Why I’m Still In Love With Supernatural
Okay, so season six and seven of Supernatural have been unpopular in many ways with the fandom. And understandably so: there were changes to the atmosphere of the show, characters were altered in confusing and non-sensical ways, plots have been dropped at random and character development has been questionable at time. So, with all that can be said to be wrong with this once great and beloved show one has to wonder: why do we stay?
For me the answer is simple – I just can’t help but continue to love Supernatural. This piece isn’t about inciting diatribes about what is wrong with the show, or critiquing the people who have complaints about it, legitimate or otherwise. Rather, it’s about examining what keeps me coming back week after week, year after year, even during the tough times.
Every television show of decent age goes through rough patches (because let’s face it, if they go these patches early on they likely won’t survive into old age). My childhood idol and all-time favourite television show was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I doubt this is a secret, as I quote the show many times in reviews and other pieces. I simply loved that Buffy wasn’t perfect, that she kicked ass and had a pretty solid group around her without whom she wouldn’t have been successful. And then they introduced a new character in the fifth season that I absolutely hated and for me, the show took a turn.
BTVS has been off the air for many years now, and despite the rough times when it was on the air and in its last couple years, I still consider it one of the best shows ever. The characters, the themes, the writing and the overall concepts embodied in the show resonate and stay with me even after all these years. Over time, the bad parts have faded away and what stick out boldly are the many, many great things.
Supernatural is much the same way. Yes, it is still on the air and therefore a work in progress, but I return every week because of the fondness I have for these characters and the fact that the good far outweighs any negative points that may be present now. I imagine many of you return for much the same reasons.
I won’t say too much about season six, because in all honestly, it’s kind of a hazy memory. There are key parts that stand out such as Dean with a sniper rifle, “The French Mistake,” Sam’s confrontations with himself inside his head, Castiel’s episode, the unsunk Titanic timeline, and of course the season finale which left a major cliff hanger. It wasn’t great, but definitely had its moments.
Season seven, though we are only 12 episodes in, is actually becoming a favourite season of mine. Is it near the caliber of season four (my all time favourite season)? Not in my opinion. Nor does it have the dynamic new excitement and air of discovery that came with season one. Or the conclusive notes of finality and satisfying payoffs of season five. But somehow, I can’t help but have affection for this season.
To start with, I really like the Leviathan. Many viewers, as I understand would disagree with me on this point, but nevertheless I like their approach, their intelligence and that Sam and Dean aren’t their focus, merely an irritating side pain. Are Sam and Dean the heroes? Absolutely. But, unlike previous seasons, the entire endgame as seen by the villains doesn’t hinge on the Winchester brothers. It’s kind of refreshing to me.
The other thing that works for me is the back to the back to the roots feeling of the season. Granted, this hasn’t always been done well but for the most part I’m satisfied. Do I miss Castiel? Of course. I had a love affair with that character and was devastated by his loss and paltry send off. But I appreciate that the boys needed to go back to themselves and their beginning as just the two this time around.
This brings me to the next point. Now I’m sure I will get a lot of flak for what I’m about to say, but please hear me out. I’m kind of okay with Bobby’s death. (Ducks flying foodstuffs). Why? Bobby was an integral piece of the SPN family and an incredible character. I truly loved him, really I did. But in a way his death kind of makes sense, for the aforementioned return to grass roots way. This season has been all about stripping the boys of everything they’ve known and relied on for the past few years: Cas, the Impala, their fake ideas, their hunting/motel routines – everything. And this couldn’t have been complete with Bobby being taken out the picture. Do I wish he’d ended up in a coma and not dead? Well, yes. That would have been a better way to go, but I have to work with what the show has given me.
Furthermore, Bobby’s death has become quite motivational for these boys, particularly Dean, who had that dead-inside feel about him more and more leading up to Bobby’s demise. Again, it could have been a major injury that motivated him, rather than an out and out killing but hey, I’m not writing this thing. Finally, the send off was beautiful. If you’re going to say goodbye to an adored character this is how you do it: with respect, fondness and appreciation.
Okay, so maybe the fact that I don’t believe Bobby is really dead also helps. We totally haven’t seen the last of him – no way, no how.
The final thing that strikes me about season seven is its lighter atmosphere overall. Forgive me for bringing Buffy back in again, but the analogy is important. In season six, Buffy went to an incredibly dark place. It’d always had a darker air about it as is the nature of the genre, but season six had some incredibly black themes and in many cases they were thrown right in your face (such as an almost-rape scene that I find very hard to watch) – there was hardly time to catch your breath before something more dark and angst ridden was happening. When season seven came back, I remember the show runners promising to pull it back from the darkness and inject some of the lightness that was present in earlier seasons. This is what has happened on Supernatural, season seven, in my opinion.
Season six felt very gloomy and heavy, despite what I think was an attempt to shake it up and breathe life. Season seven, on the other hand, feels somehow brighter. The show seems to be taken itself less seriously. That’s bizarre to say about a show that has always made fun of itself, but it’s the case nonetheless. Are there still dark themes? Without a doubt. But they are dealt with in a less heady, heavy handed approach (for the most part). I can’t help it; there is a refreshing lightness about season seven that has drawn me back in. This is probably what season six should have been, coming off a five-year intense plot run. But I digress.
At the seven season point in this show, much like I did toward the end of the BTVS run (which went on to season seven, after the introduction of the much hated and poorly constructed character in season five) I remember what it once was and I smile because I enjoy the good parts that we’re still seeing and try my best to overlook the frustrating bits. I’ve tried not to read so much into things. For example in “Time for a Wedding,” many people likened this to sexual assault or something else of very sinister nature. My mind simply never went there, largely because I don’t believe that could ever be the intention of the writers on this show. My life has been topsy turvey the last year or so, full of much reality based drama and I’ve tried to adopt a go-with-the-flow attitude, which I’ve tried to bring to my Supernatural viewings as well. It doesn’t mean I don’t see the bad spots. Just simply that focus is on the good spots.
In short, why do I still love Supernatural? The same reasons I fell in love with it all those years ago: it has some fantastic humour, clever writing, stunning cinematography and great lead characters.
What keeps you coming back, despite the kinks?
