Threads: Supernatural 9.01 and 9.02
Funny thing about loose threads. Weave enough strong threads together and you will get a colorful, coherent tapestry that tells an epic story. Pull on weak threads individually, though, and they will unravel and fall to the ground, to be swept away as meaningless clutter…
Season 8 was so volatile (controversial, disappointing episodes followed by epically great episodes) that mid-season I engaged in a desperate (and perhaps futile) attempt to predict the direction of the plot. My efforts began by writing an article that listed several “clues” that I believed had been purposefully placed within episodes but had not yet been resolved. Before the premiere of season 9, I revisited those loose ends (S9: Here We Go Again), and theorized whether I thought they were just nuances in the writing and of no further consequence, or whether I expected them to be important omens for the myth arc going forward. I would like to experiment with watching all of season 9 through the filter of finding similar clues, or “threads” of the long term storyline. Are the writers foreshadowing events or are we as fans over analyzing dialogue and seeing things that just aren’t there? So each week I will capture questions and curiosities for your consideration. Some questions may be points that just aren’t clear to me, while others will be things I don’t remember being covered in canon before. A few observations, though, will be points I believe may be important, i.e. the threads that are being woven together into an overall, epic story.
As I began this experiment for the first two episodes this season, I learned that tracking these clues is like trying to hit a moving target. I have already re-written this article three times and each time the anomalies I listed were either answered by the insightful and rigorous reviewers on this site, teased in interviews with writers and cast, or in some other way changed. Still, I believe that since I’m pondering these points, maybe many of you are too. I am not trying to write canon or carve answers into stone. I know we won’t solve the mysteries of the Supernatural universe here, but we might just notice some details that may or may not be important in the future. I offer these questions hoping for your wise insights. Together we may be able to answer some of them. I will also add to my list any threads that you noticed but I missed. In the past, I know I haven’t seen all the subtle clues the writers have hidden in the scripts, nor am I able to read every interview or review that is published, so I’ll need your help! One limitation, though. I am not going to comment on or list clear conflicts with past canon or controversial plot choices. I will leave those to be debated in other reviews. Our purpose here is to be detectives, not canon police.
The final list of potential threads will be carried over to the next week, when the process starts over. I may not post ever week because some episodes stand alone without trying to affect the season’s mythology, but I will always be watching for threads. By the end of the season, we should have a complete list of the hints dropped by the writers. So here are my questions and observations from the first two episodes of season 9:
Threads or Curiosities? – 9.01 “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here” and 9.02 “Devil May Care”:
1. Angel Radio
· Angel!Humans (Cas and Anna) can hear angel radio. I’m not sure why they have this power. In the real world, there are many examples of people who claim to hear and talk to angels so perhaps it is possible to simply be tuned into angels. I have decided to personally accept this as a given without further scrutiny. What do you think?
· Prayers are on a different frequency from angel radio? Anna could hear angels but not prayers, now Cas hears angels but not Dean. Has this ever been specifically mentioned before? “Angel radio” only carries angels’ voices?
2. Angel Warding
· Did Ezekiel imply/state that the warding sigils in the hospital room were weakening him, since Dean started crossing them out? (I really couldn’t hear what Ezekiel said even though I played it back several times.)
· Was Ezekiel “locked” into the hospital room by the sigils, i.e. angels can’t cross them in any direction, in or out?
· Why didn’t Ezekiel get banished when Dean used the blood sigil on the floor? Do the angels have to be within the line-of-sight of the blast to be affected? Was the hospital room door enough to protect him or was he protected by the angel warding symbols…or is it significant that he wasn’t banished? Dean didn’t seem surprised, so I accept that there must be a reason in canon rather than plot.
3. Angel Recognition
· Why didn’t the first angel recognize Ezekiel? I always thought that angels could recognize other angels within human hosts because angels can read minds. Cupid asked Cas to read his mind to verify that he was telling the truth. Cas has read Dean’s mind on occasion, so angels can see into a mind to determine who is inside. Angels can also see the “real face” behind the façade. For example, when Cas thought he was the human Emmanuel, he freaked when a demon came to his house, saying “I saw his face. His real face.” So I have always understood canon to be that angels can see inside vessels. After all, Hael recognized Castiel in this episode. I am thus curious why the businessman didn’t recognize Ezekiel.
