Supernatural “Caption This”: Round 3 Winners!
To wrap up this volume, we ended with my pick for one of this season’s top brotherly moments as both heartwarming and hilarious. LEAH claimed the prize this time with a line that could have very well been in an earlier draft of the script.
Honorable mentions go to
cheryl42 – Dean: “All I’m saying is the numbers on the doors don’t make any dam sense to me”
“And who’s hat is that on the wall anyways”
fan1609 – As the GUYS spontaneously break into song: ‘ THERE’LL BE PEACE WHEN WE ARE DONE, DON’T YA CRY NO MORE
And I’m going to give up “my thoughts” on this one for super special bonus round meta joke winner!
Jen – Sam: Dean I give up
Dean: No can’t give up Gotta Keep on grinding
Sam: Typing Dean typing
Dean: Huh
Sam: Trying to win the caption of the week
(Actually there were multiple such meta entries on this one but I think Jen put it best and I like the thought of S&D knowing about MMOs.)
Until next time lovely reader, join us at WFB Discussion Pages every Tuesday (sometimes Wednesday) for the next entry on Caption this!
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