I guess what brings me back to the show is the relationships. The brothers with each other, their legacy, small circle of support system such as Bobby and Castiel and the people who they are trying to save. I’m still invested in what is happening to them and tune in to find out. The show may not be what it was but it still is one of the best if not the best on the air right now for me. I miss Misha and Jim but understand that for the brothers and the show to evolve those characters had to be taken away from the Winchesters. As much as I love Bobby, the impact wouldn’t be the same if he was just temporarily out of commission. As for the brothers going back to the way they were in the past, I don’t think that is possible with what they’ve gone through. It would somehow diminish some very important character growth from the last few seasons. They can recover their close relationship and purpose for why they continue to be hunters but they really can’t return to the more innocent and even sometimes carefree mindset of S1 or S2. I’m sticking with the show because in many ways there have been ups and downs but the show really hasn’t let me down as a fan and viewer.
Hi sylvia91,
Thanks for your views. I agree with your assessment of SPN as one of the best shows out there. And I think you sum it up best by saying the show hasn’t let you down – it hasn’t let me down either.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for writing this Elle. I LOVE this show, and I am thoroughly sick to the back teeth of the carping and negativity that, IMO, has more to do with the inevitably disappointed unrealistic expectations of many fans (eg for SPN to become the Dean and Cas show, or the Dean show or the Sam show, or only MOTW, or all about the angels etc etc etc) than any fall in the quality of the show.
You ask ‘what keeps you coming back despite the kinks’? Well for one thing I don’t see many kinks. I see decisions made by the show runners over the whole run of the show that I have liked and disliked to varying extents. For example (sorry to disagree with you) I loathed s4 with a passion. I watched it on DVD. If I had had to watch it live as aired I am pretty sure I would have given up on it at that point. I hated soulless Sam and the time jump too. But I try very hard not to confuse ‘not what I wanted to happen’ with ‘poor quality’. Just because I didn’t like the betrayal of the boys relationship in s4 doesn’t mean I think it was poor quality.
Another reason why I am still as big a fan as ever is that I am totally indifferent to Cas so his absence makes no difference to my love of the show. I liked him fine when he was in the show, but I don’t miss him at all.
I do miss Bobby – but I agree he isn’t really dead, or will be resurrected. I miss the Impala, but I can see where they are going with the ‘losing everything’ plot line. I also like the Leviathan’s.
Overall I am enjoying s7 immensely. I like it better than s4 by miles. Better than s6 (although I loved the 2nd half of s6) and better than s1. It is on a par with s3, just behind my faves s2 and 5.
My only criticism of s7 is that they are writing the boys separate too much of the time, and there has not been enough brotherly relationship / bonding stuff for my liking. It feels like the writers are teasing us sometimes – giving us 2 or 3 great brotherly moments per season when there used to be 2 or 3 per episode.
I’m glad to hear you describe your love for the show, Geordiegirl1967. And I like your idea of not confusing what you wanted to happen with poor quality of show – it’s a good point to make.
Thanks for sharing and happy season 7 viewing!
Sam and Dean are what keep me coming back. I’ve invested too much into these characters and their journey and will continue to watch regardless. I’ve found something in each and every season that I enjoy. I loved the LIsa storyline in S6 and hated that it had to end the way it did…even though I know it was necessary. I agree with you that S7 seems lighter and there is a closeness between the boys that has not been there for a long time. Even when they arent’ together in scenes they’re thinking of each other and keeping in touch. I love that they’re back to only each other to rely on. I was skeptical about the Leviathan’s at first..but they are a very worth adversary and I’m enjoying the challenge they’re giving the boys. I too was okay with Bobby’s death, the writers handled it well. I didn’t believe it was going to happen…right up until the moment it did. I can’t help but feel though that the show is gearing up for a farewell and that this may be the last season. I hope that I’m wrong…but either way, its been a heck of a ride and I’m glad to have tagged along.
It has been quite a ride, hasn’t it. The characters keep me coming back too – couldn’t just abandon these boys without seeing where they end up.
I really agree with your article (except for the levis). I find them sort of boring and redundant.
I have to agree with the comment that season 7 is in line with the quality of season 3. However, that season happened during the writer’s strike.
I miss Castiel and Bobby, and I still disagree with the way Castiel’s character was handled, but I have learned to accept his death. Bobby got a wonderful send off and was given the respect that he deserved. However, I have to admit that one of the things that keeps me watching is the hope that they will return.
I think that all of season seven’s episodes have some good spots in them. Basically, they’re not as horrible as some are claiming. While this season is no match for the first 5, it is far better then season six. That in itself is reason for hope.
I think that the main thing that keeps me watching is knowing that it will get better. I have faith that the writers and producers will pull it off in the end.
I have to agree with the comment that season 7 is in line with the quality of season 3. However, that season happened during the writer’s strike.[/quote]
For me, comparing s7 to s3 is a compliment. I know s3 was affected by the writers strike but I loved it. It had Sam taking care of Dean which I enjoyed, and contained some of my favourite ever eps; Mystery Spot, AVSC, NRFTW. Putting s7 on a par with that is high praise from me.
Hi Katherine!
Thanks for reading and replying. I admit part of what keeps me invested is hope for character revivals and, like you said, faith that the end product will amount to something great.
What keeps me coming back? The boys. I fell in love with the show because of Sam and Dean. I loved their relationship from day 1. They are the very first reason why this is my all time favorite show (probably because they remind me so much of me and my younger brother). My brother has said that he can’t watch it anymore; that he hated S6 and now S7. Truthfully, I love them. But it all comes down to Dean and Sam. I fell in love with them in the pilot and have taken their road with them, because we as viewers don’t just watch the show, we follow the characters on their journey. I’ve (we’ve) developed a relationship with the characters because of this and to stop now just isn’t going to happen. I want to know what’s going to happen to them, where they are headed. So, I keep coming back to continue on this journey with Dean and Sam all the way to the end.
They have a good story…plus they aren’t too shabby to look at, eh? Who doesn’t love those Winchester boys?
There used to be three reasons why I kept coming back to SN. Now that Bobby’s gone, there are only two: Sam and Dean. If it weren’t for the brothers, I’d never waste my time on this show.
[quote]If it weren’t for the brothers, I’d never waste my time on this show.[/quote]
That is like saying ‘if TVD wasn’t about vampires I wouldn’t watch’ or ‘if it wasn’t for the singing and dancing I’d never watch Glee’ 😉
SPN [b]is[/b] the story of Sam and Dean.
