Official Episode Synopsis – Supernatural Episode 8.20
Here’s the official description of episode 8.20 – “Pac-Man Fever” as release by The CW today. Â It makes a little more sense, but I’m still really confused.
DEAN INTRODUCES CHARLIE TO CHEAP PANTSUITS — Concerned about the physical toll the second trial took on Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) benches his brother from hunting until he heals up.  So, when geektastic hacker Charlie (guest star Felicia Day) stumbles upon a case and finds the boys, Dean decides it’s time to teach Charlie how to be a hunter-in-training.  While happy to see “her highness,†the boys suspect Charlie is hiding something; a secret that could get her killed.  Robert Singer directed the episode written by Robbie Thompson (#820).

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
While I don’t mind Charlie and I look forward to this episode (especially since it’s written by Mr Thompson), I’m wondering WHO WRITES THESE SYNOPSES?! “Cheap pantsuits”?? Is that the best they could come up with?? If anything, it cheapens the impression of the show, grr arrgh.
Rant over. Can’t wait for mini-hellatus to be over!
personally, i think someone’s just getting bored writing serious synopses, so they’re takin’ the piss a little… actually, i found it pretty funny. also, the serious part sounds really interesting, totally looking forward to it!
So once again Sam becomes non-existant in an episode. Think I’ll pass on this. Sounds awful to me.
[quote]So once again Sam becomes non-existant in an episode. Think I’ll pass on this. Sounds awful to me.[/quote]
Hasn’t everyone been complaining about how Sam has been in the episodes too much and Dean has just been a sidekick who’s only purpose was to support Sam and Kevin since Sam is the one doing the trials? Now he has an episode totally to himself.
Actually the consensus (as neither a Dean nor Sam girl I feel as most unbiased as possible) seems to be that Dean is slowly becoming the main character. This is because whenever there’s a third character involved (Castiel, Charlie, Benny, Crissy, etc) Sam has to be out of the picture for Dean to connect with them, and overall he has had more screen time this season. However, the consensus also is that fans are angry that once again Sam is going to save everyone, like in Swan Song. So, there’s the two sides. People are angry Sam gets to be the martyr again, and other people are angry Dean is getting so much screen time.
Nicely summed up Lloyd!
[quote]Hasn’t everyone been complaining about how Sam has been in the episodes too much and Dean has just been a sidekick who’s only purpose was to support Sam and Kevin since Sam is the one doing the trials? [/quote]No
Sorry, why are we getting another Charlie episode, with only four episodes left?
Why is Dean even wasting time, teaching her to be a hunter?
I really do not understand the fan reaction to Charlie.
[quote]Sorry, why are we getting another Charlie episode, with only four episodes left?
Why is Dean even wasting time, teaching her to be a hunter?
I really do not understand the fan reaction to Charlie.[/quote]
Me neither. I personally don’t like her. She’s awkward and annoying and has made it clear to Sam and Dean that she doesn’t want anything to do with them.
Exactly, she keeps on telling Sam and Dean, that she wants them to stay away, and yet she keeps showing up.
This has nothing to do with Dean time vs Sam time, which is a stupid concept to begin with and has been a problem for way too long, this is about four episodes left in the season and we are having a filler episode with a character that is a moron.
Actually in the larping episode she decides not to keep running away and fight when needed. But then I really love Charlie. I don’t think she is moronic at all. I think she is pretty kick ass. And we don’t know for sure this doesn’t relate to the season’s arc.
Probably she represents the geek girl.
I mean hey, she likes Harry Potter and I am in HP fandom for a while too. I guess I’m a geek and I like Charlie.
Don’t hate the geek yo.
Oh, but there is a Sam in the episode if you’ve seen the promo for the episode. Are we really stlll counting up air time and which brother is the main character! Co-stars fans! Both are absolutely key to the show and it’s success but they are two different people with different parts to play, both equally important. Hate the brother rants, and apologize in advance for my rant.
[quote]Oh, but there is a Sam in the episode if you’ve seen the promo for the episode. Are we really stlll counting up air time and which brother is the main character! Co-stars fans! Both are absolutely key to the show and it’s success but they are two different people with different parts to play, both equally important. Hate the brother rants, and apologize in advance for my rant.[/quote]
Wasn’t the last episode Sam-centric? I think it’s reasonable for a Dean-centric episode this week; given the hours they have both put in for the past 8 years, I’m sure they both appreciate a little down time.
[quote]Wasn’t the last episode Sam-centric?[/quote]No.
