The WFB Supernatural Season Eight Awards – Administrators’ Choice

sweetondean’s Awards:
Dumbest Winchester Moment: Leaving Abaddon alone when they went outside to take a call. Dumb. Assed. They really should know better. They really do know better!
Pitch I’d Most Like To Have Been In The Writer’s Room For: “See, there’s this male witch and his familiar is a dog and they’re in love…”AWESOME! Write it! The fans will love it!”
Hottest Dean Moment: Every single moment… Wait. What? Oh, ok, I’ll break it down…every moment Dean was in Purgatory. Oh and that moment where he came out of the forest all dirty and bloodied and pointed a gun at a couple of campers. The stance. Guh. Oh and that moment when he took off his tie in the interrogation room before nearly killing the bad guy. Oh and every other moment.

Hottest Sam Moment: Every moment where he was wearing solely a v-necked t-shirt or just a chest.

Best Cass Not Getting The Reference Moment: “Hunteri Heroici”… Dean – “What’s the word, Cass?” Cass – “It’s a shortened version of my name.” Bless.
Best Seeing The Winchesters Through Another’s Eyes Moment: Aaron watching Sam and Dean burn the Nazi Necromancer. “These guys are psychopaths.”
Best Sam’s Hair Moment: The boy has simply wonderful hair…but oh bed headed Sam in “Pacman Fever”. As sick as he was, that rumpled, messy, mane of his… *sigh*

Best Winchester Hug: In a season of hugs…here are my favourites in order of awesomeness… “Pacman Fever”; the unexpected hug. Honorable mention ” “Sacrifice”; the just let it go hug. Honorable, honorable mention ” “Taxi Driver”; the Sam’s back from the Hell trial hug. Honorable, honorable, honorable mention ” “Pacman Fever”; the Dean hug/kiss Charlie on the head combo hug. Special, honorable mention – “Sacrifice”; not technically a hug, but the way Dean hung on to Sam as they sat in the mud, leaning against the Impala…yeah…perfect.
Best Addition Of A Prop To The Winchesters: Glasses. Damn. This gal would sure make passes at a Winchester who wore glasses!

Biggest “Ouch My Heart” Moment: “The Great Escapist”, Sam confessing to Dean that he’d always felt unclean, even when he was a kid. Man. So ouchy. Honorable mention ” Dean praying to Cass. I sobbed.
Best Tiny Moment That Made A Scene Perfect: Sam warming his hands over the Nazi Necromancer’s burning body. I never found out if that was an adlib or not. Whatever. It was brilliance. Honorable mention ” Dean putting his hands over his manly bits when walking through the metal detector. He’s so precious.

Moment I Can’t Wait For The Most On The Gag Reel: Everything from “LARP and the Real Girl”, especially Jensen’s epic fall. To hear him tell it, it sounds spectacular!
Death That Upset Me The Most That I Wasn’t Expecting To Be Upset By: Meg. I’m still hoping she’ll turn up like the bad penny she is. (From Alice – I know, I wanted to see her and Castiel move furniture!)
Episode I Was Shocked That Everyone Hated On: “Taxi Driver.” Yeah, I still like it. In fact, I like it more and more.
Scene That Blew Me Away The Most: The angels falling. I never saw it coming. Not for a single second. And when it happened my hands were over my mouth for the entire scene. Still gobsmackingly good. And so very beautiful.

Favourite Moment Of Season 8: This was a season that, for me, was full of fabulous moments, but the last 10 minutes of “Sacrifice”… My heart was racing. The tears were flowing. The love was pounding in my chest. So much love for this show in those final moments. So much. Awesome. Honorable mention ” all the hugging. It really was the season of the hug.

