sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.17 “Goodbye Stranger”
Hi! So it’s been a few weeks since we were all together. How’re y’all doing?
Did you survive the mini-hiatus? Have you been dreaming about hot boys in muscle cars and angels in trench coats? Oh, maybe that’s just me, Awkward…
Anyhoo, Are we ready for a brand new episode? Yes, yes we are! Do we remember where we left off?
Well let me remind you!
(I wonder if we’ll get a Road So Far?)
Sam and Dean are back together – fighting side by side. The girl has gone (we think), the vampire has gone (for now) and they’re facing their next big save the world task united (at the moment).
They are Men of Letters – or at least, they are legacies. They have new digs, which are cool and big and have hot showers and aged booze and a bed that remembers Dean!
It feels like good times…except for that pesky closing the gates of Hell thing!
Crowley stole half of the demon tablet and we don’t know what’s on that half. He also knows about the angel tablet and you know that can’t be a good thing!
Kevin has read and got the gist of his half the demon tablet (half people, half) and now Sam and Dean are tied up in the trials that God has put forth before the gates of Hell can be closed. Sam being the one to kill the hellhound, is now the one to do the trials, and err, it’s making him cough up blood and stuff, and Dean knows but he’s not letting on that he knows, he’s backing his bro and worrying in private…and…praying to Cass.
Cass, well, he’s being manipulated and is under the influence of a nasty piece of work of an angel called Naomi and the fans are a tad worried that maybe he’s not the dude to be praying to right about now! Sam and Dean think something’s off with Cass but they don’t know what and as Cass has been M.I.A. they have no more clues – but then, they don’t seem all that worried about it of late,
Cass is back. Crowley is back. MEG IS BACK (and she’s had a do, seems Crowley is a frustrated hairdresser, remember how he gave Kevin a trim?). It looks like things are about to get real people, REAL!
Ok, sorry, I’m excited! Meg is back! Eeee!
Right, synopsis!
SAM, DEAN, CASTIEL AND MEG TEAM UP AGAINST CROWLEY AND HIS DEMONS – Castiel reappears in Sam and Dean’s life and tells them Crowley has unleashed several demons into a small town. The demons are looking for Lucifer’s Crypt, which holds a valuable asset, but Castiel lies to Sam and Dean about what it is. While interrogating a demon, the three discover Crowley has been torturing Meg, who knows the exact location of the crypt. Sam and Meg fight to hold Crowley off while Dean and Castiel go in search of the crypt. Thomas J. Wright directed the episode written by Robbie Thompson.
I think Crowley’s torture may have been bleaching! Sorry, but seriously, sometimes getting your hair bleached hurts, sorry, again,
Ok so,
Thomas J. Wright has directed 2 episodes of “Supernatural”, season 7’s “Repo Man” and season 8’s “Bitten” the later which happened to be written by Robbie Thompson who also wrote this week’s episode and, “Slash Fiction”, “Time After Time”, “The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo” and “LARP and the Real Girl”. I like Robbie a lot, so I’m pretty excited! I think I may have mentioned that already.
Ok, let’s get straight into it. The promos.
The first and second promos are basically the same, the second being an extension of the first.
Firstly…does everyone have an angel blade these days!? I remember when those things were rare and only used to pop out of angel’s sleeves, now every man and his demon seems to have one! Obviously angels don’t take care of their stuff!
Secondly…that tomb really reminds me of Raiders! Like they’re going to whack a staff in a hole and wait for the sun to show them where the Devil’s crypt is or something!
Thirdly…there’s more than one episode going on here – because Krissy is in the long promo and she’s in episode 8.18.
Fourthly – I’m in love with that Stormtrooper line! Oh my gosh…major Star Wars geek out going on here! Thank you Robbie!
I guess the broad with the rollers in her hair is a demon. I wonder who Cass is stabbing at the end when it goes all red and WHY DOES HE PUNCH DEAN OUT. A-wah…me no likey. Though maybe he doesn’t realise it’s Dean because it looks like he just strikes out – I don’t know though. Eeep. Dean’s not going to be a happy Winchester!
I also wonder how much of this is 8.17 and how much is 8.18.
Also the car stuff at the top is super HOT!
Preview clip!
