Misha Collins Scheduled to Return To Supernatural
I’ve been going back through season four recently to improve the Photo Gallery, and it was in going through that season that I realized just how much I sorely miss Misha Collins and the character of Castiel. His demise in episode 7.02 has been a real blow to me personally.
So naturally, my heart jumped at the confirmation from Warner Brothers that Misha Collins has been officially scheduled to appear in episode 17 of Supernatural and will be in an additional two episodes after that in season seven.
Some reports from other outlets made some pretty bold assumptions though that Misha was coming back as Castiel. According to the statement, only Misha’s return was confirmed, not Castiel’s. So we’ll see what happens, but either way, I’m treating this as very good news. What do you think?
UPDATED: Laura Prudom of AOL TV went to the source. Misha Collins confirms that Castiel will be coming back! In his usual way though, he didn’t give much of a straight answer. He did give this though:
“I can confirm that the character of Castiel is returning to ‘Supernatural,'” he told us. “I’m not supposed to talk about any details, but I will tell you this: The character is coming back somewhat changed. I’m not going to tell you everything, but I will tell you that the “new” Castiel no longer wears undergarments.”

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
YIKES! I just read all the really horrible comments about this on TV Line and EW. Um, honest feedback is okay, but please, none of that. Try to be nice.
[quote]YIKES! I just read all the really horrible comments about this on TV Line and EW. Um, honest feedback is okay, but please, none of that. Try to be nice.[/quote]
I’m not sure what you mean, Alice. The vast majority of comments I have read at other sites about Misha’s return are positive. Yes, there were a few people who were not happy about Misha’s return, but they seem to me to be vastly outnumbered by the positives.
I haven’t seen all the sites, but I browsed over a few. There are many positives, granted, but the tone of the negative comments is just… improper, rude, mean and downright unfounded.
I find it appalling.
I was talking about TV Line and EW. That’s all. To be honest, I wish I had time to check out all the other sites. I shouldn’t have even checked out those. If you want to list positive places, please do. I’m more than happy to hear about them.
YES! Cas will be back–and without undergarments to boot. (RAH RAH RAH!!!) (Now, pray that Bobby will come back, too.)
I’ve never understood why the character of Castiel was and continues to be so polarizing in fandom. To some, he ‘ruined’ the show while he was on it; to others the show is ‘ruined’ because he’s gone.
I like the character – he’s not a Wiinchester, but he’s close. 😉 I’m glad he’ll be back but stay or go I’m OK with either.
Darn it, Ms. Jester, I wish you hadn’t called my attention to that mess. That sort of behavior just plain baffles me. RAGE!! Over a TV show that is supposed to bring us pleasure. It does me. As for this news I had been more than content to see the angels go, but I knew they’d have to bring Misha back at some point: Castiel’s story couldn’t have been left dangling like that. The character needs to find his redemption and come full circle…and hopefully go out with the dignity, grace, and wisdom of a powerful, enigmatic angel, not a low-comedy buffoon, which I felt he was in danger of becoming had they kept overusing him. So I’ll be quite happy to see Misha Collins come back for a while, and then (mostly) go away. But if it doesn’t turn out that way, I won’t throw an embarrassing tantrum and poop my didees in public, like I saw over on that TV Line comments board (thanks [i]again[/i], AJ…).
# HelloThere said
“And I wave goodbye to any hope of emotional exploration for Sam. We’ll get an episode where he’s messed up, and then we’ll be all set to turn it up to eleven on the Dean angst again, be it over Cas or some new creature that’s using Cas’s body.”
^^^ Yeah, these were my thoughts exactly when I read about Collins’s return.
Plus I hated the angel storylines throughout S4-6 so I’m not at all excited to see such storylines return. Sorry but it’s not good news at all for me.
[quote]# HelloThere said
“And I wave goodbye to any hope of emotional exploration for Sam. We’ll get an episode where he’s messed up, and then we’ll be all set to turn it up to eleven on the Dean angst again, be it over Cas or some new creature that’s using Cas’s body.”
^^^ Yeah, these were my thoughts exactly when I read about Collins’s return.
Plus I hated the angel storylines throughout S4-6 so I’m not at all excited to see such storylines return. Sorry but it’s not good news at all for me.[/quote]
This makes no sense. Cas hasn’t been in the season so far and fans in your camp have been complaining endlessly about Sam being wallpaper. So clearly it isn’t the inclusion of Cas that underlies this. It’s the [i]writing.[/i] Perhaps you should address your complaints to that instead of aim them at a character whose re-appearance has so far only been reconfirmed for three episodes.
Disappointing. I do love Misha but this news does nothing for me. Sams story has been a waste of time has it is . When I think of what they could of done for him instead we get a scar . Now Cas is returning in whatever way he is? .
