Relax; It’s Only Supernatural, by Elle2
At the risk of jumping into the awkward pool – to paraphrase Chloe Sullivan from Smallville’s season 9 Roulette – I’m going to blog a bit about Supernatural and religion. This might get bumpy.
The recent Hammer of the Gods seems to have gotten quite a few people upset at Supernatural’s trivialization of Hinduism and perhaps other religions, I say pee shaw. It’s a television show!
And it’s not that I’m altogether unsympathetic either. As a Bible believing Christian I believe that God created the earth. I believe that God is omnipresent (everywhere at the same time) not as Supernatural depicts him as walking around on earth and thus not present in heaven. I believe that God governs in the affairs of men (as Benjamin Franklin said) and thus is acutely aware of what is going on from the tiniest feather on a sparrow to the largest world-wide calamity; God knows and is involved. Read your Bible, pay particular attention to the latter chapters of Ezekiel as well as Daniel and then check history as well as current events…you’ll see the pieces on the chess board moving into place.
I cringed during Anna’s wail in Heaven and Hell that sex and chocolate are better than heaven. Joshua’s revelations of God’s seeming disinterest in the recent Dark Side of the Moon similarly left me unimpressed – that is if I was looking for reality of God and heaven in a television show created by men and women who (especially Mr. Kripke) have stated that they have little to do with God and the Bible and Christianity. Mr. Kripke’s very own statements indicate that he has a humanist point of view. I could care less. I’m not watching Supernatural for an accurate or even respectful depiction of Christianity. If I was, I’d have stopped watching a long time ago.
I’ll admit, there are times when Supernatural wanders into the realm of Christianity and then stamps its own mixture of humanism or whateverism you want to call it and has a character utter statements that I cringe at, and upon rewatch fast forward. But I don’t get offended because I do not for one moment ever come to this show looking for the truth.
Supernatural is respectful of one thing and one thing only, classic rock. Even the Impala has slipped from her lauded position since there have been perhaps six episodes now without her in it, utterly unforgiveable; and Kripke himself wrote one of those episodes!! And this is the man who said he’d kill Sam or Dean before he ever killed the Impala – and then in The End he did kill the Impala!!! So much for respect.
Supernatural is irreverent to Hollywood – “No talent douchbags.” To itself – “I mean bad writing. If I’d known it was real I’d have done another pass.” To the fans, “For fans they sure complain a lot.” They make fun of how many times the Winchesters have died, how much Sam has puppy dog eyes, Dean’s irrepressible fondness for cheeseburgers, and other things. So I find it entirely within the show’s character to make fun of – well, everything.
I know some people are truly offended and so to them I ask the following question: Why?
Why do you watch a television show that shows such irreverence to basically everything and then act surprised when it finally comes around to something you hold dear? Why do you even care?
If your faith in Budha or Hindu gods or Gaia or whatever is so in need of validation that you decry its lack of respect by the writers and directors and producers of Supernatural, I think you have much bigger problems.
It’s just a television show. Enjoy.
First I am neither Hindu, nor Buddhist nor any religion. My problem is that in 5 seasons we have had exactly 4 Persons of Color actually survive, Missouri, Rufus, Joshua and Kali. My problem is less with the treatment of other religions than with the treatment of ALL minorities on this show. I happen to be a white female and it stil bothers me that if you’re not a white male you are either evil or dead or both if male. And if you are a female you are either evil or dead or both OR if you happen to be a female GOD you get turned into a Damsel in Distress.
Don’t get me wrong. There is a lot I like about Supernatural. I loved the relationship between the brothers (not so much the estrangement). Many of the plots have been interesting and compelling. I’m not wild about the whole Angel storyline, but I’m counting on it ending soon. So it’s not like you can say just stop watching. I enjoy it at times, but I still have episodes where I have to cringe at the fact that Supernatural very often gives me a weekly dose of misogyny and/or racism. “If you’re lucky sometimes you get to kill a bitch” was not endearing.
I would have had far less problems with this episode if it didn’t have such a bad track record on the issues of minorities. I didn’t have as much problem with the fact that the Gods were all monsters, because that’s the way Supernatural rolls, but I was bothered by the explicit statement that in the end Christianity is the REAL religion, nothing else is. Christianity my be being misrepresented, but in Supernatural all other religions have just been labeled as being weak and false. And that does bug me a lot. Obviously MMV.