Bardicvoice theorized in her review that “[angels] can’t recognize each other inside the vessels they’ve assumed. We know that angels could do that before…[but] Hael knew Castiel only because every angel had already seen him in his human guise. Ezekiel and the nameless businessman/angel knew each other for angels through their weapons…but it would seem angels could now hide even from each other by simply choosing not to reveal themselves.” I am not yet convinced either way. Did Hael recognize Cas or did she see Cas? What do you think? Until we get more examples, I can’t determine which theory is correct.
· Human!Cas does not see angels within their vessels. That will be very inconvenient for him as he flees from their wrath. It also means that he won’t be able to verify that Ezekiel is the angel possessing Sam, nor will he be able to verify Ezekiel’s intentions.
4. Angel Possession
· What happened to Jimmy when Cas became human? How can someone who is no longer a celestial being stay in Jimmy’s body (and Hael wanted to possess Cas! Wow, it was going to get very crowded in there. That is one strong vessel!)? I guess Bardicvoice wondered about this too, because she asked Robbie Thompson about it in a conversation on Twitter on the night that 9.02 aired:
@Bardicvoice: “”Hey @rthompson1138 – is Castiel alone in his human body? What’s fate of Jimmy Novak?”
@Rthompson1138: “ Jimmy’s gone. It’s just Cas now. Why in that vessel? Chrysler Building was hard to shoot. Further why? Reasons.”
“Reasons”!! I reserve this one as possibly important. We have the complex situation of Ezekiel possessing Sam so I believe we have to pay attention when an angel takes over the host body (potentially replacing the human).
· I know Sam’s “consent” is hotly debated, but at this point there aren’t any questions I can ask about it. It happened and it’s over. I think it poses an ethical debate, but until we have reason to believe it is more than an angel possessing a human under questionable circumstances, I see it as a plot/ canon choice to set up the Ezekiel!Sam arc and rift between Sam and Dean. The only hidden plotline I can imagine casts doubt on Ezekiel being a “real” angel, i.e. can a (real) angel possess someone with a proxy consent? My “spidy-sense” is not tingling on this one. It’s not high on my list but I’ll put it in the “reserve judement” category.
5. Ezekiel
· Cas said Ezekiel was a “good soldier” but Ezekiel acted like a leader not a follower. He offered ideas and solutions. He thought for himself. He wasn’t scared. He offered wise counsel to Dean. I think Ezekiel is much more than he has yet said. What do you think about these clues?
Intuitively, I trust Ezekiel, maybe because I am being completely taken in by how Jared and Tahmoh are portraying him. I believe he has good intentions (at least for now he has good intentions). I foresee greatness when he uses his powers, and I predict he and Sam will work together to conquer demons. I am very excited by this story line and, putting aside the inevitable bump when Sam finds out Dean deceived him, I believe Sam and Ezekiel will be a good thing, for a while. I have read the theory that Ezekiel is Lucifer, but I’m not on board with that. It sounds too repetitive, and I’m back to my belief that Ezekiel is innately good. I have a theory for the whole season on this subject, but I am going to wait for just a little more input before predicting the next 21 episodes!
· Why didn’t Crowley recognize Ezekiel inside Sam (in the bunker)? Crowley recognized Samandriel inside Alfie at the auction, so I have believed that demons can recognize angels inside their hosts, just like angels can recognize demons who are possessing humans. This makes me worry a bit.
6. Just one last side note – Why didn’t Cas tell Hael that it was not his fault that the angels fell? Why is he not blaming Metatron? Guilt? Embarrassed by his gullibility? I hope we learn a lot more about this in 9.03.
What do you think? Any ideas? I hope either our discussion or the next few episodes answer a few of these questions because there is a lot to consider!
As far as Cas not telling Hael that it wasn’t his fault that the angels fell, that implies that the only wrong Cas perpetrated on the angels is having them cast out of heaven. If you look at it from the POV of Joe Blow angel, Cas is problematic at best.
From season four we know that the lower level angels only know what their superiors tell them. Cas and the other angels that went to rescue Dean all believed that they were trying to stop the Apocalypse. It was only the Archangels who wanted to start the whole shooting match. If you look at Cas’s history, without knowing his motivation Cas looks awfully sketchy.