I agree, njspnfan.
[quote]Oh, but there is a Sam in the episode if you’ve seen the promo for the episode. Are we really stlll counting up air time and which brother is the main character! Co-stars fans! Both are absolutely key to the show and it’s success but they are two different people with different parts to play, both equally important. Hate the brother rants, and apologize in advance for my rant.[/quote]
I am in complete agreement. Thank you for saying this as I don’t care which brother is on screen as long as one of them is. the episodes that I don’t watch are usually the ones where neither is getting any screentime.
I also like Charlie because they conveniently side-stepped the Mary Sue complaints and fangirl hatred by making her gay and not interested in either brother. I thought that was a good move.
At any rate the promos are designed to be as vague and misleading as possible, I think, and still have images of the show in it. If they could getaway with just showing us a still picture of the boys just standing around for thirty seconds they would do that. (And I’d watch it.)
i really doubt sam will just be lying there for an hour….i was kind of hoping that sam being in an unconscious state, perhaps while dean is doing his thing, we’ll get to see sam’s memories.
if as i believe sam has been messed with, and he cannot remember anything on a conscious level, perhaps while in a coma state he’ll be able to recall his subconscious memory…
i’m not saying we’ll get all the answers, but perhaps we can be hopeful that at the very least sam will start to remember some things that don’t make sense to him…..
i’m looking forward to the eppy no matter what…
nappi, I swear you have the best freakin’ ideas. I would love it, if we get inside Sam’s head!!!
We really don’t know what will happen in 42 minutes from a few seconds of teaser. They try to throw us off the trail in teasers anyway. There might be any number of reasons for the uniforms, Charlie, etc.
I agree with [b]prix68q[/b], “Co-stars fans!”
And [b]Nappi815[/b], “really doubt sam will just be lying there for an hour….i was kind of hoping that sam being in an unconscious state, perhaps while dean is doing his thing, we’ll get to see sam’s memories.
if as i believe sam has been messed with, and he cannot remember anything on a conscious level, perhaps while in a coma state he’ll be able to recall his subconscious memory…”
And [b]Nappi [/b] and [b]I [/b] are “looking forward to the episode no matter what.” I [i]love [/i] this show. 😉
I love this show too! And I really love the guest character of Charlie. The synopsis is confusing and funny. So I am going with just really looking forward to the episode.
Kinda excited about what could happen in this episode because:
A. Charlie asks Dean “What are you doing in my dream?” and then states “It’s a video game.”
B. We know from synopsis Dean has benched Sam.
C. Dean sees Sam in hospital bed.
D. Coloring seems saturated like Sam’s flashbacks but not as overdone.
So, what if, like he’s in Charlie’s dream in the game, at some point Dean gets in Sam’s dream and lives through what Sam did last year. Sam came to understand Dean’s time because of the trip to purgatory (yes, I know that trip and the Hell visit was WAY too easy). What if now Dean will understand Sam’s year because of experiencing Sam’s dream? Like Jeremy Carver said, it’s all about perception. Now they would each not only have their own perception, but the perspective from the POV of the other brother because they have each experienced the other brother’s situation. What was it Jeremy Carver said about grown up behavior this season? The ultimate definition of behaving like a grown up is not dismissing or getting angry about unwelcome behavior but trying to see it from the other person’s perspective and understanding it!
[quote]So, what if, like he’s in Charlie’s dream in the game, at some point Dean gets in Sam’s dream and lives through what Sam did last year. Sam came to understand Dean’s time because of the trip to purgatory (yes, I know that trip and the Hell visit was WAY too easy). What if now Dean will understand Sam’s year because of experiencing Sam’s dream? Like Jeremy Carver said, it’s all about perception. Now they would each not only have their own perception, but the perspective from the POV of the other brother because they have each experienced the other brother’s situation. What was it Jeremy Carver said about grown up behavior this season? The ultimate definition of behaving like a grown up is not dismissing or getting angry about unwelcome behavior but trying to see it from the other person’s perspective and understanding it![/quote]Sounds interesting
This is very interesting indeed and sounds like something that the show might do. I’d love to see this play out… either this or some of the cool ideas that nappi has come up with. And I am with you other bi-bro fans! I am looking forward to this, as I have been looking forward to all the episodes this season. And I am not going to sit around with a stop watch recording screen time or counting up the numbers of lines each brother gets. What a buzz kill!
SPN lurker, love this too!! So many great ideas. I had some but honestly they pale in comparison to what some of you are coming up with.