Its a christian predominated show. thats why they always make other religions look bad. A normal christian trait. Ganesh and MahaKali are not pagans. Ganesh is the son of god and Mahakali is the female entitiy of complete cosmic power. She can not be killed and she can not be defeated by anyone except her counterpart Lord Shiva. The supreme godhead in the manifestation of the destroyer. Truthfully the show is awesome however the fact the these christian based shows only prove how foolish the people of that faith tend to be when accepting other religions and their beliefs. All though god doesn’t keep his eyesight away from anything and all that is good or bad belongs to him or her which ever way you see it, These foolish writers have only applied the strategies these christian believers have been doing since the beginning. And thats converting people of other faiths into christians. at a time it was by force but now its done so deceitfully. By putting up maple leaf stories to delude others. Great show, but get your facts straight and have the tendancy to respect others religions. Its no joke. Over the name of religion wars start and it just never ends. And those hypocrite leaders aren’t the one’s who pay for it, its the innocent soliders who are bound by duty to serve their leaders. Chess peaces are meant to be knocked down. When fictional television goes pass its limits bring infamy to others beliefs and upsets different cultures of people out and around the world, war is inevitable. show is great, but insults especially to one’s faith cuts deeper than any wound. And thats hard to bear for anyone seeing their faith made a mockery of. Gives reason for chaos to rise.
Hi Elle2,
Great article. I too wonder what the fuss is about. Supernatural has never put forth that is is representing religions in an accurate depiction – but rather with creative license to suit the needs of the story and frankly, I enjoy it. My response to people who get THAT upset, as always, is stop watching. If you’re watching a fictional television show to learn about or see an accurate depiction of anything, well, you’ve got something to learn about fictional television.
LindaH – I respectfully disagree that Supernatural mistreats visible minorities. First, I count alot more than “people of colour” in addition to other ethnicities which aren’t necessarily discerned by skin colour. I didn’t take the message in Hammer of the Gods to be that Christianity is the only religion but rather that the Christian beings (i.e. the angels) believe that whole-heartedly. And as someone raised Catholic, there are numerous inaccuracies and other elements of the show that would be seen as targeting/disrespecting Christianity, including the angel storyline. I don’t believe Supernatural has put one religion as above any other – the fact that the other Gods did/do exist in the Supernatural mythology means, to me anyways, that they definately haven’t been labelled as false (which to my way of thinking would mean nonexistent).
Finally, as a female, I don’t take offence to the language (such as “sometimes you get to kill a bitch”) or find that it’s sexist or misogynistic. It isn’t politically correct, true, but curse words in general aren’t PC and furthermore, the original premise of the show was these boys travelling through middle America – they’re blue collar (and I don’t mean that in any offensive way – simply that they weren’t exactly raised at boarding school but by an ex-marine in low rent hotel rooms) and this is how they speak. With the exception of Hollywood, the Winchesters generally visit small towns, not major cities which is – where I live anyways – where you’re much, much more likely to find a huge mix of culture and race. I find the boys are pretty equal across the board in rolling out names to call the bad guys (given that the show is limited by it’s rating and censors). Supernatural has show some amazingly strong, self-sufficient women and a number of them have put the boys in their place.
You can find something offensive in almost every thing on TV if you try. As someone who feels the world is overrun with PC to the point of ridiculousness (for example – why can’t I say Merry Christmas just because you might not be Christian? I’m not asking you to convert or putting your faith down, I’m merely wishing you well. And black and orange day instead of Halloween – COME ON – that’s just insane!) I like enjoy the fact that Supernatural doesn’t put on airs. It is was it is, take it or leave it.
Those who think that Supernatural’s depiction of religion is worrisome should try watching South Park!
I agree Elle & Elle2 – it’s just a TV show. The fact that they acknowledged the ‘pagan’ gods means that they accept their existance (in their world)- they just made the Christian gods stronger for dramatic effect. Maybe only the strongest archangels, like Lucifer & Gabriel, are stronger than them – someone has to be strongest. Maybe Cas would be more equal. Kali looked like she was almost at Lucifer’s level. I assume that the boys only had to ‘help her’ because she was probably weakened by the fight.
Great piece.