Hmmmm, so does Cass know that he’s working with Naomi now? Because before it was like when he came back from those trips to that room, he didn’t realise what was happening, or that he wasn’t making his own choices, but now it seems like he’s onboard with it.
How does Sam know Dean was praying to Cass? I wonder if we’re going to see him overhearing Dean’s prayer or something? Or maybe Dean is praying again and Sam busts him. I don’t blame Dean for praying to Cass, he wants to believe in his friend and he feels like that’s the only helpful route that may be possibly open to him right now I guess… And let’s face it, he’ll do whatever is needed to protect Sam *wibble*.
What the hell is with this Naomi chick. What’s her deal? I really want to know what she’s about, what she’s up to damn it! What’s the “everything” that her and Cass are not sharing with the bros? Mysterious! I wonder how long she will be around for. I saw Amanda Tapping’s tweets that she’s got a couple of more episodes – so I guess she’s around for a while long.
The strange haired demon in the kitchen – hahaha! Well those rollers are odd. And yes, demon.
I have to say when I first saw this clip I laughed so damn hard at the end when Cass said he could hear them because he’s a celestial being. This is what I like about Robbie’s scripts – he can balance that serious with the humour stuff. That was a pearler of a line!
No idea if there will be a Carver preview (ever again), but if there is…it’ll be below this line when it drops!
So what are your thoughts? I must say I’m pretty excited by this preview, but I’m nervous too. I don’t know what’s happening with Cass or where it’s all going and I’m scared everyone’s going to get all hurt again – as in emotionally – including US!
Alrighty then…let me know your thoughts. Hit me in the comments!
It’s good to be back!
Cannot wait for tomorrow. Looks like a good meaty meal of an episode. I hope maybe a few things can be illuminated instead of adding more pieces to this (Lucifer’s crypt?) already crowded puzzle. Naomi, IS she an angel even? Maybe she is a god (please no). Maybe she is God. OK that makes no sense. I suck at speculating.
I really don’t want to see this all drive a wedge between the brothers again. I think Dean’s time with Cas in Purg. bought him some trust, even though they know something is amiss!! Like you say sweetondean, Dean will do anything (even unadvisable stuff) if it means protecting Sam. If Cas exhibits any signs of treachery, all bets are off I would think.
“I can hear you…” hilarious!
I am really looking forward to this episode! Robbie Thompson has been the best addition to the writing staff since Ben Edlund, so I really have high hopes for this one. I think what happens here will set up the rest of the season and maybe the tone of the start of season 9 as well. Really excited!!!
Welcome back sweetondean!
I’m glad the mini-hiatus is over and I’m very excited about this week’s episode. It looks amazing… and I can’t wait to see Castiel, Meg and Crowley again, especially as it’s Meg’s first appearance for the season. I don’t think the boys should trust her, because I’m sure Crowley would’ve broken her after 18 months 😥
I’m also looking forward to discovering more cool stuff in the batcave! In that opening photo you’ve used, they are sitting at a table with an illuminated world map. That is awesome… and I want one 😀
Gotta say I love the music in the preview, very catchy and flows well with the clips. Also love the clever “unholy trinity.” Much as I can’t stand Meg – she’s kind of a legend – been around since S1 and can’t seem to be killed. 🙂
Looks so good, I can’t wait for tonight to arrive. A script by Robbie Thompson always has me stoked. Does anyone know what the song that’s playing over the preview? It sounds familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.
I’m happy to see Meg back, I always liked her and her snarky remarks. “Aren’t you a little short to be a stromtrooper?”, hee, hee. Love how everybody calls Dean short, all 6’1″ of him. 😆
[quote]Gotta say I love the music in the preview, very catchy and flows well with the clips. Also love the clever “unholy trinity.” Much as I can’t stand Meg – she’s kind of a legend – been around since S1 and can’t seem to be killed. :)[/quote]
[quote]Looks so good, I can’t wait for tonight to arrive. A script by Robbie Thompson always has me stoked. Does anyone know what the song that’s playing over the preview? It sounds familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.
