Wednesday’s Watching Supernatural 11.20: “Don’t Call Me Shurley”
Supernatural 11.20: “Don’t Call Me Shurley”
Writer: Robbie Thompson
Director: Robert Singer
Director of Photography C.S.C: Serge Ladouceur
Airdate: 04.05.2016
The “Angel Nearest the Door” could be you. #Chuck is a Meat Suit for “The Writers’ Voice.”
Essentially, this is “METAFICTION” where the writers insert their voices via an “Author Avatar.”
This has been done before.
Chuck Shurley is a writer. In TV, most writers really ARE the writers’ voice.
Chuck, a writer and “Prophet of the Lord,” is the creator of Supernatural; therefore, he is the voice of God.
Chuck/ Prophet of the Lord /God, the creator, is the VOICE OF THE WRITERS.
It’s a way for the writers to insert their opinions into the story to talk to Fans.
The “Fourth Wall” becomes very thin.
Chuck served as an “Author Avatar” in the past.
“Well, there’s only one explanation. Obviously, I’m a god… I’m definitely a god. A
cruel, cruel, capricious god.” (4.18 “The Monster at the End of This Book”)
Most recently, Chuck/ Prophet of the Lord /God or the “Author Avatar,” Writers’ Voices
appeared in “Fan Fiction” 10.05 to tell the fanfic writers that they were, “Not bad.”
In this episode, Chuck [Prophet of the Lord / Author Avatar/ God/ Writers’ Voices]
reveals himself as the Author Avatar to address concerns of the Fandom.
It looks like this:
CHUCK> Prophet of the Lord> Author Avatar>God>WRITERS’ VOICES
(Robbie Thompson has the foremost position, as he is the writer of this episode.)
Metatron/The Scribe of God has also served as an “Author Avatar” for the Writers’ Voices in
episodes where he appeared as a writer controlling events.
“What makes a story work? Is it the plot, the characters, the text? The subtext? And who gives a story meaning?
Is it the writer? Or you? Tonight, I thought I would tell you a little story and let you decide.” (9.18 “Meta Fiction“)
Metatron inserts himself into this episode NOT as an “Author Avatar” this time, but as the VOICE of the FANDOM,
or the “Audience Surrogate” in order for a natural conversation to ensue.
The Voice of the Fandom has previously been heard from in the character
“Becky” and most recently “Marie and Maeve” in the episode 10.05, “Fan Fiction”
Metatron, the Audience Surrogate, also CRITICIZES the works of God, or the
Writers of Supernatural by playing the role of “STRAW CRITIC/EDITOR.”
It looks like this:
FANS’ VOICES> Straw Critic /Audience Surrogate>METATRON
(Of course, there are a lot of fans missing in this diagram but you get the idea.)
When you know Chuck is the Writers’ Voice and Metatron is the Fans’ Voice, it all makes more sense.
One fan commented, “Is it eerie that I’m agreeing with everything Metatron said?”
The fans must decipher what is being said.
The Writers address some of the fandom’s criticisms and concerns.
Of course, the writers were a little cryptic when it came to Amara….
And, sometimes the writers stated the obvious.
As much as the Writers tried to clear some things up, new controversies arose in this script.
Robbie Thompson, presented for the 200th episode anniversary.
Say what Sam?
And, did Dean attempt suicide again?
The Writers’ perspectives of the Fandom’s writing ability?
There were was also some acknowledgement of how amazing our fandom is.
The song also sparked interpretations.
Meta Fiction has a tendency to get bogged down with talking and not enough action.
Sam and Dean offset the “talking heads” by going about their heroic business of
saving the world with duct tape and removing children from car seats.
Writers “smell like pee” (Mad Men anyone?) and live in dusty old worlds of crumby keyboards and senile cats.
When Writers insert themselves into the story, it reeks of egotism and pomposity.
Yes, they are so powerful that many fear them in the TV industry.
Writers are literally capable of torturing, humiliating, ignoring, or killing any cast /character they want to.
The Writers tread a careful line of heeding some of what the Fandom says, but they must not Pander
to the Fans. If they pander too much, especially to the noisy ones, who are not necessarily the majority, they end up losing.
And, yes, there is resentment on both sides. Metatron does get shoved through the door.
Fans have hopes and expectations and Writers have their own creative ideas.
One thing Writers have learned is that they cannot mess with canon.
Well, Shurley, my brain hurts.
Meta is heavy.
If you are doing a re-watch, the more you know about SPN, the more you will be able to
understand, or catch, what the writers are saying. It’s completely open to interpretation.
As a relative newbie to SPN family, I am not as adept at interpreting some of the obscure references.
What did you notice?
Although this particular Meta Fiction was clever and came to life with gobsmacking
acting, and a Sweet Farewell, how many fans got it?
You see, if the Fans miss the point and walk away thinking, ‘God is Bi’ then the Writers have failed.
Of course, the Writers can always comfort themselves by saying their Fandom is too dumb to grasp their intellectual
High Angle For Those Feeling Powerless
High Angle Paper Toss for the Defeated Manuscript.
( I couldn’t help noticing the Christmas colours in the bar.)
Low Angles
A Low Angle For An Unlikely Hero
The cup was funny and the fact that it ended by the DOG/GOD.
(Inside Joke for the WFB readers)
A Watercolour / Pastel Palette
A Scribble Of Trees Behind A Worried Dean
(Only 7 out of 20 episodes have passed this easy test to determine gender equity, so
far in Season 11, or 35%.)
Another fail for Robbie Thompson. Only one of his Four scripts passed the Bechdel Test so
far in Season 11.
For all time, Robbie Thompson scripts are at par with this season. 6 out of 17 of RT’s
scripts pass the Bechdel Test, or 35.2%.
You are slaying me here.
So many contenders:
The heart melting dog.
Sweet Baby reaching for Sam.
The Brothers
Always a breathtaking performance by Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki.
Especially, Dean’s face when he sees the amulet,
And, Sam’s “Oops, busted” face when Dean finds it.
Rob Benedict (Chuck Shurley) gave a spell binding performance of God.
But, Curtis Armstrong (Metatron) went from despicable to pitiable.
When he cried, I teared up.
How does he do it?
Congratulations for the Best Performance, Curtis Armstrong!
Rating: 3 Duct Tape Rolls out of 5
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