Let’s Speculate: What Sort of Sam and Dean Do You Want To See in Supernatural Season 8?
We’re several weeks into summer hellatus and information about “Supernatural” season 8 is light. That means, plenty of time for idle speculation!
In reading the volumes of interesting comments and discussions in the “A Deeper Look at Season Seven Dean Winchester” and “A Deeper Look at Season Seven Sam Winchester” articles, I got thinking. How will each brother evolve from their experiences in season seven? What direction can their characters go in season eight based on the progression we’ve been given so far?
Now granted characterization was a mess from a writing standpoint, but when looking at the forest from the trees there was an overall pattern with each brother. Dean struggled with depression and apathy for the job, Sam just tried his best to function every day given the entire mess going on in his head. Now that season seven is over, the assumption is that they will move on from this. Is that a true assumption? Exactly how do you think they will?
Here are the discussion questions:
What sort of Dean Winchester do you want to see in season 8? How would you like his trip to Purgatory to change him? Or not change him?
What sort of Sam Winchester do you want to see in season 8? Is the entire Hell wall ordeal over, or will there still be lingering side effects?
What sort of brotherly relationship would you like to see evolve from season seven?
What sort of role should secondary characters like Castiel play in their lives?
I’m very curious to see the responses, because I’m not sure myself how to answer these questions. Even in a few weeks when season eight information starts coming out at Comic Con, I don’t think we’re going to get a clear picture on characterization. Or maybe we will if I get to ask Jeremy Carver that question. 🙂
So speculate away! Feel free to even share your wish list vs. what you think is really going to happen. October is a long way away.
I just want the brother bond back. We had it then it was just..gone. It makes no sense. As much as they’ve been through for each other, because of each other and with each other, to have them grow distant with each other is ridiculous. It’s about Sam and Dean. The WINCHESTER BROTHERS. That’s what made the show great. I don’t believe that Castiel should have that big of a part to play. I believe he has run his course, done enough damage and left enough chaos in his wake to have to deal with now. Go back to the beginning. Remember what made the show so great and grow from there.
What I want more than anything else is the brotherly bond back. I want to see how much they really care for and love each other. We saw that in seasons 1 thru 3.
All the rest is secondary for me.
I would like to see Sam returning the amulet to Dean after caring for it ever since Dean threw it away. It was a symbol of Sam’s love and it was worn as a symbol of Dean’s love for his brother.
Yes, to me the archs and the monsters come in secondary and don’t mean anything if the brothers are divided from each other emotionally.
I would like to see Dean once again enthusiastic about the family business and a little more badass hunter like when he was a vampire and demolished the whole vampire nest. Also would like more of his fun horndog side and hear more corny jokes and “bitch” and “jerk”.
I would like to stop worrying that Sam is going to run off again letting his brother stew and fret with worry again.
I would like Sammy to actually bring back pie some time. 😛
No more blood drinking for Sammy please. Let Sam and Dean talk about their times in hell and comfort each other about it.
Want Sam’s head to be healed from Luciferations.
Let the brothers bicker and argue and fight, but always feel they would die for each other if necessary. Used to be that way.
I’m more interested, as you can tell, in the brotherly relationship than the seasonal big plot. Don’t really want to see any more world ending plots. Want them to be more personal and manageable and not depend on angels or demons or outside sources to succeed. And also want to see a few more successes!
And stop killing off all of the interesting characters that show up. There is no proof that Frank is actually dead, so bring him back and I don’t give a hoot how wonderfully written Bobby’s two deaths were, I want him back somehow in the flesh and human!
And I know no one is going to pay any attention to what I want, but this is it. :zzz
Oh, and before I forget, more shirtless scenes from both of of them. :-* 😉
I dont know what I want really?.
Sam? The quick fix has left a bad taste and with that I dont know what story they can give Sam .I suppose we can have a stable alright Sam but we always have a alright Sam in the end so it woulnt be new I would want some indication Sam;s hell is still there in some way .I would like to see them return the human to Sam , he has been so stripped of that over the seasons with the Supernatural attatched to him like a limpet so they could do that but wether it would great for Sam ? would depend on what they do and with what interest that do it with?.
Dean? they could go a number of ways with him I would like the Dean I connected to back and less wading in the syrup with him .
The Brothers relationship needs some TLC me thinks from the writers in season 8 and that relationship returning to the heart of the show.And talk these boys need to talk to each other .
I agree with quite a few things from the above posters, but most especially with the brotherly bond. I’ve rewatched seasons 1 through 5, and have just started season 6, and I must say, that is the most important thing for me. Other than that, I hope Sam is the one that gets Dean out of Purgatory around episode 3 (hey maybe that’ll be the episode Jensen directs!). As much as I love Castiel, I want Sam & Dean to be the ones figuring things out on their own. And one last thing, Dean needs to be not depressed in season 8. My God, the guy deserves a break from depression, he’s saved the friggin world how many times now? Oh, and maybe, just maybe Sam & Dean can finally compare notes on Hell?
Okay, so I guess I did have a few demands after all.
[b]What sort of Dean Winchester do you want to see in season 8? How would you like his trip to Purgatory to change him? Or not change him?[/b]
I want Dean to find a reason to enjoy hunting again. I would love it if he found a way to get over his depression and I would like him to do it by talking about his experiences in Hell and in Purgatory. We saw that Dean was affected by Hell in season four and we can draw the conclusion that the reason he is still depressed and drinks so much is a result of his trauma, but really, it was never dealt with very well. Use Purgatory to get Dean to open up about his traumas TO SAM and finally find some resolution to them. SAM needs to be the one to help Dean deal, not Castiel, not Jodie, not Bobby, not guest star of the week, not Crowley, SAM. The big part is that he has to talk TO SAM about these things, not anyone else and Sam has to work to help Dean .
[b]What sort of Sam Winchester do you want to see in season 8? Is the entire Hell wall ordeal over, or will there still be lingering side effects? [/b]
Well if we got a glimpse of the fact that Dean suffered in Hell, the writers totally and completely dropped the ball on Sam’s trip to the cage. Sam acted as if the worst side effect of the cage was a case of Poison Ivy of the palm last season. When he finally broke it was all of parts of 2 episodes, then Cas took it away. THEN we got to see Cas be insane, not Sam. I want lingering side effects. I want him to talk TO DEAN about those side effects and I want Dean to CARE about the side effects. Sam should be affected by what happened for the rest of his life, but I don’t want it to drag on for seasons, so having some resolution other than Cas healed me, everything is fine, is necessary for me.
[b]What sort of brotherly relationship would you like to see evolve from season seven? [/b]
I want the close supportive relationship of past years to return. I want the boys to act as if they love each other, not as if they are just hunters who hooked up because it was convenient. The love and care was absent this year. Sam still seemed to get frantic when Dean was in trouble, but Dean didn’t seem to feel the same way when Sam was in trouble post episode 2. I watch lots of show for good plots and witty dialog. I love and am committed to this show because of the brotherly bond. I really need that back.
[b]What sort of role should secondary characters like Castiel play in their lives?[/b]
I’ve never hidden the fact that I think Cas’s story is played out. That doesn’t mean I don’t want secondary characters. to be in the lives of Sam and Dean. I come from the tradition of no body means not dead, so Frank returning to help with the Leviathans now that they are less powerful would be great. I love Jodie Mills’s relationship with Sam and Dean. I would love to see Charlie again. Garth isn’t my favorite, but his second appearance made him grow on me and I would welcome his return. I would like to see Sam and Dean start to become the “elder statesmen” of the hunting world, helping other hunters, training new hunters. Heck, bring back some of the former Persons In Peril and have them decide to join the business. Kat from Asylum, Lucas from Dead In the Water, Michael from Something Wicked all have had the kind of contact with the supernatural that might make them decide to hunt. I have no problem opening up the hunting world, as long as it does not take precedence over the bond between Sam and Dean.
I do know that season seven pushed my devotion to this show and without the return of the brotherly bond, I will really have to rethink how I view this show and if I continue.
ONE HUNDRED PERCENT AGREE. With every word, percysowner.
(Yes, Caps intended.)
Give me less Castiel. I’m so done with that story. (sorry Misha)
Give me some evidence that what Sam’s gone through has actually mattered.
1. He’s still got the demon blood from Azazel, and has himself said that he’ll never be normal – where does this take him now?
2. His soul spent a year being tormented by both Michael and Lucifer: Cas “took the crazy” but not the memories!! Writers totally dropped the ball on that one – he can’t just have walked away from that.
Besides, Jared/Mark provided some of the best scenes – and some of the best potential for scenes – in all of S7 (which was otherwise a lost season for me)…
Let Dean rely on Sam this time, and actually talk to him – not at him, not bossing him. Let’s let their relationship grow up! Little Sammy ain’t so little, and it’s time for Dean to notice. … and then get back to being the hunter he is!
I want to see The Story Of Sam & Dean take precedence over the MOTW formula. Come up with a character arc for both of them and follow it! I don’t care how sad, or funny or terrifying, or silly, or angy or whacky, or horrible the story gets as long as the characters stay on course. If Dean is drinking at dawn he’s not going to be able to suit up in FBI mode at 9 and start a new case. If Sam is lunching with Lucifer he can’t pop into the precinct and get all the details on the case-of-the-week. Last season their issues dropped off the map in service to the case. Follow their story and how it impacts their work.