Actually, since S4, the series has been a lot less about Sam and Dean than it’s been about angels, demons, and monsters.
But I’ll rephrase my comment. If it weren’t for the performances of Jared and Jensen, I’d never waste my time on SN. As for the Winchesters, the writers keep churning out so many different versions of Sam and Dean, the characters seem to be suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. That’s what happens when series scripting becomes a free-for-all, with nobody running the show.
The witty writing, the emotional story lines, the first class acting….. these are the things that keep me watching. IMO this has been and still is one of the best shows EVER (By the way Elle, BTVS makes my “best shows ever” list too 🙂 ).
I think the enjoyment that the cast and crew have in making this show come to life every week shows in the finished product. If anything, I think that the biggest flaw of S6 was that everyone seemed to have a bit of show fatigue and that bled through. Kripke’s vision was originally for the five season arc and I think in everyone’s mind they were hoping for five seasons to see the vision through to the end. But, when it was picked up for a sixth season it was like….. where do we go from here. Of course all this is speculation on my part but they do make several references to this in “The French Mistake.” In any event, it seems as S6 went on and now in S7 that the enjoyment of the work is translating onto the screen again. I find it enjoyable to watch the show each week because I can see the fun these guys are having and the respect everyone has for each other and the work. THAT is what comes across louder than anything for me.
I am fully invested in the story and characters and will watch until the final end credits roll (which hopefully won’t be for some time yet).
“Show Fatigue” is a great way of putting it buffsgirl. I think they were struggling to find footing again after season five ended and the major plot was concluded. You see this in Lost, the early seasons, before they had an endgame in mind – the attempts aren’t bad, just kind of fumbling in certain areas.
PS- if they want to know “where do we go from here” I reckon they should sing about it…. 😉
Hey Elle…. how are you reading my mind? Come on, come clean…how are you doing it? Because you pretty much just mind-melded with me and wrote it down. Yay!
I love the show…the good greatly outweighs the bad and like you, I prefer to look for the good – that’s actually pretty much how I live my life!
Thanks for this…I loved it…and now, quite possible, you! 😆
Lol! Glad I’m not the only one with these crazy thoughts. Admittedly I expected a somewhat more negative response, but I’ve been presently surprised.
Looking at the good and seeing beyond the bad is a good approach to TV and life, in my opinion.
Thanks for the great comments, sweetondean!
I don’t think you’ll be getting too many negative responses. Your point came across with poise and grace, I think it reflects what alot of the fandom thinks. Most of us stick with this show for the brotherly bond and the (mostly) great writing…I’m looking at you Mr. Thompson!
My mom and I are watching the series together (first time for both of us). Tonight we did a season 3 marathon. Among the highlights were a song being played that we had been talking about a few days ago, my mom crying during “A Very Supernatural Christmas”, mom asking if Jensen is a gearhead in real life (I didn’t know the answer, if you could share I would appreciate it), and my mom finally admitting that she loves the show. That’s why I love the show.
Actually, Jared is the gearhead! Jensen really doesn’t know that much about classic cars or cars in general. One of Jared’s prized possessions is a classic corvette (a 69 I think, but I’m going off memory).
For the record, season three is my personal favorite season. It was the season when I first discovered Supernatural. I started blogging about Supernatural during the writer’s strike. I have a huge soft spot for it.
At this point I have seen all of seasons 1, 2, and 5, most of 3 (penultimate and final episode tomorrow) and 6, and a few of 4 and 7. I will wait a bit before making a final statement, but I think its a tie between 3 and 5 for me. The end was so bittersweet, but it was amazingly written and fantastically played.
I’ll let mom know that Jared is the gearhead.
Ooh, you haven’t seen a lot season four? A good majority of fans (including myself) will tell you that’s the best. For me, I still crumple over it’s awesomeness.
Season three is a personal favorite (sentimental reasons), but there’s no doubt in my mind four is the best.
[quote]Ooh, you haven’t seen a lot season four? A good majority of fans (including myself) will tell you that’s the best. For me, I still crumple over it’s awesomeness. [/quote]
Hmm. I don’t agree with Alice that the ‘majority’ would say s4 was the best. IMO s2 would win any ‘best season’ poll. S4 is a polarising season. Few are indifferent to it. It marks a shift in the show which not everyone liked. Personally I hated it. I recently introduced my sister and her family to the show (they watched from the Pilot to 7.11 in just a few weeks). Without me saying a word to influence them either way, they didn’t like s4 either.
I’m not trying to influence you. You may well love it. Many do. But you may not because it is a controversial season.
SpoilerTV has conducted a couple of polls over the past year on favorite season and the results were season 4, 5, 2, 3, 1, 6, and season 4, 5, 2, 1, 3, 6 – in those orders. One had 700+ votes total and the other 900+ votes, so there was a good-size response.
This is very true! We’ve run “what’s the best season” polls on this site before too (I usually don’t keep the archives, but I could try and pull them up). Season 4 has always come up on top. Ditto for other sites like Winchester Bros. Creation at their cons sometimes run polls that you can text message and they share the tally on their board. In the question of what season is best, season four came out on top again. Most critics also mark season four as the best critically.
Geordiegirl1967 made a comment somewhere here about the online fandom not being representative of the real fans. While that is definitely a true statement, I find that polls are the best way to get the “silent” majority to speak out. If you read the polls here recently, most aren’t as unhappy with S7 as the comments here reflect. I tend to trust reaction from polls far more than comments.
I’m with you about season 4, with season 5 running a close second. But I didn’t know I was in the minority until I read it here. There’s not much that could compel me to go back and watch season 4 again. Once was painful enough.
That’s interesting because I really didn’t like S2 until “All Hell Breaks Loose”. Watching them all in a row Dean’s self loathing came across as far to heavy handed and written in a manner that can only be described as anvilicious. The plotting seemed a little less zippy in S2 as well. While there were undeniable high points (The highest for me being “What is and What should Never Be” which from an emotional stand point just wasn’t fair, but was brilliantly done) there were far more times that I found myself going “uhhuh….and why do I care” than in either season1 or 3.
It’s interesting to me that one of the things people seem to hate about 4 is the deterioration of the brothers’ relationship, because that deterioration starts in season 3.
