Closing the Door on S7: “Supernatural” Season 8 and the Case For Hope
(Note from Alice: We welcome back Metamorphic Rocks for another great guest article as we continue our series this week, “Closing the Door on Season Seven,” before season 8 has it’s coming out party at Comic-Con. Enjoy this amazing piece on a case for hope.)
“Supernatural” Season 7 left us with one heck of a cliffhanger. Dean killed Dick Roman (or possibly sent him back where he came from), Dean and Castiel ricocheted into Purgatory, and now Sam is left all alone to figure out how to get Dean and Cas out, all while preventing the Leviathans from organizing again. This cliffhanger brings with it the hope of an awesome Season 8. And indeed, this article is all about hope.
As I have stated in previous articles, I enjoyed much of Season 7. Ultimately, I’m just grateful to have another season to watch. However, examining a previous season to see what worked and what didn’t can deepen our viewing experience, both in the present and for subsequent seasons. And for me, Season 7 was all about missed opportunities: for rich characterizations, moving brotherly moments, and for showing the fighting spirit of both boys. In Season 7, Sam and Dean didn’t seem to really WANT anything. The yearning for a better – something – just didn’t seem to be present for them this year.
In previous seasons of “Supernatural,” the boys always hoped for something. In Season 1, it was the hope of finding their father, and later, trying to and save as many people as they could. In Season 2 it was the hope that Sam could choose his own fate, as well as the hope of finally finding and killing the Yellow-Eyed Demon. In Season 3, it was the frantic hope of Sam to stop Dean from going to Hell. Season 4 was complicated by the dashing of hopes in regard to angels, seals, and Sam going dark side, yet the boys kept fighting. Season 5 saw Dean fall into despair, yet Sam still continued to hope that Dean would not say yes to Michael. And in the end, the boys clung to the hopes that Sam could overcome Lucifer, and the brothers could avert the apocalypse. Even Season 6 explored Dean’s desperate hope to get Sam’s soul back. Every previous season had a central point (or points) of hope that drove the boys’ actions. In Season 7, Sam and Dean’s hope was…to defeat the Leviathans? That Sam wouldn’t go crazy? That Cas would somehow come back? That Bobby would still be with them, or later, that Bobby would be a good ghost? What were the boys desperately hoping for in Season 7? Often, it was difficult to know.
Now, the knee-jerk answer is, of course, Sam and Dean had hopes. We saw the boys’ many attempts at getting intelligence about the Leviathans in the hope of saving the world from being one huge meat market. We also saw Sam trying to hold it together (although that in itself has been debated) in the hope of preserving his sanity. Later, when Sam was in the hospital with his hallucinations, Dean wanted Sam to fight, and called everyone he knew in the hope of finding a solution that would save Sam. When the boys experienced some strange “Bobby is a ghost”-type occurrences, it was obvious to see Dean wanted it to actually be Bobby. But in all that (with a few notable exceptions), how badly did they seem to want those things? Hope runs deep in the human heart; it makes people passionate, it drives them to act. Did we see that kind of Sam and Dean in Season 7?
To illustrate this point, think back to a few of the limited times in Season 7 we did see the hopes of the boys: Dean’s “just this one thing†line to Bobby regarding Sam’s intact mental state in “Meet the New Boss;†Sam’s hopeful “we still have til dawn to stop this†prayer to Castiel in the same episode; Dean’s desperate “you gotta believe me†speech in “Hello, Cruel World;†Dean’s “could be†hope in “The Slice Girls†that the strange incidents meant Bobby was still around; and Sam’s equally optimistic “Do you think it’s possible we could make it all work?†in “Of Grave Importance†when they finally saw Bobby. All of these moments were memorable because of the poignancy of seeing the boys actually hoping for something. Having more scenes like these would have brought a stronger, more emotional intensity to the entire season.
After all, Sam and Dean need every bit of hope they can grab onto. Their lives have never been easy. From the time Sam was 6 months old (and even before he was born due to Mary’s deal with the YED), his life was manipulated by evil. And Dean’s normal, happy childhood came screeching to a halt when he was thrust into an unbearable situation from the time he was four. The rest is, well, “Supernatural” history. The hits just kept on coming for our heroes. Sam and Dean have been hunting one form or another of evil pretty much their whole lives (with a small break for both of the boys; Sam with Stanford and Dean with Lisa). They have also lost those they cared about the most, starting with their parents, then their friends (like Ash, Ellen, Jo and Rufus), and their surrogate family (Bobby and, temporarily, Cas).