Since when did they fall into the formula where the most important thing each week is: find a case, impersonate FBI to get the details, figure out what they are hunting, get it, drive away. Change it up, surprise us, tell ANY weekly story any way you like but don’t lose the core of who these guys are. If they can figure out a big direction to go this year with the brother story and all the episodes stay honest to that, no matter how far they roam, I will be very, very happy.
Good questions!
[i]What sort of Dean Winchester do you want to see in season 8? How would you like his trip to Purgatory to change him? Or not change him?[/i]
Dean can be happy, sad, or angry, but I don’t want him depressed. I want him to finally get that he has choices in life and he’s not as much of a victim as he thinks he is. He really [i]can[/i] leave hunting if he wants. He didn’t have to leave Lisa and go back to hunting with Sam. He [i]chose[/i] to, so there must be something he’s getting from the hunting lifestyle. I don’t want another season exploring the question why Dean hunts. I want it answered with a single line of dialogue, followed by the emergence of a more empowered, playful Dean. One of Dean’s most appealing qualities is that he enjoys the small moments in life – eating a burger, hitting on an attractive woman. I want to see him enjoying life again. I don’t expect him to go back to being the Dean of season one, and he can be sad sometimes, but he can lighten up a little.
[i]What sort of Sam Winchester do you want to see in season 8? Is the entire Hell wall ordeal over, or will there still be lingering side effects? [/i]
I’m seriously disappointed that they didn’t do more with Sam’s storyline this year, but I’m ready to move on. There should be some traces of the Hell experiences, but I don’t want a weakened, unfocused Sam anymore. I want a return of the smart, opinionated, goal-focused Sam of the earlier seasons. I want him to have a plan, and I want to see him work toward accomplishing it with the single-minded determination that he used to have. I want to see him smarter than Crowley, and have higher ambitions than just getting Dean out of Purgatory (not that getting Dean out isn’t important, but I’m tired of Sam and Dean always playing defense and never offense). While I don’t want to see him evil or drinking demon blood, I’d like to see his powers addressed. They’re a part of who he is. I also want to see a return of the Sam who was not only empathetic, but who enjoyed having friends, and see his social network grow.
[i]What sort of brotherly relationship would you like to see evolve from season seven? [/i]
A healthier, balanced, honest relationship that’s not as needy as it has been in the past. Dean learned to let Sam go and respect him more as an equal in season 5. Let’s let that stick. But just because their relationship returns to a healthier state, that doesn’t mean that we can’t see some genuine affection between the two of them (in a guy type of way).
[i]What sort of role should secondary characters like Castiel play in their lives?[/i]
Cas works best when he has his own objective – which makes sense – he’s an angel, not a hunter. I’d like to see him weave in an out of their lives but have his own path and not be camped out in the back seat of the Impala. If Bobby returns, I want to see him weave in and out of their lives as well, and not be living with them and hunting with them every other episode. And I’m done with CrazyCas. He needs to be more than comic relief.
I am a fan of Supernatural since the beginning and i have been following the show until recently.
I converted myself as a fan of the show because of the brotherly relationship. Sam and Dean were written in a way that i had never seen in any other tv show before. It was the most beautiful, inspiring and strong sibling relationship on tv.
This feeling was most obvious in the first three seasons, my favorites.
In season 4 and 5, we could see some of that sibling relationship still strong, but something changed.
The diference started in season 4, with the introduction of Castiel and by that, the introduction of a “third brother†(“brother†mentioned by Dean in the end of season 6), placing Sam Winchester character in the background, a character that i always perceived as the most lonely fictional character on Tv.
I never understood if this was something written accidentally or if all of this Sam “loneliness†always had a reason to exist.
Why i perceive Sam as a lonely character? Since season 2, this fact intensified, mainly because Dean Winchester was always the character that everybody loved first. Almost 90% of the secondary characters of the show connected instantly and mostly with Dean: Jo/Ellen Harvelle in season 2, Castiel in season 4, Bobby always considering Dean has his favorite (comproved in 6×06 You can’t handle the truth and something that we already knew, so the revelation was almost unecessary…), Pamela in season 4, Garth, Frank, Rufus, Tessa the reaper, the Death Horsemen and so on…
I would love to see Sam Winchester with a friend(s) for himself, a good ally (ies) and to have characters in the show to have Sam as their favorite as well.
For me, season 7 was the worst season of Supernatural so far: the “light†between the brothers was non existent, Sam and Dean storylines were disorganized (Amy storyline was pointless, because it had no structure), Sam storyline about his time in hell were only told in 4 episodes, to be stealed by a secondary character (by the way, Dean’s apathy in this episode reinforces the lack of “light†in the brotherly relationship), Dean storyline was disjointed for a fictional tv show, the storylines were created but constantly dropped with no explanation and the sibling relationship were weak, with no “life†(i think the fans never truly understood why Dean throw away the amulet, an object so important to the sibling relationship and related to Sam Winchester. The lack of faith of Dean’s part it was too weird for me to explain, like if the writers wanted an excuse to get rid of the amulet…) And we know it was: The amulet caused some issues to Jensen Ackles because it was heavy and was a burden, but there are other ways to sort this out. At least, i would love to see an explanation about this important object (there are ways to make the amulet lighter with diferent kinds of material for example).
Still on the subject about season 7, “Hello, cruel worldâ€, it was a very good episode, for me, the only one i truly enjoyed. The brothers dynamic was there, but after this same episode, things turned out to be very different for what it was expected.
Dean was written out of character in almost the entire season and as a very good example, we have the scene with Castiel’s trenchcoat in 7×17. Dean, as we know him, would never act like this and the idea that Dean would travel around with the trenchcoat everytime they changed cars it’s very hard to believe. It was weird…
For once, i would love to see the writers stop trying to please and answer with “fan service” if that means the prejudice of a story or a character as we know them..
I would love to see less scenes between Dean and Castiel and all the “drama” surrounding them, because it’s getting very repetitive. I don’t know what else is there to tell about them. At least, writting scenes between more characters of the show besides Dean could be a good idea to “refresh” Castiel character himself.
I would love to see more women on the show and i’m really tired to see all the women of the show getting killed just because they have the “bad luck” to seduce the winchesters. Besides, a woman or women on the show could be a very good idea to attract male audience…
Still on the same topic, i would love to see more about Jody Mills. It would be very nice to see her and Sam. I loved the few scenes they had in season 7.
I would love to see more about Sam Winchester. We still don’t know, after 7 seasons, what is Sam Winchester favorite song(s), books and movies. Concerning Dean, we know his TWO favorite songs (mentioned in 4×17 and before that).
This show has been told mostly through Dean’s POV so we are in a situation where we know almost everything about Dean but almost nothing about Sam.
Sam Winchester is always kept in the dark, he’s a mystery. That’s why the character is so misunderstood, because his story is not clear and that’s why Dean Winchester it’s so loved by comparision.
I would love the idea to see Dean and Sam’s stories in a more well- balanced way, from both POV’S…
Sam Winchester is also a very smart, intelligent character. We found out that Sam is the brains of the “team†(between him and Dean), but unfortunately his intelect was never pointed out as it should, something that i always considered as a huge gap in Sam Winchester character and in the show itself.
Jensen and Jared have a great chemistry. This could be used as an advantage. Not all Tv Shows have so much luck with their main actors as Supernatural.
Concluding, i would love to see explored every loose ends that were droped with no explanation and never mentined again: “You didn’t need the feather to fly. You had it in you the whole time, Dumbo†(Ruby in 4×22) as an example….
Agree with you, Beth.
I’d love to see more into the Sam character. The potential fascinates me. He could be so much more than the kicked puppy.
We’ve been given the chance to see that Jensen is absolutely a class A talent. Some incredible work (and one day it’ll be acknowledged more widely) – but he’s been given the scenes to show it!
I would love to see that writing gold given to Jared’s character. Give us a chance to see what Sam has really got going on.
In general, I agree with[i] pentadactyl[/i],
I think both Sam and Dean were left in a place that anything Carver wants to do, he can do.
For Dean: I want Dean to be a [i]hunter[/i]. When the series started, Dean was first and foremost a hunter; someone who had been hunting all his life, someone who had hunted alone, and someone who is now the most experienced. Before he was Sam’s brother or John’s son, he was a hunter who hunted evil, because he wanted to save people and families from what had happened to his family. He reminded Sam of this in 1.02. Whatever they do, and I would prefer his past experiences make him somewhat feral and Sam have to hold him on the line, I want to believe that Dean is on top of the elite hunter community….absolutely no more emoting, personal journey, I-want-a-normal-life Dean.
For Sam: Absolutely no more ‘what’s wrong with Sam.’ I want the Sam from Point of No Return; all grown up, in-tune with his brother and standing right there shoulder to shoulder with him.
For Cas: I, too, am resigned to the fact that Cas is still with us; although, for the life of me, I see no more role for him in the story. Whatever they do with him, I hope he is used in a limited support character role that actually supports the Winchesters. No ex deus machina, no more Misha acting as Cas acting as Misha. And, I certainly hope the angel storyline is once and for all over.
Other Support Characters: Please, just no more old home week for anybody and everybody who has been on the show, and certainly no more episodes dedicated to them over the brothers.