As an interesting aside, actress Rekha Sharma who played Kali is the daughter of a Hindu priest. It would be fascinating to hear her take on both Supernatural’s portrayal of the gods and the fuss it has generated.
I should point out that I am not, as well, a follower of any religion. Agnostic I’d say. Had no idea this created such a fuss, funny. My objection to the whole thing steamed mainly from wasted potential of awesome. They could have created some really good minor characters there. It’s like taking Jesus into the show, let him have two lines of dialogue and then off him in a hallway with a bunch of other people. Off screen. In my eyes, that is just… waste. I guess I should add that I guess I’m spoiled with a show that very seldom does waste any potential. So it should be taken with a grain of salt :-).
As for the other part, I should start with saying that I agree. It is just a TV show. However, it reflects a world behind the forth wall that is sadly all too real. On one hand it might be so that I take personal experiences into watching a TV show. But on the other hand, how could I not? That is, after all, how TV shows have the ability to affect us at all. It touches on elements in our own reality, for better and for worse.
Hi Linda L, Elle, MyMADWorld, Scullspeare, Kaffeklubben,
Thanks for jumping into the ‘awkward pool’ with me.
Linda, you’ve prompted me to write a follow up piece dedicated to examining your comments regarding minorities — thanks for the inspiration.
Also help me out with the ‘twitter speak’ what does MMV mean? 🙂
You brought excellent comments into this discussion. I read your section and said, yeah, that’s what I meant and yeah, I agree. Thanks for formulating such an articulate point!
Good point about SouthPark…my TV is preprogrammed to block that channel when that show is on and frankly I’m too lazy (and busy) to unblock it and watch it so I don’t see anything other than the previews but yikes!
As for the acknowledgement of the pagan gods, good point that by bringing them in at all gives them credence. And hey, this is the storyline, Lucifer and Michael and God so they have to be stronger otherwise it muddies the waters. By having Lucifer rip right through them so easily it shows just how powerful he is and will give Dean and Sam’s ultimate victory over them much greater emphasis…after all, it’s a show about them.
Scullspeare, Interesting to find out that Rekha Sharma is a daughter of a Hindu priest. Her portrayal was excellent, she evoked power and menace as well as a bit of softness–right before she stabbed Gabriel with his knife made from an Orange Soda…HAH!
As for why she had to be helped into the car I agree that was pretty lame but I guess the idea was to give continuity to the fact that the boys and Kali were leaving Lucifer and Gabriel all alone for their battle and to allow her a little snark in saying that “I’m not getting into that.” Hey, be nice goddess to the Impala.
It is a bit of overkill [pun intended] to bring in such rich characters from a cultural POV and then waste them in mere minutes. To add them into the fray from here forward would have totally muddied the waters and caused ‘the mytharc to fall in on itself under the weight’ so I’m glad they avoided that by bringing them in and offing them. Still, perhaps a few less to focus on would have made it simpler as we would have seen a greater bit of their personality…I’m not sure.
Sometimes the show overreaches and I do think this was one of those times where the backdrop was so rich and the forefront was equally as rich (the battle between brothers, Lucifer and Gabriel) that both blend together and blur the ultimate picture.
Great comments, thanks everyone for jumping in. And my second part to this article should be done in a couple of days and ready for a new discussion.
Elle2 MMV means Mileage May Vary i.e., I realize that this is just my opinion, others may well view the whole issue differently, as the responses show. It’s just a legitimate disagreement.
This was really interesting, Elle2 – has this episode really caused so much turmoil? Like now? Awkward pool, indeed – that there is a necessity to even discuss that.
I’ve heard about this commotion about questions of religion in regard to this show long before – from some fans I know and one in particular who went berserk about the sacrilegious aspects of Supernatural when the angel storyline was introduced and – to her mind – God was depicted disrespectfully and in an untrue manner. She has a severe personality disorder, though, and clearly was not capable of differentiating between fiction and reality. Apart from that she belongs to a fundamentalist Christian group, and fundamentalism and tolerance usually don’t share the same room.
Religion, whatever kind, has nothing to do with reality. Only with the reality of one’s own belief. There is no scientific proof that any God exists – or does not exist. It is a question of faith, of course. Everyone is entitled to believe what he or she feels close to, it’s the basis of every democracy.