Season 4, 5, and 6 are on the UPS truck and should be in my hands before the day is out. I happened to get into the series because I saw “It’s a Terrible Life” while I was on vacation and getting ready to go to Sea World. I ended up leaving my hotel two hours late because I literally couldn’t move until I knew what happened (“The Monster at the End of this Book” was the second episode that day).
Season 4 was one of my favourite too. You’ll judge for yourself, but it has some really great episodes. “It’s a Terrible Life” being just one of them. Wait till you see “Monster Movie”. I’m sure you will fall head over heels for that one.
That’s a great story, ErinS. It is so wonderful to share the show with others who love it as much as we do. I’m trying to drag my mom into the Supernatural fanclub too.
Wonderful article, Elle, thank you! I have kept coming back because I have never lost the love. I rarely venture to online blogs anymore because the haters have taken over so much of the time. I don’t feel anything has to be “fixed”. Good shows grow and evolve and change. I would be bored if it hadn’t. Have I loved every episode the same? No. But even a mediocre Supernatural is as good or superior to anything else out there.
[quote]Wonderful article, Elle, thank you! I have kept coming back because I have never lost the love. I rarely venture to online blogs anymore because the haters have taken over so much of the time. I don’t feel anything has to be “fixed”. Good shows grow and evolve and change. I would be bored if it hadn’t. Have I loved every episode the same? No. But even a mediocre Supernatural is as good or superior to anything else out there.[/quote]
I agree Coug80. I believe that there many satisfied customers out there that, like you, have given up the online fandom because of the unremitting negativity. Sadly what that means is that the remaining, and usually very strident / vocal, negative voices now hold sway over many blogs, message boards and fansites. This gives the (IMO) totally wrong impression that the show has gone downhill, is terrible, s6 and 7 stink etc. I [u][i][b]firmly [/b] [/i] [/u] believe that the negative voices are not representative and that the silent majority is still broadly happy with the show.
The online fandom is in no way representative of the whole SPN audience yet the views expressed are the only ones people hear. It becomes poisonous and can affect your enjoyment of the show.
I am addicted to spoilers and discussing the show now, so I couldn’t give it up, but I think I got more pleasure out of the show when I was just watching it on DVD before I ever met or spoke to another SPN fan.
Negative and vocal fans have been a mainstay in the Supernatural fandom ever since I came into it in Season three! They have never been considered the majority, but oh yes, they do make the most noise.
I started this site to be a safe haven for those that wanted to speak their true opinions and not get shouted down for it. We’re allowed to criticize, but we do it constructively and respectfully. I don’t think we represent the majority either. Our polls prove that. The content or complacent fans tend to not join in the discussions much.
One thing we’ve always done on this site is allow constructive criticism. I think we do that well here. If you are mistaking “constructive criticism” as “biting negativity” here I can’t help you. That’s the nature of discussions, and always has been. I still think our discussions are far more civilized than other fan sites. But yeah, we aren’t exactly kool-aid drinkers either.
I’ll admit, when this site started 3 years ago, we were happier fans. There was a lot of gushing. There still is at times, but there hasn’t been a lot of reason in the last two seasons to gush. The French Mistake comes to mind, Frontierland, and the first two episodes of S7. We’re still fans though. But once you’ve had all that goodness in the prior seasons, a trail of mediocre filler episodes tends to leave the true fan underwhelmed.
A lot of fans are happy because the show is still on and the brothers are there. I am one of those fans. But the show really isn’t what it was. A lot of the fans I’ve gotten to know through the years are pleased the show is still on, but they aren’t enjoying it as much. It doesn’t excite them much anymore, nor are they making it a “must” to watch it live. That doesn’t mean they aren’t watching. They just aren’t on the boards anymore gushing about how great things are.
Just look how many writers and commenters have changed in the last year and a half alone on this site. Many have left, new ones are coming in. I think the same can be said about Supernatural’s viewers in general.
Alice, I take your point that there are always those who have criticisms, whatever the season, and that this is a safe place to voice them.
But I do find that when you say definitively that a “true fan” has to be underwhelmed with season 6 and 7 and that the show really isn’t what it was, it doesn’t feel like a safe place for someone like me to say how much I like the show.
It is part of the internet life that people come and go on message boards and fan interest waxes and wanes. If Supernatural is still making new fans who love the show, it’s still delivering the goods. I know I still love it and so do the people I talk about the show with.
I’m sorry Gerry if my comment gave a wrong impression. I know several true fans that are underwhelmed, but of course I don’t speak for them or any fan. I’m just sharing what people have told me. Everyone has a different POV, and all are welcome here. Even the happy ones! I do believe that’s the intent of Elle’s article and why I’m very proud to post it here.
I suppose that it has been very very tough for me to verbalize my mixed emotions about Supernatural these days. I know there are those out there that agree, and those that don’t. I’ll have to make constant points from now on that my opinion is just my own. I’ll never speak for the fandom. If my opinion is unpopular so be it. That’s why there are other writers here. We have always balanced each other out!
No problem Alice, and I have great sympathy for having mixed emotions about a show you love–I’ve been there with another show. This is a great site for featuring lots of different viewpoints on Spn.
You’re very welcome! I’ve had this brewing in my mind for a while so it was great to get it out there.
I agree 100% – a mediocre Supernatural episode still gets top billing over most other stuff out there!
Thanks so much for this, Elle. I was just thinking of writing my thoughts on season seven and in some form probably still will, but it’s great to read your take.
For me, I’m really enjoying this season and don’t find any more kinks to it than to any of the seasons. I don’t think any season has been perfect, but the standard of quality is excellent. My loyalty has not been tested.
I’ve just been marathoning through all the seasons, and I’ve enjoyed them all and that includes season six. That season had some issues, but viewing it all back to back, there was really good exploration of both boys’ biggest fears–for Dean, that he would bring harm to Lisa and Ben and for Sam that he’s not fully human.
It makes sense to me that Sam finding out his soul is what defines him rather than his demon blood is liberating, because he was so afraid of what the demon blood meant. It also makes sense to me Dean has had to struggle through despair because he did indeed bring harm to his family and had to give them up to protect them. So I’m on board with where season seven has gone so far.