The last thing I am pinning my hopes on for S8 is [b]focus[/b]. I want plots developed, not dropped, and the Winchesters are involved in those plots. I want to know what the quest is and how the Winchesters are involved so that I can invest in that quest, and I want development and follow-through.
What I absolutely [i]do not want[/i] is soap drama, emoting, and personal journeys about human conditions such as the love of my life, what’s wrong with me, I can’t take it anymore. No more destinies to overcome. No more why do I hunt. No more Dean save me. I want both brothers to be 100% human, both hunting monsters because monsters are evil and they hurt people, so they must be stopped. I want to see what the Winchesters are supposed to be — at the top of their game, the elite of the hunting community, and that they actually win once in a while because of that.
I agree on everything except that I’d like to see a personal motivation for them to hunt. Not just because they’re against evil or to save the world.
A good personal connection between the boys and everything else makes the plot more interesting and connected, imo.
Well, if it’s a “wish list”… In the beginning Dean was so INTENSE!! When he was angry, he was like a volcano; when he was in kill mode, he was (as Sam put it) down right scary; full of real emotions (and yes sometimes tears). And so honest about what he thought. I’m hoping surviving Purgatory brings that back out in him.
As far as Sam goes-YES! he is healed. Move on. He is only 4 yrs younger than Dean (just like Jared & Jensen). he shiould be getting his own pickups,etc. It would be funny (after the Annie storyline) to have them go after the same girl one time.
Of course bring back the “die for you” brotherly relationship. Even Jensen said, in the beginning, that was what the show was REALLY about
I want coherency with past seasons (well, I can overlook S7 lol).
The characters should keep what makes them themselves. The brothers have always been a bit messed-up and complicated, with an intense relationship, why should that change? Might be not totally healthy, but that crazy bond was what made Sam and Dean themselves. With it gone, the characters feel empty, detached and cold to me.
I want Dean to have at least part of his sparkle again. And I want him to allow Sam to help him (maybe after holding ion some macho facade for a while, because he’s Dean), and I want him to forgive himself.
Sam: I want him to save Dean. Very important. The other acceptable choice is Dean saving himself, but I’d prefer Sam. And I want him to fight, not be all ‘okay I’m fine with how shitty my life/health is because I’m unimportant’. It’s bad for him and most likely bad for Dean’s psyche too.
I understand they’re broken. Hell! after all this time, I know they can’t be all rainbows and sunshine. But I don’t want to see them and all they used to have (at this point, each other) destroyed and shattered to the core.
Brotherly bond: I want it strong and central to the plot, after how broken it’s been last season. I want that bond to help fix things. And I know it’s always been a bit extreme and messed-up, but that’s how Sam and Dean roll.
Cas. Should be gone (not dead!). Have him for 4-6 eps at most and don’t give him a central role. Oh but let him ‘clean his mess’ and face Crowley. After that, I don’t think he should stay in the show, unless it’s from time to time, a rare thing.
Bobby, I love you, but bringing back dead characters never works for me.
Frank. Frank was cool.
And Meg, please, give the demon a role this season(and maybe another Meg/Cas kiss, why not). I love how she’s there always in a very unconfortable for all situation, being the enemy-of-your-enemy.
Add Kevin to the equation because he’s relevant to the story.
I don’t care much for Jody, and don’t know if she can help with the Purgatory thing at all.
Can I ask for more scary monsters and no more angels? leviathans were not very interesting either.
I totally agree that Sam should save Dean or help Dean save himself. For me that is the deal breaker. Sam’s failure to save Dean from Hell led to a real imbalance between the brothers and I don’t think it has ever been rebalanced. My preference is Sam save Dean all by himself, but a joint effort would be okay too. But the rescue has to be between them. NO CASTIEL or CROWLEY or other supernatural creature, just Sam saving Dean or the brothers working together to save Dean.
I just really want the brotherly bond back! I love Misha Collins and enjoy the character of Castiel, but I want season 8 to really focus on Sam and Dean. I’d like them to go back to their roots of fighting demons and monsters and talking on the hood of the Impala (I must insist that the Impala be featured in every episode – there was too large of a drought of the Impala in season 7!).
I want Sam and Dean to act like brothers again, because – just ‘cuz!
[i]What sort of Dean Winchester do you want to see in season 8? How would you like his trip to Purgatory to change him? Or not change him?[/i]
My biggest hope for Dean is that he rediscover that life is worth living. He has been spiraling downward since Season 4, and I really think he hit bottom this year in his despair and apathy. I would like there to be a gradual climb back up. He has been so disappointed in what he sees as his failures, like the loss of the “apple-pie life” with Lisa and Ben that he had built up in his mind as his ideal for so long. With worrying about Sam, and Cas, and Bobby, and the world as a whole, all his passion has been crushed out of him. He needs to find a reason to keep going, maybe finding again his love of saving people, and hunting things. I would not expect him to go back to the old carefree, pre-Hell Dean, because that would not be in character after all he has suffered. But he used to have hope. If going through Purgatory and coming out alive can given him that, then good.
[i]What sort of Sam Winchester do you want to see in season 8? Is the entire Hell wall ordeal over, or will there still be lingering side effects?[/i]
Sam, like Dean, will always have his Hell scars. I have always wondered if his powers might resurface after his long exposure to all things demonic there. I hope he will find himself better able to deal with Dean’s absence this time, that he will remain hopeful, and will work actively to help his brother and the world. I would like Sam to have a chance to be the grown up. I would like him to have a shot at love that doesn’t end in death a few moments later. Actually, though Jody Mills and Bobby had a few tender scenes together, I have wondered if she and Sam might make a good team, romantically or as hunters. They’ve both lost life partners to evil, and are practical people.
What sort of brotherly relationship would you like to see evolve from season seven? [/i]
Mutual respect. They have suffered through betrayal, loss, Hell and abandonment. They are both adults, both hunters, and brothers. I would like to see love, and whatever disagreements they have with each other, I’d like for them to hold out hope of resolution. They should be grateful for every moment they are still breathing. I’d like to see them catch another Jayhawks game together, or watch a zombie movie. And let them abandoned their skepticism of each others motives once in a while.
[i]What sort of role should secondary characters like Castiel play in their lives?[/i]
I would love to see secondary characters embraced, not treated like red shirts. I know that Sam and Dean are the point of the series, but other characters provide a continuity that the brothers badly need. They do not need to appear in every episode, to be all powerful, or to have the perfect solution every time. But Cas, Bobby, Jody Mills, and even maybe even Garth are good contacts to advise the brothers, hunt with them, or even have dinner with now and then. (Let me just say here how much I miss Ellen, Jo, and Rufus). Hunters in general would be stronger as a community. Bobby provided some of that interconnectedness through his phone network, and I think it could be expanded.
For me it is simple: I need them to be the most important people in the universe again. That’s what they were seasons 1-5. They were the angelic vessels, they were pawns sure, but they were THE CHOSEN ONES. Kinda the point of a sci-fi show to have the leads have some mystical and important purpose. I need Sam and Dean to either be the best hunters that ever graced the earth or at least to be the legend of such greatness. I need them to, in Dean’s words, “be awesome”.
Frankly I feel that season 6 and 7 took that away from the characters. I enjoy lots of Sci-Fi TV and books and the key thing in every single one is that the main characters are special somehow.
I don’t want Sam and Dean interchangeable with any random under. I want them bad*ss to the core (yet retaining all that makes them who they are, all the empathy, all the silliness, the bravado, the swagger, the emo, the sensitivity, etc……)
I want them complex and meaningful
I agree with a lot of what has been posted above. For me, I would love to see the following:
1. More brotherly interaction in which both guys treat each other with respect and love. This has been lacking. Dean needs to get his “love” of hunting back and Sam needs be shown as a man of equal footing. Also, I have no problem with two brothers actually saying that they love each other. My boys say it to each other and my oldest is a US Marine, but if they can’t/won’t/disagree with this then…let’s hear a bitch/jerk exchange when these two get reunited again! (A great hug mixed with a few tears would be okay too) Oh…and more hook ups! These are two hot blooded young men…not monks!!!
2. Great interaction with supporting characters, but don’t let them take over for the main characters. Although, I’ve always thought of Bobby as more than a supporting character. He’s their surrogate father. As for Cas, I would love for the writers to make him “human”. To have him stripped of his powers and having to survive on his own would be interesting to see. The idea of bringing back other previous characters who would tie into the hunting world is a great idea! I think Michael from season one would have made one bada** hunter!
3. Plot follow thru…No more dropped ideas. If it’s brought up in an episode, it needs to be addressed and not brushed under the table. Continuity between episodes. The writers need to take note of what is happening in other episodes. No more WTF moments!
4. Finally…the amulet! We all know the history of the necklace and that Sam would not just let Dean throw it away. Writers – just answer what happened to it in one line so that it can either be resurrected or die in peace! That goes for all the other dangling plot threads that have been left out there in never never land. How about tying some of those up???
