Dude. We’re Not Even In America
Dude. We’re Not Even In America
Beeepp!… You’ve reached Sam and Dean.. We can’t take your call right now.. We’re off trying to find The Mother of All.. Or, we’re dead, grievously injured, or having an intensely emotional conversation over the roof of the Impala.. So, if you’re a fellow hunter, or vampire, dragon, skinwalker, demon, angel or neighbouring country, please leave us a message at the beep and we’ll probably get right back to you.. Eventually… After we save the world.. Beeepp!
Oh hey, Sam and Dean…
Umm.. Hi.. It’s me.. Canada calling.. Remember?.. We met the other day, when you guys just popped in?
I feel so bad about not being better prepared for your visit. I’ve always admired your work, and I really, really wanted to make a good impression.
If I’d had an inkling you were on your way, I’d have pulled out all the stops. I’d have given the Rocky Mountains some fresh powder snow. I’d have painted the most amazing sunset of cotton-candy pink and dragon’s-treasure-gold on that big, big sky over the prairies.
I could even have lined up a job for you. There’s this thing in Ontario.. Well, it’s more a place really.. It’s called The Sleeping Giant.. It’s this huge chunk of land that looks exactly like a man sleeping on his back, with his arms folded on his chest. Day after day, he just lies out there in Lake Superior, offshore from the city of Thunder Bay.
Now, I know it’s probably nothing. He’s been there for-like-ever. But lately, I swear that sometimes he moves. Just like the eyes in all those creepy, haunted paintings. Some days, The Giant is so close to land, I expect him to stand up and wade to shore. But if it’s foggy or misty, it’s like he disappears completely. I mean he’s quite attractive and all, but now? With this Mother of All crap? What if he is getting up and moving around? What if the two of them took a shine to each other??? Yikes! Those would be some BIG babies!!
I’m really bummed because I had such big plans for your first visit. I was going to make you a special dinner. Maybe a lobster from Nova Scotia? A smoked-meat sandwich from Montreal? A stack of pancakes with maple syrup? How about a Canadian back-bacon-cheddar-cheese-(Alberta beef)-burger? Washed down of course, with a cold, refreshing brewski, like a Molson Canadian, or a Labatt’s Blue.
But, please don’t think I’m blaming you for not calling first. I know you didn’t have any control over your arrival. Bright side – at least your landing was soft! So was it raining in Vancouver when you got here? I’ve always thought the drizzly weather, and grey, ominous skies would make it the perfect location to shoot a brilliant, thought-provoking, moody atmospheric TV drama that pretends to be about horror, and urban legends, but is really about the relationship between two brothers, and what they’re willing to sacrifice for each other. But, you know.. Hard to sell an idea like that.. I wonder if anyone would watch.. Just thinking out loud!
I’m glad to hear Dean figured out our money. I know. I know. It kind of looks like “Monopoly money” because of all the colours. But, I really like it. It makes it easy to tell all the denominations apart. Plus, the coins are fun. We get to throw around the word “Loonie” on a regular basis. (Tee hee! Snort! Canadian humour! You do know the one dollar coin has a picture of a loon on it, right?)
And I must shake my head, and apologize for Virgil and the whole gun thing. I mean you can certainly pick up a gun on the black market here. But, it’s usually a tad bit more difficult to buy a gun from a store! I mean there is the Firearms Safety Course to take, and all the paperwork to fill out. Perhaps, I should just call a Royal Commission of Inquiry to sort it all out. That’s usually what I do when I wish a problem would just go away!
Truth is, I’m feeling a tad vulnerable here. I just wanted you guys to like me. That’s partly because I thought you might understand the relationship I have with your country. We’re sort of like brothers too. I’m younger and bigger, but I still respect my older bro’s age and experience. But that doesn’t mean I always agree with him. The two of us share lots in common, but we still have our own way of doing things. We have slightly different values, which lead to different perspectives on problems, and different solutions too. Of course, that means we occasionally exchange harsh words, or our feelings get hurt, but thankfully, only once or twice has it ever lead to conflict. Overall, I really respect America, and trust him. And I know he feels the same about me. I’d say with over 5,000 kilometres between us, we have each other’s backs too. Can you guys identify with what I’m saying? Have you ever felt like that?