For me, this show has always been about Sam and Dean’s journey, which sometimes involves angels and heaven and hell, rather than the story of the battle of heaven and hell with the Winchesters as agents. I don’t mourn the end of the heaven and hell story line I’m sure there are lots of issues going on in heaven, but the Winchesters have played their crucial role and are no longer directly involved. They are now trying to figure out what they are, given what they’ve been through. And chasing Leviathans back to purgatory.
I’m still fascinated by them and tune in every week hoping they will find some hope for themselves.
Hi Gerry,
You should definately share your thoughts on this in a piece – I’d be interested to read that article.
It’s interesting to look at it about Sam and Dean’s journey and that the rest of the characters are just people and influences along the way to the end. Certainly makes the unpopular characters more palatable. I can’t wait to see where they end up.
Great Article! I’m with you about Buffy, BTW. Season 6 and after were not my favorite either (for Buffy).
I think it’s a testimony to the two J’s and the writers and showrunners that we keep coming back. I loved the first three seasons and can’t even think about seasons’ 4 and 5 without wanting to throw something, and yet I’m still here.
How could you watch these two guys and their journey and not be compelled to see it to the end?
Wow,Sylvia, except for the antipathy for seasons 4/5, you hit it on the head for me, “How could you watch these two guys and their journey and not be compelled to see it to the end?” After some of the not-so-stellar shows that pretty much what I’ve told my husband.
Hi sylvia37,
I love Buffy – but after that whiny key Dawn was introduced the quality went down just a smidge. Sigh. Still love it though!
The whole creative team has done a great job, overall, with this show. It’s had more forethought and careful planning than a great many shows out there seem to.
And yes, I’ve invested too much in the show not to see where were end up.
Hi Elle,
Yeah, Dawn was really annoying and the whole dark trend of the show after Buffy was pulled out of heaven was a little too much for me, but I still watched too.
Elle – fellow huge BtVS fan here. I never thought I could love another show as much until SPN came along.
I am curious- which character did you hate that came in in s5? I can’t think of who that could be. I know many didn’t like Kennedy, but she came later. Spike (who I adored!!!!!) came initially in s2, then from s4 as a regular, so not him. I’m stumped.
OT for a SPN board I know, but just wondering.
I absolutely loathe Dawn. She was whiny, always getting herself into trouble and totally ungrateful for everything her sister sacrificed for her – when she throws Buffy out in season 7 saying “it’s my house too” I could just murder her- she didn’t slave at the Double Meat Palace and quit school to keep the house!!! Grrr. She totally should have fallen into the portal in season five.
Kennedy bugs the heck out of me too.
I, too, could not stand Dawn, but I finished the series. Same thing happened with Angel when they brought in that awful Connor and by the time Joss returned from Firefly to the show and Spike was introduced, it was too late to save it. Just for the record, I feel the same way about Adam, but at least he was used sparingly.
I’m with Alice on loving S3. S4 was probably my favorite, but I loved S3, then S2, S1, S5, and lastly, S6.
I’m also with Alice on S7. It’s not bad, it definitely has plotting and characterization flaws, but it’s better than anything else on TV. I don’t think enough can be said about the quality of acting and the very talented production team.
Connor….*shudder* – what were they thinking?
Thanks for writing this Elle! I’m so glad there are still plenty of fans out there who will keep coming back even when things aren’t perfect. I agree with what others have said that even a bumpy episode of Supernatural still beats an episode of just about any other show out there. I love this show and I’ll keep watching as long as they keep making it.
These are great arguments. You make very good points and they convinced me of seeing the brighter side of season seven.
Still, season seven is my least favourite season so far. I can’t help it. I still love it, for all the reasons you mentioned, but it feels more like it’s a few extras then an actual continuation of the story.
You are right that it’s lighter, but maybe that’s the thing, I sort of miss the fact that there’s a big, dark plot going on in the background.
The Leviathan thing isn’t really working for me, maybe because it feels like it’s just another XL demon, nothing that is so important that a whole season should be wasted on it.
I like the light side of Supernatural as much as I like the dramatic side, they keep each other in balance, but apart from a few episodes -among which the episode where Bobby dies, of course – it feels like this season mainly excists out of ‘fun’ episodes.
And I enjoy a fun Supernatural episode as much as the next person, but still I kind of miss that feeling that the previous seasons gave me.
But on the other hand: the show can’t keep repeating the same old formula endlessly, Sam and Dean can’t be the centre of the fate of the world forever.
With season seven they are renewing Supernatural and that in itselves is a good thing.
I’m just not happy with the choices they are making at the moment, but I have faith that it will get better.
Why I keep coming back is because I love these characters to the bone, I’ve grown with them and feel attached to them, and I couldn’t go without knowing what was happening in the Supernatural universe. This may sound cheesy, but it’s true nevertheless: it’s a bit like not knowing how my family is doing. I’m a fan and just because the show is taking a different course is no reason to stop being one.
Another reason to keep watching: I can’t wait until Misha returns.
Cannot wait for Misha’s return. Love that guy!
[b]In short, why do I still love Supernatural? The same reasons I fell in love with it all those years ago: it has some fantastic humour, clever writing, stunning cinematography and great lead characters. [/b] Absolutely agree with you there. I just happen to have watched “Monster Movie” yesterday for the upteenth time, and boy, what a clever show we have. Sure, not all episodes can be winners, but every show has off episodes anyway.
Seeing as you mention Buffy, I will too. I finally broke down and bougt the complete series and started to watch it this weekend. I had not seen the first three seasons (my cable provider did not carry that particular channel), but I did watch it from season 4 to 7, and yes, some episodes are left wanting, but overall it was a great show. And as I’m finding out, SPN owes quite a bit to Buffy. These are the two shows I will find myself rewatching into my 80s (she thinks hopefully). I will be old and doddery, but I’ll still recall both shows with fondness.
Enjoy seasons one to three – there are some of the best episodes in that collection.
When I watch SPN I am often reminded of Buffy, for various reasons – not the least of which is the number of actors that have crossed over. I always think it would be awesome for SMG to be on SPN….
I digress.
Like you, I hope to be watching this show well into old age and sharing with the grandkids (have to explain all the pop references to them).
Elle – I’m already into my old age and have seen many many great TV shows, but none have come up to compete with Supernatural and the Winchester brothers!
And this old broad never gets tired of rewatching the dvds, even season 4 that depressed me so very much. I have a thing about watching the episodes in order and I’m always happiest to be back at the beginning again as 1, 2 & 3 are my most enjoyable, even as poor Dean ends up in hell! :sigh: What a hellatus that was!
