Alice’s Awards:
Best Appearance by Sam Winchester’s Hair: “What’s Up Tiger Mommy.” It’s Supernatural Thor! Heck, it spawned it’s own hair article! (It’s Supernatural Thor: An Epic Battle of Hair). Honorable mention – “We Need To Talk About Kevin” – all of it. Longer was working for sure. Too bad he had to cut it because FBI guys aren’t supposed to look like hot apes.

Worst Appearance By Sam Winchester’s Hair: I usually cop out in that category and pick something that comes from Sam at a low point, where the hair is a total mess yet sooo incredibly hot. (“Pac-Man Fever,” “The Great Escapist,” “Sacrifice”). This year I’ll be fair, and pick an episode where the hair choices in a whole were questionable. “As Time Goes By.” There was just something about the flatness the whole episode. Also, his ends were flipping up so much it’s like he was going for the classic “bouffant” do. He so did not get that hair from Grandpa Henry.

Or how about the awkward trip by three men into a witch’s head that involved some touching on a bed? The eye glowy bad memories thingy that made no sense? If I had to choose one though, how ds a big guy like Sam end up fitting into a laundry basket after a TK toss?

Best Monster of The Week: Abaddon. She brought back the idea that’s been so lacking the last few seasons. Demons that are smart, terrifying, ruthless, and totally badass. No wonder she was appalled to find out the salesman was in charge.
Worst Monster of The Week: Perhaps I’ve watched too much Clash of The Titans, but Zeus was never a petty, stupid, annoying God. He was definitely never a God capable of being trapped by two dudes who found a spell in an old book. Quite frankly, the whole Greek God mythology in general was butchered, but what happened with Zeus was kind of sacrilegious.
Best/Most Gruesome Act of Torture: This usually gs to a Winchester every year. I’d pick Sam going through the wringer in the trials, but honestly that was just too delicious to watch (yep, warped fan here). So instead, I’m just giving the award to poor Alfie. It’s just rough to see an angel wearing a young kid in a hot dog fast food uniform go through that. He could have at least been given a change of clothes.

Most Ludicrous Plot Straight Out of Fan Fiction: Kids that hunt and the demented, really off man, who set off “not right” waves just by looking at him, mentoring them to be the best and brightest of the new generation of hunters after killing their parents. I would go for the witch with a familiar who is a dog/black woman in a collar sleeping with that person in both forms, but honestly, fan fiction usually does better than that.
Best Fan Fiction Cliche To Find Itself in an Actual Episode: “Bitten,” when three kids are watching Sam and Dean as FBI guys. It’s nice to see one of them vocalize what several often do when constructing fan fiction. “Is it just me or are you getting a workplace romance vibe from those two?”
Best Inside Joke: Farewell Jenny Klein, we hardly knew you. Oh wait, we know long time writer’s assistant Jenny Klein, who was just promoted to regular writer for season nine. Andrew Dabb was looking for old victims from the “Supernatural” books for “Clip Show,” but Jenny wasn’t in any books. No, he just chose to kill her by burning to death in an oven for fun. I’m looking at Jenny’s chance in her next script to return the favor.

Best newly discovered Winchester superpower without help from an angel: The Winchester brothers have really mastered their warp speed this season! First in “Citizen Fang,” when Sam did an 11 hour drive from Carencro, Louisana to Kermit, Texas in just a couple of hours. Second was in “Taxi Driver,” when Dean drove from Warsaw, Missouri to the 100 Mile Wilderness in Maine, which usually on a good day with no construction takes 26 hours, in considerably less time. Guess they picked up some mojo from all that travel by angel, huh?
Best awkward shout-out to a really funny reference from a prior season: Castiel to Meg – “I still don’t know who Clarence is.”

Best “BUSTED!”M oment from an overused plot device: “LARP and The Real Girl.” Maybe Sam and Dean need to stay current on the new changes to FBI badges? Good thing they were only busted by a smart LARPer this time.
Best Batshit Crazy Moment: It was good to learn this season how to kill Nazis “Supernatural” style. It’s not everyday you see a giant arm reach through a stack of books at the library and pummel a bad dude senseless, then drag him down a flight of steps just to crack his neck after his declaration of “Long live the Thule.” Dean was right, maybe not.

Best Appearance of a character from previous seasons to get killed off rather hastily: Thank you Sarah Blake for at least giving us eight years of Sam/Sarah fan fiction before you were brought back in a flash just to be killed. We hardly knew you, yet we knew all about you in ways you’d never imagine.
Best Puppy Dog Moment: Oh Sammy, you just don’t take heartbreak very well, do you? Come on, it’s just Amelia. It’s not like she’s the love of your life or anything.

