On-air dates and titles for final 5 episodes of “Supernatural” Season 8
Here they are people…the last 5 episodes of season 8.
We have a mini emotional hiatus to collect ourselves and screw our courage to the sticking place…and then it’s… Eeeeeep!
3rd April – 8.19 Taxi Driver
10th and 17th April – reuns
24th April – 8.20 Pac-Man Fever
1st May – 8.21 The Great Escapist
8th May – 8.22 Clip Show
15th May – 8.23 Sacrifice
Filming finishes on April 19th.
The finale is titled “Sacrifice”?
Nooooo…puts my stomach in knots! :/
Don’t worry, Sam, Dean and Cas will all be back next season so even if one is “sacrificed” they’ll be back! But it does make me a bit worried too so I get it!
Oh crap, Bamboo, me too. Whether everyone’s back or not, that probably means something bad is gonna happen. Wait what am I talking about? This is Supernatural. something bad [i]always[/i] happens. Yikes!
I’m intrigued by the titles Pac-Man Fever and Clip Show. Surely the latter won’t be an actual clip show, when it’s the penultimate episode? (Cue Sam: “Nobody says penultimate!”) … it’s funny, though, I was just thinking the other day that SPN has never done a clip show!
I saw Jensen talking once about doing a clip show. He said it wouldn’t be enjoyable just because they would get time off 😉 he said it would be great to see where the show has taken us over the years. I don’t even know how long ago or where I saw him say that.
What is a “clip show” ???
“Sacrifice”-doesn’t sound like fun-my stomach is in knots too.
EireneS- from wikipedia :
A clip show is an episode of a television series that consists primarily of excerpts from previous episodes.
OMG that would be saooooooooooooooooooofriggin AWESOME!!!
[quote]EireneS- from wikipedia :
A clip show is an episode of a television series that consists primarily of excerpts from previous episodes.[/quote]
I’m going to be SUCH a mess. Flashbacks always get me, and the flashback moment in Swan Song had me bawling and that was just a moment. Not an entire episode.
the last eps name scares me alitte but so does the 4 month wait for the next season.
No beating around the bush this season, is there.
Cliffhanger episode 😆 , I mean the season finale, is called ‘Sacrifice’, get the tissues. 🙁
I unfortunately think Sam will be stuck down in Hell for a while. The cast for the Great Escapist features an actor playing “Demon Sam”, which means Sam’s probably still in Hell. I think they will probably tell Sam a rule like, One goes in One goes out. So he’ll have to stay down there to complete the trial and save whomever (probably Bobby), and then Dean’s gonna have to get him out later like “The Great Escapist”. I also think it’s a possibility everything I’ve predicted is completely wrong. So we’ll see.
I also think if they were ever going to have an episode where they review Sam and Dean’s past year in detail (probably Sam if it turns out his memories with Amelia were altered or influenced in some way, since we still don’t know who was watching Sam leave in episode one for sure) it would be in an episode titled “Clip Show” just putting that out there.
Wow, this sounds interesting, Lloyd. Wonder if it will play out like this?
Oh, and [i]demon-Sam[/i]???