Wow – this has literally made my day. I’m so, so happy to hear that he’s back to resolve the storyline. I don’t think for a second this means other storylines will be abandon (i.e. Sam), especially because he isn’t returning until episode 17 and we’ve only just finished watching episode 10.
Alice – thank you so much for this news, somehow I missed it in my daily travels.
Great news. I for one will be happy to have Castiel back, and I agree with you Elle, I don’t think that means that they will abandon anybody else’s storyline in the least. If he is to disappear forever after this, fine, but we need a proper send off for a beloved character. And I will stay away from TV line, I’m in no mood for overly negative comments on my favourite show.
I totally agree with both Elle and Sylvie. I think that Castiel’s (and Misha’s) return will do nothing more than enrich the current storylines. Since E10 has just been completed, there are 6 more that will take place before he actually appears and a lot can happen before E17. I’m happy for his return.
I’m also afraid this is the death knell to any chance of a look at Sam’s emotional life and the ramifications of Hell on Sam. I hope I’m wrong, but I fear that I am not.
Also,I never was a big Castiel fan after season four, so this doesn’t make me happy. I am happy for the fans that wanted Castiel’s storyline to be wrapped up. Even if Misha plays another character his appearance will allow the writers to give better closure to Castiel’s story, I think.
Glad to see that I’m not the only one bitterly dissapointed with this turn of events. I am fed up with having to patiently wait to get some insight into Sam, and yet again it’s being shoved aside so more time can be devoted to either the never ending Dean Angst show and Castiel.
We were told that Sam’s storyline was going to be the focus of the later half of the season. Dean’s storyline is still ongoing with no end in sight. Now with Castiel popping in for three eps, that leaves maybe three or four eps to devote to Sam, along with wrapping up the Leviathan storyline.
So Sam might luck out and get one ep the way he did in season 6. Wow. One whole ep. Thanks writers.
They pretty much have abandoned Sams sl. A few little scenes and that has been about it. If they werent that up for Sams sl the first half why would they be the second half?. I never was overly a Cas fan but if they want to give him a better resolution then that is fine.But Sam wise there was plenty they could of done first half I simply dont expect them to do it second half.
The worst part is that Sam’s sl at the begining of the season ended up not even being much about him at all. It became about Dean, and how he was suffering because Sam was a mess. Sam couldn’t even acknowledge his suffering because it hurt Dean.
Sam has been treated as little more than an accessory for Dean for a very long time now, and it’s frustrating that the writers keep finding reasons not to explore his part of the story. Castiel’s return is just another excuse for them not to.
I must admit, this news makes me nervous. I know that Castiel’s situation needs to be resolved but I genuinely hope it’s not at the expense of another character. To be honest, in the interest of equality and fair play, I’d like someone to give Castiel a serious kick up the arse for the damage he has caused the brothers and their relationship over the past number of years but I don’t think that will happen either.
The timing of when Castiel is due to come back also makes me nervous. Dean’s 13 episode storyline should be ending around 7.16 (given that it didn’t start until episode 4) and then Castiel is back for 7.17. He’s in another two episodes between then and the season end. Things will be quite tight in order to deal with the multitude of storylines that have left to be covered. While I’m hoping to God it won’t happen, will I be surprised if when Castiel returns, he touches Sam on the head and cures all, thereby ensuring his redemption and closing off Sam’s hell problem? Not even a little.
I agree with everything you said. I hope I am wrong but I can’t help envisioning Cas and Dean angst front and center and Sam in the corner rubbing his hand.
[quote]While I’m hoping to God it won’t happen, will I be surprised if when Castiel returns, he touches Sam on the head and cures all,…[/quote]
I know, Tim, but will we be able to tell any difference, really? Other than Sam won’t have to rub his hand anymore?
Fair enough (re the 13 episode thing). I kinda thought the first three episodes weren’t primarily focused on that particular Dean storyline (as he’d been depressed and watching porn waaaaay before 7.1 but I digress……)
However, the thing is, if Castiel and his situation is one of the main things that Dean is carrying major guilt about, would it not make sense for Castiel to return [i]mid[/i] Dean’s storyline to help Dean, as opposed to at the end of it?
Course, I’m just speculating here. It might be nothing at all to do with Dean, or Sam. I’m just hoping that he won’t show up and instantly heal Sam (after bloody well telling him all season 6 that he couldn’t) or worse, bring Bobby out of his coma, Leviathan plan memories intact (if of course Bobby is not dead and is in a coma/has amnesia etc…) That’s just be way too easy altogether.
