Supernatural Season Nine: Do You Believe in Miracles?
Sabath68 has returned with another great guest analysis, this time on Supernatural’s season nine. Enjoy this thought provoking analysis!
Greetings from Germany, as usual I prefer to analyze the over reaching main theme of a season instead of reviewing a single episode. In my opinion it is like to muse over a good book or film, surly one has to wait until the whole season is brought to a close, but then its worthwhile. This season was quite filled with imo the philosophical perspective of causes & consequences incoherence with power and manipulation in general. Naturally some will say nay I would put to much emphasis into the philosophical aspect, nevertheless I can assure that when you take a closer look in its entirety, some would agree with me that there is much more to the eye then normally is seen..
Remember the beginning of season 9?
“There ain’t no me, if there ain’t no you…” Simple words, a soft melody of familiarity echoing in the warm comforting chambers of death, welcomed by a sorrow heart, just to be deceived by an illusion of a trusting soul.
DEATH…a familiar and trustworthy character in Supernatural, every loyal viewer of Supernatural can count by heart the loveable personalities that have been brutally robbed of their lives due of consequences chosen by the ones that live on.
Season 9 opened with a warm comforting but in a peculiar harmonious death scene and ended in episode 23 in a cold, discomfort and bloody distressed death scenario.
The two scenes had one common core: death and deceit, shown in an absolute contrast in comparison to each other.
In the first episode “I Think I’m Gonna Like it Here” death appeared Sam as a welcomed guest, an entity of peace, all promises Sam requested could be fulfilled and his free will respected. Illustrated in a worm setting, the soothing sound of a big fireplace with comfy chairs in front exposed a gemütlichkeit in a vintage setting. A grandma house midst the woods far abroad, far from civilization, a sacred place which would bear under normal circumstances beautiful memories…but here it is death: infinite harmony and endless peace… but not for long, deception humanities worst enemy emerged as always in a familiar manner. A trusted image, Dean the elderly brother who controlled Sam by quilt a lifelong, begging to join him as an illusion, not to seek peace, just say yes, no time to hesitate…all would be good, we will fix it. Sam doesn’t have to know, he only has to believe the illusion.
In the end of season 9 “Do You Believe In Miracles” the Supernatural arc is being closed, now its Deans turn to play out the cards with death. His goal is to end and revenge the kills, to fix everything as promised,…seen as his personal duty.
He is not welcoming death as his little brother Sam did, he is the enforcer, judge, governor and executor in one. The verdict has been already decided and pronounced by Dean: death.
The Cassandra crossing chosen by his adversary the arrogant Metatron a wanna be God. A cellar in an abandon fabric hall, in midst of civilized left overs, the homeless, the pariah, a place for the forgotten. Harmony has been cast out, survival of the fittest is the name of the game. A well selected place, dark, sparsely lighten, were two egos can stage their championship.
Two go in, one comes out. Death the unannounced referee will not interfere, only in the end he will collect.
Nothing can draw off the attention, except the exaggerated ego itself. Dean a normal human blinded by the false security of total control, calculated the risks, feels the strength pumping through his veins, the power freely received and given by Cain the one and only horrendous entity that ever roamed upon earth. The trade between Dean and Cain arranged by the King of Hell, a sells man, a broker for information… was made in haste without contemplating the consequences “spare me the warning label”, the doomed price would be claimed at a future date. Sam doesn’t matter anymore, its the goal that will fix everything, the won trophy killing the wanna be God will calm down Sams anger toward Dean.
Everything is under control.
Young pride and elderly arrogance a duel that can only end in a deep fall…
Death made its choice and Faith wakens Sam precisely giving him the opportunity to bear testimony of young prides fall, his big brother the shaker and maker, the controller..lost all. Leaving his little brother completely deserted in pain and agony. Not Prides problem anymore his last words exhaled in the arms of his brother “I’m proud of us”.