I watch at least 1 episode every single night before bed time and darned if I don’t look forward to that all through the day!
So, when you have grandkids I’m sure you’ll still be enjoying the show after wearing out a few dvds in the meantime! 😉
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that has to watch an episode every night before bed. I don’t talk about this show to my friends and family anymore, they keep rolling their eyes. I’m glad I have my SPN family to obsess right along with me.
Before I read the comments I just want to say that in my opinion seasons 6 & 7 don’t have any kinks or characterization failures. If I was going to dislike a season it would have been season 4 as that one was such a huge change in the relationship of the brothers. It was the relationship and love between them that could be seen without being spoken of just being expressed by the wonderful acting of J & J. That was what drew me to be a fan and love this show, and season 4 turned that on its head and I found that upsetting. In spite of that, there were many wonderful episodes in season 4 and there was no way I could desert those boys no matter what!
The relationship improved in 5 and 6 (despite soullesa Sam) and I have no complaints about it in season 7.
I too get depressed with all the fan dissing and complaining if the show isn’t exactly to their expectations. I don’t think they realize how great this show is in every way. The acting, writing, lighting, directing, guest stars etc. are exemplary in my opinion and so far superior to any of the main stream shows with their millions of viewers. What they do with a small budget is awesome!
It’s Sam and Dean that make this show so engaging and absolutely impossible to think of ever missing one of the episodes. I read so many posts of “if they do this” or “if they don’t do that I’ll quit watching”. Those posts aren’t even worth reading entirely as their reasons are ridiculous.
Everyone has their own perspective of what they would like to see, but it is the creator’s show and I trust them to continue on as they have in the past and make it as good as it can be.
I loved this show since my first episode (Supernatural Christmas) and bought the dvds of 1 and 2. Suffered through the hellatus when Dean went to hell and was disappointed that Sammy and Dean were so at odds with each other when Dean returned. Be that as it may, I NEVER stopped loving it and I cannot envision ever doing so! So, I’m loving season 7 so far and it is still the best thing on TV!!!
I’m in love of the show too and it’s always a wonderfull moment with a new episode : the whole family (husband and children, me) wait for it, what a pleasure !
The crew and the cast have our trust : we followh the Winchester and their friends in their new adventures !
There are so many wonderful comments listed above that I feel I have nothing more to add except this: To put it plain and simple, it’s one of the best shows out there and I still find it very entertaining. I’m still vested in the storylines being told and the brothers fates. I will continue to watch to the very end! 😀
PS- if they want to know “where do we go from here” I reckon they should sing about it…. ;-)[/quote]
LOL!! That was one hell of a BTVS episode!! 😆
I am so looking forward to seeing that episode on my brand new DVDs. There was some power failure or some such the night that episode aired and I never to this day got to see it. I’m just imagining Sam & Dean singing with Crowley & Meg about life in Hell…has to be a comedy!
Elle, I am a big fan of Buffy.
But I hated, and will always hate Dawn. All that child did was whine. I wanted her to die in the series finale, but noooooo they had to kill Anya. I thought Anya was a cool character, and was upset that she had to die.
Anyway, this is the WFB, not Iamtheslayeraskmehow. As a fan of SPN since ‘the Pilot’, I have enjoyed some episodes and seasons more than others.
I was not a fan of season six until Sam got his soul back in ‘like a virgin’ and we finally got the reunion hug that was better than the one in ‘lazarus rising’.
Season seven was enjoyable until they dragged the Amy thing longer than was necessary. But Sam forgave him after a while, but Dean shouldn’t have felt guilty about it in the first place. Some of the spoilers I have seen for upcoming episodes leave me scratching my head, but some others make me smile. With SPN you take the good (Mystery Spot) with the bad (Hammer of the Gods) and the ugly (Route 666).
In season one, we had no Bobby, an absent John, no special weapons (Colt, Demon killing knife), we had just two brothers who had been apart for a while and were back together on a road trip in their Impala, which is supposed to be returning soon.
Seasons four and five were bad, because that brotherly vibe was not gone but it was lower than in the first three seasons. After Sam was re-souled in Season six, that vibe was back to season one levels. Season seven has the brothers close (after the Amy stupidness) and once again working as a united unit.
Elle, no matter what, I am here for the rest of the season and the rest of the series, which by Chuck, I hope ends with Sam and Dean alive and well. 😆
Reasons I still love Supernatural.
When it’s good it’s very, very good. When it’s at its best it would be hard to find a show out there to top it. Going on this season alone I found that [i]Meet the New Boss, Hello, Cruel World[/i] and [i]Death’s Door[/i] were stellar. Viewers are spoilt by the quality of some of the episodes on the show (but we deserve to be spoilt so….)
Season 6: I know many people on here disliked it. I loved it. That was a seriously ballsy season. To take two characters who we think have their lifestyles and their identities engrained in them and take them (and us) out of their comfort zone; that took guts. To do something as audacious as remove a soul and use it as a means to ask us to examine ourselves and the characters in relation to that, that took guts. To take a main character and bring him to the very edge of likeability in terms of his actions; that took a lot of guts and it’s something that few other shows would dare to do. I think it showed huge confidence from the show in the strength of the characters that they’ve created and I appreciated them for it.
I like that even with an episode I don’t like, there’s still enough in it to be able to discuss it. That’s key to me. I don’t think disliking an episode automatically equates to disliking the show or being a hater of the show. I also think nit-picking can be a good thing because it means that those who do it are invested enough in the show to notice small things. Not everyone shows their appreciation via flowers and chocolates. I’d be much more worried about the quality of the show if fans were completely apathetic to what was happening on it because not caring about a show is a hell of a lot worse than caring too much. And all the fans, even those who complain, care enough about the show and are invested enough in the show, to show they care. It’s great that a show can let us do that.
The hair. What? It counts….
I love that there’s always something bubbling under surface, there’s not just one linear storyline. While I may find the Leviathans as scary as a mouldy cat, the prospect of Lucifer and Castiel returning (in whatever way, shape or form he’s in) are damn enticing storylines.
The quality of acting needs not be commented on as it has always been stellar.