I’m happy to see Meg back, I always liked her and her snarky remarks. “Aren’t you a little short to be a stromtrooper?”, hee, hee. Love how everybody calls Dean short, all 6’1″ of him. :lol:[/quote]
I think the song is Satan’s Foot is on my Neck
Yes! You nailed it. The artist’s name is Brett Detar. Such a good song, I will be downloading it from iTunes for sure. Thanks so much. 🙂
Why does Naomi say that the brothers can’t be trusted?!! Maybe she turns out to be a goodie after all
Honestly being a goodie depends on how you look at things. From Sam and Dean’s POV Ruby was a traitor. From a demon’s POV Ruby was trying to save her people and lead them to the promised land. From Sam and Dean’s POV Eve was creating new monsters and endangering humans. From the monsters POV, Eve was trying to stop the slaughter of her children, stop Crowley and Castiel and restore the balance of nature.
Frankly, it’s why I’m so leery of this plan to close the Gates of Hell. I think there is a catch no one has thought of yet.
I rack and rack my brains to see how this story is going to pan out this season, but honestly with 6 episodes left, I don’t think there is going to be any resolution until next season. I think that is one of the reasons why they let the fans know about the renewal so early. I think we are going to have to be patient with this one.
I would love it so much if they managed to pull the wool over our eyes in an intelligent way. So much is going on what with Naomi, Kevin, the tablets, Crowley, Cass, the MOL, meg, Sam and the trials. There are so many permutations that one would have to be a genius to figure it all out. I swear if Carver manages to pull it out of the bag then I, as I have said before, will bow down at his feet and worship him. I hope this comes to pass 😀
I’m really hoping this episode is exciting and not so action packed that it feels crammed and rushed. I really hope that it brings out what exactly the real mytharc is for the season and doesn’t add more plots. The Show really needs to focus on this season’s mytharc for a while.
Is it the demon tablet and Sam’s trials? If so, that story is sure slow in developing, and I’m not finding much tension in it.
Is it what Naomi is up to with Cas? If so, then I hope the Winchesters are more than Special Guest Stars in that story. I worry, because I’m finding that Robbie Thompson seems to really like writing for support characters.
I’m kind of curious as to why it appears the brothers are working with Meg, since she is a demon and would be sent back to Hell if Sam succeeds with the trials. I’d think they might be a little suspicious of her, if for no other reason than that.
I’m dying to find out what that song in the promo is. I like it, but can’t hear it well enough to place it either. And I’m already mad at Cas for KO’ing Dean, and the episode hasn’t even aired yet. Bad Cas. You may need to die for that.
I’m still trying to figure out why they are working with Meg after she 1) murdered Pastor Jim, 2) helped kidnap John so Azazel could posses him 3) possessed Sam, murdered hunter Steve and tried to rape Jo 4) set the Hell Hounds on everybody and murdered Jo and got Ellen to commit suicide. I mean really? Really? It never made sense. CROWLEY has been less destructive to them personally. One kiss with Castiel and all is good? I like Meg. I like that she has managed to stick around, but Sam and Dean trusting her is the height of stupidity. Heck, she wants Lucifer back. ARRG!
ETA The demon tablet is the slowest moving story ever. More happened with the Leviathans than with this tablet. The 2 final trials will probably be squished into a couple of episodes at the end of the season.
[quote]I’m still trying to figure out why they are working with Meg after she 1) murdered Pastor Jim, 2) helped kidnap John so Azazel could posses him 3) possessed Sam, murdered hunter Steve and tried to rape Jo 4) set the Hell Hounds on everybody and murdered Jo and got Ellen to commit suicide. I mean really? Really? It never made sense. CROWLEY has been less destructive to them personally. One kiss with Castiel and all is good? I like Meg. I like that she has managed to stick around, but Sam and Dean trusting her is the height of stupidity. Heck, she wants Lucifer back. ARRG!
ETA The demon tablet is the slowest moving story ever. More happened with the Leviathans than with this tablet. The 2 final trials will probably be squished into a couple of episodes at the end of the season.[/quote]
Always happy to see Meg back; she’s been in every season except for S3; hope they don’t kill her off. I think they’re working together for the same reason they have in the past; the enemy of my enemy is my friend; I don’t think Sam and Dean trust Meg or vice versa, just an uneasy alliance working against a common enemy, Crowley.