There you have it! Another season end awards comes to a close. We’re looking forward to doing this again next year! Is there an award you’d like to give? Share it in the comments. We’re sure we’re just scratching the surface here.
Love these, thanks Alice, sweetondean and Ardeopsina!
My favorites:
Best Use of the Castiel Squint of Smiting: Minimart runs out of pie. That poor minimart employee is going to forever remember the day the hot guy in a trench coat knocked a bunch of stuff down, squinted at him, and then busted out the wrath.
Pitch I’d Most Like To Have Been In The Writer’s Room For: “See, there’s this male witch and his familiar is a dog and they’re in love…†“AWESOME! Write it! The fans will love it!â€
Best Appearance of a character from previous seasons to get killed off rather hastily: Thank you Sarah Blake for at least giving us eight years of Sam/Sarah fan fiction before you were brought back in a flash just to be killed. We hardly knew you, yet we knew all about you in ways you’d never imagine.
Best Monologue..YES! Oh man, if that Crowley speech while the boys were desperate to find the hex bag to save Sarah, wasn’t SPN, nothing was. What a perfectly conceived scene.
I agree about Naomi…I was expecting more there, esp after devoting so much time to her. But…despite her death, maybe things aren’t finished there yet. I’m glad the end of S8 was left so open…leaves so many possiblities for S9.
And LOL, I didnt notice about Sam’s hair…the ends flipping up like that…ha! Florence Henderson, look out!
Great work you guys putting this all together. Thanks for the fun read!
Thank you ladies for this, it was highly entertaining. And Sweetondean, I agree with you about picking a best moment for Dean, they were all good. 😉
Thanks administrators. Your choices were all great and entertaining. (except for “Bitten”, for me, a big bore, sorry 😮 )
And sweetondean, I too agree Dean’s best moment were all of his moments! 😛
These were awesome! Loved each and everyone of them! Thank you!!!
These were fun! I agreed with many, but one I totally didn’t: sorry, Ardeospina, but I thought the reverse exorcism was one of the STUPIDEST things introduced this season (and there were a few others vying for that title … wait for my article on things that made me want to hit my head against a wall!). The words of exorcism make sense if you know Latin; they exhort a spirit to leave and call upon the power of God to compel it. Saying the words in reverse order would have no meaning at all, so that was a “Bzuh?!?” moment for me.
My award for “Best Visual Reveal” of the season would go to the brothers turning on the lights and realizing what they had in the MoL bunker in [i]Everybody Hates Hitler[/i]: my jaw dropped at the magnificence and beauty of that set!
THANK YOU! Glad someone else mentioned the horrible Zeus. As good as they are with so many different monsters, I couldn’t believe that is what they did with Zeus. They could have dumped the “love story”, and focused on Zeus. SweetonDean, great minds think alike, as usual! Glad you are so articulate
After Best Friends with Benefits, Remember the Titans was a wasted opportunity. Even Sam’s attempt to take the young boy away from his pain was not well written although it did make a point for Sam about choices.
In TOTAL agreement. I cannot get the recon about the grand canyon out of my head. Was Sam making it up from his feverish state and Dean just agreeing? This one really is a goof.
I cried, I laughed, I sighed, I winced, I held my breathe, I screamed at the TV yes, no, what the Hell? all in season8. And Taxi Driver had some good moments, it just could have been a two part episode with more attention to detail, but oh well such is TV with a short budget. Amazed at what SPN does on short money with long hours on set. Best Friends with Benefits is certainly much worse as in terms of arc continuation and monster of the week than Taxi Driver so I too am baffled by the dislike. Again it was truncated into one episode.
Sam’s hair was at its worst when he emerged from the ice bath, but it was supposed to be. Okay, we do sort of treat it as a separate character from time to time:-).
Dean’s tricky use of the cell phone to distract Sam from the Benny/Martin drama was pretty low but the skill with cell phones came in handy to track Charlie. I too would like to travel long distances during commercial breaks and scene cuts- we must suspend our disbelief- and the torture of Samandriel was just the most gruesome of the series. I do think the review of Sam and Dean’s time in Hell during BFB served as a review for newer viewers but you already know how I feel about that episode as a whole.Let me add- Most wasted use of a guest star. Hal Linden. His best work was probably left on the editor’s floor. The episodes are shorter with more commercial time crammed in the last scene than earlier seasons. Thanks and Good work, Alice