[b]BobbyMaid: [/b]Rather uninteresting to watch an unknown actor take up time in a finale. Plus, ‘saved by reflection in a vehicle’ was verrrry Swan Song. NB. on re-watch, when Sam was being strangled, thought: ’why doesn’t he just stand up!’
[b]Kevin Tran storyline: [/b]Fizzled out – am sure will be explained next season, but means his scenes mostly just took up space in this episode. Plus, plot hole: he did not hear anything about the creamer, so how did he know about that?
[b]Guineapiggirl stripping at meeting:[/b] Unnecessary, sleazy, gratuitous, class-free.
[b]Lipstick: [/b]Dean saying it was not very important to him while the actor’s own was clearly visible (this is actually a pet peeve of mine. WAYYYYYY too obvious lipstick on both the J’s. Note to makeup artist/DP/director/editor: Audience seeing makeup on Winchesters = Fail).
[b]Meg:[/b] Meh.
[b]Melting flask: [/b]1) Brazier happened to be lying about? Why not use fire place/stove? 2) Flask always had leather/brown exterior- where’d it go? 3) Does the metal (?assume silver) really melt like chocolate that easily – according to Google silver’s melting point is 962ºC/1764ºF (Sorry, but this is a question of mine since Hookman!)
[u][b]My Goods:[/b][/u]
[b]Impala and Born to be Wild: [/b]silence to engine to fantastic song! Epic.
[b]Sam telling Dean to ‘shut up’: [/b]Really realistic! Plus, loved the strong Sam’n’Dean vibe of the whole episode.
[b]Bobby coming to his senses: [/b]was so worried he was going to fight the guys – poetic that this ‘death’ felt like an anti-climax.
[b]Crowley: [/b] Tis akin to blasphemy I know, but am not usually a fan as he can be a bit pantomime villain for me, but thought he was really good this episode. Plus, liked the plot twist of him waiting in the wings at the end.
[b]Dean starting to forgive Cas: [/b]I loved the way Dean taught himself how to deal with New Cas. Really liked the Impala scene they had and liked that Cas was using insanity as a refuge, but ventured out to help ‘clean up his mess’.
[b]Dick Roman: [/b]Love this guy (And Susan). Plus loved the reveal that the ‘delegates’ were all Leviathan; and the office-speak they used like ‘liquidation index’
[b]Ending: [/b]Dean in Purgatory. Holy SHIT!!! I gasped out loud! And I LOVE that this show can still do that to me after 7 years. And Jensen was absolutely brilliant in that scene. Plus, Sam looking so young, alone and freaked – despite Jared being ‘the size of a car’!
Really looking forward to Season 8 with Jeremy Carver (Note to new showrunner: please give Guy Bee many more episodes to direct and Robbie Thompson many more to write) – I would absolutely love if they have Cas able to flit back and forth between the Sam and Dean, but Dean stuck and having to make his way to a particular point in Purgatory for Sam to get him out – and having to become like FutureDean to survive the journey. Then, reuniting with Sam as a battle-hardened hunter and the brothers having to deal with that. And how did Crowley get out of his deal? Hope Charley is back – in addition to all the other old favourites. Oooh maybe Cas could be ‘adopted’ by Sheriff Mills next season!
Anyway, here’s to a well-deserved rest for the cast and crew and a summer of re-watches, analysis, discussion and speculation for the rest of us. Exxxxxxcellent 🙂
I guess I’m among the Not Loving It group. Totally agree that the ghost Bobby arc was a waste. Why bring him back only to deny him a part in bringing down the Leviathans? And I am definitely not happy the boys are separated again. I was so loving them working together again. They had their own hangout (Rufus’ cabin), and once the Levi’s were taken care of (if they are) they could even bring Baby back from exile. Saving people, killing things. Ring a bell?
Props to the show for surprising me though – I never saw THAT coming at all. But I am so confused – Is Dean dead? If not, how is he in Purgatory? All I can say is I hope the powers that be bring him back pronto next season.
I’m in the Not Loving It group too. I didn’t really enjoy the episode that much. All the Leviathan and Dick stuff just bored me. As did Meg. I have no interest in Castiel so none of his scenes entertained me either. I wasn’t happy that he was brought back this season so I hope he’s not around too much in S8. Also not happy that the ‘don’t get yourself killed. You too.’ scene from the promo wasn’t in the episode? That was a nice brotherly moment.
I always like Crowley and I enjoyed the few brotherly moments. I loved the flask burning scene. Poor Bobby and the boys. The looks on the boys faces were just heartbreaking. I also liked the last scene between Crowley and Sam. My heart smashed to smithereens when Crowley told Sam that he was all alone. Poor Sammy was practically hyperventilating with panic. The boy doesn’t do being alone so well.