They have endured unspeakable heartbreak through the years. They have also endured horrific torture when both of them spent time in Hell. They have each seen the most important person in their lives (each other) die, and more than once. It would seem there isn’t much room for hope in this scenario.
Yet somehow, the boys always seemed to maintain some semblance of hope. They preserved the ability to joke and laugh. Dean retained his ability to enjoy the simple things in life, like a good cheeseburger and some pie. Even if one sibling felt hopeless, the other would pull his brother up. Sam and Dean were – even with the threat of a permanent trip to Hell looming – able to celebrate a Christmas together. They have always been able to sit, share a beer, and just talk. Those are all actions of people who still hope. Despite everything, they have kept fighting, which ultimately, is hope in action. And that demonstrated ability has also been one of the reasons why people love the show so much.
In Season 7, though, hope seemed pretty hard to come by. Of course, maybe that was the point. But then again, maybe the point was driven home just a little too forcefully. Yet here we are, with Season 8 rapidly approaching, so anything is possible. With this new start, maybe hope can make a comeback. If season 5’s “Swan Song†answered yes to the question “could love save the world?â€, then maybe season 8 should begin to answer the question “Can hope save Sam and Dean?â€
At first glance, that question may seem out of place in “Supernatural.” This isn’t a buddy comedy, after all. The show can be quite dark. It explores death, betrayal, the nature of right and wrong, and other heavy themes. We all know Sam and Dean aren’t going to defeat all the big bads, find the loves of their lives, get married and buy adjoining houses on a nice quiet street (and would we really want them to?) So, given the nature of the show, and the kind of lives that Sam and Dean have, where can hope come from?
The most likely place will be back at the beginning. Turns out Cas may have unknowingly given Dean some good advice (while they were playing Sorry!) in “Reading is Fundamental†when he told Dean, “I think you have to go back to start.†I think so, too. Hope can be found by returning to the importance of the family business. To exemplify this concept, let’s look at this exchange from Season 2’s “What is and What Shall Never Be.â€
Dean: …All I can think about is how much this job’s cost us. We’ve lost so much. And we’ve sacrificed so much.â€
Sam: “But people are alive because of you. It’s worth it, Dean. It is. It’s not fair, and you know, it hurts like hell, but it’s worth it.â€
Or this conversation from Season 4’s “Monster Movie.â€
Jamie: That must suck. I mean, you’re giving up your life for this terrible…I don’t know, responsibility.â€
Dean: “Last few years I started thinking that way, and uh, it started sort of weighing on me. Of course, that was before… My life’s been different. I realize that I help people. Not just help them, though, I save them. I guess it’s- it’s awesome. It’s kind of like a gift…like a mission…kind of like a mission from God.â€
Now, Sam and Dean have been through quite a bit more trauma since those exchanges took place. The point remains, though, that the hope of saving as many people as possible used to keep Sam and Dean going. They could use a bit of that motivation right now.
Well written. Good points, most of which I agree with.
I HOPE season 8 restores the boys hope too.
Great post I totally agree.
st50 and percysowner, from the little bits of information we’re getting about Season 8, I’m more hopeful already! Thanks for reading and for taking the time to comment.
Great article. A little hopefulness and joy for the guys would restore the same for the fans who worry about the direction the show has taken. I have always stuck with the shows I love and will do so with SPN but it’s been harder this year. This is the 1st year since the begining that I have not looked forward to the repeats and the release of the DVD. That being said, all in all, it is still a pretty good show with moments of brilliance. Jared and Jensens performances still worth the continued loyalty. Two of the best characters ever!
Leah D, I totally agree, if the boys got to have a bit of hope, the fans would have it tenfold; and I absolutely agree about Jared and Jensen’s consistent performances!
Thanks for reading!
Oh my! I couldn’t agree more with this article!
I so want them to again have hope, with themselves and with each other. I want them to care and to see them care about each other again. Without that, no matter what the arc is or the MOTW, it won’t matter at all.
I want them to succeed at least enough times to get that hope and to realize their worth. Have fun again and not have the world on their backs.
Bobby back would be very very appreciated by me. They need to have someone who really cares if they live or die.
I confess I’m one of those mooshy types who would love for, when it ends (horrors!) that they receive a well deserved award, like Sarah and Lisa and adjoining houses. If not, then have them still on the road in the Impala, saving people, hunting things, the family business! Please don’t kill them off! After all these years and love for them, it would be horribly depressing to contemplate.
