Ratings for Supernatural 15.07 “Last Call”

What we saw on the Web on Supernatural this week. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
Robert Feder, a media analyst from Chicago is reporting that the CW will be moving from WGN to WPWR. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
See that countdown clock that we’ve been taunting you all with at the top of this screen? Or the giant one at The Supernatural Crossroads? Notice how that number is sitting roughly at 79 days plus? It’s purely maddening, isn’t it? Well, here’s something that will help with that despair. Season 7 shooting starts today!!! A…
We have more Supernatural stars exploring their creative side by producing new shows. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
The cast and crew of Supernatural are working to help us through this COVID-19 Hellatus. We have another wonderful outtakes video from Shaving People, Punting Things to brighten our days. Just hours before the blooper video was released, Entertainment Weekly previewed a stunning Cover Photo Shoot, Feature Article and behind the scenes video of Jared, Jensen and…
When the official press release came out for Supernatural Season 11 at the upfronts on May 14th, there was something missing. A name on the Executive Producer’s list that we had been used to seeing the last few seasons, Adam Glass. This heightened already existing rumors about his depature since the last episode he wrote…
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