But one has to ask… proud about what? Dean hasn’t achieved his ambitious goal, he lost all….truly were lies the satisfaction? Dean doesn’t have to bear the consequences, only his brother…
Both brothers witnessed as bystanders respectively the death of the other. With one difference Sam welcomed death by accepting the consequence and Dean didn’t expect death by ignoring the consequences.
Consequences, the conclusion reached by a line of reasoning…
Acceptance truly never was Deans fortitude, his strength was to be actively engaged, the process of thinking about something in a logical way in order to form a conclusion or judgment had no meaning for him.
Dean is a soldier and tactician, the option that felt accurate, was the one to chose, and the only consequence Dean ever feared was doubt in itself, then to hesitate could cause death. Experience taught him so, therefor why ponder. When Sam was dying there was no time to debate pro and cons, his little brothers life was in stake. This unknown entity gave him two options life or death. It was clear as bell, Deans ego is protecting and fighting for someone no matter what the cost and the situation is, if this entity can save his little brother, than so shall it be.
It never occurred to Dean that he could have crossed the bodily line by letting his little brother be possessed without consent, because…well he gave permission. Surely when Sam gained his health back, Dean from his point of view would have to explain himself, the possession and the total ignorance of Sams autonomy and free will but his little brother would understand that he kept his promise, to protect and save him.
A honorable man that keeps his word no matter what the consequences are.
At every opportunity Deans reason is the momentum when something happens. His field of view is constricted by action, his flaw is the blindness of overseeing the big picture. Hence to understand the complexity of the universe, when something rises it is forsaken to fall like Icarus grasping after the sun to fail at the greatest moment, is not Deans domain, never was and why should it be. He is a faithful and courageous soldier.
As a result to negate or even ignore the consequences that result out of action, can give relive for a moment and comfort the ego, but the law of momentum will always strike fiercely back. A natural law that won’t let itself be ignored.
Sam on the other hand, knows the blow back of consequence, his whole life was a result of consequences caused by the actions through loved ones, and truly by himself trying to live a normal life. He learned his lessen.
Who knows if Jessica would still live if he hadn’t ignored the fatal signs. Or his mother a person he never met, never there to comfort him, if she only hadn’t made the deal with the YED. The consequences at that time seemed so far away, why hesitate.
As once Lucifer said, Sams life was on a leash, controlled by Azazel’s gang, controlled by his father and last controlled by his overprotecting big brother.
No were to run, no were to hide except Death. The only entity that accepts Sams consent and free will to chose. “I was ready to die” the total acceptance and the only opportunity to break the chains, finally gain true freedom and hope that no other person would die because of the choices he or Dean made.
Sams love is about respecting someone and their decisions, even when death comes into picture. Due to the lack that he never was able to decide for himself, because his life was already proposed since he was the planned child of the Powers that Be. When Dean bluntly asked Sam if he would do the same by rescuing him by possession and without consent. The answer “under the same circumstances” could only be by reason, no.
Sams knowing is his strength and power.
Furthermore as a victim of absolute control he can sense the subtle nuances, the shades of gray that follow the path of eagerness and tries to compensate this stifling atmosphere with serenity and patience. An attitude that falsely can be seen as weakness or a waverer during action, and truly every one would easily judge a person as such…and that is the dilemma of not knowing, to judge in haste without knowledge.
A simple anonymous phrase out of the King James Bible that says it all and seems so familiar. Sam was deceived by infernal entity Ruby, she knew precisely how to manipulate him, which key words were to trigger and how to approach him. She tricked him by his love to humanity, not the lust for power or control. His intention was to save the possessed, the human trapped by evil forces. No wounder wasn’t he once possessed by a demon called Meg. A demon that abused his body to threaten and brutally kill. He knew what it felt like, to be trapped in your own body not able to take control. Just to be a puppet on a string being forced to observe the ferociousness done through your own hands. Therefor it was easy for Ruby to whisper tenderly the right words into his ears “you can save the victim”, turn evil into something good.