I agree with you, ELLE, who feels offended by this show is not forced to watch it. And who cannot state the difference probably should not do it either.
If people start butting heads over a freakin’ tv show, how should they get along in real life in regard to that question. Well, history is full of examples where people showed how not able they are to get along.
I agree also with your disagreement with LindaH, in regard to other religions being depicted as false. If we look just at the devices the Winchesters and their friends use to ward off demons etc, we find early Christian rites, of course, but also some that are based on Celtic, Jewish, Muslim traditions.
I was raised in Catholic tradition, though my mother was a Christian and my father was not. I have faith and am struggling with it every once in a while, but am allergic to bigotry and fundamentalism. From childhood on I was made aware of the tolerance we need in that field, because my parents lived it and were an example to me how that can be done.
Co-existence is the key.
Humour is also. I think we, as people, tend to take ourselves too seriously. And the things we cling to. If we can’t have a laugh even in terms of religions, it says much more about ourselves and our problems in that department that we might expect. It might well be, if God exists, he could laugh his head off at Cas’ ‘I found a liquor store and drank it’. Or not.
I couldn’t care less about these questions in the context of a television show. I have never felt offended by Supernatural, neither in terms of faith nor in terms of mysogyny. What moves me is the story, the characters. About the other ‘issues’ that might or might not be there, I couldn’t care less. And I agree wholeheartedly: It is only a tv show, Elle2, but I’m sure, you knew that.
Thank you. Jas
Hi Elle2
Yes your right! It is only Supernatural.
Since the Pilot, Supernatural (Kripke) has taken liberties on the urban legends, the motw and with religion.
It has always been Kripke’s interpretations, Kripke’s dream and Kripke’s story to tell. Instead of it being a series of novels, it became a weekly television show to open our minds to other thoughts, beliefs and most of all to entertain.
I have to admit I was not raised under any specific religion, so I can’t fully understand the full devotion aspect. But what I do realize is that when watching a television show called Supernatural, there is going to be an exposure to certain subjects that are not real, ethical and or even politically correct. For me when it comes to the mytharc, religion etc I take it all with a grain of salt.
Now as for the comment about the racism aspect, I found numerous episodes that had a white male die or was the evil entity in the story. Now maybe I’m misunderstanding the point on this topic, but frankly I’m not seeing any racism.
Thanks for the article.
I’m offended when people are offended, but then again I’m an atheist, the most hated segment of American society. Unless Scientology passed us by. Those bastards! Off with their heads!
It’s fiction, and I think Kripke & Co., as Americans (though I imagine a sizable amount of the crew come from Canuckleheadland – don’t kill me, Karen, I kid because I care), they’re going to use the cultural cache at their disposal: as elle2 pointed out, primarily blue collar Americana, classic rock. This is what Kripke grew up on, what he is. Christianity is, despite what some of their more vocal fundie adherents whine about, by far the largest religious group in America.
As for racism, the majority of folks who kick the bucket are crackers. Hell, they did an entire episode (though a not all that good one) on the dumbassery that IS racism.
One minor quibble, though. Respectful of classic rock? How many songs have you heard this season? Damn you to hell, Kripke. 😀
Didn’t realize the show upset various religions. I’m sure it wasn’t meant to. This is a fun show that twists a lot of ideas around. After all, this is the Winchester’s world, not ours.
Thanks for sharing Elle2
As a pagan myself, I should have more than enough reason to complain when it comes to this shows depiction of religion. How they show witches alone is cringe-worthy. But I am with you Elle that this a just TV show. The inclusion of religion of any kind is but a literary device for the writers to communicate their real message, which is often about family, love, and sacrifice. Things that everyone holds to no matter what you may believe.
I’ve heard a lot about the misrepresentation of women and race on this show. And I think it’s gotten to a point where it’s been said so often that it’s now considered an accepted truism (where even a non-fan of the show has mentioned it me). But I honestly don’t see it. It seems to me that whether they were victims, heroes, or villains, both sexes have been treated equally. But you know what? This show is also about two guys. And as Elle said, they’re blue collar Midwest boys who grew up in small towns with a military father. They’re going to do and say things sometimes that aren’t PC. Honestly, I’m often surprised and pleased to see how often they don’t act that way.
