Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 10.01 “Black”
There are so many reviews with so many words! Why don’t we just boil it down to the basics? Here’s my view of “Black” is 500 words or less!
“Heartbreaker” by Pat Benatar – great song!
Sammy is yummy when he tortures a demon.
Dean orders Sam to let him go. Sad.
Cas is a sickly angel.
Dean is bad at Karaoke, great at sex (in Crowleys bed, lol!). Looses at Foosball, then almost kills a guy.
Cas, exposed, answers door. Heaven needs him. Rogue Angels must be found and punished. Cas will help.
Sam sees Dean on video killing someone with the Blade of Cain. Uh oh, it’s going out over the wires. Sam looks at tape alone and sees his brother’s demon eyes. Oh, s**t!
Family guy readies his body and weapons in prep to kill Dean.
Cas lies to Hannah that he feels well, that he isn’t dying. She urges him to take care of himself. They have important things to do, insists Cas.
Sam questions clerk about “porn guy’s” violence. Clerk was too scared to do anything. He gives Sam the dead guy’s phone. Sam calls Crowley on it. Crowley tells him there is no demon inhabiting Dean’s meat suit, just Dean himself. “I will save my brother or die trying”, swears Sam. “The fact that he’s mine, my partner in crime”, crows Crowley, “that’s pissing you off.” “I will find you, save my brother and kill you dead”, Sam snarls.
The angel wants to stay on earth and fish–it’s nice. Cas says to wait, have patience.
Crowley admits to sending demons to fight Dean to keep his skills sharp, but he wants to leave this hellhole. Crowley spoke to Sam, who will trace the call and be here by morning. Crowley wants Dean by his side in Hell- this is a gift. “Make up your mind”, he orders the newly minted demon.
Sam’s car craps out. He’s accosted by Cole (the guy after Dean), who happens to have the kill switch for Sam’s car. Uh oh. He attacks and kidnaps Sam.
Dean badly croons “Imaginary Lover” but is he dreaming drunkenly, or really singing? He invites the blond to go somewhere with him. She refuses. He’s too violent, not a good guy. He sleeps with every skank. She leaves.
The angel couple refuse to return to heaven. A fight ensues. Cas is injured. It’s over.
The guy brings a blindfolded Sam somewhere and binds him to a chair. He knows he’s Sam Winchester, brother of Dean, and his intent is violent and wrong. Sam warns the guy to run, saying “Dean’s a monster.” “I’m the monster now”, the guy tells him.
Cas and Hannah drive away, discussing a lack of rules, chaos, heart, hope, love, dreams. Cas is more human than angel now.
Dean, driving alone, gets a call on Sam’s phone from the guy holding him. Cole punches Sam hard so he’ll make a sound, assuring Dean he’s got him. Dean refuses to come, even though Sam’s captor is going to slit his throat. “Sam knows I’m a man of my word”, Dean says coldly, face impassive.
1. This episode upset me so much! I don’t like Dean this way. He showed a bit of humanity with the blond there, but not much. What did you think?
2. So a couple of angels decided they preferred Earth to Heaven. Was that wrong? They were stealing two vessels. Was that all right? I don’t see the big deal.
3. Crowley loves Dean. That’s obvious. He wants him at his side, ruling Hell. This bromance is smoldering, for Crowley, at least. Not for Dean. Your vibe?
4. Will Dean really leave Sam in this guy’s clutches? How is Sam going to escape?
5. This was a good episode for me. I give it an 8.
I agree with you about demon Dean. I hate him being cruel, vicious,non-caring. Dean is a hero to me and to see him as a demon-I hate it.
I agree that two angels wanting to leave Heaven is no big deal. Hannah reminds me of how narrow Angels view can be. Hope Cas can teach her a few things about art, home, love, dreams.
I think Dean has no love for Crowley and tolerates him now but in the future? We will see. I think Crowley wants Dean because Crowley wants demon Deans power with the MOC on his side. Also, Crowley is getting back at Sam for almost turning him into a human by taking Dean away from Sam.
I think Sam will get away but I don’t know if it by accident or on purpose. Again, we will see.
I like this episode a lot, really looking forward to Reichenbach episode. Trouble is, the episodes go so fast.
Hey Robin. I am with you. I don’t like seeing Dean this way AT ALL. He is my hero, and to see him so unfeeling, uncaring and characteristically, uncharacteristically Dean is very unsettling for me. I will be happy when we get OUR Dean back. At times I felt that he still had some of his humanity. Like Dean, seemed on the outside to be hiding his true feelings behind the drink and sex. I’m not quite sure what to read with all that.
As for Crowley, he is once again manipulating Dean for his own devices. I enjoy watching Dean not go Crowley’s ways. Crowley lies and manipulates and his comments to Sam about he and Dean being best friends is just something to get Sam’s goat. I do love it and will continue to love to see Dean push Crowley back and not bend to his desires to rule Hell together. IMO, Crowley wants to use Dean as a tool to keep the demons in line. He doesn’t really care about Dean, only what Dean can do for him.
Sam will find a way out of Cole’s clutches. Whether he gets loose, or talks Cole out of it. Or maybe, Cole takes Dean up on his threat and decides it is better to not hurt Sam. It will definitely be interesting to see how Sam gets free. I really feel for Sam. I think we all wish that this would have been the way he acted and reacted when Dean went to Purgatory, and he received a lot of flak for that. But, I do feel for him right now. He is such a wounded puppy, I just want to hold him and tell him everything will be alright. I look forward to the scene we better get when Dean is humanized and Dean and Sam hug. I can’t wait for that.
What’s with the PIMP MOBILE :D:o;)
I give it a 7. Demon Dean was not as bad as I thought he would be.
Is COLE a brother or relative of someone Dean killed, like the two hunters who killed them when they went to heaven… did they EVER catch up with those guys when they got back to earth….hummm
so episode 3 is really epi 2 because epi 1 was a LOOK BACK. ok Jensen not as hard as you said at COMICON but impressive nonetheless 🙂
anxious for next week.
Hey I owned that same pimp mobile! It didn’t have the very cool hydraulics but it was a gold boat that we didn’t park we docked. 😀
so EVERYBODY has angel blades as weapons right….
DEMONS, ANGELS, HUMANS come on down….
we see DEANMON drink, but never EAT….