Dean in Purgatory could be very interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens there, how he gets out, what/who he sees there. Maybe Dean will come back from Purgatory feeling like he’s atoned for all the things he feels he’s done wrong, all the things he feels guilty about. Maybe this will bring us a less weighed down Dean back again. Personally I’d like to see a less angsty Dean next season and more of the badass hunter who sent shivers down my spine.
As for Sam…I’m very excited to see how he handles this. He looked so alone and terrified in that last scene of his. How is he going to cope? Is he going to go all Mystery Spot? Is he going to completely fall apart like when Dean went to Hell? Or are we going to see another different Sam? Do I dare hope that we might get some decent exploration of Sam’s personality and emotions? I do hope that Sam is the one who gets Dean out somehow. I don’t like that they are separated and I do not want the boys apart for long but if this separation gives us some nice emotional insight and character development for Sam that will be the silver lining to the whole separation situation for me. Now it would seem that Dean, at last, is going to get some storyline/plot I hope that Sam will now get an emotional arc. Sam hasn’t had much in the way of emotional insight written for him since S3.
I did like that the episode sets up the opportunity for some good stuff for both Sam and Dean next season, both storyline -wise and emotional -wise.
One other thing I did love…Carry On My Wayward Son. Hearing that song still gives me the chills. I might not have enjoyed this season as much as some (although much more than some others) but Carry On My Wayward Son always makes me remember all the good times, all the things I have loved about this show since Day One. It gets me feeling all warm and fuzzy and kind of teary too.
Honestly, I thought this finale was awful. And that’s all I’m gonna say about it.
totally shocked by the finale. i don’t really like the whole season and when i look back to pick some great episodes to re-watch , well, there aren’t many. but supernatural showed that its last episodes are always too much and too many things going on in them.
first of all , this episode was very crowded and i have to say those Kevin’s moments were kind of useless. i am not interested in leviathan’s plans at all and watching them talk in that room was just for filing the scenes i guess. so i’ll be hoping that this was a wrap on levis storyline because it wasn’t very amusing for me personally.
i like how cas got back to his root in the purgatory and i hope he’ll be back as the old cas we knew from s4 . i don’t like the things they did to cas either but i really don’t know why people throw their hate on Misha about the character! from what i know , misha is not so happy about Cas’s journeys too , so he has nothing to do with it! and i want him back as a regular but i don’t want him to be around and separate the boys like some you insist (which i don’t see it that way) and all that. i want him to have his own good and strong storyline . so if he wont he better not be in s8. or at least not as regular.
i like the idea that the boys are separated because it will open too many ways for writers to write interesting episodes, it will be all sam looking for his brother and taking every risk to find him and that mean more and more brotherly moments , the finale meant this to me.
i really want the show to be less crowded , i know a show has to grow and all that but damn , we have too many unsolved problems with characters and everything which i don’t like very much.
and i wanted to mention that cas was kinda funny but he wasn’t trying to be funny , he was hiding himself behind all those things he did , it was for forget the things he did , to forget that dean and sam are in this trouble because of him. he wasn’t an ass or something he just didn’t want to ruin everything again . and in the end when he finally find out that he is a little forgiven , he got his roots back on and he fought for sam and dean.
and i know he just didn’t leave dean in the end , i guess he went to find what the hell to do!
and i loved that they didn’t show bobby burning! it was beautiful , the look on dean and sam faces , and the cas watching them was remarkable! i like the idea , it felt more for me!
i loved the finale and totally looking forward for the next season and i hope it’ll be more better next year and by the way the last scene in purgatory was so creepy and scary!!! the look on dean’s face was just so great , it showed the real fear in his eyes! great job Jensen! the whole scene made me feel like im watching the old scary supernatural again!
Someone remind me: WHy is it important for Sam to feel truly alone in the world and truly alone to face the obstacles he has? Both Crowley and Gabriel were so keen on that. Although Gabe’s reason is for the Apocalypse to happen according to his brothers’ plans. Are we going back to the Apocalypse thing?
Thank you, Ardeospina for this great article. Loved the epi, but dismayed that Sam and Dean are separated again. However, I know that, storywise, that will lead to a very interesting Season 8.
Afraid the finale was lacklustre for me too. The pacing seemed all wrong. Slack, slow, saggy.
Three actors IMO deserve big respect for fighting the material to produce moments of interest or tension: Mark Shepherd, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins. That takes real presence, to command attention when the surrounding context is energyless.
The big big positive: Carver has a good place to begin. All strength to him. I hope he knows who these characters are and can turn this show back round again. I’m more pleased than I can say that Dean and Cas must work out Purgatory together and believe it’s the best thing that could have happened to separate the Winchesters for a while, both for S and D. So I’d give it five out of ten for itself, but nine out of ten for the promise.
I was disappointed by Cas behavior. Did anyone notice he looked like Lucifer? I think it is not Castiel any more. It is Lucifer. Sam and Dean will have to fight to free Cas from Luci next season.