Before Sam and Dean come into play, Cas’s superior officer (Anna) goes missing. Since no one seemed to be looking for her until season four, I’m guessing that she was just marked as missing in action. Then Cas is the one to rescue Dean. Shortly thereafter, his partner Uriel dies. Cas honestly says Anna killed him, but there are no witnesses. Then Cas brings Anna back and puts her into angel camp. Finally Cas switches sides and joins with the Winchesters attempting to stop what most angels believe is God’s Plan. Cas traps Raphael. His allies, Sam and Dean are in the same area when Gabriel is taken out. Then Lucifer and Michael are thrown into the Cage. Cas has the lovely explanation that he just happened to be in the area when they were both imprisoned. Then he goes to heaven and declares himself the “new sheriff”. In our world someone who gets to take charge after all the other people ahead of them on the chain of command and who just happened to be in the neighborhood when they were taken out gets looked on with some suspicion, so right there, Cas looks questionable. Then Raphael comes back and Cas stands up to him starting an angelic Civil War splitting the angels and getting more of them killed. Cas eventually kills Raphael and takes in the souls of Purgatory. He then murders all of Raphael’s followers. The implication is that he kills fully one half of the angels. The angels reqroup. Some want Cas dead, other think their number are so small that every angel counts and want to forgive Cas. Eventually Cas, to the angelic eye disappears into Purgatory. When he returns he is under Naomi’s influence and he kills Samandriel. Finally he falls for Metatron’s trick and gets every last angel booted from their home. Cas has wrecked destruction on the angels time and time again. He has upset the apple cart. Tried to make angels accept free will. Killed his opposition and finally been part of ejecting them from their home. Any angel who doesn’t know the entire story would be justified in deciding that Cas is a menace to all of angeldom because look how many angels he has destroyed. Wanting to make sure that Cas doesn’t find yet another way to wipe out half of the remaining angels, or send them to Hell or whatever can happen next is not too out of the box for your basic average angel. The guy has done a lot of damage in his career and how many times do you let a loose canon run free?
Wow Percy, that is a really comprehensive history of Castiel! Nice! (well of the facts of the case, as with everyone on SPN, he meant well ….) But it is hard to say he never gets any storyline…
I believe the angel warding was affecting Ezekiel, Dean asks him if he’s going to be okay with the sigils up, and Zeke tells him “he’ll manage.” And then he mentions the warding, and how he’s weaker than he thought, prompting Dean to cross them out.
Also, pretty sure the angel banishing sigil only works if the angels are in direct proximity of it, and since Zeke was inside the room and not the hallway, he wasn’t affected by it.
Percysowner, I like Cas but you lay out a compelling argument as to why the angels would see him a public enemy # 1.
Nightsky I was watching the episode a second time and I am kind of fascinated by this:
Dean: i’m not really with the whole love and,eh love …
Ezekiel: But it IS why I said yes.
Ezekiel said ‘yes’ to helping Dean before he knew anything about what Sam was thinking didn’t he? So who is the ‘I’ he is talking about here. The only other person to say ‘yes’ was Sam. But what is Ezekiel doing speaking as Sam if that is the case?
I could see this as being a link with the end of the episode where Sam goes from deep misery to ‘I am happy’ in the space of a couple of sentences of positive thinking from Dean. This is not the ‘patented Sam Winchester way’ (or it didn’t used to be anyway, course it has been a long time since we have seen undamaged Sam Winchester what with one thing and another)
Perhaps it may be that we are supposed to read both these things at face value (reading a lot of complexity into stuff last season didn’t often pan out ….) but put together they seem to explain better (to me) why Dean looks so freaked out at the end of the episode – he knows his brother better – this is not entirely Sam anymore.
EDIT: Ok annoying gif is annoying, removing it …
Nightsky, a suggestion, when I watch the eps for first and sometimes several times after, I use the closed captions so I can catch all the dialog. Dean did tell Ezekiel that no one gets in and no one gets out once he had the sigils up and then asked Ezekiel if he was alright with that and Ezekiel said “I’ll manage”.
I am holding onto the belief that Ezekiel is a good angel and will heal Sam and then help reverse what Metatron did for all the angels to return to heaven. As for the Lucifer speculation, he is in Hell and since it was angels falling from Heaven I don’t see how he could have come back through Ezekiel.
Cas not defending himself seems to be a norm for the show. Sometimes I feel they just don’t give them enough dialog to clarify stuff but maybe that is just their way to let us speculate and draw our own conclusions. Personally, I would like the additional explanations but I realize there is just so much they can say in 42-43 minutes.
The point you mentioned about Crowley seeing Ezekiel in Sam, I wondered about that myself. I re-watched that last scene with Crowley where Sam is the last to leave the room and Crowley just gets this weird look on his face, as does Sam which made we wonder if they didn’t see each other or at least suspect. Hope we get an answer to that one. It will be real interesting to see if we get more info on all the items you mentioned.
Nightsky, I like this idea and am glad you are going to do it as a ongoing thing!
