Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.11 “First Born”
I think we would all agree that Supernatural is best when Sam and Dean are hunting side by side. It just is. But episodes like this make me really appreciate just how awesome they each are on their own too. This episode was so much fun because it gave Sam and Dean room to shine on their own while also giving us plenty of Cass and Crowley time. That alone is a win in my book.
There were so many things to love about this episode. But my favorite part of all was probably the spin they put on the story of Cain and Abel. This show has always done such a great job of taking legends, historical moments and bible stories and turning them on their head. I mean, it’s pretty much the platform the entire show was built on. And nine seasons later they are still blowing my mind with it.
I don’t think I can say enough about Cain’s character. Everything about him intrigued me. Not only was the story itself great, but Timothy Omundson really delivered. He was the kind of villain that can’t be bothered to try and scare anyone, but you know what he’s capable of if you cross him. That is my favorite kind of villain; effortlessly scary.
And as it turns out, Cain and Dean have a fair bit in common. I knew there was going to be some kind of brother parallel from the moment Cain was introduced. But like Dean, I was confused because he saved Sam and Cain killed Abel, didn’t he? As it turns out, deals with devils aren’t just a Winchester thing. And Cain has suffered for it. In exchange for sending his brother’s soul to Heaven he was made rule the knights of Hell. And as it turns out, he’s responsible for their demise. And when he tried to get out, he lost the love of his life. Man, that sounds a lot like someone we know.
Because of all their similarities, Cain felt Dean was worthy of The Mark of Cain. First of all, how creepy is that? Even Crowley crossed himself at the sight of it. A mark given to Cain by Lucifer himself. Yikes. The mark along with the First Blade will give Dean the power to kill Abaddon. But what we still don’t know is what kind of burden will accompany the transfer of this mark. It probably would have been smart for Dean to get a little more info before making this deal. But that’s Dean, ready to sacrifice himself and his happiness to take out the bad guys. And at this point he really doesn’t care about himself, does he? You know it’s bad when the King of Hell points it out.
Crowley: “He was right, you know. You are worthy.
Dean: “Oh great, you gonna get all touchy-feely too?”
Crowley: Your problem, mate, is that nobody hates you more than you do. Believe me, I’ve tried.”
Ouch. That one hurt. But Dean has made the deal, and the mark has been transferred. What it will mean for him is unclear, but it’s not going to be good whatever it is. I only hope that there’s a way to come back from it when he comes back to his senses.
There is one theme that has come up a few times throughout the seasons that still puzzles me. And it came up again in “First Born”. There is this recurring idea that Dean is a killer at heart. I think we first heard this from Gordon Walker way back in season two. I’m just not seeing it. Is Dean capable of killing, yes and he’s very good at it as we saw in this episode. (Props to whoever choreographed that fight scene. So good!) But does he take sport in it? I don’t think so. He doesn’t live to kill the way I think is implied by calling someone a “killer”. I think he kills out of necessity and to save people. And sure, out of revenge sometimes but his victims are never innocent. Is there something I’m missing here? Please tell me if there is because this has been bothering me for years!
It’s not often we get to see Sam and Cass spend much quality time together. We all know Cass and Dean share a “special bond” so it was nice to see Sam and Cass interact without Dean there. As we all probably guessed Sam is carrying around the guilt of Kevin’s death. This only adds to his years of feeling inadequate. Sam has the notion that all he’s ever done is screw things up. It’s so sad to think about him carrying that burden all these years. Just when Sam was ready to throw it all away to do “one thing right” Cass is there to bring some perspective.
Cass: “Nothing is worth losing you…The only person that has screwed things up more consistently than you is me. And now I know what that guilt feels like. And I know what it means to feel sorry, Sam. “I am sorry.”
Sam: “I know.”
Cass: “You know, old me, I would have just kept on going. I would have shoved that needle in until you died because the ends always justify the means. But what I went through, that PB&J taught me that angels can change. So, who knows? Maybe Winchesters can too.”
Bless you, Cass. There was no better person to be there with Sam in that moment. Sure, Dean can understand guilt and he could tell Sam that there’s still a chance to change, but at the end of the day Sam knows that Dean would say anything to save him. And even if Dean really meant it, and I’m sure he would, it would fall on deaf ears at this point in their relationship. It had to be Cass. And even though extracting the grace was a bust, we still got some emotional healing and an epic man hug. “Now’s the part where you hug me back.”