I’m a little confused by the “being helped into the car†statement about Kali. Are you saying that folks are upset because Sam opened the car door for her and politely helped her into the car? Really? I know it’s a bit old-fashioned but where I’m from that’s a sign of respect to a woman. I saw it as Sam (who has shown more than once some antiquated ideas of being a gentleman) as respectfully hustling Kali into the vehicle.
In the end, I’m not watching this show for thought provoking comments on religion or equal rights. Does any fictional TV show out there have that? We all have our reasons for watching this show. For me, it’s the interactions and the very human responses to some very incredible situations.
I was hoping to start a discussion most for the sake of the discussion and I’m so glad people are willingly jumping or joining in…and everyone is so respectful; as I’ve come to know and expect here at TWFB.
LindaH…Thanks for the clarification on MMV and what a clever way to put it that opinions vary. I’m glad you shared and glad you inspired me to write another article to address my POV on rascism. I hope you know that I’m happy to open up a discussion and happy to watch it go and be fun and welcome the other points of view because while I don’t understand the ‘issue’ doesn’t mean there isn’t one and as you so accurately stated…it’s a legitimate disagreement. I wholeheartedly agree. It’s your opinion and by definition there is no right or wrong to that. Keep on opining…it’s good stuff.
I have no idea if this issue/topic is raging on the boards ’cause I don’t read the boards other than in a cursory way and occasionally something strikes my fancy and I’ll write on it and see what others think.
While I’m fervent in my Christian faith it does not blind me to the truth of your statement regarding belief. It is about faith. It is about belief. I believe God created the earth and that’s a belief based on faith because there is no way to prove or disprove that…no one was there. No one took pictures, blogged or tweeted about it…there is no proof yeah or nay. “tis my belief.
Like you there is a necessity for respect for other points of views. I don’t get upset about the depiction of Kali et al because they hold no particular affection to me and while the depiction of God as a dead beat dad is contrary to my belief I accept it in this context as a television show based on fantasy based on a mixture of … well, everything.
I too am coming to think that there has been so much said about rasicm that perhaps it is just accepted in this show. As LindaH’s comments got me thinking I decided to take a peek and….well, I’ll be polishing that quick article tonight and getting that out in a few days and perhaps another discussion will ensue.
Randal…I’m offended that you’re offended that others are offended…off with both our heads!!!
Wait, better not. Still two more episodes to watch and a hellatus to write and read our way through…okay. Merely symbollically speaking off with our heads. I’ve got dandelions outside, I’ll go pop off some of theirs instead. [sorry, plants rights activists, I’m about to commit whole-sale dandelion slaughter]
As for the classic rock … I stand to it that Kripke still holds it in such respect which is why he does not stoop to purchase those remixes and remakes that he likely could afford for the episodes simply because they are not the true, the original. It’s CW and WB I blame for the lack of music [cause somebody has to be blamed — off with their heads!] Again, metaphorically speaking, I do not advocate murder…of people or animals…dandelions beware.
Sablegreen…’tis only but a show. You are correct. Wonder where they’ll go in season 6 to rile people up?
Jeannine, a pagan yourself? And a logical sounding one to boot [no offense intended LOL]
Yeah, I don’t know how Sam helping Kali into the car made her damsel in distressy. Heck, Gabriel placed himself between her and Kali and it’s obvious from the swift destruction of everyone else that she would be no match. Heck, if Luci had wanted to, he probably could have killed her on the way out the door but that would lead to us wondering why he didn’t simply do that to Dean leaving Sam all alone to be worn down to becoming his vessel and that would take all the drama out — oh, wait a minute, this isnt’ a drama…good, that means that darn Ausiello blind spoiler about a time jump in a popular drama can’t possibly be about Supernatural, it’s not a drama or popular (in the Hollywood ratings sort of way that popular is defined)
Confused? Yeah but that’s partially my point. Randal, you’re rubbing off on me…in the virtual world of blogging that is.
Thanks for keeping the discussion respectful, lively and fun. That’s the whole point.
True that the CW and the dandelions on the front lawn of CW’s offices are to blame, but as master of his domain, Kripke should use his vast oil wealth and well-funded Midwestern connections in order to buy Zeppelin’s entire catalog and loop it continuously in the background. Off with no one’s head!