5. Also…no more monkeying around with baby! She’s a Winchester, too! Leave her alone!!!!
[b]What sort of Dean Winchester do you want to see in season 8? How would you like his trip to Purgatory to change him? Or not change him?[/b]
I want Dean to figure out what he wants from life and actively go after it instead of the apathy and depression of this season. It might have been realistic but it wasn’t exactly scintillating viewing. I want him to realise that he likes hunting, that he saves lives and it’s worth doing. I want him to get some self esteem back and figure out that HE’s worthwhile. I’d also really like to see Dean and Sam bond over their respective hell experiences. Oh, and I hope that his sojourn in Purgatory dries out his alcohol problems.
[b]What sort of Sam Winchester do you want to see in season 8? Is the entire Hell wall ordeal over, or will there still be lingering side effects? [/b]
I want Sam to be the one to Save Dean from purgatory, without any supernatural help. Definitely NO angels, demons or any other creature helpers. I want Sam to actually talk to people this season, I want to see how he actually[b] feels[/b] about the things that have happened to him. Like I said for Dean, I want them to talk to each other about their hell experiences. I would like to see in small ways that his hell time still affects him, but not make too a big deal about it.
[b]What sort of brotherly relationship would you like to see evolve from season seven? [/b]
I hope they have a really close relationship. I want to see them love and trust each other implicitly. I want them to talk to each other about their problems and their feelings. I know they don’t like chick flick moments but they still managed to talk about their feelings in the first four seasons without being girly about it, surely they could do that again.
[b]What sort of role should secondary characters like Castiel play in their lives?[/b]
I want secondary characters to be exactly that, SECONDARY! They should be there only to allow deeper exploration of Sam and Dean, not to take over the story, or save the day all the time. I would also prefer to only see them occasionally not every damn episode. Especially Cas. Personally I’m hoping he got eaten by a monster in purgatory, but unfortunately I’m sure that’s not going to be the case. I would like to see Jody Mills again, but only as a platonic friend for the boys, not as a love interest for either of them.
Before I answer the questions I have one thought that struck me on Dean in purgatory. Â When Dean died at the end of season 3 his body was buried and his soul went to hell where it couldn’t die. Â When Sam died at the end of season 5 his body was saved by Castiel and walked around for half of season 6 Â while his soul was in the cage with Lucifer being tortured, and couldn’t die. Â So if I understood the end of season 7 both Dean’s body and soul are in purgatory, what happens if his body dies? Â Does he need to eat and drink?
This brings me to what do I want to see for Dean’s character in season 8? Â I want to see him fight to survive, which snaps him out of his apathy. Â Nothing makes you want to live more then the prospect of dying. Â I saw someone say sort of like the hunger games, I would like that. Â When he returns, a few bonding moments with Sam would be nice, then back to saving people enthusiastically.
As for Sam’s character, I would like to see him save Dean. Â I realize the ship sailed on the hell trauma (still pissed on that) but a little PTSD would be ok. Â Not like episodes devoted to it, more like new personality traits that might present themselves. Â I would also like a flashback type episode that fills in some of the blanks. Â Dean’s altered call in Lucifer Rising, some time in hell (for both), was Adam in the cage, (I think if Adam is there he doesn’t have it that bad compared to Sam because Michael is protecting him)etc. Â And I too would like to see something about those powers and what happened to them. Â If they are gone ok, but why.
Castiel – he is a problem for me. Â I love Misha, but I am over Cas and the Angels. Â I think I would like Cas more like S5, where he can do some things (to help further the plot) but doesn’t act as the deus ex machina. Â TBAI pissed me off to the point that I am sick of there being no consequences for either Sam or Dean because Cas just fixes them up. Â One of the only things I liked about S7 was that they might actually die for good, the suspense was back in that area. Â Until Cas returned, and the suspense was sucked out.
As for other secondary characters, I love them, but let’s keep them secondary. Â I want the show to get back to the characters of Sam and Dean as the stars and heros. Â And let them actually save someone more often than not.
Always more brotherly moments, but it’s a fine line between brotherly moments that further the plot, relationship or character and turning them into women. Â Keep those moments true to character for a man, but let’s actually have some this season.
like most of you i want brothers to be brothers again , i want them to have less problems. but let’s be honest , having two brothers who just randomly hunt ghosts and do pranks on each other and walking shirtless in a whole episode , is not what supernatural means! brother hood -as far as i know- is that you care about each other , you love each other but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have fights with each other or you don’t have any problems with each other’s views on things. thats how SPN was in first seasons and it should be like that again.
of course , i want dean to be less angst and be a real hunter again and not that kind of hunter that he was in s1 . he was a kid back then , now he is a grown up man who has seen and experienced things that no one in his age would ever imagine , so its simple for him to be tough but not childish and all that.
and who said he was a hunter before he was sam’s brother or john’s son?! he was just a kid when he was brought into this world by his dad , he had no choice and the reason that he got good at doing that , was that he wanted to get the job done as soon as possible to be with his family , but the job kept on coming so he converted to one angry and depressed hunter we saw in s7 that just wanted to get the job done and goes after the next one!
about sam , i want him to be stable , i want the writers to say some explanations about what happened to his lucifer’s mind gaming and demon blood and everything but not quite a lot. i want him to be wise and to be geeky as he was before!! i want him to be a grown up and fixed! just that!!
about the brotherly hood , i said above. i want to see more brother bond , but not just joking around and laughing and eating pie!! that is not SUPERNATURAL! we learnt through this years that family is that you have to be for each other in every bad and hard situation and that’s what i want to see in s8. i want the boys to have problems and all , meanwhile have good and free times for themselves.
about castiel , I’ve got to say , i think i’m the only one in this website who loves Castiel so much and is a big fan of his character. but i too want him to have a proper story line for himself , not just to fooling around and saves the day and just be there to makes the fans happy!! Misha is an amazing actor and they shouldn’t done this to his role in this show . they turned this character in every stupid way they wanted and they’re going to do some more and i hate it.
i want cas to be just like how he was at the end of season 4 and in season 5! he was just like a friend for Dean AND Sam and tried to help them in any way he could . and if you remember exactly , he didn’t help them all the time , he had his weak spots and everything. so i want him back but with a proper and strong story line.
and for those who say they want Jodie back or Charlie or what ever , believe me , if you see them more than one episode like cas , you are gonna be the first ones who come here and say : NO MORE JODIE(Or Charlie , or bobby or what ever) PLEASE!!!
[quote]and for those who say they want Jodie back or Charlie or what ever , believe me , if you see them more than one episode like cas , you are gonna be the first ones who come here and say : NO MORE JODIE(Or Charlie , or bobby or what ever) PLEASE!!![/quote]
I never said no more Bobby and he was in as many episodes as Castiel for a while. I didn’t like that Sam and Dean turned into research idiots so that Bobby could be info-guy, but I never wanted Bobby gone full time. What it boils down to FOR ME is that Castiel completely upset the balance of the show. I don’t want recurring characters who become more important and get more story focus than Sam or Dean. I will forever resent that Castiel got the “poor me how I have suffered” episode with TMWWBK when Sam got a few throwaway lines to let us know why HE had gone off with Ruby. I resent that Castiel got a “profound bond” with Dean and that every time Castiel was in a scene, Sam wasn’t allowed to talk, unless he was saying that Castiel was great and should be forgiven.
If Jodie, or Kevin or Frank or Charlie or Garth suddenly start getting the huge focus of the story then, yes, I will be annoyed. If they start taking the place of Dean in Sam’s life or the place of Sam in Dean’s life then I will be unhappy with how they are used. The problem isn’t screen time or number of appearances for me. It is how the characters are used and whether or not they add to the story of Sam and Dean or take attention away from the story of Sam and Dean.
I disliked Cas because of how Cas was (over)used IMHO, not because he appeared more than once.
ok , now we can talk! i totally agree with you that they overused castiel in this series. and i don’t like how they turn the character to this mess right now. i too want him to be their friends , some helping hand , but nor get over used.
in season 4 he was this mysterious angel , who wasn’t quite sure what to do with his orders or to help sam and dean . and in season 5 he was truly a friend , who rebelled for sam and dean to help them.
and about that episode you mentioned, which is one of my favorites , the whole season 6 was kinda based on Sam’s issue and Castiel’s mission to beat Raphael. so the writers probably wanted to show why he would do something like that , to protect the boys , but in a wrong way. i don’t think they didn’t mention Sam’s reasons for being with ruby at all , they did and it was kinda obvious but for Castiel , we didn’t know until that episode that he was doing something like that behind winchesters’ back.
and i have to say that , i hate what they have done to him in season 7 , bring him back was totally fan service , just like that scene of bringing back Impala in season finale. it was all to keep the fans who liked Castiel as much as they love the boys. so i didn’t like it either . and all i want is that to make a proper line for him in the show or let he be gone for good. This character was one of the best in TV history , until they screwed it up in season 6 and everything.
[quote]What sort of Dean Winchester do you want to see in season 8? How would you like his trip to Purgatory to change him? Or not change him?[/quote] I don’t want Dean to change because that means we’ll only change him to what we want, not what he truly is. Carrying guilt is something Dean has always done so to take all that away from him in one fail swoop would be completely unrealistic and I think would be a disservice to the character.
I would like him to rediscover the ‘saving people’ aspect of who he is, to know that it’s not all about the killing monsters side of it. Now a lot of that will depend on what direction the show thinks in more appealing (and if the new time slot is to cater for a newer audience the focus might be more on killing than saving because it’s graphically more eye-catching).
