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Supernatural Season Nine: Do You Believe in Miracles?

Sabath68 has returned with another great guest analysis, this time on Supernatural’s season nine.  Enjoy this thought provoking analysis! ****************************** Greetings from Germany, as usual I prefer to analyze the over reaching main theme of a season instead of reviewing a single episode. In my opinion it is like to muse over a good book…

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Supernatural 9.01: Sam Winchester – A Beautiful Mind

I noticed, that quite a few viewers were astonished that Sam after all those years “suddenly” embraced Death. But as I will show, the screenwriters gave us viewers a beautiful clue or not who knows. Probably some of you devoted fans already solved the Sam “wanting to stay alive but than to chose death” contradiction….

Dean and Sam in Supernatural S8: The Ultimate Sacrifice

Dean and Sam in Supernatural S8: The Ultimate Sacrifice

(From Alice – I received this meta analysis form sabath68, which are her thoughts about Sam and Dean in season eight that vastly expanded from a comment reply.  I just had to share this.  The perspectives given in this analysis are so fascinating and offer so much to ponder about what transpired in the brotherly…