Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

Once again we learn that Winchesters’ Law is immutable: “Every time a character appears on Supernatural, the odds of their death will eventually reach 1.” They just don’t always stay that way… Then there’s… man, two weeks in a row of crap? Sure I was on board with this episode for most of the way…

The Heart and Soul of Supernatural ChiCon – Part 1

The Heart and Soul of Supernatural ChiCon – Part 1

Veteran convention goers say that each convention has its own personality. The convention is affected by the location, venue, stars appearing that year, the mood of the actors and the fans, the season that is airing on TV and a number of other, probably unidentifiable factors. As I think about this year’s Supernatural Chicago Convention…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.04- “Slumber Party”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.04- “Slumber Party”

Supernatural never shies away from the meta-fictional—and “Slumber Party” takes that tradition to new heights. Ever since the Tulpa hunt in “Hell House,” the acknowledgment that Supernatural is indeed fiction has been toyed with and brought to the forefront. It is a tongue in cheek addition and an open discussion on the nature of story….

Supernatural Gets A Mention In Variety About Increased Ad Revenue

Here’s something cool.  “Supernatural” got a nice mention in Variety, a place that usually doesn’t publish a lot about our show.  It seems, as has even happened to “Supernatural” in the past, existing TV shows are seeing declines in ad revenues.  “Supernatural,” along with “Chicago Fire” and “Scandal” are the exceptions to that rule and…

TV Fanatic Supernatural Roundtable 9.04: “Slumber Party”

“Slumber Party” gave us plenty to talk about at TV Fanatic this week.  We had plenty to say about the strange mythos of Oz, both good and bad.  Did Sean McKenna, Carla Day, Carissa Pavlica and myself think that there should be a spin off from this?  Go to TV Fanatic and find out!…