A Tribute to the Badass Men of Supernatural – Part 2
After I made “A Tribute to the Kick-Ass Women of Supernatural” and part 2 , I wanted to write a similar article about men. I value both in Supernatural because the show has some of the most remarkable guest actors and actresses, so the loss of both are deeply felt. To create my list for the men, I decided to use the same criteria I had in my first article. I chose the male characters that had a great impact on me and were also Badass on their own accord. I began my male tribute by first looking at the “Family” and “Angels” in Supernatural (because we all know one particular angel is “family” to the boys!). Part 1 also include fan videos of Sam and Dean, because as we all know, they are the most kick ass of them all! If you haven’t read that article yet, take a moment to go back to Part 1 of The Badass Men of Supernatural!

3. Bad guys
Rule The World – Villains of Supernatural made by Roarkshop
Not many top Lucifer for being scary and well, quite a badass. And he is bad. There is no doubt about it. He killed future Dean snapping his neck just like that. He took over Sam’s body and tortured and did unimaginable things to him in the cage. He would have killed Sam and Dean if Cas didn’t give his body for him to use and then he violated their home and kept Cas in a numb state of mind. With a click of his fingers he would have killed Sam and Dean if Chuck wouldn’t have prevented it. Now he is again in the wind, and when people don’t know what he is up to, he is the most dangerous way he can be.
“Why would I want to destroy this stunning thing? Beautiful in a trillion different ways. The last perfect handiwork of God. Ever hear the story of how I fell from grace? […] You know why God cast me down? Because I loved him more than anything. And then God created… you. The little hairless apes. And then he asked all of us to bow down before you: to love you more than him. And I said; “Father, I can’t.” I said, “These human beings are flawed. Murderous.” And for that, God had Michael cast me into Hell. Now tell me: does the punishment fit the crime? Especially when I was right. Look what six billion of you have done to this thing. And how many of you blamed me for it?” – 5.04 The End
Known status: Unknown
Seen: 4.22 Lucifer Rising (as white light), 5.01 Sympathy for the Devil, 5.03 Free to Be You and Me, 5.04 The End, 5.10 Abandon All Hope…, 5.19 Hammer of the Gods, 5.22 Swan Song, 7.01 Meet the New Boss, 7.02 Hello, Cruel World, 7.03 The Girl Next Door (voice only), 7.04 Defending Your Life (voice only)
7.15 Repo Man, 7.17 The Born-Again Identity, 11.09 O Brother Where Art Thou?, 11.10 The Devil in the Details, 11.11 Into the Mystic, 11.14 The Vessel, 11.18 Hell’s Angel, 11.21 All in the Family and 11.22 We Happy Few
*Mark Rolston (4.09 & 4.10), Andrew Wheeler (4.15) and Christopher Heyerdahl (4.15, 4.16 & 4.21)
Any being that makes Dean Winchester run for his life deserves to be on the badass list. Also, I can imagine in which ways this torturer made Dean say yes and it is not pretty. When I think of Alastair, the word sadist comes to mind. He was also able to catch two reapers and kill one of them. Tessa almost joined him but the Winchesters prevented it. He also had the ghosts of Sam and Dean captive for a moment. Their mission was successful but Pamela did die in the process.
“You know the problem with your generation? Instant gratification. It’s all now, now, now. No patience, no craftsmanship. But I do have to say… This knife of yours… It’s an exquisite piece. You must tell me where you found it. You know… I haven’t been up here since Poland ’43. Truth is, I loathe it. It’s chilly. No stink of blood or sizzle of flesh or the wet flap of flayed skin. I don’t know how you stand it. So, the sooner you cooperate, the sooner I can finish up with this ghastly angel business and return home to my studies. But no rush. Let’s take our time… Relish the moment. Now, I’m going to remove this, but don’t you go smoking out of that meat. You won’t get very far.” – 4.10 Heaven and Hell
Known status: Deceased
Seen: 4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer, 4.10 Heaven and Hell, 4.15 Death Takes a Holiday, 4.16 On the Head of a Pin and 4.21 When the Levee Breaks (hallucination)
Alpha Vampire *Rick Worthy
With season six we got mother of all monsters and Alphas were introduced. Mostly the Alphas were not that bad if you don’t include Alpha Shapeshifter and Alpha Vampire. The actor who played the Alpha Vampire did great work! In every scene, he felt like a predator who could snap your neck in an instant. He also had some tastes presented that do not fit well to moral codes of men. Most of all, he felt like a threat to be reckoned with and he promised the Winchesters that they will meet again.
“When your kind first huddled around the fire, I was the thing in the dark. Now you think you can hurt me? – 6.07 Family Matters
Known status: Alive and kicking
Seen: 6.05 Live Free or Twihard, 6.07 Family Matters and 7.22 There Will Be Blood
Azazel, Yellow Eyed Demon
*Jeffrey Dean Morgan (1.22), Frederic Lehne (2.01, 2.21, 2.22 and 6.01), Lindsey McKeon (2.01), Christopher B. MacCabe (4.03), Mitch Pileggi (4.03) and Rob LaBelle (4.22)
It is actually fairly easy to write why Azazel is pretty Badass. He killed Samuel and Deanna, The boys’ grandparents. He also made Mary make a deal to get John back, who he also killed. Then he killed Mary and Jessica and made John make a deal so that Dean would survive. His plan had been going along for ages. The lives he ruined and the children he cursed to get Lucifer freed – and he succeeded! I would not want him to be my enemy… nor a friend either. I think he has the worst and longest list of harm that he caused for the Winchesters and others.
“I need permission… I need to be invited, into their houses, I know, I know, the – the red tape’ll drive you nuts, but in ten short years, it’ll all be worth it. ‘Cause you know what I’m gonna do to your sibling? I’m gonna stand over their crib and I’m gonna bleed into their mouth. Demon blood is better than Ovaltine; vitamins, minerals – it makes you big and strong.” – 4.03 In the Beginning
Known status: Deceased
Seen: 1.01 Pilot, 1.21 Salvation, 1.22 Devil’s Trap, 2.01 In My Time of Dying, 2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One, 2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two, 4.03 In the Beginning, 4.06 Yellow Fever (hallucination), 4.22 Lucifer Rising and 6.01 Exile on Main St. (hallucination)
Raphael *Demore Barnes (5.03, 6.03, & 6.20) and Lanette Ware (6.15 & 6.22)
When I thought about him, at first I didn’t feel that he should be on the badass list. Maybe he should have been shown a lot more than he/she was. But if you think about it, Castiel needed to become God to defeat Raphael. All of the archangels are fierce and absolute. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that. He did kill Castiel once and beat him to a pulp another time. So he deserves to be on this list. It took everything Castiel had to beat him down.
“Raphael: We’re tired. We just want it to be over. We just want… paradise.
Dean: So what, God dies and makes you the boss, and you think you can do whatever you want?
Raphael: Yes! And whatever we want, we get!” – 5.03 Free to Be You and Me
Known status: Deceased
Seen: 5.03 Free to Be You and Me, 6.03 The Third Man, 6.15 The French Mistake, 6.20 The Man Who Would Be King and 6.22 The Man Who Knew Too Much
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