On the next page, Alice’s Awards!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Love these, thanks Alice, sweetondean and Ardeopsina!
My favorites:
Best Use of the Castiel Squint of Smiting: Minimart runs out of pie. That poor minimart employee is going to forever remember the day the hot guy in a trench coat knocked a bunch of stuff down, squinted at him, and then busted out the wrath.
Pitch I’d Most Like To Have Been In The Writer’s Room For: “See, there’s this male witch and his familiar is a dog and they’re in love…†“AWESOME! Write it! The fans will love it!â€
Best Appearance of a character from previous seasons to get killed off rather hastily: Thank you Sarah Blake for at least giving us eight years of Sam/Sarah fan fiction before you were brought back in a flash just to be killed. We hardly knew you, yet we knew all about you in ways you’d never imagine.
Best Monologue..YES! Oh man, if that Crowley speech while the boys were desperate to find the hex bag to save Sarah, wasn’t SPN, nothing was. What a perfectly conceived scene.
I agree about Naomi…I was expecting more there, esp after devoting so much time to her. But…despite her death, maybe things aren’t finished there yet. I’m glad the end of S8 was left so open…leaves so many possiblities for S9.
And LOL, I didnt notice about Sam’s hair…the ends flipping up like that…ha! Florence Henderson, look out!
Great work you guys putting this all together. Thanks for the fun read!
Thank you ladies for this, it was highly entertaining. And Sweetondean, I agree with you about picking a best moment for Dean, they were all good. 😉
Thanks administrators. Your choices were all great and entertaining. (except for “Bitten”, for me, a big bore, sorry 😮 )
And sweetondean, I too agree Dean’s best moment were all of his moments! 😛
These were awesome! Loved each and everyone of them! Thank you!!!
These were fun! I agreed with many, but one I totally didn’t: sorry, Ardeospina, but I thought the reverse exorcism was one of the STUPIDEST things introduced this season (and there were a few others vying for that title … wait for my article on things that made me want to hit my head against a wall!). The words of exorcism make sense if you know Latin; they exhort a spirit to leave and call upon the power of God to compel it. Saying the words in reverse order would have no meaning at all, so that was a “Bzuh?!?” moment for me.
My award for “Best Visual Reveal” of the season would go to the brothers turning on the lights and realizing what they had in the MoL bunker in [i]Everybody Hates Hitler[/i]: my jaw dropped at the magnificence and beauty of that set!
THANK YOU! Glad someone else mentioned the horrible Zeus. As good as they are with so many different monsters, I couldn’t believe that is what they did with Zeus. They could have dumped the “love story”, and focused on Zeus. SweetonDean, great minds think alike, as usual! Glad you are so articulate
After Best Friends with Benefits, Remember the Titans was a wasted opportunity. Even Sam’s attempt to take the young boy away from his pain was not well written although it did make a point for Sam about choices.
In TOTAL agreement. I cannot get the recon about the grand canyon out of my head. Was Sam making it up from his feverish state and Dean just agreeing? This one really is a goof.
I cried, I laughed, I sighed, I winced, I held my breathe, I screamed at the TV yes, no, what the Hell? all in season8. And Taxi Driver had some good moments, it just could have been a two part episode with more attention to detail, but oh well such is TV with a short budget. Amazed at what SPN does on short money with long hours on set. Best Friends with Benefits is certainly much worse as in terms of arc continuation and monster of the week than Taxi Driver so I too am baffled by the dislike. Again it was truncated into one episode.
Sam’s hair was at its worst when he emerged from the ice bath, but it was supposed to be. Okay, we do sort of treat it as a separate character from time to time:-).
Dean’s tricky use of the cell phone to distract Sam from the Benny/Martin drama was pretty low but the skill with cell phones came in handy to track Charlie. I too would like to travel long distances during commercial breaks and scene cuts- we must suspend our disbelief- and the torture of Samandriel was just the most gruesome of the series. I do think the review of Sam and Dean’s time in Hell during BFB served as a review for newer viewers but you already know how I feel about that episode as a whole.Let me add- Most wasted use of a guest star. Hal Linden. His best work was probably left on the editor’s floor. The episodes are shorter with more commercial time crammed in the last scene than earlier seasons. Thanks and Good work, Alice