While the brothers relationship hasn’t been (for me) anything to write home about this season, I am hopeful that it will improve and they might finally (finally!) get to a place where trust and equality are not just words in a dictionary; but the ethos by which they live. Then the love-in will truly begin.
One thing struck me while reading the comments and that was the in relation to the discussion that broke away about which season viewers liked best. There was a huge variation in the seasons that appealed most to viewers which means the writers have to be doing something right with every season. Different strokes for different folks and all that. I don’t fear for the future of the show. I think it’s strong enough to take questioning. I don’t think it will just fade away when the show itself ends. There will always be new fans that will find something appealing in some season whether it be the leads, angels, monsters, music, funny lines etc etc.
The day we got the Christmas holidays school finished at noon so I only had four classes that day. I learnt from past experience that you don’t even bother trying teaching anything new that day so it’s usually quiz class or library class or DVD class. This year I said I’d do a SPN class. Classes are 45 minutes long; episodes are 42 minutes long so it made sense. I went for [i]A Very Supernatural Christmas[/i] as it’s Christmassy and we learnt about pagans therefore it’s educational (it is…..) Long story short, word got around and before long the DVDs were being passed around to other classes. We’ve been back four weeks and I don’t think a day has gone by where a kid hasn’t come looking to borrow an episode to watch at lunchtime.
Now for some it wasn’t scary enough and others thought it was stupid but many of the kids found something they liked about the show and will continue to watch and discuss and so the cycle begins again. Add to that, hearing the ‘Urgh’ and ‘Ooooh’ of kids watching it for the first time is another reason to love the show; that childish enthusiasm of a non-discerning viewer.
Have I been thrilled with all of season 7? Not overly. Have I found some episodes to be rather dull? Unfortunately. Am I worried that there are plot-holes the size of Mount Vesuvius that won’t ever be addressed? I am. Will I be up at 6.30am Saturday morning downloading 7.13? Yep.
Thanks Elle.
The same thought struck me, Tim, about the variation in which seasons fans love!
There isn’t one I dislike, but I think season one took the first half to really find itself, the first half of season 2 with the exception of the premiere aren’t episodes I’m often tempted to revisit, but the second half really picked up steam.
I love season three and think it was the strength of that season which led to the hugely improved ratings for the premiere of season 4.
Season four had great build and continuity, but it wasn’t always enjoyable to watch. Some great eps, though.
Season five I really like, because that myth arc closed so well. I was worried the writers couldn’t deliver on all that angst, but they did. Still, I would have been devasted if the series had ended there because I could NOT stand Sam being tortured in hell for eternity. No. That is not my ending.
So, very up for season six and despite some structural issues and the Campbells not really grabbing me, I loved a lot of this season. The guys’ arcs both made perfect sense and needed to be explored. Jared Padalecki was excellent as Soulless Sam. RoboSam was so clearly not regular Sam, which annoyed some fans, but is such a testament to Jared’s talent. Sam’s story intrigued me. Dean’s story broke my heart.
Still loving season seven, despite a couple of misfires. But nothing yet (for me) at the level of Bugs or Route 666, heh. I’m very interested in how Sam will finally put himself together and how Dean will define himself as a hunter.
As you say, there are so many currents in this series’ writing, there is something for everyone. I think it is a sign of the strength of the writing that so many different seasons can be people’s favourites. I’m always surprised when season two comes up, but then I like season six. (-:
The reason I keep coming back is no more complicated than just because the show makes me happy, even when it breaks my heart. I’ve never been a genre fan before, never saw Buffy or The X-Files. But this is different. The boys’ relationship was what drew me in, slowly at first because I hate horror, and anything gross or scary so I had to work my way up to things, but gradually I started to realize how happy the show made me, and I’m still giddy and fangirly every Friday night. I’m so attached to the characters, and by extension, I care about the actors themselves, and the production team as a whole, and I want to do whatever I can to support them. I avoid horror and scary stuff at all costs, but there’s an exception to every rule, and thank God for that, because this show has helped me through more than one tough time in my life. I too, watch at least one episode before bed every night, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that there’s been more than one occasion where I’ve fallen asleep with a smile still on my face. There really isn’t anything about the show that I dislike. At all. And while I would never have chosen for Dean to lose Lisa and Ben, or for the boys to lose Bobby, and Cas, and the Impala, (and I still grieve for Rufus, Jo, and Ellen) that doesn’t mean that I dislike those decisions. That was the direction the writers wanted the story to take, and I’m grateful to get to be along for the ride.
I agree with Tim the Enchanter, Season 6 was very gutsy, and I loved them for taking that leap. For me, I thought it showed their trust in their audience. They trusted us to trust them. That’s how I saw it. How many other shows out there now would be able and willing to turn their formula on its head like that?
No, not every episode is going to hit it out of the park, I miss the boys’ soul-deep bond of S2, and I can’t say that I never nit-pick, but like Chuck said, it’s the blemishes that make her beautiful, and I’m here until the end. Thank you for the article Elle.
My Top 10 List of WHY I’M STILL IN LOVE WITH SUPERNATURAL… (in no particular order, except for #2 and #1. They’re for sure the top two reasons!)
10. Because no other show pokes so much fun at itself, and at popular culture.
9. Because no other show (not even a sitcom) can make me laugh so hard when it’s poking fun at itself, its main characters and popular culture.
8. Because no other show makes me cry with the honesty of its characters and their relationships. We wept over the deaths of Ellen & Jo, because it was exactly what a mother would do for her dying daughter. She would not let her die alone. We wept for Bobby because we could see how desperately he wanted to get back to his boys. Love shines through in little words, like “idjits”. And finally, the brothers love for, anger with, and dependence on each other is completely believable. It may be larger than life, but good theatre often is. That way we can see it in the back row!
7. Because no other show makes me sit for hours pondering life, death, the universe and all those fish. (Thank you Ben Elton & Ben Edlund). Seriously, how can you not love a show that makes you question the existence of Heaven, Hell, demons, angels and even God himself (or herself)?
6. Because no other show is quite so unpredictable. “Let’s make sure Dean can’t get out of his deal. Let’s send him to Hell!” or “What would Sam be like without a soul?”
5. Because no other show has given me quite so many good one-liners to use in my everyday life. “Sweet merciful awesome!” “Dude, where’s my pie?” “I lost my shoe” “A plague of locusts in sweatpants” “Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole”.
