Breathtaking Shots of Supernatural’s Castiel!
If you’ve been following The Winchester Family Business‘ “Breathtaking Photos” series, you know that I’ve had this idea for a while. What if we put together a series of our favorite photos of Supernatural‘s lead stars and characters? I’m not talking about the good pictures, or even the really good pictures, because, let’s be honest, it’s hard for the Supernatural actors to not be attractive in every picture they take! No, I’m thinking about the stunning pictures. The ones that stop you in your tracks. The ones that immediately distract you from what you are doing and demand that you devote your attention to absorbing every light variation, every freckle, every dimple, every pixel of the photo or filmed shot. Would we all choose the same pictures? What exactly makes one image stand out from all the rest? Would all this pretty fill our hearts to bursting? These are important questions that deserve thoughtful answers!
To do this right, we’re creating an appreciation photo stream for each actor and character individually. So far in this series, we’ve shown how talented photographers have captured the breathtaking charisma of Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins. We then turned our attention to the characters they each play on Supernatural, beginning with Sam Winchester and big brother, Dean Winchester! Now it’s Castiel’s turn! To find the most breathtaking images of Team Free Will, I reviewed every screenshot, from every episode, from every season aired so far in Supernatural! Weeks of looking at Sam, Dean and Cas pictures to get you the best!
To make sure we don’t miss any of the best shots, we should open this up to the entire WFB family – writers and readers! After you enjoy our collection, you are encouraged to add the pictures that stand out to you! Let’s set some guidelines for your additions:
1. Though it will be hard, hold your favorite pics until that person’s feature! No jumping ahead and cross-posting!
2. Only the person/people featured for each collection may be in the photo.
3. NO MANIPS. Going along with that, no pornographic images.
4. No duplicates. If someone else posts your fave, “love” their posting and go in search of a new fave to add to the collection!
After Supernatural‘s three main characters have had their time in the spotlight, we’ll celebrate breathtaking photos of the friendship between the actors, featuring first Jared and Jensen together (J2), then Jared, Jensen and Misha (J2M). If sufficiently encouraged by your reactions and comments, we can be convinced to continue the series with stunning shots of the Supernatural supporting cast! Let us know who you would like to see next in the line up!
With that all said and done, let’s get started! Here are the most breathtaking shots ever aired of our favorite angel, Castiel!
I don’t think there’s a single fan that can say their mouth didn’t gape open during Castiel’s entrance in “Lazarus Rising” 4.01! Talk about setting the bar high!
For the full effect, enjoy the video snips along with their corresponding still shots to better study our first look at Castiel, angel of the Lord!
I can’t imagine how intimidated Misha must have been trying to meet the expectations that were set by that “electrifying” introduction, but he’s never let us down!
Those early episodes, when Castiel was fierce and still thought of himself as an obedient, merciless warrior, featured several extreme close-ups of the Winchester’s new frenemy. All the better to stare into those deep blue eyes of Heaven!
“Are you There God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester” 4.02
“Are you There God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester” 4.02
“I Know What You Did Last Summer” 4.09
Continuing the close-ups of season 4, Castiel’s partially lit direct stare into your soul is brooding, foreboding… and daunting. From “On The Head of a Pin” 4.16.
Cas’ commanding presence intensifies this menacing shot from “Point of No Return” 5.18.
The detail of Castiel’s wavy hair, intensely focused blue eyes and serious body stance are magnificently framed by the background lighting, making this a unique, visual character profile of Castiel. From “Goodbye Stranger” 8.17.
In the pivotal episode “The Man Who Would Be King” 6.20, Castiel’s crisis of conscience offered several penetrating close-ups of a confused angel, as he looked for answers deep within himself.
In contrast to the intimidating aura that had surrounded his arrival in the Winchesters’ lives, Castiel’s snowy, park bench confession softened his image, as sunlight revealed a face of kindness and introspection. Castiel was gradually transforming from terrifying angelic general, to dangerous rebel, to free-willed ally and friend.
Throughout Castiel’s journey to redefining his self-image and raison d’etre, there were moments when he intently listened or watched his human charges. These glimpses revealed a different Castiel – one with underlying gentleness and emerging emotion.
