Preview Clip: Supernatural 9.05 – “Dog Dean Afternoon”
Oh show, really? I have to admit, this is the first time I think ever I’ve been rather pissed off by a preview. For one, this is a lame clip that’s too short. Two, how many times have bad shout outs been done solely to impress fans? I’ve heavily critized the use of shout outs that offer no real substance to the story, and I see that some writers still think it’s required.
The sunglasses thing is wrong, wrong, wrong! That “douchebag” comment has been made before. You’ll never, ever, ever top when it was used the first time in “Changing Channels” during Dean’s CSI rant. I already have massive reservations about this episode. I really hope I’m wrong. They should have shown a dog clip instead.
Anyway, enough of my ranting. You all be the judge.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
So far they haven’t done an episode centered around a dog well ever. MBFWB and ADGTH are way at the bottom of my list for episodes. So I’m not looking forward to this. It feels like a premise that can go very, very wrong. I won’t judge until I see it, but the synopsis and this clip do not make me feel hope.
This really pissed me off. So sick of lazy & lame digs at vegans. It feels like after s7 with the leviathan, breeding the perfect herd, storyline being slammed by some fans they have gone OTT on the meat eating. I’m such a Dean girl but close ups of him biting into a rare burgers make me feel queasy. Also what happened to Kevin Tran being vegan, & why is Sam eating burgers instead of salads more & more. I’m scared to watch it as it might make me hate the show, hearing Dean say that has really upset me. Thanks writers.
Hmmmm…. the line about blind people and sunglasses was a little….um…not PC and maybe even a little offensive. I know lots of people who are visually impaired and most of them never wear sunglasses at all, let alone inside. And why are vegans wearing them? What was the point of this whole set up other than trying to make Dean be “funny.” News flash writers, Dean isn’t funny when he’s randomly bitching about things that don’t matter. I want Edlund back!
I hope that the episode proves me wrong and fleshes this whole scene out into something that makes sense, but I have to say that I am not looking forward to this episode.
[quote]Hmmmm…. the line about blind people and sunglasses was a little….um…not PC and maybe even a little offensive. I know lots of people who are visually impaired and most of them never wear sunglasses at all, let alone inside. And why are vegans wearing them? What was the point of this whole set up other than trying to make Dean be “funny.” News flash writers, Dean isn’t funny when he’s randomly bitching about things that don’t matter. I want Edlund back!
I hope that the episode proves me wrong and fleshes this whole scene out into something that makes sense, but I have to say that I am not looking forward to this episode.[/quote]
Do we instantly suspect that these people are deliberately hiding their eyes because they are the bad-guys? (It was my first thought – double bluff).
I agree though that entire joke does fall a bit flat. The coffee-shop guy interactions were the only good bit of The Mentalists – but he deserved to be made fun of! Vegans? Meh, not so much.. (I didn’t really think they were poking fun at blind people though)
Dean’s CSI rant is one of the funniest things I have ever seen …. it is a thing of beauty…
Honestly my expectations are so low on this one that I have no place to go but up. Give me something show!
Quoting eilf: “I agree though that entire joke does fall a bit flat. The coffee-shop guy interactions were the only good bit of The Mentalists – but he deserved to be made fun of! Vegans? Meh, not so much.. (I didn’t really think they were poking fun at blind people though)”
Hi eilf; You’re right the comment may have been intended to be more of a dig at vegans than the blind, but there is definitely a stereo-type perpetuated that the visually impaired always do or should wear sunglasses at all times. It’s not true of course, but I could see how someone might be offended by that line. I have several friends who are visually impaired and the are pretty sensitive about people making assumptions about them based on their blindness; things like, they need to wear sunglasses, that they can’t get around on their own, that they can’t hear (no, I’m not kidding) that they are mentally deficient people who can’t understand. Why couldn’t have Dean made a reference to “celebrity” instead of blind people to get the laugh? I found it distinctly unfunny and it’s put a damper on the episode. 🙁
[quote]Quoting eilf: “I agree though that entire joke does fall a bit flat. The coffee-shop guy interactions were the only good bit of The Mentalists – but he deserved to be made fun of! Vegans? Meh, not so much.. (I didn’t really think they were poking fun at blind people though)”
Hi eilf; You’re right the comment may have been intended to be more of a dig at vegans than the blind, but there is definitely a stereo-type perpetuated that the visually impaired always do or should wear sunglasses at all times. It’s not true of course, but I could see how someone might be offended by that line. I have several friends who are visually impaired and the are pretty sensitive about people making assumptions about them based on their blindness; things like, they need to wear sunglasses, that they can’t get around on their own, that they can’t hear (no, I’m not kidding) that they are mentally deficient people who can’t understand. [/quote]
I agree with you E, there are several visually impaired people on my bus route and not only have I never seen any of them wearing sunglasses I have huge respect for their absolute assurance with what would seem to me to be a difficult process (dealing with buses and bus-stops).
I have a suspicion though that the whole scene, which is otherwise so completely ordinary and normal (to this Vermont resident anyway), is going to turn out to have a twist that lands back on Dean’s assumptions (of course the problem there would if the the twist were that the extremely efficient shop operatives WERE actually blind …. yeah this whole episode needs to be approached with caution I think).
“I agree with you E, there are several visually impaired people on my bus route and not only have I never seen any of them wearing sunglasses I have huge respect for their absolute assurance with what would seem to me to be a difficult process (dealing with buses and bus-stops). “
I have a visually impaired friend who actually travels for a living doing PR and fundraising work for a non-profit organization; can you imaging flying all over the US to strange cities with a visual impairment? In and out of airports and hotels and huge conventions centers? I am in awe of this woman and her bravery and ability to get around just about anywhere. It’s just her and her Seeing Eye dog traveling all over this huge, huge country.
“I have a suspicion though that the whole scene, which is otherwise so completely ordinary and normal (to this Vermont resident anyway), is going to turn out to have a twist that lands back on Dean’s assumptions (of course the problem there would if the the twist were that the extremely efficient shop operatives WERE actually blind …. yeah this whole episode needs to be approached with caution I think).”
Heh, heh… yeah, that’s something that this show might do and THAT might actually be funny. Sometimes Dean needs to watch what he says. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. I hope it’s good… I hope it’s even fair….I really hope it’s not on the level of Mannequin 3. 😮