Since I don’t think the writers have any idea how to portray Sam’s Hell experience, I suspect they will have Castiel return in some form to “redeem” himself by fixing Sam. Since we have barely seen Sam suffer the audience and Dean can wave off what Castiel did to Sam and basically say “no harm, no foul”
And as for Sam’s story line about Hell … Sera’s already stated that Sam probably won’t get over his mental state: It’s a permanent scar in his psyche. So, with plenty of time left in the season and good promise of hope for a season 8 I feel that with time Sam’s Hell will be dealt with.
I think Sam’s permanent scar to his psyche will be forever shown by him rubbing his hand, nothing more. Then as I said, it will be used to redeem Castiel who will either overcome the new being that Misha is playing or who will actually be back as himself and he will cure Sam and be redeemed. Sam will remain wallpaper.
Is it possible at all to discuss the show or developments within the scenario without going into a “there is no storyline for Sam” and a “never ending Dean angst show” debate?
I really don’t get it. I hope this is not how it’s going to be all hiatus long…
Please, folks, could you try to not be so bitter, so sarcastic? How does this help?
[quote]Is it possible at all to discuss the show or developments within the scenario without going into a “there is no storyline for Sam” and a “never ending Dean angst show” debate?
I really don’t get it. I hope this is not how it’s going to be all hiatus long…
Please, folks, could you try to not be so bitter, so sarcastic? How does this help?[/quote]
Well not really has Sam is supposed to be the other lead. And Castiel tends to be a Dean character and looking at how they have approached Sams sl so far it does not make a pretty picture .
Well, I don’t see it that way. I’m sorry.
I’m with you on this Jas. I don’t see the show as being biased for one character over the other. I’ve always watched and seen a Winchester storyline and not a Sam or Dean storyline. And personally bringing Cas back might not be a bad thing. And remember people, we have [u]seven[/u] episodes before that happens. In the Supernaturalverse, alot can happen from now to then.
I do enjoy reading the discussions though, some of the threads do bring insight to things I may not have noticed.
I agree, Sylvie. Some discussion are highly enjoyable and some are, well, not to my taste. 🙂
[quote]Is it possible at all to discuss the show or developments within the scenario without going into a “there is no storyline for Sam” and a “never ending Dean angst show” debate?
I really don’t get it. I hope this is not how it’s going to be all hiatus long…
Please, folks, could you try to not be so bitter, so sarcastic? How does this help?[/quote]
Sorry. I am not a well-known poster around here, and I did not mean for my tone to come across as sarcastic or bitter.
You might have a point here, though I don’t really see the relevancy.
This is a mere announcement that Misha will return, soon. The rest is speculation, don’t you think?
I have to admit, I have not followed most of the Death Door discussions but referred to my experience of reading other recent threads.
To me it seems as if some fans only wait for a chance to come out with their reproaches – about how one or the other character are being treated unfairly by the writers.
I can’t find it in me to watch this show like that, and it’s the kind of discussion I find no pleasure in. It often lacks civility and tends to become quite unpleasant.
The character of Castiel is coming back. Castiel is relevant to both Sam and Dean and their present storylines, and will have an impact on their future storylines.
And yes, everything that is said is speculation. However, I assumed that is what these forums are for, speculation and debate. I imagine that’s why this news was revealed now, so it would be discussed at length. And (quite selfishly) I must admit, I’d find it a phenomenally quiet midterm if there was no speculation.
There’s nothing wrong with speculation. What I find disturbing, though, is when speculation is being treated like fact and some folks use a debate to come up with ungrounded statements in the realm of they-will-bring-Cas-back-and-then-Sam-again-won’t-have-a-storyline-so-piss-off-show and the like. Speculation is one thing, stirring up mud is another. But that’s just me.
I kind of feel like I’m ready as a Sam girl for him to be done now, makes me sad to say it but it’s true. The character isn’t really going anywhere story-wise and I’m tired of all the fandom wars. I too am hoping that Jared decides to call it quits to be with his family and the writers give Sam as good a send of as they gave Bobby. All I’m asking is one episode and I’ll happily take my leave.
Before everyone started making this an issue of Dean’s vs Sam’s storylines (again), Alice asked for some positive articles on the return of Misha.
I direct you to John Kubicek over at Buddytv.com. He gives theories of how Misha will return to the show and the one I like best, is that it is not Cas returning, but Jimmy.
Tv.ign.com also has a picture of Cas and his wings from Lazarus Rising, with the caption ‘Assbutts beware’. 😆
Thanks, I hadn’t read his stuff in a while (honestly, I kind of forgot about him, yikes). I like the idea of it being Jimmy, even better, Sam hallucinating. That would make the people who want to see Sam break down very happy.
never thought of that scenario, what a great idea to have Misha play a figment of Sam’s hallucinations. I would be up for that but its unlikely to happen.