So Sam and Dean insist on keeping their missions separate even though they both plan to go after Gadriel. Crowley said it best, “It’s always something with you boys, isn’t it?”. Even though they aren’t jumping at Cass and Crowley’s advice to stick together, it seems to be weighing heavily on both of them. Sam has newfound respect for his life thanks to Cass and I wonder if that might make him a little more sympathetic towards Dean’s past decisions? I’m not sure at this point what will be the thing that brings them back together. But I’m wondering if it might end up being Cass. He spent this entire episode with Sam but he’s not angry with Dean either. I can see him bouncing back and forth between the brothers slowly working to mend their relationship. What do you think? Could Cass be the one to bring Sam and Dean back together?
Man, I cannot get over this episode. I can honestly say I enjoyed every second of it. And I am so excited about all the potential storylines we have going for the second half of this season. I thought Gadriel and Metatron were it, and I was going to be okay with that. But then they throw in the Mark of Cain and I am downright giddy. What can I say? I love the drama.
So what did you all think about the episode? Were you as happy as I was? Any predictions about the Mark of Cain? I can’t even begin to guess what’s next in the Metatron/Gadriel storyline. So much to discuss!
I can’t leave without mentioning some of the great quotes and stray observations.
Crowley: “So, is that boudoir smile for me?”
Crowley: “That waitress is trouble with a capital V.D.”
Cass: “It tastes like molecules.”
Cass: “I miss you PB&J.”
Sam: “You’re a terrible liar.”
Cass: “That is not true. I once deceived and betrayed both you and your brother.”
Oh Cass, so literal.
Crowley: “I’ve been inside your brother. We’re practically family.”
John’s storage container = “Rustic obsessive” & “paranoid deco”.
Sam: “They didn’t have a guinea pig. We do.”
Cass: “You have a guinea pig? Where?”
I really liked Tara. I would have loved to see her again at some point. Too bad they killed her…
Crowley: “I’d never leave my domestic partner in crime.”
Even though we found out that Crowley was faking it I found the idea of him being terrified of Cain really funny.
Cain silences Crowley.
Dean: “Oh, you gotta teach me how to do that.”
Cass: “Sam, the trials. You chose not to go through with them for a reason, didn’t you? You chose to live rather than to sacrifice yourself. You and Dean, you chose each other.”
Sam: “Yeah, I did. We did. And then, Dean made a choice for me.
Crowley: “This is by far the dumbest idea you’ve ever had.”
Dean: “Yeah, well it’s early.”
Cass: “Why must the Winchesters run towards death? Sam, when I was human, I died and that showed me that life is precious and it must be protected at all costs. Even a life as pig-headed as a Winchesters.”
Sam: “My life’s not worth more than anyone else’s. Not yours, or Dean’s or Kevin’s. Please help me do one thing right.”
Crowley: “You’re good….but I’m Crowley.”
Cain: “Abel wasn’t talking to God. He was talking to Lucifer. Lucifer wanted to make him his pet and I couldn’t bear to watch my brother be corrupted so I offered a deal. Abel’s soul in Heaven for my soul in Hell. Lucifer accepted as long as I was the one who sent Abel to Heaven. So I killed him and became a soldier of Hell. A Knight.”
Cain: “When I call you, and I will call. You come find me and use the blade on me.”
I sti8ll dont get how pb&J is a metaphore for
Also….as fascinating as the whole mark of cain thing is…its been 9 seasons. Shouldn’t Dean display more commen sense then plunging into a deal with another deal. He saw exactly what happened to Castiel and Sam.
And shouldnt Dean be concerned that he might end up an unwilling assassin killing innocent people like Cain did?
IS there any possibility Sam might be the one who will have too face the kill or save decsion with Dean being the killee or savee?
If Dean becomes a demon via the mark of cain….could Sam cure Dean of his demonhood? Would that complete the Trials to close Hell?
Will the writers allow Sam to be the one to save Dean if Dean does go darkside?
Lots of interesting questions…..lots of intersting possibilities.
I sti8ll dont get how pb&J is a metaphore for
Also….as fascinating as the whole mark of cain thing is…its been 9 seasons. Shouldn’t Dean display more commen sense then plunging into a deal with another deal. He saw exactly what happened to Castiel and Sam.