I should probably hang up now, because I’m sure I’ve filled up your answering machine. But, I’m trying to summon my courage to say just one more thing.
Okay. Here goes… I know you’re probably more a baseball or football (or golf?) guy Dean. Although, I totally get this vision of you sitting at a basketball game, beside a beautiful woman, who is obviously very special to you. But Dean, you gotta give hockey another try!
I know we talk about it, ad nauseam. That, and the weather. (Did I happen to mention I’m sunny, cloudy, windy, snowy, rainy, sleety, and suffering from hot flashes and wind chill today?) But, I’m sure you two would love hockey. It combines speed with skill, brawn with brain. (Sounds like these two hunters I know.) It’s kind of a religion for me, with the Stanley Cup as my most holy relic. It’s hard to describe just how important this sport is to me. I mean what else are you going to do when it’s cold more than 6 months a year? It’s so much fun to watch, but even better to play. In fact, you guys would be brilliant at it, if you could skate. Sasquatch Sam wouldn’t even stand out, since there are lots of guys as big as, or even bigger than him.
Wow! Look at the time. I know I’m a bit long-winded so thanks for listening. I feel a lot better getting all that off my chest.
But the real reason I called? I’m inviting you back, say next July, for an extended visit of about 9 months. We could grab some cameras, and document your whole trip. It’d be fun! And the very least I could do, is make sure some Northern (spot)Lights are shining on you.
Gotta go. I have an Arctic air mass to send to the Midwest, and Eastern seaboard.
Travel safe, boys.
This was Canada calling. You can reach me care of the 49th Parallel.
I’m glad you wrote this. (No, I’m not Canadian; a Filipina)
Wonderful article. I laughed throughout the entire thing. 😆
**HUGE ELECTRONIC HUG** That was awesome. Great post. I LOVE it.
Canadians will love this – and some of us living on an entirely different continent (aka: this European here) will feel the Canadian warmth as well. 🙂
This was sweet, dear. Somehow I had the notion that this could have been a speech by my fave Canadian character in one of my fave tv shows, Constable Benton Fraser in [i]Due [/i] [i]South[/i]. ‘Oh, dear.’ 😉
it’s clear to me – some day I will have to visit Canada, too.
Thanks! Best always, Jas
This was lovley. I realy enjoyed it.
This was hilarious 😆
As Benton would say “Thank You kindly”
Had to be said. And for all you non Canadians, yes, we are all like Benton.
Here’s hoping the boys take Canada up on her polite invitation to come back next year.
Loved it!
Hi Pragmatic Dreamer
Nicely done, enjoyed it immensely.:lol:
Canada is in America, right? You know, North America…
This is great! I think you provided some very convincing reasons to like Canada. I love me some Benton Fraser & Due South too! And yes, let’s definitely have the boys back in Canada come July for that 9 month visit!
Well you’ve me sold so I’m off to book a flight over. Now if you wouldn’t mind pointing me in the direction of the pretty boys……
I’ve relatives in Canada (Newfoundland) and I’ve never been there. Shame on me.
Brilliant! And if the boys ever do make it back up here you might mention that we have our own version of Nessie right in my backyard – the Ogopogo in Okanagan Lake, BC. Besides, there’s a one million dollar reward for positive proof of Ogie’s existence and I hear the boys could use the money – again. 😉
I’m from Canada
That article is awesome! 😆
I love Canada! This was so cute. I love how you compared the boys to Canada and the US (“I’m a little bigger and younger”)!
I just wished Dean had said, “we’re not even in the US anymore”. When I hear America, I think of the whole continent.
I did love him giving the homeless guy a Canadian 50. 🙂
Yeah! Canada represent!
I may not be the most patriotic citizen, but I do admire the land. years ago my family went on a road-trip across the country. Makes you really appreciate the scope of it all. Just got in our car and drove. Sorta like the the brothers,hm, except for the whole hunting monsters thing.
Thanks for this! 😆
Wow … as a proud Canuck … I LOVED that. It has completely made my day. 😆 Kudos, that was brilliant!