I’d like Purgatory to ‘change’ Dean in that he comes to realise that he’s an excellent [i]hunter[/i], not a killer; a hunter. I’d like the ‘think outside the box Dean’ to make a return; the guy who thought to do a P.A. system mass exorcism and put salt into bullets. I’d like him to survive in Purgatory on his wits and his skills so that he can find some worth in himself when he comes back. If he has worth in himself then he’ll see worth in what he does.
I’d like for Dean to live with hope again and I’d like to see him start by having him trust that Sam will get him out; to not think ‘Oh crap, this is it, I’m here forever’. We saw him calling for Sam at the end of 3.22 because back then he thought Sam would find a way to get him out. I’d like for him to show that type of faith in his brother again.
[quote]What sort of Sam Winchester do you want to see in season 8? Is the entire Hell wall ordeal over, or will there still be lingering side effects? [/quote] A Sam with non straightened hair! I’d love for Sam to use [i]his[/i] considerable skills and his considerable cunning and his considerable intelligence to save Dean. I’d rather he do it on his own. I’ve no problem with him using other hunters or whatnot for intel etc but I’d like for the plan, the action and the save, to come from Sam. I think he needs to chalk this one in the win column. He’s lost his whole family at one time or another and each time it’s been because of him. As important as it is for him to save Dean for Dean, for his own state of mind, and his own self worth, he [i]needs[/i] this save.
I’d also like to see the sort of Sam that is a bit freer in himself, to realise that he is not defined by his errors of judgment in the past, to look forward and not backward. To just be a guy who is happy with himself!
I’d like to see Sam the hunter. He seemed more at ease with his hunting side in later seasons so I’d like to see just how good he is. There are still a buttload of Leviathans around that need to be taken care of and their plan is still operational. That all needs to be taken care of, as well as saving Dean, so hopefully Sam is going to be a busy little boy! (Plus, added bonus, if he’s that busy there won’t be any time to get maudlin. The same applies to Dean. I hope those Purgatory monsters keep him busy!)
Is Sam’s Hell wall ordeal over? I think for the most part it is, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. While the wall was [i]in[/i] Sam then the wall dominated and dictated Sam. We saw that in [i]Repo Man[/i], amongst others. I’d rather not see a Sam/Lucifer hybrid save Dean. It’s hard to know what lingering side effects there will be, if any. I think it’d be cool to see something like, while doing research, Sam finds he’s able to understand Enochian or something like that. Or maybe Sam might now find himself unable to watch Robin Williams films or turns off Stairway to Heaven when it comes on the radio??
[quote]What sort of brotherly relationship would you like to see evolve from season seven? [/quote] A solid one. The brothers have been through life, death, heaven and hell with each other. They’ve worked together and they’ve worked separately. They should definitely be at a stage where they can trust each other with the good and the bad and not have their belief in each other shaken by the whisperings of angels, demons or anyone else.
At base level I think they’re stronger than they were in season one because there really isn’t anything fake about their relationship anymore. The issues that drove them apart, and the barriers that [i]kept[/i] them apart in earlier seasons have been addressed and they’ve moved on from them. They’ve both seen each other at their worst and overcome it. However, the relationship can’t be the free and easy one it was in earlier seasons until the participants are happy with themselves. Sam was consumed with Lucifer for most of season 7, Dean consumed with guilt so their relationship could not be at the forefront of their minds. They need to get themselves right before they can worry about their relationship.
[quote]What sort of role should secondary characters like Castiel play in their lives? [/quote] I don’t really mind what sort of role they play as long as it is relevant to the story being told. I wasn’t overly keen on Castiel in season 7 because (apart from the fact that he still hasn’t acknowledged the many wrongs he has done, grrrr), he really didn’t serve a purpose; it felt like he was only there because he was a popular character etc. Towards the end of the season, in particular, I thought he was only there to play for laughs.
However, he [i]is[/i] in Purgatory with Dean now (I assume) so he needs to serve a purpose there. Maybe he could be saved by Dean or Dean teaches him how to survive or Castiel boosts Deans freaking ego or something. I don’t particularly want him to have powers down there (and the way Castiel just disappeared suggests he might. Either that, or because he’s an angel he [i]can’t[/i] be in Purgatory so he was vamoosed out of there?) Whether or not he gets out of Purgatory is another thing (though I would loathe beyond words some sort of storyline where Castiel sacrifices himself to get Dean out…..)
If he is brought back out Purgatory, I don’t want him hunting with Sam and Dean. He can pop in every now and again for a cup of tea and a chat about the old days but I didn’t sign up for a threesome, especially not one that contains a angel who can kill all sort of nasties without even breaking a sweat. I don’t particularly want to see Sam and Dean standing there scratching while Castiel kills all around him.
In relation to the angels overall, I [i]hope[/i] their story is done. To me, they, like demons (up until the last minutes of 7.23), are a mere annoyance at this stage. They can be killed, they can be zapped away, they don’t have the intimidation factor any more so just let them stay in heaven and repopulate it.
I wouldn’t mind them meeting some other hunters because I think it’d be cool to see how they’d react to Sam and Dean, if they knew what they had done in the past ie how would they treat Sam? Would they try to kill him like Gordon or shag him like Annie? The world of hunting is an interesting one and it’s much bigger than Sam and Dean. I’d like that to be acknowledged in some small way. Not necessarily a storyline about some random hunter but maybe ala Dean and Mackey in 7.17. I like that it reminds us that Sam and Dean aren’t as isolated as they think.
Other small things, I’d like some positive acknowledgement of John (I’m like a broken record with this one!). Perhaps Sam could pay a visit to one of his storage containers or Dean could kill a Purgatory monster in some novel way and say something along the lines of ‘My dad taught me that’ etc. John made the two boys what they are; they can’t just refuse to acknowledge him.
I think the events of past seasons need to be acknowledged. I know that some have ‘issues’ (aka loathe) season 7 but it’s actually growing on me. However, like John, what happened in those seasons can’t be ignored. One of the most perplexing things I found in season 7 was in the Mentalists when Sam being a (ex?) psychic (in a town of psychics) didn’t even warrant a raised eyebrow.
Overall, I’d like happy boys in a season that provokes debate and contentment. Not too much to ask!
[b]What sort of Dean Winchester do you want to see in season 8? How would you like his trip to Purgatory to change him? Or not change him?[/b]
I want to see Dean the badass, confident, wiseass hunter back again. I want to see the twinkle back in his eye again. I want him to be free of his depression and apathy. I want him to fully embrace the family business again and to believe in himself , to truly know that he is an awesome hunter.
[b]What sort of Sam Winchester do you want to see in season 8? Is the entire Hell wall ordeal over, or will there still be lingering side effects?[/b]
I want Sam to be the one who saves Dean. I want Sam to talk to people next season, to make friends – anything that lets us know what he’s feeling about things. I hated what the writers did with Sam’s storyline this year and especially hated the quick fix so I would love to see some residual effects of the Cage making themselves visible next season. I don’t want it to be a big feature of S8 at all but just something…anything…so that his Hell storyline hasn’t been completely magic -ed away. He still has his Hell memories so lets hear a bit about them. I want Sam and Dean to talk to each other about their hell experiences.
Oh… and less hair gloop for Sam and more of the fly away curls. 😆
[b]What sort of brotherly relationship would you like to see evolve from season seven? [/b]
I want their close, supportive, ever so slightly messed up relationship from previous years back again. I want to see how much they love and care for each other. More brotherly moments, more talks in or by the Impala, more teasing, more slaps on the shoulder/knee etc. Maybe even a brotherly hug.
[b]What sort of role should secondary characters like Castiel play in their lives?[/b]
Just that….secondary. Misha is wonderful but, for me, personally, Castiel’s role in the story is played out. Knowing that he will be back I’d like him to just pop in now and again next season and not have a central role. I hope the angel stuff is well and truly over.
I want the focus to get back to Sam and Dean and ‘the family business’. I love Jodie Mills and I liked Garth and Charlie so I’d like to see them back again…occasionally. I’d also like to see that Mackay guy from TBAI and I’d love it if Frank is still alive somehow.
In Season 8 I want to be surprised. Ofcourse I want to see the brothers bond and do heroic things in keeping with their characters, but most of all I want to be surprised and I want a super villain!
Oh yes, the Impala. Please let the Impala play its part.
I want to see Sam & Dean, the Impala, the amulet, more bro-mos……not romance, monster of the week, hunting things, saving people, maybe an occasional fling because afterall the boys are HOT.
Please J.Carver, don’t let us down!!
If you want to see an extremely interesting perspective on season 8 take a look at this fanfic — it’s amazing http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8137704/6/ – it’s called “Darkest Before Dawn”
I am in the third chapter..and i had comment.If the thing about Michael’s painting is true then the implications for Dean’s tie to mytharc would be wonderful.I for one am excited if this turns out to be the scenario
It’s good all right, isn’t it!! Completely unworkable on the show (unfortunately) but it works brilliantly as fanfiction.
I agree, this fanfic is fabulous. I stumbled across it by chance when chapter one was posted and I’ve been avidly reading it ever since.
Honestly awesome fanfic! I agree that it seems unworkable for the show, but still. Sigh.