And shouldnt Dean be concerned that he might end up an unwilling assassin killing innocent people like Cain did?
IS there any possibility Sam might be the one who will have too face the kill or save decsion with Dean being the killee or savee?
If Dean becomes a demon via the mark of cain….could Sam cure Dean of his demonhood? Would that complete the Trials to close Hell?
Will the writers allow Sam to be the one to save Dean if Dean does go darkside?
Lots of interesting questions…..lots of intersting possibilities.
“I think we would all agree that Supernatural is best when Sam and Dean are hunting side by side”
I don’t (respectfully). I like it when there is some variety and I think it gives J2 some freshness in their performances too. I liked the ep very much, loved the Sam and Cas scenes though I don’t think Misha and Jared have the red hot chemistry Misha and Jensen do. 🙂
My heart breaks for Sam with his guilt even though none of it was his fault. 🙁
I am so worried for Dean and what this means but at the same time I’m very excited to see where this will lead him. I loved Jensen playing opposite Mark and Tim Omundsen. Give the Js more variety, please!
“I think we would all agree that Supernatural is best when Sam and Dean are hunting side by side”
I don’t (respectfully). I like it when there is some variety and I think it gives J2 some freshness in their performances too. I liked the ep very much, loved the Sam and Cas scenes though I don’t think Misha and Jared have the red hot chemistry Misha and Jensen do. 🙂
My heart breaks for Sam with his guilt even though none of it was his fault. 🙁
I am so worried for Dean and what this means but at the same time I’m very excited to see where this will lead him. I loved Jensen playing opposite Mark and Tim Omundsen. Give the Js more variety, please!
Dean’s blood line goes back to Cain and yes references to Dean as a natural born killer abound in the history of Supernatural. But Dean has always had a line he did not cross which was to not kill innocents… whenever possible. He struggles that he tells himself that he does more good than harm but the self loathing oozes out of his being. He has often remarked that his family is cursed. Now he is a marked man with Cain’s mark. So the theme of destiny and free will jumps to the surface again. Yes, Dean accepts the mark without knowing its full consequences and even at this late stage of the character’s development, he remains true to a certain raw impulsivity that makes him Dean. Leave it to Supernatural to show the U.S. Civil War as demon related. The Cain story with the Knights of Hell is so clever and the Biblical re-write is so plausible that the viewer accepts it as part of the natural order of the universe. The Garden, Lucifer talking to Abel/ demon deal with Cain, family etc. No wonder the ratings are up again. And the writers waited for a reason to let Cas and Sam hug so it wasn’t forced. Nice recap of errors from the past brought to mind. Sam is fully human-no demon blood or angel essence- just Sam. Maybe it is time for Dean to be the “freak: and for Sam to save him or kill him.Thanks for the review.
Dean’s blood line goes back to Cain and yes references to Dean as a natural born killer abound in the history of Supernatural. But Dean has always had a line he did not cross which was to not kill innocents… whenever possible. He struggles that he tells himself that he does more good than harm but the self loathing oozes out of his being. He has often remarked that his family is cursed. Now he is a marked man with Cain’s mark. So the theme of destiny and free will jumps to the surface again. Yes, Dean accepts the mark without knowing its full consequences and even at this late stage of the character’s development, he remains true to a certain raw impulsivity that makes him Dean. Leave it to Supernatural to show the U.S. Civil War as demon related. The Cain story with the Knights of Hell is so clever and the Biblical re-write is so plausible that the viewer accepts it as part of the natural order of the universe. The Garden, Lucifer talking to Abel/ demon deal with Cain, family etc. No wonder the ratings are up again. And the writers waited for a reason to let Cas and Sam hug so it wasn’t forced. Nice recap of errors from the past brought to mind. Sam is fully human-no demon blood or angel essence- just Sam. Maybe it is time for Dean to be the “freak: and for Sam to save him or kill him.Thanks for the review.
kasey, I think I agree that Jensen and Misha have more chemistry, and I also think that Jared and Mark have the better chemistry. It’s still fun to mix up the pairings once in a while though.
kasey, I think I agree that Jensen and Misha have more chemistry, and I also think that Jared and Mark have the better chemistry. It’s still fun to mix up the pairings once in a while though.