On the contrary the heavenly entities were also manipulating humanity and trying to enforce their interest. Dean their chosen one. By using his broken and tortured self-awareness, whispering how righteous he is, only he can save the world, only he can take control, he was chosen since time of humanity began. Ahh..beautiful words for a soldiers torn soul, the heavenly entities wouldn’t lie…yes he can take care as he always did. That is his job taking care, to watch over, to guard the weak. Use control for something good…
The brothers not knowing acted as planned, the right words spoken at the right time, not more was needed to fulfill the needs of the hidden powers.
Therefor not the brotherly love itself was their weak spot, their inner concealed deep in the dark kept desires were the key to govern their decisions to make the right move.
Bravely they gave their consent, each in the belief, but unknowingly assuming that they are doing the right work. It was for a greater cause, saving humanity against the aftermath of the apocalypse, which was already in plan since the dawn of time.
The first impression of an environment helps humans to create their opinion about someone or something. A survival kit inherit from are forefathers normally a useful tool, well at least when you live in the Amazons. But midst the farmland?
Dean incited by Crowley’s strangely new but old information that the First Blade could help eliminate Abaddon the Knight of Hell, can’t see the oddity of Cain. The Blade is the goal, no matter what. Focus, and if this calm grandpa Walton beekeeper is Cain… well what can truly go wrong. Everything is under control. Get the Blade, kill Abaddon, then Gadreel and last but not least Matatron, heaven is open, finally time for pie and Busty Asians. Just that simple.
Or not?
The deception was well put in scene, just simple words nothing more, telling what can not be seen. Smoke and mirrors.
In Deans self-pity Crowley appears and whispers the solution, an easy task, nothing Dean hadn’t done before.
Cain the old man, appears to be a honorable misunderstood loving brother a kindred spirit to whom Dean can relate. The trap well put, the flattering words well said “you are worthy”, “I felt connected to you” or “give me your promise”… such blarney words spoken softly in a house that kept the image of a once lost love. Who could resist?
The demon Cain wasn’t portrait as the fears demon…his words and image were well chosen “worthy” / “promise” no force was used, terms that would trigger a honorable person. Using emphasis instead of anger just only to gain consent and Dean in all his pity has chosen.
– Anthony de Mello
But was it Dean that had freely chosen or only his heavy blinded ego, darkened by the years over the swallowed guilt towards the beloved deceased, called forth in line of fire and his zealous obsession in saving his little brother by all means?
“…you’re problem is nobody hates you more than you do, believe me I tried.”
Crowley is an observer, a predator that lurks beneath the surface ready to strike when his prowl is off guard. His disguise is his opportunistic, cowardly behavior and his weapon of choice is the precise use of words. A master in keeping knowledge confidential, only when needed he would articulated his dark deeds accurately, to strike instantly when opportunity is given, why lie when silence can do the work.
“I never lied, Dean! That’s important! That’s fundamental!”
Hence a coward kills with words.
How could Dean perceive the danger he was facing, his heart and mind full of pity and guilt after witnessing the torture the reflection of his little brother, that wasn’t his brother not even a shadow of him.
“I’m poison” one of the last words Dean had spoken to his wounded companion and brother, leaving him in his bodily pain and fractured trust, guarded by a broken angel. Time to leave, no need for a worn out soldier, time to say goodby, time to cross the bridge and accept the consequences. Oddly Deans farewell took place at night on a wooden bridge, surrounded by deep dark water and gentle rain, a scenery as above so below reflected two battered souls.
The lost decision maker Dean, confused by melancholic emotions, once locked safely deep away now erupt to overtake control. Sadly to say Dean as a professional warrior, was trained in all combat and survival modes, but how to fight a shattered ego as we all know is not one of his specialization.
Unlike Sam, Dean is an outgoing character, when feeling frustrated or incapable of understanding, aggression is his mark. We have seen and some viewers appreciated his offensive behavior over the years, but excused and tolerated it due to the fact that without this physical storming attribute he couldn’t encounter the malevolence on earth.