I agree with most of the comments being posted here thus far. I do want to clarify my comment above – I whole-heartedly believe that everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs, whatever they may be. As someone who was raised through the Catholic education system without a particularly Catholic view on anything, I see the value in multiple perspectives on topics and not taking offense to the beliefs of others.
I find the racism accusation towards Supernatural interesting and I wonder what would inspire this. Honestly, I look around at the other shows on TV and I can find much more blatant examples of discrimination – let’s be honest, hollywood definatley has a few specific body types they like to the exclusion of all others. And there are a number of shows out there that portray men and/or women in a negative way (i.e. the stereotypical dumb male or the harpy wife – or worse, the simpering women weeping over their failed relationships – this one kill me). Sure, okay, Dean likes to be a player, and he’s been called a love-’em-and-leave-’em guy – to this I reply that the women he sleeps with aren’t under the illusion that he’s looking for something long term. Whose to say they aren’t looking for one or two nights of fun with no strings attached? Ya, women can be do that too. As a self-proclaimed modern feminist (not the extremist brand, mind you) I like when a man holds a door for me – I do not take this to be some indication of superiority on his part – just manners. I hold the door for people, especially elderly or someone with a squirmy kid in their arms – it’s just polite (my Canadian is showing, isn’t it?)
Supernatural, in my opinion, isn’t at all offensive because while it may poke fun at other shows, certain stereotypes and beliefs – it also mocks itself quite frequently. To me, that says most everything that appears on the show of that nature is in good, clean fun and nothing else.
Elle2, I am eagerly awaiting the next article!
Elle, I didn’t take offense at all to any of your statements. You are as entitled to your beliefs as anyone else here. Not saying I agree with all of them, being an uncommonly logical pagan and all. 😀
You’re not alone either in thinking that a guy holding the door for someone is just good manners. I hold the door for everyone. If someone is coming out or in a door and I reach the door first, I think it’s just good manners to hold it for them. But then again, I’m second generation American. My grandparents were Canadian, so maybe it is just a Canadian thing. 😆
I at one point tried to put together a list of male vs. female villains and got up to season 3. It’s probably not completely accurate and definitely not proofed but I tentatively came up with 37 male villains/monsters versus 23 female villains/monsters. And also, recurring male villains outnumber recurring female villains. Kind of goes against the prevailing belief that Kripke has more evil girls over guys.
I think the show’s pretty even handed on the whole … Kill off anyone irrespective of race, creed or colour and disrespect any deeply held beliefs they come across in the name of light entertainment. I’m proud! 😆
Randal, once again you amaze with your logic…Kripke’s vast oil wealth (is that olive or wesson?) and off with no one’s head. Thanks for the clear-headedness. 🙂
I too find the comments many times by critics who like to say that Supernatural treats women terribly (burned on ceilings, scantily attired) while there are moments of this and at times the whole Bustie Asians Beauty thing is over done so is the word douche, dick and ganked (although that one can keep coming from my POV) and Dean’s love of greasy food and Sam’s messy hair [oooh, them’s fighting words for sure] are all part of SPN and to me they are as a part of the landscape as the back roads, diners and motel rooms. Some I’m good with it.
Jeannine, I’m glad I didn’t offend because while I don’t mind voicing my opinion (mostly ’cause I can hide in cyberspace…I’ll admit it) I also don’t mind reading others and since we all seem pretty respectful I want to maintain that in my comments and posts as well.
Similar to you I like strong women but I never mind when they cry (legitimately) or when someone opens a door for them. I also don’t mind a strong woman who takes charge (Dr. Cara comes to mind) although her choice of where and when to copulate still leaves me amazed…really, in an unlocked office during late afternoon business hours…really?)
Clarice….what a breath of fresh Brazilian air you bring with you. Hah! I too was amazed at the backlash towards Sam and Ruby. Admittedly I do like how the whole rape was handled because Sam would know that the girl was possessed and unable to stop what was happening to her so I don’t mind that aspect. I did burst out laughing though when as soon as Sam was ‘cleared’ of rape he was immediately labeled as a necrophiliaic… goes to show people will complain about anything. Lunacy. And yes, sometimes too much time on one’s hand is a bad thing.
Suze…You’re succinct and on the nose as ever…kill off anyone (and as many times as possible too if it can be done) I too am proud!
Off to work on part two that is dedicated to LindaH for giving me the idea.