To AMYH:I sti8ll dont get how pb&J is a metaphore for
Because when he is an angel, all he can taste is the molecules, he misses the taste. As an angel, he understands structure. As a human, he appreciates the whole thing. Having been human, the loss of the taste of PB&J reminds him that superpowers aren’t everything they’re cracked up to be.
To AMYH:I sti8ll dont get how pb&J is a metaphore for
Because when he is an angel, all he can taste is the molecules, he misses the taste. As an angel, he understands structure. As a human, he appreciates the whole thing. Having been human, the loss of the taste of PB&J reminds him that superpowers aren’t everything they’re cracked up to be.
(Edited by Alice) – Reedmac, I do believe I’ve had this issue with you once before. Biting negativity, character and actor attacks is not allowed. Here’s a link of our new resolution and our rules:
Below are the edited comments:
I agree Jared and Mark have way better chemistry than Mark and Jensen but Carver obviously disagrees since he chose not to expand on Sam and Crowley’s connection from the trials and decided that Crowley and Dean will work together more during the second half on the season.
Well at least Cas is honest that he and Sam (the rest is deleted – think happy place, happy place).
Last warning!
(Edited by Alice) – Reedmac, I do believe I’ve had this issue with you once before. Biting negativity, character and actor attacks is not allowed. Here’s a link of our new resolution and our rules:
Below are the edited comments:
I agree Jared and Mark have way better chemistry than Mark and Jensen but Carver obviously disagrees since he chose not to expand on Sam and Crowley’s connection from the trials and decided that Crowley and Dean will work together more during the second half on the season.
Well at least Cas is honest that he and Sam (the rest is deleted – think happy place, happy place).
Last warning!
[quote]Sam: “You’re a terrible liar.”
Cass: “That is not true. I once deceived and betrayed both you and your brother.”
Oh Cass, so literal.[/quote]
That was great, and so was “Where?,” but I liked “Sam, may I ask you a question?” “You just did.” “Can I ask you another question?” “Well technically, …yeah. Go ahead. What’s up?”
HAHAHA! I love how the writers are slowly raising Cas’s awkwardness to actual humor as opposed to us just laughing at his awkwardness. It’s like Abed on Community.
[quote]Sam: “You’re a terrible liar.”
Cass: “That is not true. I once deceived and betrayed both you and your brother.”
Oh Cass, so literal.[/quote]
That was great, and so was “Where?,” but I liked “Sam, may I ask you a question?” “You just did.” “Can I ask you another question?” “Well technically, …yeah. Go ahead. What’s up?”
HAHAHA! I love how the writers are slowly raising Cas’s awkwardness to actual humor as opposed to us just laughing at his awkwardness. It’s like Abed on Community.
I’m sorry, but this episode was very poorly written. I have been an avid supporter of this show since day one. However, the writing and gotten sloppy. It is full of plot holes and awkwardness. It seems like they are limping to the finish line. I will continue to watch the show until it ends. However, it is getting really hard for me to enjoy it. I really hate that. This used to be a structurally sound show that was creative and intuitive. It is still fun to watch, and I love the characters, but it is not the same.
I’m sorry, but this episode was very poorly written. I have been an avid supporter of this show since day one. However, the writing and gotten sloppy. It is full of plot holes and awkwardness. It seems like they are limping to the finish line. I will continue to watch the show until it ends. However, it is getting really hard for me to enjoy it. I really hate that. This used to be a structurally sound show that was creative and intuitive. It is still fun to watch, and I love the characters, but it is not the same.
For me this was one of the best of the season. They can use this “mark of Cain” through season 10! It has a lot of potential. Like you, I loved the story “twist” on Cain and Abel. It reminds me of the early seasons when they did that for monsters. Gre4at lines; lots of emotions; tons of action. OUTSTANDING!
For me this was one of the best of the season. They can use this “mark of Cain” through season 10! It has a lot of potential. Like you, I loved the story “twist” on Cain and Abel. It reminds me of the early seasons when they did that for monsters. Gre4at lines; lots of emotions; tons of action. OUTSTANDING!
Enormous kudos to JA and the fight choreographers. That was exciting and fun. I kept looking for the stunt man, but JA did it all himself. Awesome!!
Enormous kudos to JA and the fight choreographers. That was exciting and fun. I kept looking for the stunt man, but JA did it all himself. Awesome!!