With Sam, I would like to see some memories of Hell, or at least the effect of them. Even though the craziness is gone, he still remembers and that should affect him deeply. Also for some reason I kind of want the way for Sam to save Dean is he has to travel to purgatory somehow. Otherwise Sam is left on Earth while Dean is going through all these experiences in purgatory which would be similar to Dean coming back from hell. It would be cool to see Sam and Dean going into super hunter mode in purgatory and it would be a great way for them to bond and grow again. I doubt that will happen, but there is plenty to work with still.
I want fun Dean back, no more depressed apathetic Dean. Or at least he really needs to deal with the issues he has been holding for the last 3 season. It time for him to let go and go on to a new stage. Bring back bad ass Dean! Them saving people, hunting things, the family business for that too have meaning for Dean again, not just the weekly job.
And I want Sam and Dean to be brothers again, no more of season 7’s FBI supernatural co-worker thing.
They both need some friends too, other hunters that help. Also it would be nice if both Dean and Sam had some kind of connection to the MOTW story and the characters they save like in seasons 1-3. Oh yeah they both need to get laid seriously.
I still kind of hold some bitterness to how season 6 turned out. It would’ve have been ok with that if they had played it out properly in season 7. But they basically just dumped him without even a mention. Only to bring him back with no purpose, just a comic relief but it didn’t work. I want old Cas back from season 4 and 5 who was a friend but would just pop in every now and then. He would help but had his own purpose. What I don’t want is for him to just save the day for Dean and Sam. It dumbs down their abilities. I want the Sam and Dean from the earlier season who were smart and got out of the tough situation themselves.
As much as I love cas the character, crazy cas is pointless.
Finally no more of the ‘end of the world’ scenario with some ‘big bad’, the leviathan were pretty lack lustre. I’d like the demons, angels or others to become what they were fearsome supernatural beings that they are. It’s become too easy to hurt and kill them.
I’m really excited for season 8 and will probably be happy with whatever they do. 🙂
Yes please!
No more Wolverine wannabe!
I agree with SOOOOO much with a lot of what has already been said and yet would be willing to forego almost all of it for an incredibly, great, over–the-top fantastic story.
For instance, my number thing I want hands-down, bar none is the what Bevie said, “What I want more than anything else is the brotherly bond back. I want to see how much they really care for and love each other.â€
But if a great storyline required them to be at odds with one another, I can accept that if the storyline needs it. In fact, I kind of think I want it if could be used to explain Dean’s behavior towards Sam this year. Although ULTIMATELY I want there to be a complete reconciliation and the most massive brother reconciliation hug (we’ve never had one of those. Reunion-yes, but not reconciliation).
Love of story does sometimes when over love of characters, for me, as long as that ultimately there is reconciliation. So for all the things I agree with, there is that caveat.
What sort of Dean Winchester do you want to see in season 8? How would you like his trip to Purgatory to change him? Or not change him?
Again ULTIMATELY for Dean, I agree was percysowner “I want Dean to find a reason to enjoy hunting again.†And I would add, see the meaning to his life. The value in it. See that what he does matters, but beyond that he deserves good things and that he is a good person (I would like him to see himself for the hero he is but I won’t push my luck). I thought that where they were leading this season. I thought he was going to have a break down and then an epiphany. We just got depression and apathy and then it was dropped. I would like something done with that. I read several ideas that could possibly be good.
That he would be reduce to complete feral instincts. Be in total survival mode. Warrior through and through. And as percyowners said “Have Sam act as an anchor to draw Dean back to the middle.â€
Or I was also intrigue by the idea that he would have some sort of supernatural aftereffect from is time there. A power or even a curse, something he has to overcome. I like the idea for the literary symmetry. He has also been the ultimate human. Overcoming all foes, regardless of the fact that he had no powers. He has also instinctively distrusted or at least be wary of anything supernatural. So to have him come back with something that makes him less than normal. REALLY works for me. Especially, like I said, if they found away to link this back to his behavior last year and his no grey areas approach.
I didn’t like that aspect of Dean last year (esp considering it came and went as convenient), so a storyline in S8 that makes S7’s have meaning. And if this linked back to his distance from Sam, even if it meant some angst to begin. I’m all for it.
But regardless of where they take his storyline I would wholeheartedly agree with this
I would love it if he found a way to get over his depression and I would like him to do it by talking about his experiences in Hell and in Purgatory. We saw that Dean was affected by Hell in season four and we can draw the conclusion that the reason he is still depressed and drinks so much is a result of his trauma, but really, it was never dealt with very well. Use Purgatory to get Dean to open up about his traumas TO SAM and finally find some resolution to them. SAM needs to be the one to help Dean deal, not Castiel, not Jodie, not Bobby, not guest star of the week, not Crowley, SAM. The big part is that he has to talk TO SAM about these things, not anyone else and Sam has to work to help Dean.[/quote]
What sort of Sam Winchester do you want to see in season 8? Is the entire Hell wall ordeal over, or will there still be lingering side effects?
Sam is more difficult. His storyline is linked with Dean’s so it hard to know what you what you from his actions without knowing what Dean’s are going to be.
But barring the above caveat.
I DEFINITELY WANT SAM TO RESCUE DEAN. Or at least be the reason for his rescue in the way that Dean was with Sam from the Cage. Yes Death went down and got him, but he did so only because of Dean.
I would like that he not make any deals with Crowley or dark forces to do so, but if he does by necessity, that he they not make him evil Sam for doing so. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE season 4, but I would prefer this time, if like Dean, they switch it up this season by highlighting his humanity. Both its weaknesses and strengths.
Which leads me to the thing I want most for Sam’s character, regardless of any storyline (or if not it better be the best freaking storyline EVER). I want inside this guy’s head. I want to know how he sees his life. Is he as hopeless for the future as Dean but just processing differently? Or is he not dealing with anything, just pushing through day by day? I want to know what’s going on with him. How is actually feeling? We’ve gotten peeks inside Sam’s head but they all they told us about him is that he would take on hell memories and talk to Lucifer if it meant saving his brother. He said no longer felt the guilt in DYL, but before that I think the last thing we got from him was briefly in S5 when he said he was angry all the time. Oh and he said he was least of any of them (Dean, Cas and Bobby) at the end of S5. I want to know what he thinks NOW. We know he still aligns himself with the freaks and monsters, but how does that effect him? I feel like he’s lost a lot of confidence in himself and that he’s depending of Dean’s opinion, rather than balancing it. But honestly I can see how others could make a different case. And it is the same way about almost everything with Sam. We’ve been so little inside this guy’s head since S3, they could do a whole new character exploration of him.
About hell again agreeing percyowner [quote]
I want lingering side effects. I want him to talk TO DEAN about those side effects and I want Dean to CARE about the side effects. Sam should be affected by what happened for the rest of his life, but I don’t want it to drag on for seasons, so having some resolution other than Cas healed me, everything is fine, is necessary for me. [/quote] Want to write HELL YEAH on this one too.
What sort of brotherly relationship would you like to see evolve from season seven?
What I said above and also again agree with percysowner esp with, “I want the boys to act as if they love each other, not as if they are just hunters who hooked up because it was convenient.†I willed add, I would like Dean to take the word OWE out of his vocabulary when in comes to Sam. I know its stupid but it is kind of indicative of the season and maybe that is what they were going for. It felt like Dean was doing things for Sam because he OWED him. I hate that. I REALLY hate that. I want the Dean who did things for Sam because he loved him and couldn’t stand not having him around, not out of some since of duty or responsibility. I would like to get the impression they LIKE being with each other.
What sort of role should secondary characters like Castiel play in their lives?
Once again going with percysowener on the [quote]
I’d like the secondary characters to be tools in telling the story of Sam and Dean….. I sincerely believe that everything in the story, from the myth arc to the secondary characters to the costumes to the lighting, everything should be a tool we use to get to know Sam and Dean better.[/quote]
Well I might not go QUITE that far. I do think that Sam and Dean are THE story. And most everything should revolve mainly around them. But I have liked stories in the past where we got insight into main 2ndry characters like Cas and Bobby. And those can be used to enhance the main story, I just don’t think the writers should lose sight of whose story it is. With episodes such as BAI though, the focus felt like it was on Cas in what was a pivotal episode in Sam storyline. Don’t get me wrong I DO like Castiel and that was a kickass return, but Sam got shorted. We learned nothing new about him.
And then in the next episode, Garth’s intro was MUCH more predominant than the aftereffects of what had happened to Sam OR Dean for that matter (since he’d almost lost his brother-not that it seemed to bother him that much). THAT I have a problem with. Now Charlie didn’t bother me, maybe because I liked her and the writing better. But if a new character were the focus every week (or maybe ever again, depending on how it’s done), I wouldn’t like it at all.
Final thing. I’m not a huge nitpicker on continuity. If I can suss out a reasonable explanation for what happened I’m pretty good. For instance, Bobby popping into the house in TWBB, but having to stay in the car in the same episode. It kind a bug the first time I saw it but someone mentioned he had anger and motivation to get in the house and I’m okay with that (even if it’s a little weak). But if I CAN’T figure out ANY explanation then it does bug me and the more closely related to the main characters personalities or the storyline the more it bugs me. IE Dean carrying around that coat.