I for one am neither excited nor worried about this news…I just have one clue about the next epi or more precisely the leviathans a set of numbers…
Woohoo, so glad to see Castiel back! His storyline was never really resolved, you know? And I think it’s quite interesting that he’s coming back right about the time that Dean’s depression arc is supposed to be resolved… after all, Dean started spiraling down after Cas’s betrayal, when he couldn’t change his mind or save him. Their friendship was complicated, but I don’t think Dean’s ever gotten over how it ended (his comment about not being able to trust anyone since Cas died). He’s been carrying that trenchcoat in his car, remembering him, bitterly regretting what happened, and I think it would do his soul good to be able to get some closure.
In addition to that, I think Cas could also do a lot of good for Sam. He does have healing powers, as we’ve seen, and it’s possible that Dean has never had the major breakdown from Hell that everyone was expecting because Cas made it manageable for him, somehow. If it’s revealed that something like that did happen, and that Cas does have those abilities, he could potentially alleviate Sam’s hallucinations and the acuity of the memories to the point where Sam can live a decent life.
Coming back to soothe both brothers’ souls would be an excellent payoff for the character if he’s to leave again after three episodes. If he’s back for a semi-regular position going into the next season, and neither of those resolution-y things happen, all the better! He’s a great addition to the show.
[quote] In addition to that, I think Cas could also do a lot of good for Sam. He does have healing powers, as we’ve seen, and it’s possible that Dean has never had the major breakdown from Hell that everyone was expecting because Cas made it manageable for him, somehow. If it’s revealed that something like that did happen, and that Cas does have those abilities, he could potentially alleviate Sam’s hallucinations and the acuity of the memories to the point where Sam can live a decent life.
Coming back to soothe both brothers’ souls would be an excellent payoff for the character if he’s to leave again after three episodes. If he’s back for a semi-regular position going into the next season, and neither of those resolution-y things happen, all the better! He’s a great addition to the show.[/quote]
I’m not trying to incite a board war, or be “bitter and sarcastic”. So all I will say is this would be my PERSONAL worst case scenario for a return of Castiel. Since this is all speculation, I won’t go into why unless it happens, but what you just described would feel like a slap in the face to me. I understand your desire for this to happen, but I would hate that resolution.
I’m sorry I can’t share in the joy of Misha’s return, especially if he returns as Castiel. However I am going to see how the return is handled before I say much more.
Sam is living a decent life , his hallucinations are not impacting him . He is doing fine so Castiel wont make any difference. And I would rather they didnt use Cas to heal Sams wall has the writers have shown little interest in the sl as it is . Using him that way would be a act of convenience for them.
Now this has nothing to do with Misha or his return, but it’s lovely:
My sort of Christmas song…. 😆
I Could not be more excited! I’m also glad to know he is coming back as Castiel. I know the producers kept teasing that Misha would come back but not necessarily as Cas, and though I adore Misha and know he would be awesome in any role, I wanted the [b]character[/b] back, and everything between him and the rest of the gang!
I’m SO happy Castiel will be back! He was my favorite character and I missed seeing him on the show SO much.
I’m very ,very, VERY happy with this spoiler. 😀 8)
It would seem that some people just can’t take a good news and has to ruin it for others and make others as miserable as they are. But whatever…I for all am freakin’ excited about Misha’s return! IT’S ABOUT TIME!
They’ve practically shoved the character out the door so fast before Episode 2 barely even began and didn’t even bother giving him a decent tribute or mourning, this return is much awaited and much deserved and much needed.
Castiel is a character with his own value and importance, not some plot-tool, therefore his own storyline deserves to be done right as much as Sam and Dean. This season has been sorely lacking in charm and spark, Sam and Dean running around hunting monsters just isn’t enough anymore, at least not for this viewer, that is so Season 1 that if I want to see it again, I would just pop back the DVDs, not waiting for a show to regress. I will be glad to have Cas back to fresh things up again and see some different interactions with the characters.
Not to mention Misha is an amazing actor, and his chemistry with the cast, especially Jensen, is off the charts, why the show would want to throw it out instead of using it to its fullest is beyond me!
I am so glad to hear this news, it’s about time Cas came back and Misha came home! Kripke once called Misha the lightning in the bottle for the show and he was smart to keep him, now I can only hope they will continue to realize that.
While I do share your joy over the news, I do need to remind that others are allowed to not be happy. I wouldn’t say they are necessarily ruining it for us by stating their unhappiness. We share all opinions here.
Other than that one sentence though, everything else you said is awesome. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm here! I can’t wait to see Misha’s return.
Cas will not give any fresh perspective he will just be there to showcase how terrible everything has been for Dean. We will get a touching scene where the trenchcoat will be returned between the two of them and all will be forgiven .
Castiel does nothing for Sam but then again nobody does anything for Sam so why not have Cas back if he comes back has the angel?