[quote name=”Kasey”]”I think we would all agree that Supernatural is best when Sam and Dean are hunting side by side”
I don’t (respectfully). I like it when there is some variety and I think it gives J2 some freshness in their performances too. I liked the ep very much, loved the Sam and Cas scenes though I don’t think Misha and Jared have the red hot chemistry Misha and Jensen do. 🙂
My heart breaks for Sam with his guilt even though none of it was his fault. 🙁
I am so worried for Dean and what this means but at the same time I’m very excited to see where this will lead him. I loved Jensen playing opposite Mark and Tim Omundsen. Give the Js more variety, please![/quote]
I agree that it’s nice to see them apart sometimes …I wish it wasn’t always because they are mad at eachother but still. It’s good to see how they interact with others and sometimes gives them a new perspective, usually one that helps mend whatever they’re upset at eachother about. I also am worried about Dean … he was looking a bit haggard and the Mark of Cain thing is worrisome. Sam seems in a much better place, he’s totally healed and maybe some of the conversation with Cas seems to have him feeling a bit more peaceful about things.
No, Misha and Jared don’t have quite the same chemistry but it’s still good, just doesn’t jump off the screen as much as Jensen and Misha. Jensen and Mark was pretty good too! Although I’ve seen Mark Sheppard in so many other things and I think he could act opposite a broom and keep it entertaining!
[quote]”I think we would all agree that Supernatural is best when Sam and Dean are hunting side by side”
I don’t (respectfully). I like it when there is some variety and I think it gives J2 some freshness in their performances too. I liked the ep very much, loved the Sam and Cas scenes though I don’t think Misha and Jared have the red hot chemistry Misha and Jensen do. 🙂
My heart breaks for Sam with his guilt even though none of it was his fault. 🙁
I am so worried for Dean and what this means but at the same time I’m very excited to see where this will lead him. I loved Jensen playing opposite Mark and Tim Omundsen. Give the Js more variety, please![/quote]
I agree that it’s nice to see them apart sometimes …I wish it wasn’t always because they are mad at eachother but still. It’s good to see how they interact with others and sometimes gives them a new perspective, usually one that helps mend whatever they’re upset at eachother about. I also am worried about Dean … he was looking a bit haggard and the Mark of Cain thing is worrisome. Sam seems in a much better place, he’s totally healed and maybe some of the conversation with Cas seems to have him feeling a bit more peaceful about things.
No, Misha and Jared don’t have quite the same chemistry but it’s still good, just doesn’t jump off the screen as much as Jensen and Misha. Jensen and Mark was pretty good too! Although I’ve seen Mark Sheppard in so many other things and I think he could act opposite a broom and keep it entertaining!
[quote name=”Kasey”]”I think we would all agree that Supernatural is best when Sam and Dean are hunting side by side”
I don’t (respectfully). I like it when there is some variety and I think it gives J2 some freshness in their performances too. I liked the ep very much, loved the Sam and Cas scenes though I don’t think Misha and Jared have the red hot chemistry Misha and Jensen do. 🙂
My heart breaks for Sam with his guilt even though none of it was his fault. 🙁
I am so worried for Dean and what this means but at the same time I’m very excited to see where this will lead him. I loved Jensen playing opposite Mark and Tim Omundsen. Give the Js more variety, please![/quote]
I definitely agree that the variety is much needed! And I’d like to see episodes like these more often. I just don’t think that the show would be the same if they were hunting separately the majority of the time.
[quote]”I think we would all agree that Supernatural is best when Sam and Dean are hunting side by side”
I don’t (respectfully). I like it when there is some variety and I think it gives J2 some freshness in their performances too. I liked the ep very much, loved the Sam and Cas scenes though I don’t think Misha and Jared have the red hot chemistry Misha and Jensen do. 🙂
My heart breaks for Sam with his guilt even though none of it was his fault. 🙁
I am so worried for Dean and what this means but at the same time I’m very excited to see where this will lead him. I loved Jensen playing opposite Mark and Tim Omundsen. Give the Js more variety, please![/quote]
I definitely agree that the variety is much needed! And I’d like to see episodes like these more often. I just don’t think that the show would be the same if they were hunting separately the majority of the time.
Thanks Sophia. Great summary. It got me thinking about Cain’s version of the old bible story. Is it possible that Abel didn’t recognize Lucifer for what he was but Cain did? That would make Abel more gullible but not “bad.” Also, I’m not sure the Mark itself makes you evil. That could be what Cain decided to do with it. The power of it has the potential to corrupt you. Cain never said he had to lead/train the knights of hell as part of his deal with Lucifer. Cain’s immortality may be related to his association with the immortal knights not because of the Mark.
