Supernatural Bingo 9.03 – “I’m No Angel”
So we’re at episode three already. It looks like Castiel gets put through the ringer in this one, poor guy. I wander if they will play Gregg Allman’s ‘I’m No Angel’.
Once again, we are offering a prize with Supernatural Bingo. Watch the episode and see if any of the squares match what you saw. If you get five in a row up, down, or diagonally, you win! In the comments (and yes, there are comments this time), tell us about your Bingo and you’ll be entered in a drawing. The prize up for grabs is another copy of “Supernatural and Philosophy: Metaphysics and Monsters…for Idjits.” The drawing will be held on Sunday for those of you that can’t see the episode until then.
Enjoy the Show and Bingo!
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Kevin is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Ezekiel gets recognized |
Research is done on a laptop |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
Castiel gets into trouble |
Reference to the Trials is made |
A brother or brothers gets tossed around |
Abaddon is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Castiel seeks solace in a church |
Ruby’s knife is used |
A bus ride turns dangerous |
Angel killing sword is used |
Castiel makes a new friend(s) |
Castiel learns more about human needs |
Black eyes are seen |
Brothers go undercover |
Metatron is referenced and or makes an appearance |
The Bunker (Batcave) is in the episode |
Blue glowing eyes are seen |
Ezekiel provides important information |
Crowley is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Castiel is betrayed |
Ezekiel visits Dean |
Blood is shed |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Castiel is betrayed |
Ezekiel provides important information |
Blood is shed |
Crowley is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Ezekiel visits Dean |
Brothers go undercover |
Metatron is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Black eyes are seen |
Blue glowing eyes are seen |
The Bunker (Batcave) is in the episode |
Angel killing sword is used |
Castiel makes a new friend(s) |
Castiel learns more about human needs |
Research is done on a laptop |
Castiel gets into trouble |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
A bus ride turns dangerous |
Kevin is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Ezekiel gets recognized |
Abaddon is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Castiel seeks solace in a church |
Reference to the Trials is made |
A brother or brothers gets tossed around |
Ruby’s knife is used |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Reference to the Trials is made |
Abaddon is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Ruby’s knife is used |
Castiel seeks solace in a church |
A brother or brothers gets tossed around |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
A bus ride turns dangerous |
Castiel gets into trouble |
Ezekiel gets recognized |
Kevin is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Castiel makes a new friend(s) |
Castiel learns more about human needs |
Research is done on a laptop |
Blood is shed |
Ezekiel visits Dean |
Crowley is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Angel killing sword is used |
Castiel is betrayed |
Ezekiel provides important information |
Black eyes are seen |
Blue glowing eyes are seen |
Brothers go undercover |
Metatron is referenced and or makes an appearance |
The Bunker (Batcave) is in the episode |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Brothers go undercover |
Black eyes are seen |
The Bunker (Batcave) is in the episode |
Blue glowing eyes are seen |
Metatron is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Crowley is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Angel killing sword is used |
Ezekiel visits Dean |
Ezekiel provides important information |
Castiel is betrayed |
Castiel learns more about human needs |
Research is done on a laptop |
Blood is shed |
Ruby’s knife is used |
A brother or brothers gets tossed around |
Castiel seeks solace in a church |
Castiel makes a new friend(s) |
Reference to the Trials is made |
Abaddon is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Castiel gets into trouble |
Ezekiel gets recognized |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
A bus ride turns dangerous |
Kevin is referenced and or makes an appearance |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
Castiel gets into trouble |
Kevin is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Ezekiel gets recognized |
A bus ride turns dangerous |
Castiel seeks solace in a church |
Castiel makes a new friend(s) |
A brother or brothers gets tossed around |
Abaddon is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Reference to the Trials is made |
Research is done on a laptop |
Blood is shed |
Ruby’s knife is used |
The Bunker (Batcave) is in the episode |
Metatron is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Blue glowing eyes are seen |
Castiel learns more about human needs |
Brothers go undercover |
Black eyes are seen |
Ezekiel visits Dean |
Ezekiel provides important information |
Crowley is referenced and or makes an appearance |
Angel killing sword is used |
Castiel is betrayed |
You can download the bingo cards in PDF form here. It makes playing along much easier!
Don’t understand how bingo works but I got one on first card Ezekiel provides info, brothers go undercover, the impala, Castile seeks solace, then cas gets in trouble
I think I got one…Castiel gets into trouble (yes…when does he seem not to?); They pull Ruby’s knife when they catch the reaper and ask them why he’s trailing them; Cas learns more about human needs; blue eyes glowing (twice); blood’s shed (an angel; two priests; the angel/reaper April; Cass’s blood 🙁
Since I was home alone I played all 5 cards. On Jared’s card I got bingo across the middle with the free space. On Jensen’s card I got a bingo again through the middle with free space. Both horizontals btw. The other three were a bust. Thanks. Next week if they are available before I go to work I will print them and take them to my friends to play. I took a half a vacation day to leave early to watch with her.
Sorry, I was a couple of days late for doing the drawing. The winner is Kelebek! I’ll be in touch via the email address given on this post, or you can send me an address to mail the book via the Contact Us page.