Supernatural 8.21, The Great Escapist:  When You Create Stories, You Become Gods

Supernatural 8.21, The Great Escapist: When You Create Stories, You Become Gods

8.21 The Great Escapist: When You Create Stories, You Become Gods We can all be gods. Our minds write our own stories; Angels, demons, men. Commentary and Meta Analysis   Ben Edlund never disappoints! This episode was chock-full of information advancing and reinforcing the overall mytharc of the series. I suspect I’ll be doing many…


WINCHESTER MEMORIES: Misty, Water-coloured or Painted by Someone Else?

WINCHESTERMEMORIES: Misty, Water-coloured or Painted by Someone Else? “Remember that time…?”   “I can’t recall the specifics…”   It’s the experiences we live through that shape the people we become. But the way we remember those events also plays a huge role in the way we define ourselves, and the identity we create.   One…

Alice’s Full Recap:  “Supernatural” 8.20, “Pac-Man Fever”

Alice’s Full Recap: “Supernatural” 8.20, “Pac-Man Fever”

Once upon a time, when this was a much smaller site and I inconceivably had more time in my life, I used to do these things called full length recaps.  I’ve always loved the recaps on Television Without Pity (other shows, not necessarily “Supernatural”) and I chose to do ones for “Supernatural” that were, I…

My Supernatural Season Eight Finale Wish List

My Supernatural Season Eight Finale Wish List

As the end of Season 8 of Supernatural rapidly approaches, I find myself eagerly waiting for what lies ahead.  The season, though not perfect, managed to introduce several interesting narratives, making me invested in the fates of all those involved in this story. I also find myself hoping to see a few specific situations play…

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.20 “Pac-Man Fever”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.20 “Pac-Man Fever”

Whoa. 4 episodes left in the season. That seems pretty crazy. The Js have already wrapped and as I was writing this, Russ Hamilton tweeted that it was the last day of shooting for the crew. Season 8 is nearly over. It’s kinda hard to believe!   So as we hurtle towards the end of…

Let’s Speculate: “Supernatural” 8.18, “Freaks and Geeks”

Let’s Speculate: “Supernatural” 8.18, “Freaks and Geeks”

WARNING!!!  If you haven’t seen “Freaks and Geeks,” stop reading now.  There will be discussion about the episode and possibly the preview for next week, so do not venture forth until you have seen the episode.  Also, you must gather your party before venturing forth.  (The first person to get that reference without looking it…

8.16 Remember The Titans: This One Was Supposed To Be On Me

8.16 Remember The Titans: This One Was Supposed To Be On Me     Prometheus’ fate Die every day forever: Hereditary.   Commentary And Meta Analysis   I enjoyed this episode a lot more than I expected to when I first learned about it. Supernatural has an unfortunate track record when it comes to stories…

Supernatural 8.14 – Trial And Error:  This Is My Perfect Ending

Supernatural 8.14 – Trial And Error: This Is My Perfect Ending

8.14 Trial And Error: This Is My Perfect Ending God’s obstacle course: Three deadly trials prepare one To slam shut Hell’s gates.     Commentary And Meta Analysis   This episode clearly set the stage for the rest of the season, and perhaps longer. I particularly loved the honesty we got from both of the…

Let’s Speculate:  Supernatural 8.14, “Trial and Error”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 8.14, “Trial and Error”

Ardeospina is taking the night off, so I’ll handle the “Let’s Speculate” this week.  And boy, oh, boy, what an episode to speculate about!  Oh, I should give the warning, huh?  WARNING, if you haven’t seen “Trial and Error” I don’t advise you go on any further.  I’m sharing some very spoilery stuff, aka the…

Supernatural 8.13, Everybody Hates Hitler: Knowledge Is Power, Isn’t It?

Supernatural 8.13, Everybody Hates Hitler: Knowledge Is Power, Isn’t It?

8.13 Everybody Hates Hitler: Knowledge Is Power, Isn’t It Claim inheritance, Hunt down secret enemies; Take charge of your life.     Commentary And Meta Analysis   This episode was pure delight from beginning to end: a signature Ben Edlund blending of humor and horror beautifully realized by the cast, director Phil Sgriccia, and every…