They are generally pretty good about catching these or at least putting in a throwaway explainer line but this last season had several inexplicable character movements by the main characters (IE Dean letting the Starks go) with no explanation as to why. I need for that to stop LIKE NOW. Because every time I rewatch the episode it just bugs me all over again, esp when it relates to an overall plot of the season, like that one did.
Damn missed the beginning – trying to post again.
[b]Dean: [/b] Stronger, happier (eventually). Less alcohol.
[b]Sam:[/b] Cas cured him of Hell. Done. Happier.
[b]Brothers: [/b] Talking more. Joking more. More connected to each other. More self-reliant.
[b]Speculation commencing! Are ghosts (G), demons (D) and angels (A) = monsters? [/b]
Because according to the Alpha Vamp, when monsters die they go to Purgatory. Maybe he should have been more precise/we could stretch a point and say ‘non-human’. So if G,D&A are non-human then they should all be in Purgatory. So! When SAM rescues Dean (WITH Dean’s help – I think Dean has had enough of been moved around the board like a chess piece) then a few unintended monsters could be sucked back into the world ‘unintentionally’ or perhaps Dean and possibly Sam (see below) protects/leads a few like Katniss did Rue in The Hunger Games and brings them with. These could be:
[b]G:[/b] Bobby, ?Mary (not John cos he went towards the light like Molly from No Exit. Mary –and Jody – could help the show grow up a bit with regards to female characters maybe –see below) http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=Category:Ghosts
[b]A:[/b] Gabriel and Castiel (?but they become human in the process). This way we get to keep Richard and Misha without having the overdone angel storyline further outstaying its welcome. http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=Category:Angels
[b]Other Monsters (OM):[/b] ?Amy (she becomes human??but what about her son….)
But prior to that perhaps Dean (and Sam? If he has to come to Purgatory to find Dean) needs to battle or work with or come across in Purgatory some of the below:
[b]G: [/b]Hendrickson, Meg/Nicki Aycox, Jo or Ellen or maybe Ellen and Annie (of Grave Importance) could meet and team up to help Dean/the boys after having a Gruff Voice–Off!
[b]D:[/b] Alastair http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=Category:Demons
[b]A: [/b]Balthazar
[b]OM: [/b]Gordon, Lenore, Leviathans (Dick/Edgar/Chet), Emma (Dean’s daughter – actually this could be cool like Jeff Bridges and the little girl in True Grit), Madison (werewolf)
And somehow this big spell that retrieves Dean needs to seal off the two revolving doors that demons and angels have had access to since the Hells Gate opening and the Apocalypse. And Heaven, Hell and angels go back to being too far away to contemplate. Or maybe this can be a separate story line that both Sam and Dean work on once Sam has got Dean back and they decide they have had enough of Heaven and Hell pre-empting the end of the world. This could involve Death, who states no human is getting any more second chances.
[u][b]Plots character developments that are needed/could be great:[/b][/u]
• Sam and Dean win sometimes.
• Dean temporarily has to deal with Purgatory stuff e.g. Tobey Maguire in Brothers. Sam helps him work through it.
• Purgatory could be the (albeit harsh) cure for Dean’s alcoholism
• Sam needs more human connections.
• They need to joke more.
• They both need to get laid more!
• ?Cas becomes human. Could be ‘adopted’ by Jody !
• Less Dean and Castiel and their bond. Played out.
• More Jody Mills – ? her place the new Bobby’s – ?older sister to the Winchesters.
• An episode of Sam and Dean doing nothing/between hunts. In that vein, can one of the writers be assigned the middle of the season and not let it sag heavily between premiere and finale. And have one episode like Weekend at Bobby’s but this time A Day in the life of the Winchesters.
• A whole episode of dealing with their experience of Hell – but let the two of them just have to talk to each other about their experiences and how they have handled it since they have come back. Maybe they are trapped somewhere like Dean and Casey were in Sin City ( I loved those scenes). Where they are forced to talk – maybe one of them has an injury and the other is forced to talk and then vice versa. Or Dean keeps a journal in Purgatory and Sam discovers it. And all of the Hell-related issues are explored for the whole episode and then can be put to rest.
• They pay Roy and Walt a visit.
• Rufus’ cabin as a Winchester bolt hole?
• We must be due a Ghostfacers episode this season. I miss those guys!
[u][b]Plots/characters that could be picked up IF IT MAKES SENSE TO THE SEASON (CAPS INTENDED!):[/b][/u]
• Lisa and Ben (I like them. Sue me!)
• Charlie
• Frank
[u][b]Plot points or characters that I am not interested in seeing again:[/b][/u]
• Angels – any and all (bin there, dun that, got the Tshirt –hell at this point the entire wardrobe – move on, please!)
• Demon Meg as played by Rachel Miner
• Women as only either Madonnas or whores. Like Dean said to Chuck ‘Boy, you really got a whole virgin/hooker thing going on, don’t you?’
[b]What should secondary characters do? [/b]Remain SECONDARY. Ha! Just saw Lynx, LynnE and Gwen wrote the same thing upthread.
[b]Overall: Find a way back to: Saving people, hunting things, the [u]family[/u] business [/b]
Magichappening-You have alot of good ideas! I love your comment about Lisa/Ben. I know it’s not popular but I liked them too. So sue both of us!
Magichappening, I like your ideas, although as far as I remember Ellen and Jo were both human when they died, so I’m thinking (hoping) they aren’t in Purgatory (even though I’d love to have them back on the show).
I kind of took it that all things that weren’t human when they died ended up in Purgatory(though I’m not so sure about angels), so I think it would be interesting that if maybe Sam gets stuck in Purgatory too in the process of saving Dean and the brothers end up facing some of their old enemies/hunts. Gordon, in particular, I think would be quite fun.
Sam: I also think Sam should be the one who gets Dean out. I don’t care if he gets help or from whom, as long as he’s kind of the mastermind behind it and gets to be the one who does the final spell/ritual/bungee jump/whatever to get his brother back. I do also want to see something about the effects of Hell. Even just get to him talk about it. I like the idea that maybe they get trapped and have to discuss it, or maybe that a hunt they’re on reminds Sam of hell and Dean has to do something like he did in HCW. I really think a situation like that could be in some way healing-to both of them.
Dean: Again, I’d also just like to see him over the whole depression/apathy thing. I know it’s generally something that’s meant to be difficult to get past, but it’s been going on too long in the show. At least maybe get him back to a place where he enjoys his job again, back when saving people was enough.
Relationship: Strong. I think the writers meant that to be their relationship this season, but I don’t think we were really shown that. It doesn’t have to be huge, just show us a little more that Sam and Dean are in this together because they love, trust and respect each other. I think we know that already, but we need to see it more. And none of this “have the brothers fight and separate because of stupid stuff†crap-unless it’s done properly and for a legitimate reason. I can understand them not agreeing with each other all the freaking time, but there wasn’t really a reason for all that drama this season. I wasn’t convinced they(the writers) had a plan in mind so much as it was for drama’s sake.
Secondary characters: I don’t mind most of the secondary characters on this show and I like that Sam and Dean might have people that can help them when needed, but I do think they need to start throwing out the deus ex machinas, and being careful that none of these characters really overshadow the brothers. The writers have always been so good at creating strong supporting characters, but I’ve never really felt that that took the focus away too much from the brothers, like it seemed to at moments this season.
I love Bobby, but I think he was used too much these past seasons as the go-to guy for research. Sam and Dean, the way I see it, are capable, experienced hunters, yet it seems the first order of business when they hit town and find a little on what was going on was to call Bobby. Surely he should have only been utilized as a last resort, when they really couldn’t figure it out on their own, or didn’t have the time to do it themselves? The same thing with the Cas quick fix and the FBI guise. I’d like to see them mix it up a bit more like they used to-back when the brothers would dress up as firemen and priests or pretend to be “antiquers†or florists. I’d like to see the guys who had codewords and back-up plans when they got in trouble-things like that.
I’ll probably end up liking almost anything they give us though. This show just has that effect on me. Damn them.
You’re quite right about Ellen, PaintedWolf. My mistake. I was thinking of Ellen speaking ‘across the veil’ to Dean in the The Mentalists, but that does not mean she is a restless spirit or not in Heaven, necessarily. I think I got a tad overenthusiastic there!
You are probably right about Jo too – although because she appeared as a ghost in Defending Your Life I was not sure if she is in Heaven or not.
And I do second: “I’ll probably end up liking almost anything they give us though. This show just has that effect on me. Damn them.”
I totally get your enthusiasm, magichappening. I’d love to see Ellen and Jo back(and a boatload of others too). They could quite possibly be there, though-guess it all depends on the writers’ rules for who goes to Purgatory and who doesn’t!
This is my first attempt at commenting on storylines. (I hope you will be kind) And I am a fairly new SPN fan. In fact, got introduced to it last fall. But now own first 6 seasons and am totally addicted. (Have never bought a DVD of a TV show EVER before) Have watched through all seasons at least twice and seen other episodes numerous times. I debated commenting, and am a little scared to do so, but here goes.
What totally captured me about this show was the dynamic between the brothers. I am a mother of 3 grown boys(well, men since they are in their 20’s). One ironically named Sammy. I watch the show from a very diffferent perspective I think. I ache, I mean actually physically ache sometimes, for those two boys. Growing up without a mother, and an absent father definitely created some interesting personalities. I personally worked hard to create a bond with my sons and can’t imagine what kind of men they would be if I hadn’t been here.