[quote]I’m still trying to figure out why they are working with Meg after she 1) murdered Pastor Jim, 2) helped kidnap John so Azazel could posses him 3) possessed Sam, murdered hunter Steve and tried to rape Jo 4) set the Hell Hounds on everybody and murdered Jo and got Ellen to commit suicide. I mean really? Really? It never made sense. CROWLEY has been less destructive to them personally. One kiss with Castiel and all is good? I like Meg. I like that she has managed to stick around, but Sam and Dean trusting her is the height of stupidity. Heck, she wants Lucifer back. ARRG!
ETA The demon tablet is the slowest moving story ever. More happened with the Leviathans than with this tablet. The 2 final trials will probably be squished into a couple of episodes at the end of the season.[/quote]
Yeah, all of that, too, and don’t forget she was directly responsible for putting Bobby in a wheel chair for a year.
I’ve given up on all she as done to the brothers (YED’s daughter) once she became BFF’s with them and was assigned as Cas’ caregiver. But I hope that the brothers aren’t dumbed down (i.e., not giving consideration to the fact that getting the tablet from Crowley means Meg; who, if they are working with, might have ulterior motives because she would go back to Hell. I hope they are at least leery of Meg’s intentions.
I don’t think the guys trust Meg now or ever.
What I think is, the Winchester brothers are adaptable. They look at the situation they’re in and assess the best path moving forward – that might not be the path they want to take, but if they think it’ll get them to the end game, they’re willing to risk it to get there.
This is how I see their occassional alliance with Meg. They see it as a, better the devil you know situation. If working with her means they can get to where they need to be, so be it – they can deal with her later. We’ve seen them try to do that, in “Caged Heat” – working with Meg didn’t stop Dean picking up the demon killing knife and trying to stab her. But she’s a survivor that one, that’s for sure.
This for me is a case of keeping your friends close but your enemies closer. Use what you need to to get the job done and deal with the rest later.
That’s not dumbing down, that’s smart strategy.
These guys know who she is. They don’t trust her, but right now, they can use her.
Very well said. Completely agree.
Me too.
You are totally right. I wrote my post too soon. 😳
Except the part about the angel blades. I’m pretty sure I remember that from one of the episodes. Maybe when Meg stabbed Hester? Not sure of name.
And except the part where I said “Boys: I love you!” 😆
Yes, you’re right about the angel blades, the episode was Reading is Fundamental.
Sweetondean – I love everything you write.
[quote]Firstly…does everyone have an angel blade these days!? I remember when those things were rare and only used to pop out of angel’s sleeves, now every man and his demon seems to have one! Obviously angels don’t take care of their stuff!
I pretty sure that was explained in the show by saying so many angels had been killed recently their blades were all over the place! I mean being used by other beings of course.
Percysowner, I so agree with you about Meg:
[quote]I’m still trying to figure out why they are working with Meg after she 1) murdered Pastor Jim, 2) helped kidnap John so Azazel could posses him 3) possessed Sam, murdered hunter Steve and tried to rape Jo 4) set the Hell Hounds on everybody and murdered Jo and got Ellen to commit suicide. I mean really? Really? It never made sense. CROWLEY has been less destructive to them personally. One kiss with Castiel and all is good? I like Meg. I like that she has managed to stick around, but Sam and Dean trusting her is the height of stupidity. Heck, she wants Lucifer back. ARRG![/quote]
I haven’t understood any of why the boys (I know, men) trusted Meg. She’s a horrible demon that has personally (or demonally) done terrible things to the boy’s and their family. BOYS: I LOVE YOU – WAKE UP!
Some men just like that kind of gal.Not sure they trust her, but sometimes she is useful in later episodes. She has helped the boys with the Levianthan issue, even if it was to protect herself. Hey, even Cas wants to be the pizza man for her!
The CHCH promo is up now.
The CHCH promo is giving me feels!
OOOOOOH, Interesting.
After many delays and fire alarms near my home, and wanting to help people outside in the cold seeing their home filled with smoke, I sat down to try to relax and watched the show on my DVR. And I loved it. I was surprised. I was horrified. I was left wondering and I was fulfilled. It is late and I can fill the descriptions for all those in another comment. 🙂 I just have to say though that my heart so loved the Sam and Frodo moment at the end…