Dean blinded by inner turmoil and guilt, the unspoken ignored reality of losing the last one loving family member, the little brother.
Hence forcing Sam to be what the little brother ever feared the most, to have no will of his own
… only to comfort his own fear of loss. Dean a highly intelligent individual, knows his weakness but can’t fight against his own needs, to loos everything on earth that defines him self, can’t be accepted no matter what the consequences are, even if the cost of controlled love comprises self hatred. When time comes we will fix it…
The transformation of the Mark, sealed Deans fate. His intentions were brave, a warrior choosing the ultimate weapon to end all.
But what if the Mark and Blade had deliberately chosen his new warrior? Cain recognized in Dean a killer and an utterly lover as he was. But Cain was under the spell of the Mark, him not using the power that once was given to him, is a waste of talent.
“The Blade wants to kill. The more the barrier kills, the better the barrier feels. The less the barrier kills, the less the barrier feels. The least best better…”
The Mark & Blade an entity of its own, can only exist when blood is sacrificed. A truly demonic device, then per definition blood is life, therefor its existing builds on the immolated, it takes life for its own continued existence. Without the sacrifices it falls into oblivion.
A non forgiving condition.
Dean the big brother should have known better, deals with demons are an one way street, paved with sweet temptations and easy solutions, only one simple premiss is asked for the acquaintance… death.
Didn’t he once years ago reprove Sam?
“Slippery slope, brother. Just wait and see. Because it’s gonna get darker and darker, and God knows where it ends.“
Now some could say Dean is a hypocrite by lessening Sam and now practicing the same. But…by pure speculation…what if Dean choose deliberately? We know that Dean was sorely disappointed that he failed the trials, to shut hells doors was meant for him to do. He said it over and over again. What if he saw the opportunity to start all over again? Instead of closing hells doors, why not open the heavenly gates? Take control of this spiritual disaster and repent. It wouldn’t be that hard to do… as said above, killing wanna be Gods is nothing new to Dean.
And his brotherly relationship with Sam seemed not to turn out as he always pictured it, to segregate hunting and family wasn’t Deans peace of cake. Saving people, hunting things, family business, that was once the Dean Winchester motto…well lets say a long time ago. The sound of this heroic motto has softly faded away, only the silently overtone of decay is left to hear…
Let not light see my black and deep desires.
In the end Crowley asks Dean again giving him the opportunity to refuse “you want to get rid of it?” meaning the Blade but Dean already the victim of his own obsession and power can only answer “I want to get rid of Metatron”…Alea iacta est, the die is cast, no point of return.
There is a motive, an opportunity and presumably by his perception nothing to loose but everything to gain.
For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap…cause and consequences…for death is not the end every evil thing or doing starts with a lie… and miracles come true.
“What you are feeling right now is not death, its life!
Cause & Consequences
I enjoyed this article very much. You captured the characters and their motivations very well. I enjoyed this season more than most so this was a fun read for me.
WOW! Thank you for such an amazing article.
Love that you broke down all characters.
Love Love the quotes that you use.
Your spacing is impeccable. Wish all would do the same.
Now I must read more of your articles.
Great job all around. 😮
I’m glad you enjoyed my thoughts, but I have to admit, the spacing was originally placed in that order, but aol squeezed everything together…. O_O
Therefor I have to thank Alice or Nightsky for putting every word back in its intended place. 🙂
Well… I have to thank you readers, nappi815, cheryl42, lalarks, NOLANOLA and Alice for appreciating my thoughts on Sam & Dean. 🙂
Thank you so much for such a thought provoking and insightful analysis. I appreciated the close examination of Sam and Dean’s motives for their actions and how that reflected their characters overall, even beyond this particular season. I felt your use of quotations from varied sources was appropriate and contributed to the thematic exploration of your article.