Do you think maybe Crowley didn’t recognize Ezekiel is because the demon cure made him more human than demon. We don’t really know what powers he has or doesn’t at this point. He talks a good game but that could be all bluff. The devils trap may not even be necessary.
Ezekiel I am still skeptical about. This is SPN and he is, after all, an angel (maybe)- not a good thing in their world. I don’t think he is Lucifer either. I could believe he is God before believing he is Lucifer.
# 5 eilf, could Ezekiel be talking about when Dean put out the angel bat signal he said yes in the sense he came in response Dean’s prayer for help? Don’t know really, just a thought.
[quote]# 5 eilf, could Ezekiel be talking about when Dean put out the angel bat signal he said yes in the sense he came in response Dean’s prayer for help? Don’t know really, just a thought.[/quote]
Oh, true, could be. It is a bit too subtle to really be a clue I think …. just seemed strange, but could be just the way it was put.
It is just that Zeke (I am going to call him Zeke …. ) seems rather innocent and a bit too willing to please.
Dean is unhappy because Sam is unhappy.
Zeke knows that Dean loves Sam (and he knows that Sam would prefer not to let Dean down again),
So clearly Sam would rather be happy because that is what Dean wants
Therefore Zeke will make Sam feel ‘happy’ to please Dean,
Problem solved.
Freaked out Dean…
In the mean time Zeke acting as the subordinate personality while taking more than usual interest in the personality of the host soul (which angels don’t usually bother with) starts to get ‘Zeke’ and ‘Sam’ entangled. Hence ‘I’ instead of ‘Sam’ said ‘yes’ to not dying.
This seems to me how things can go terribly wrong (as we sort of expect them to) without Zeke actually being a bad guy (which we (maybe) don’t really think he is)
Or maybe none of this is actually there. But that is the purpose of the thread yes? 🙂
[quote]Nightsky I was watching the episode a second time and I am kind of fascinated by this:
Dean: i’m not really with the whole love and,eh love …
Ezekiel: But it IS why I said yes.
Ezekiel said ‘yes’ to helping Dean before he knew anything about what Sam was thinking didn’t he? So who is the ‘I’ he is talking about here. The only other person to say ‘yes’ was Sam. But what is Ezekiel doing speaking as Sam if that is the case?
This has puzzled me too since I watched the episode. Who said ‘yes’. Who is the ‘I’? Was it Ezekiel saying yes to answering Dean’s call for help. Or him saying yes to healing Sam.
But then, as you say, Ezekiel agreed to help before he knew what was going on in Sam’s mind, before he knew that what Dean had done, he’d done out of love. So is the ‘I’ referring to Sam saying ‘yes’ to not dying? Is Ezekiel getting himself muddled up with Sam?
[quote] I don’t think he is Lucifer either. I could believe he is God before believing he is Lucifer.[/quote]
I had the same thought that maybe he’s God. Maybe it’s God possessing Zeke possessing Sam??? That’s why Zeke still had some angel powers and can heal Sam. I have to imagine God would be taking a back seat right now so Zeke is run down.
The other thing Zeke said that I thought was interesting was he said Sam was still unconscious in many ways. At first I thought he meant from being knocked out by the demons. But now I wonder if Sam is mostly unconscious is this mostly Zeke talking. I thought Dean’s little freak out at the end was because he knew that Sam wasn’t going to be happy anymore once he found out the truth.
Jimmy Novak died way back when Sam was still drinking daemon blood. His daughter was possessed by Castiel and Jimmy (who was dying from gunshot wounds) gave his body to Castiel so he would leave Jimmy’s daughter (whose name is escaping me at the moment). Oh, and just as an aside because it seems to be important to the whole “yes” thing, do you suppose Jimmy’s daughter actually said “yes” after she and her mother both thought Jimmy had gone off the deep end when Castiel came into his life?
As far as Sam giving permission to Ezekiel – Dean said, multiple times, “we’ll get through this, no matter what it takes”. And every time he said, “No matter what it takes.” Sam has said, “Okay.” No matter what it takes. No. Matter. What. Sam said “okay”. Which is why this whole “Sam will be pissed when he finds out” is really sticking in my craw. Dean said no matter what, Sam said okay. As far as I can tell, no matter what means exactly that: no matter what. So, if Sam said okay (and by the way, he also asked “what do I need to do?” when they were in the room with Death – meaning “what do I need to do to help facilitate you saving my life one more time again like you always do Big Brother, because I’ll do it” presumably) what exactly does he have to be pissed about? He said OKAY!