More brothers, less world ending scenarios! 😛 🙂
Thanks for the great article. I am really looking forward to season 8!
I am also an OT, nice to see a fellow clinician with the same obsession. I work in Providence, RI public schools.
Lisae252, that’s awesome to have a fellow OT love the show! Most I work with have never heard of it, though I have tried to recruit some new viewers!
Thanks for reading and for the comment.
Bevie, I agree, I don’t want the show to end with their deaths either. I think it would be such a hopeful ending to have the boys driving off in the impala, finishing with the same “come on, we have work to do,” that started it all!
Thanks for commenting.
As a dedicated fan of Supernatural, I have to say, what a relief it is to here some HOPE for the future of the series! I admit that I have my complaints about season 7s story line and plot/character inconsistencies. My observations mirrored many that of many of the most vocal critics of the show. Yet through all of it, I continued to cherish the moments I had with the Winchester brothers and am far from willing to “give up.” Hopefully, the show will be able to attain (or at least approach) thethe greatness of prior seasons under the reins of the new show runner. I may be a latecomer to “The Winchester family business,” but,believe me, I am now bookmarked.
Thanks Metamorphics, that was lovely. And so very, very true.
When life is at its bleakest, darkest nadir, the only thing that sustains us is the hope that the next day might be better (or at least no worse than today.)
And hope is what drives so many other good qualities and attributes. It’s a part of compassion, and redemption, and even courage. Because courage is about hoping your actions can make a positive difference.
I also think that in the Supernatural context, hope is sometimes synonymous with belief, or even faith. Just as you listed all the things the boys hoped for each season, you could also say they believed in those things, or at least had faith in the potential of those things. They believed in finding their dad, killing Yellow-Eyes, saving Dean, stopping the Apocalypse and saving the world.
Hope and belief are so related. Sometimes to have hope you also need to have faith in something. Sometimes it’s the belief in a higher power. Sometimes its just having faith in your brother’s strength to keep going and using that to keep you from giving up, and giving in.
I totally agree that friends and good relationships are vital to maintaining hope. In some ways, they are the well from which hope is drawn. When you really need it, you can sometimes feel the emotional support that other people are giving you.
My hope for Season 8 is that the Winchesters rediscover the incredible power of hoping, believing and having faith in themselves as individuals, and as brothers.
I’m going to believe that will happen!
Hbw, I too, would never give up on the show. And I’m liking what I’m hearing so far regarding Season 8.
Pragmatic Dreamer, what you said about hope being part of compassion, redemption and courage is so very true. You always express yourself so well; I have read all that you wrote on this site.
Thank you both for reading and for your comments.
Glad to meet someone who enjoyed Season 7. I did too, although there were some flaws. But then, like the author of this article, I was grateful that it was there!
Beautiful. Simply beautiful. After a season of ups and downs and “listening” to the complaints of the fandom but trying my best to ignore that too simply because it was messing things up for me, your hopeful article takes a soapy cloth to that whole messy season and cleans it up beautifully for me. If anything, maybe season 7 served a fantastic purpose by dashing OUR hopes a little too and bringing us to this really weird brink of skepticism that the show was taking a tragic turn it might not recover from – like your married couple, we and our beloved show were becoming ships in the night. But instead we may just end up with this hope-filled new season that gives us all a renewed appreciation for the show. Maybe, for some people anyway, one day we’ll look back at season 7 and simply say it was just one of those trials we survived and we’re glad it happened. Now I say that with the overall feeling I get from the fandom in my mind. Me personally? I wasn’t nearly as disappointed. Can’t wait for the DVDs so I can just sit and watch the entire thing at one time and THEN see how I feel about it in relation to the other seasons.
For now, though, you have just made me very happy and hopeful about the season to come because we can be sure that it will at least start out with the brothers really wanting something and I am excited to see that play out. I refuse to read the spoilers and am doing all I can to avoid anything giving me a clue about what’s coming (haven’t been able to avoid that whole Sam may get a girlfriend thing though). I am hoping that great S7 ending will be a story that takes a least a little time to play out and from there that missing hope will come back.
I loved this. Thanks so much for injecting a little positivity back into my Supernatural world. 🙂
Nita, yes, though Season 7 was not my favorite by any means, it was a continuation of the brothers’ story, so ultimately I was just glad to have it!
digyd, so glad you’re hopeful about Season 8. I won’t give away anything because you don’t want any spoilers, but what we’re hearing so far regarding an overall theme to the season seems to have quite a bit of potential, at least in my opinion.
Thanks so much to both of you for reading!