4. Because no other show makes me want to sit down and write articles (and get feedback.. please!) and post on comment boards and cyberchat with other fans.
3. Because no other show has done so much to help me understand and appreciate the behind-the-scenes magic of music, lighting, set design, props and directing
2. Because no other show has Sam and his puppy dog eyes, his hair, his sideburns and the Paisley Peril.
1. Because no other show has Dean, and his eyelashes, his freckles, his angst, and his humour, and his overall THE DEAN-ness. I gotta admit his character totally fascinates me.
That’s my top 10 list of why I’m still in love with Supernatural.
Pragmatic Dreamer
I LOVE your list! It’s perfect!!!
I second that! A perfect list indeed!!!!
My favorite seasons are probably 4 and 5, because even though you have to see them at odds. (And I adore the brotherly moments) The pain and struggle made for some incredible episodes. But for me ALL the other season have such incredible moments and/or episodes that it is hard to choose. I agree with the people that said the “bad” episodes are better than most other shows best. I’ve really enjoy Season 7 and loved several of the episodes.
Hi Elle
What keeps me coming back each week to watch Supernatural?
Just one word…LOVE.
I love Sam and Dean, from the first episode I watched, these two characters found a part of my heart to snuggle into and have remained there since.
I love the brother’s relationship, their chemistry, their undying love and devotion to each other.
I love their fights, their banter, the roll the eyes and their angst.
I love Sam’s puppy dog eyes and bitch faces.
I love Dean’s Cheshire smile and death stare.
I love that they are flawed and have made mistakes.
I love when they are bad ass.
I love the Impala and waiting patiently for her return.
I love how much I care for these characters and what happens to them.
I love that this show still keeps me captivated and that I am able to get something from each episode, no matter how small that something is.
I love that Supernatural is like riding a roller coaster, with its ups and downs, its twist and turns and at times how it just spins you into a loop.
I love that there has not been one emotion I haven’t experienced with this show, even when those emotions have had me utterly annoyed and totally pissed (the death of Bobby grrrr).
I love that you just never know what to expect or know what’s going to happen.
I love that all you can do is hang on tight and enjoy the ride.
That is really cool Greeneyed mom, that you and your son have been able to share this story over the years. And I’ll bet it’s super difficult not having him there every week so you two can watch together. But the fact that he still likes to catch up on it with you when he’s home is special.
It’s awesome you guys got to go to a Con last year. I want to go to one so badly, I can taste it. I may have to resign myself to going solo, though. My brother is a fan of the show, but he would never be interested in a convention. And my friends, God bless them, will usually tell me on Friday, “Have fun with your vampire show tonight.” *Sigh* It doesn’t matter what I say, they’re never gonna get it. Who knows? Maybe going by myself would be a great adventure.
Elle, thank you so much for writing this feel-good article about our show. I totally agree with the reasons you gave. I also enjoyed watching Buffy, Angel, and Firefly. It was a pleasure reading all the comments as well.
Bevie – I am so with you as a fellow “old broad”. 😉 I cannot imagine a week without watching the show; ok. a day, sue me.
My tv viewing began with black-and-white I Love Lucy, Bonanza, and so on (I know I am dating myself). So when I say, I have never been affected by a show as I am by this one – it is saying a lot.
What draws me back again and again: the journey of the two brothers. 🙂 However,the writing, filming, directing, editing, and so on – plus of course the unbelievably awesome acting by Jared and Jensen, adds so much to the story.
Pragmatic Dreamer : Amen to your list!
I will be watching this show until the very end; which I hope is no time soon.
Thanks, Elle, for your article. It’s a breath of fresh air.
I’ve found myself depressed by the majority of the reviews this season, not by what is actually happening in the story. I’m not saying the episodes have all been gems this year; they never are! (in any season) Seriously! In any given season, there are going to be some lemons. It is the nature of episodic television. They don’t get years to polish the scripts, they can’t spend months filming and editing, this is not the movies. They make mistakes, we’re going to see them.
Like Bevie and Marilyn, I’m no spring chicken. I remember B&W TV. I watched Star Trek first run…and I remember Bonanza, and Batman, and My Mother the Car! Maybe we oldtimers have a little more perspective.
My favourite TV show ever? Firefly. (never had time to put a foot wrong) Supernatural is second (and I’m a lifelong Trekkie!). Why? All of the things everyone has mentioned above, and Ben Edlund. I think the reason there are so many complaints about the writing is that we’re spoiled by Edlund. He’s set the bar too high. Nobody can touch him. In my opinion there is not a better writer anywhere. And he does leave his mark on how I watch the series.
Anyway that’s all I wanted to add.
Why do I still love Supernatural?
I’ve loved this show with mad passion since spring -08. It has been the only thing I can describe as an obsession, for a tv show anyways 🙂
It sucked me in with last minutes of All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1 and it kept me onboard for many happy years (and grueling hellatuses).
But why? Well, it’s easy: the brothers. Sam and Dean Winchester. They are the reason I watch this show. They’re the reason I own several seasons DVD’s which have been watched over and over and over and then one more time. To have a pair that are brothers who are very close and willing to go to hell and back for one another. Their love is platonic and yet they’ll do what ever it takes for each other. It’s very rare and refreshing. Not so many shows have that or can do that with such realism that our show does.
But their story would be nothing, withouth the actors portraying these troubled brothers. Jared and Jensen have the best chemistry onscreen (and off) in ages and they are both superduper talented and also good, kind gentlemen in real life. And not bad to look at either 😉
Also the “blame” goes to Kripke for imagining this wonderfull story, and to countless writers, directors, set designers et al who do an amazing job every week.
This show has also opened up my life a little too. I didn’t know that fandoms even excisted before I hopped online between seasons 3 and 4 and tried to find out if there were more seasons. I found this crazy, caring, sometimes over the top community that at it’s best, does so much good to people and is very talented too! I’ve read amazing stories and amazing fan fiction inspired by our little show that could, and did. I’m very gratefull to be apart of this fandom. And this site which is the only site I go to nowadays (and the only site I post on). Alice has done such a good job keeping this site friendly and (mostly) mean-free.
I love Supernatural mostly because of the Boys but also because it feels like a big, warm family meeting across the world.
Thank you Elle for this article. It is a breath of fresh air on a season that has been troubling at times for me.