#13DeansRaven “what does he have to be pissed about?” Well he trusted Dean to honor his wishes. Even Dean knows he did something that Sam is going to be pissed about. That seems to be the premise of this storyline and the reason that Dean is having little freak outs about his decision.
I might be wrong but it could be that Crowley didn’t see Zeke in Sam because Sam was in control of his body at the time and Zeke wasn’t controlling anything. When Emmanuel aka Cas saw the demons they were in control of the vessels, same thing for Alphi.
Also for the angel radio well Cas and Anna were angels so it makes sense
[quote]#13DeansRaven “what does he have to be pissed about?” Well he trusted Dean to honor his wishes. Even Dean knows he did something that Sam is going to be pissed about. That seems to be the premise of this storyline and the reason that Dean is having little freak outs about his decision.[/quote]
He knows Sam is going to be pissed because Sam is always pissed – nothing Dean ever does is right. But the fact remains Sam agreed – he asked what he needed to do and, rather than waste words while Sam was dying, Dean made it happen. I think the writers are way too hung up on there “needing” to be a rift between the brothers. There is no valid reason for that to be an essential plot point, not when there are so many other reasons for there to be tension. They keep claiming the Winchesters “will be presenting a unified front”, but they keep tossing these pointless (and, in some cases, completely senseless) “rifts” in there. They have quite enough bad blood between them, pun fully intended, isn’t it about time they both started acting like the grown-ups they are? **Everyone** is against them, isn’t it well past time for them to actually BE a team?
#1 Percyowner: I am impressed with your summary of how all of Castiel’s actions could be viewed by the angels! Wow, is he screwed!
I have always been obsessive about people being able to explain themselves clearly and fully so that the truth is known. Whether others accept it as truth or lies is then up to them and their perspectives. So Castiel not defending himself makes me a little nuts…but I see your point now as to why even try? There would be SOOO much to explain!
Dean: i’m not really with the whole love and,eh love …
Ezekiel: But it IS why I said yes.
#5 Eilf That line caught my attention too! Since you and a few others noticed it as slightly odd, it is going on the list! I like how you connected it to Sam’s comments and Dean’s reactions at the end of the episode. Right now, I like that Ezekiel is motivated by someone’s love for someone else. That adds weight to the argument that he is good. I also like cheryl42’s point that Dean looks sad at the end because he anticipates his brother will become unhappy once he finds out the truth. Many comments here, though, pose possible theories for the “I” out of Ezekiel which is exactly the type of threads I want to track. It may be nothing, or it may be the first sign of something significant. Time will tell.
#13 [quote]Jimmy Novak died way back when Sam was still drinking demon blood. His daughter was possessed by Castiel and Jimmy (who was dying from gunshot wounds) gave his body to Castiel so he would leave Jimmy’s daughter ![/quote]
I always presumed that Jimmy was healed once Cas possessed him again. I remember Cas saying something like “you know what this is like. It will now be for all eternity”, so I got the impression that Jimmy was signing up to “be strapped to a comet” (or whatever he had said earlier) for forever. You bring up an excellent point, though. This episode was the last time Cas interacted with Jimmy, so we should rewatch it to see [i]exactly [/i] what happened between them!
As far as Sam giving permission to Ezekiel – Dean said, multiple times, “we’ll get through this, no matter what it takes”. And every time he said, “No matter what it takes.” Sam has said, “Okay.” No matter what it takes. No. Matter. What. Sam said “okay”. Which is why this whole “Sam will be pissed when he finds out” is really sticking in my craw. Dean said no matter what, Sam said okay. As far as I can tell, no matter what means exactly that: no matter what. So, if Sam said okay (and by the way, he also asked “what do I need to do?” when they were in the room with Death – meaning “what do I need to do to help facilitate you saving my life one more time again like you always do Big Brother, because I’ll do it” presumably) what exactly does he have to be pissed about? He said OKAY![/quote]
I somewhat share your view. I believe Sam will initially be shocked when he finds out about Zeke, and will be upset that Dean didn’t trust Sam enough to be honest with him, BUT I believe he will be OK with the [i]decision [/i] to take Zeke in. Sam likes power. Sam liked angels initially. Sam is all about goodness. He said all through S8 that he didn’t want to die because of the trials, so I think he will eventually thank Dean for saving him. I believe their maturity will allow this new reaction. I think Sam will work together with Zeke for a while….but now we are getting into my theory for the longer term arc…
[quote]I might be wrong but it could be that Crowley didn’t see Zeke in Sam because Sam was in control of his body at the time and Zeke wasn’t controlling anything. When Emmanuel aka Cas saw the demons they were in control of the vessels, same thing for Alphi.