Having said that I see Sam and Dean as coming from two totally different worlds, as clearly depicted in Dark Side of the Moon. Where Dean knew a family structure for a short time, Sam knew none. So their perspectives of family are obviously very different. And Dean suffered the loss, whereas Sam never experienced it in the same way. Sad, but so true. And there really is no way for someone experiencing that can explain it to someone who didn’t. Would you agree? Probably a basis for some of Dean’s frustrations with Sam I guess. Sometimes I think people forget this when wanting the brothers to have something they really can’t connect on ever. (And believe me I wish they could).
I guess it depends on how much reality one wants to see in the show. Dean was the protector, by accident and forced to be by John’s absence. That puts his mind set in such a complex place. From personal experience I can tell you that my mother raised 4 kids alone. I being the oldest always felt I needed to be the protector, even when not told to do so. (Always felt like my youngest sibling’s other mother) And family did and still means so much more to me than to my youngest sister, who never knew the normal family unit. She was an infant, much like Sam’s age, when my father left.
So I guess in my heart I would love to see a stronger bond back. I just cry when I see how Dean aches for ‘family’ and for Sam. When you see the look in his eyes in all the episodes where Mary appears it is so evident he still misses his mother and all that could have been had she not died. And truthfully, no one who goes through a loss like that every really gets over that entirely if they are honest with themselves. He knows what he and Sam are missing. Sam fortunately or unfortunately does not.
I think there is the conundrum of would he enjoy it even if he had it? His life went on a different course because Mary died and he tried to recapture that with Lisa and Ben, but deep down knew it wasn’t working. Anyone can get depressed when something they thought they really wanted doesn’t work out.
I feel that since he ‘let’ Sam grow up in Swan Song he has been searching for how to be an adult ever since. He said, it wasn’t just his job, it was who he was. To the core. He is a lost soul now.
Unfortunately as happens in real life, he has turned to outside things to fill the void and numb his feelings. Anyone who has ever been around an alcoholic knows what I am talking about. So to watch Dean spiral downward saddens me greatly. But it is probably more realistic, given all he has dealt with, seen, experienced in Hell, and lost. Hopefully he has hit rock bottom. If not, I will cry for him some more this season. To have him magically healed is probably not realistic. I mean I know it’s a TV show, but this show has shown much more depth than that. Of course if I look at it from my Mother’s perspective I wouldn’t care if it’s realistic I just want him to be happy with himself and not see him drink himself to death.
I agree I think it needs to be Sammy, and Sammy alone who rescues him. That could be the first step in their bond recovery.
I don’t have much comment on the rest as I feel I’m too new to make any judgements. And as you can probably tell from all of this I definitely lean towards being a Dean ‘mom’. Sammy to me represents some of the struggles all of us have with the good and evil inside all of us and whether the end justifies the means.
Sorry this is so long. I can’t even believe a TV show has made me feel the need to do this. It’s crazy! If you knew me you’d be shocked! But I have always loved Sci Fi and this show just has too much real life for me to ignore. I love it for making me laugh, think and cry.
PS. Oh, depending on your belief in Purgatory, human souls could be there. Catholics pray for them all the time. Opens up some possibilities for sure. Thanks for the venue. I actually got emotional doing this. My husband would think I am totally looney if he knew.
winmomwannabe, I loved your analysis of the psyche of the two brothers. I think it just proves how well the writers and creators of this show are doing on the whole. As SPN is all about magic and fantasy, for me it will be “realistic” to see Dean magically heal. 🙂
oops, meant to apologize to anyone annoyed if this is old news. Since the show has been on this long someone has probably long ago addressed some of these things.
As another new viewer (my teenage daughters just got me hooked: started watching this past April, and I’ve watched all 7 seasons – now on the second time round!), I really enjoyed your post and comments.
As a younger sibling, I relate more to Sam some how. Wanting to do my own thing, yet fiercely loyal… Striving for perfection, yet always watching things go terribly wrong…
As a Mom, I just want to fix things for them both, and want them to have and protect that loving brotherly bond.
Amazing thing about this show…There’s a place for all of us! Even those of us arriving late to the party. (at least I hope so)
Your comment as a younger sibling made me re-think my relationship with my younger sister. Even though earlier I related her to Sam, your comment made me think of it relating to my life and how I still look at her. Thanks for the comment. I try not to judge her because I now realize her perspective is so different from mine regarding family. But knowing and accepting are two different things, right? And like Dean, the ache for what could have been will always be there, buried deep, but there none the less. I guess we all have our demons.
[quote] And like Dean, the ache for what could have been will always be there, buried deep, but there none the less. I guess we all have our demons.[/quote]
Isn’t that the truth!
Like Sam, – even after watching my older sibling make some horrible mistakes of his own, and even with my own fantastic family and friends around me, – all I really want is his approval and love.
That sibling bond can be a really warped thing. 😮
No need to apologize! It’s not old at all. Opinions are welcome at any time.
Welcome to first attempt at storyline comments! I love hearing the perspective of a viewer that found the show later. They tend to have a different perspective than those of us that have been following the show for while. This is one of the best analyses I’ve read about Dean. You are so right. Family is everything and he has done everything he can to get that back. It never dawned on me that a major source of his depression this year could be because he knows he’ll never get to fulfill that desire for family. It makes perfect sense.
I do believe your comment nailed it perfectly. The question is, where can Dean go in season 8? So many of us want him to regain his fighting spirit but is that realistic? Not sure. Funny how I’m asking for realism in a Supernatural show, but that’s what has made this show so great. Being able to take unreal situations and create genuine human reactions.
I’m hoping that Purgatory turns out to be more than monster land myself. What happens to all those lost souls? I really wish we’d get an answer to that.
Great comment! I highly encourage you do it again. And no, it’s not crazy that a TV show would make you do this. Look at what I did! I built a website. I’m pretty normal like you are and I ask daily how in the world all this happened. This is no ordinary TV show.
Thank you. I feel honored you commented on my post.
I am still contemplating how Dean can get back to having the fire in him for hunting and for life. He obviously would never go to a shrink or an AA meeting. Maybe they could sneak in some analysis the way they did in Sam, Interrupted. I think Dean became more self aware in that episode. Or, have someone like Anna in the picture, at least for a short time. She seemed to be able to touch his soul in many ways and it was after being with her that he was able to open up to Sam about Hell. Just a thought. I really want him back to the old Dean too.
Winmomwannabe-I thought your comments were lovely. As an older(older than you)woman I often view these young men from a maternal standpoint. My heart also aches for these characters. The mom in me wants to invite them in,hug them,tell them they would always have a home, and cook them a homecooked meal(with pie!). I’m not that good of a cook so that is just kinda mean of me, but it’s the thought that counts, right.
I’m relatively new to the commenting thing also and find it’s a pleasure discussing this show I love with others who feel the same.
Thank you. I agree with your mom comment. And I don’t make pie either. I am always sending food with my sons. I sometimes think, why don’t they pack more food for their road trips. Probably because they never had a mom around who thinks of those things! The dad influence is clear since they do always seem to have a cooler of beer on hand though.
And oh how I too would like to just hug them and let them feel the comfort and protection of a mother’s hug. Again, I relate since 2 of my sons are tall also. 6 ft and 6 ft 3 is my Sammy. And we hug often.
So much that I agree with here–the article and the comments!
I want Sam and Dean to be the focus of the story.
I want secondary characters to be just that, secondary, and to have a point in the story beyond fanservice.
I want Sam and Dean to reconnect and start to heal both themselves and each other.
I want them both to start to remember joy, and realize that they still have a family and as long as they are together they can find a way to do what they need to do.
I want their old intensity back. Someone mentioned how intense Dean, esp, was in earlier seasons–I want that back. I want them both smart and capable and happy to be alive and together.
I know the season can’t start out with them that way, but by the end? I’d like to be able to believe that they’ve at least made some progress.
I agree, I just want Dean care and loves Sam, and Sam loves Dean. Strong relationship. Brotherly love. I watch supernatural because of that. Very2 extraordinary love between them. I have never seen story about brothers like sam and dean.
I just want some popcorn to eat while i watch the show, season 1 was awesome, can’t wait for season 2 of supernatural to come out on october 2012. 😮
I just want Sam & Dean always together fight for the better world not interrupt by any woman. See what they have to face everyday, do not need woman. for me the relationship between them makes the series very special and best. Keep moving Sam & Dean. If they disagree sometimes, it make sense. It’s okay.
I just want to watch Supernatural not too absurd, sometimes I feel uncomfortable about the story ( Season 4 Heaven & Hell ). I don’t know. I do believe in God, and I read the Bible. Is this too far? But I love Sam & Dean. I still watch the series (DVD) and still love them.
I do agree with you Bevie. I do feel supernatural season 1 until 3 are the best. Season 4 very dark and strange. In Season 5 luckily I saw Dean still loves Sam by saying “Don’t worry Sammy, I won’t leave you”. I cried when I watched that scene. It’s a pity, I haven’t seen season 6 and 7. I always wait for episode when the brothers make conversation or make a joke to each others
To story team of supernatural. Hope you pay attention to the fan’s want. Still I say no need woman for S and D. They are busy to fight and family business.
It’s me again, never bore to say I love the brothers relationship