Yup. Can’t say ‘Hammer of the Gods” didn’t disappoint a bit…..LOVED Gabrial/Loki, adored Casa Erotica 13, and chuckled over the eyeball soup…but, as a former teacher of comparative religion, realized that they’d bitten off more than they could chew and then hadn’t even bother to do much chewing, within the first 15 minutes. Oh well. It just seemed like a wasted opportunity, for cool outside the Judeo-Christian box stuff in Season 6, if nothing more. When Dean dismissed the whole pack of non-monotheist deities as blood-thirsty chimps my daughter turned to me (as I’d turned to my mom while watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) and said “Hey! Living religion here, people, manners!” My love for my show is not diminished, I have low theological expectations here. ( I also never wonder why Jack Bauer never needs to find a bathroom, or why Scully and Mulder ALWAYS had cell phone reception). Still, I was hoping Joshua’s “you see it this way because you’re limited” might be expanded to gloss over lots of annoying logic lapses….God always referred to as “Father” for instance. There’s a wonderful line in commentaries on the Koran to the effect that, at some time before the end, God will judge the actions and hearts of all beings: men, djinn (demons) and angels. I have often thought of that while watching Supernatural, with its reformed vampires, demons in love (Casey and her priest, and maybe even Ruby?) and dangerously misguided and petty angels. We’ll see, I guess. It’s probably too much to hope that Kripke and Co. have been reading commentaries on the Koran.
Thanks for joining in the discussion and like you, my love for the show is not diminished even when the bite off way more than they can chew and then basically spit it into a napkin and throw it away.
I love your sense of humor (as I term it) that Mulder and Scully always had cell reception (as Sam and Dean always have wifi) and yeah, Jack Bauer does never need a bathroom, plus back in Season 2 (the last season I watched) he got tortured to the point of a heart attack and then ten minutes later (literally as it was shown via the show’s onscreen clock) he was driving a car and stopping a kidnapping…sheesh, realism much?)
It was a wasted opportunity but so was Swap Meat (especially for the opportunity of watching Jared work his magic by being another character instead of himself dressed younger…silly) All in all, ’tis fun and hopefully they’ll redeem themselves this week.
Well I do agree that it’s just a show and everything but u asked a question and I wanted to answer it.
Why does it bother me that the show is talkin about Christianity that way?
It’s not the fact that they’re not Christian. Heck, most of my friends are different religions and I don’t care or mind. That’s not my business what they believe in. What bothers me.. Or maybe worries me is that i simply think the cast/directors don’t care about their Christian fans, that’s all. I mean do they ever consider that calling god an s.o.b gonna be disrespectful?
Sure deans atheist on the show and everything but if they censor the show from many cuss words for the kids, wh don they consider not say rude things about god/Christianity?
Again I don’t care what they believe, I only care about how much they respect their fans. They should know that there’s a number of Christian fans out there who love their show and keep it going, but I believe that saying rude things about heaven/Angels/god is showin they simply don’t care about us.
What do u think?
Verona, get a grip, would ya? You’re kidding right? This is not a kid’s show! You want a kid watching the sex scene with Anna and Dean? Or Sam drinking demon blood? Dean cusses and he’s rough around the edges. Dean Winchester is a bad boy. That’s what he’s always been and what he always will be. How long have you been watching the show? Sam prayed nightly; he was a devout Christian until the truth came out about God’s true nature.
I admit, the depiction of the Gods does bother me, but Christianity isn’t portrayed accurately either is it? On the contrary, Supernatural has the most pleasing depiction of paganism I’ve seen yet. Witchcraft could be better though. We’re not either good or evil. We’re witches. You need to realize the God in the show isn’t the same one you believe in. I see Dean as the ideal Heathen. Family, self reliance, healthy sexuality, enjoying life; all heathen values.
Although, what really bothers me is all of the anti conservative insults on the show. Dick Cheney belongs in hell? What because he’s rich and a conservative? Dick Roman was a ‘member’ of the nra and republican party. Thankfully, it’s not all the time, but still. Thanks CW! We get it already; you hate conservatives! I’m not going to assume for one minute that the cast or crew believes reps are racist or something. As long as they keep it to a minimum and not have Dean and Sam shoot out a Tea Party rally or something. They’ll lose over half of their audience.