You are absolutely right….can anyone think of any exceptions to this? If not, we found our answer!
DeansRaven. Since that is the storyline that we are getting it doesn’t seem to be very productive to be angry at Sam or Dean for the actions they are taking. The writers have created a scenario where Dean did what he felt he had to do to save Sam. He knew that he would have to trick Sam in order to do it. He told Zeke that Sam would rather die than be possessed by anything hence the deception. This is the story that we have so all we can do is see how it plays out. Dean is freaked out (feels guilt) about what he has done but he isn’t going to apologize for his decision and he shouldn’t. When Sam finds out he is going to be pissed and he has every right to be. What will be interesting is to see how the guys handle it. Both of them. Anyways we all know that they will come together in the end because they love (sorry Dean but it is ok to say the word love) each other.
Seems to me that some angels may get attracted to humans bcs they are fascinated with the idea of love. These celestial beings exist in a cold world of subordination, not friendship. “Good soldier” passes for the biggest compliment there.Maybe Zeke ( like Crowley:-) thinks that he deserves to be loved – hence confusing himself (his self) with Sam. While sharing Sam’s heart Zeke is feeling Dean’s affection radiating towards him and he can bask in its warm. Talk of guilty pleasures.
Have we ever had any good supernatural creatures in the Show? Even Bobby who was able to fight with
demonic possession appeared helpless against the nature of being a ghost. So Zeke can’t be good news. But what was Dean supposed to do!
[quote]Jimmy Novak died way back when Sam was still drinking daemon blood. His daughter was possessed by Castiel and Jimmy (who was dying from gunshot wounds) gave his body to Castiel so he would leave Jimmy’s daughter (whose name is escaping me at the moment). Oh, and just as an aside because it seems to be important to the whole “yes” thing, do you suppose Jimmy’s daughter actually said “yes” after she and her mother both thought Jimmy had gone off the deep end when Castiel came into his life?
As far as Sam giving permission to Ezekiel – Dean said, multiple times, “we’ll get through this, no matter what it takes”. And every time he said, “No matter what it takes.” Sam has said, “Okay.” No matter what it takes. No. Matter. What. Sam said “okay”. Which is why this whole “Sam will be pissed when he finds out” is really sticking in my craw. Dean said no matter what, Sam said okay. As far as I can tell, no matter what means exactly that: no matter what. So, if Sam said okay (and by the way, he also asked “what do I need to do?” when they were in the room with Death – meaning “what do I need to do to help facilitate you saving my life one more time again like you always do Big Brother, because I’ll do it” presumably) what exactly does he have to be pissed about? He said OKAY![/quote]
The fact that he had Zeke wipe Sam’s memory tells me that Dean knows Sam isn’t gonna be too happy about this.
[quote]Dean said, multiple times, “we’ll get through this, no matter what it takes”. And every time he said, “No matter what it takes.” Sam has said, “Okay.” No matter what it takes. No. Matter. What. Sam said “okay”.[/quote]I saw the whole conversation and Sam never said Okay on the contrary he was against it.Dean deceived sam plain and Simple.It is left to see whether Dean is up to owning it.
Dean is not always wrong but is not always right also.Similarly Sam is not always pissed because of Dean.Sam is pissed when he feels pissed. Just because Dean’s feelings will be hurt does not mean Sam should not be angry and the Same consideration goes to Dean too.
Even Dean knew he was doing something wrong and well he is right to think so.
You bring up some very interesting points Nightsky, as do others. Makes you think. I wondered about the warding symbols and why Ezekiel didn’t get blown to Oz with the other angels. I thought it might be because in a way he was also being [i]protected[/i] by the warding on the inside and outside of the room. I’m good with that. I also wondered why Crowley didn’t sense that Sam was being possessed by an angel, but then I read what Luciano said and I agree. Just one more thing. I think that Jimmy is indeed dead and his soul is in Heaven. Way back in season four when Cas was possessing his daughter and Jimmy pleaded with him to take him and let his daughter go, that’s what I understood happened.
I did a little search on Ezekiel (as I’m sure others have) and in many religions, he is know as a Hebrew prophet, but some think he might be an archangel. Now if that’s the case, Sam is sure to be healed, but archangels haven’t been very tolerant of the Winchesters and they want them bad.
Looking forward to the next article like this. Anything that brings discussion is good in my book. 🙂