Last thought: I still think Dean will be placed in a position where it seems he MUST kill Sam to save him or maybe it will be reversed & Sam feels he MUST kill Dean. But, season 5 taught us that Team Free Will finds a way to beat destiny.
Thanks Sophia. Great summary. It got me thinking about Cain’s version of the old bible story. Is it possible that Abel didn’t recognize Lucifer for what he was but Cain did? That would make Abel more gullible but not “bad.” Also, I’m not sure the Mark itself makes you evil. That could be what Cain decided to do with it. The power of it has the potential to corrupt you. Cain never said he had to lead/train the knights of hell as part of his deal with Lucifer. Cain’s immortality may be related to his association with the immortal knights not because of the Mark.
Last thought: I still think Dean will be placed in a position where it seems he MUST kill Sam to save him or maybe it will be reversed & Sam feels he MUST kill Dean. But, season 5 taught us that Team Free Will finds a way to beat destiny.
Dean has a lot of reasons to feel guilty again. I don’t at all blame him for it. I feel guilty FOR him, watching this, because I would’ve given up ages ago. The only things keeping him together were Sammy and the job, and now it’s just the job. And with a job like that, who cares at that point what happens? There’s nothing else to live for…
Dean has a lot of reasons to feel guilty again. I don’t at all blame him for it. I feel guilty FOR him, watching this, because I would’ve given up ages ago. The only things keeping him together were Sammy and the job, and now it’s just the job. And with a job like that, who cares at that point what happens? There’s nothing else to live for…
(Sorry. I was having website issues, and it duplicated part of it…)
I frankly loved this episode, and I wasn’t surprised by either of the decisions by the Winchester boys. Let’s face it: they’ve both been suicidal forever. The sheer fact that Sam decided to live instead of close Hell seems like such a miraculous thing, it should have been considered a miracle. But of course, he blames Dean for it. Why not? Easier than blaming himself for wanting to live when he has no other value.
Dean+Mark of Cain: no surprise. When Crowley says no one hates Dean more than Dean, we all cringe at the truth in there… but it is true. The fact is Dean can’t handle all the guilt, the shame, or the sheer pressure that’s constantly on him, and then Sam undercut his main reason for living by telling him he’s not responsible for him any more. For Dean, it’s an impossibility, so I can see why he would just accept the Mark without knowing all the Terms and Conditions. It doesn’t matter now. Sam doesn’t want/love him (to his mind), Kevin is dead after he promised to protect him, and he threw Cass out because he listened to a lying sack of celestial intent who used Sam to hide his position.
Dean has a lot of reasons to feel guilty again. I don’t at all blame him for it. I feel guilty FOR him, watching this, because I would’ve given up ages ago. The only things keeping him together were Sammy and the job, and now it’s just the job. And with a job like that, who cares at that point what happens? There’s nothing else to live for…
(Sorry. I was having website issues, and it duplicated part of it…)
I frankly loved this episode, and I wasn’t surprised by either of the decisions by the Winchester boys. Let’s face it: they’ve both been suicidal forever. The sheer fact that Sam decided to live instead of close Hell seems like such a miraculous thing, it should have been considered a miracle. But of course, he blames Dean for it. Why not? Easier than blaming himself for wanting to live when he has no other value.
Dean+Mark of Cain: no surprise. When Crowley says no one hates Dean more than Dean, we all cringe at the truth in there… but it is true. The fact is Dean can’t handle all the guilt, the shame, or the sheer pressure that’s constantly on him, and then Sam undercut his main reason for living by telling him he’s not responsible for him any more. For Dean, it’s an impossibility, so I can see why he would just accept the Mark without knowing all the Terms and Conditions. It doesn’t matter now. Sam doesn’t want/love him (to his mind), Kevin is dead after he promised to protect him, and he threw Cass out because he listened to a lying sack of celestial intent who used Sam to hide his position.
Dean has a lot of reasons to feel guilty again. I don’t at all blame him for it. I feel guilty FOR him, watching this, because I would’ve given up ages ago. The only things keeping him together were Sammy and the job, and now it’s just the job. And with a job like that, who cares at that point what happens? There’s nothing else to live for…