“Swan Song” 5.22
“My Heart Will Go On” 6.17
Sad Castiel even has his own version of puppy dog eyes, as seen here from “The Foundry” 12.03.
Castiel’s sincerity and innocence melts your heart, as do his blue eyes and longer, brushed back hair in “Peace of Mind” 14.15.
Heavenly Light
Unique lighting has gifted fans with several breathtaking shots of Castiel. In “Caged Heat” 6.10, Cas’ profile is both serious and mysterious.
The amber of the fire around him envelops Castiel in this full body shot from “The Man Who Would Be King” 6.20. The warm coloring poses the unasked question, “Can Castiel be trusted?”
Stark white light in “The Man Who Knew Too Much” 6.22 hints at the dangerous god complex that possessed Castiel for a time. He glows with power and hubris.
Again reborn, Cas is awash in beautiful blue light in this striking shot from “Reading is Fundamental” 7.21.
Blurred background and side lighting accentuate Castiel’s strong profile and resolved mind. (I don’t know the episode for this shot. Readers, please help!)
Whenever Castiel is transformed by his angelic powers, his hypnotizing blue eyes glow white, but he has rarely looked more angelic than in this shot from “War of the Worlds” 13.7.
Behind Blue Eyes
Bright, reflecting light, blue tie and black background combine to frame a shot that makes fans as awestruck as Cas in “Heaven and Hell” 4.10.
For a time, Castiel found peace in a new life, a life without memories, responsibilities or regrets, as the healer Emmanuel in “Born Again Identity” 7.17 What a beautiful shot of a beautiful man.
Truly a breathtaking shot. Perfection. From “Meet the New Boss” 7.01.
It’s hard to resist Cas’ “golly gee” eye glance in “Black” 10.01….
…or the wisp in his hair and depth of blue in his eyes. From “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets” 12.10.
But nothing beats a happy Castiel, even if it’s alternate Cas in “The French Mistake” universe 6.15.
His joy while reminiscing love and good memories lights up his entire face (and the room around him) in “Byzantium” 14.08. We don’t get to see that often enough.
Scruffy Cas
Castiel’s time as a human gave us the scruffy, wide-eyed, hopeful, naive Cas. From “I’m No Angel” 9.03.
This haunting image of a guilt-ridden Cas is so powerful, one relives the emotion of the scene simply by looking at the shot. From “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?” 8.02.
Season 9’s stylized, promotional shot of Cas in a cage is a fascinating tease to Castiel’s history of conflicted sacrifices.
Just for Fun
Although no where near as angelic as usual, Castiel’s “possession” by Lucifer granted us rare glimpses of Cas in a suit sans trench coat, with a more relaxed hair style and a mischievous “Who, me?” expression that looks a lot like the imp in Misha coming through!
Or maybe, just maybe, hippie Cas is the closest Castiel will ever be to the real Misha! From “The End” 5.04.
Those are just a few of the most breathtaking shots of our little tree topper! Now it’s your turn. If there is a shot that you think is absolutely stunning, please share with your Supernatural family in the comments below!
Next up: Breathtaking Shots of Jared and Jensen!
If Castiel is your man (angel?), check out our entire category of articles dedicated to Castiel!
WFB Author Gail Dunn wrote several fan fiction stories that are about (or prominently feature) Castiel. Enjoy!

- I’m the Co-Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Manager (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), Live Tweet Moderator, reviewer and feature writer for The Winchester Family Business. Before joining the Supernatural Family, I worked for 22 years at a global consulting firm, but after years of long hours, high pressure and rigorous demands, I quit corporate life to raise my children. After my first Supernatural convention, I was driven to share my shock and awe in a two-part essay that The WFB was brave enough to post, and my second life calling, that of being a writer, began. My first published book, Fan Phenomena: The Twilight Saga was released in late 2016. Please share in my cross-fandom excitement by following its Facebook page @FanPhenomenaTwilight and my personal Twitter account @LSAngel2. You can read about this whole miraculous transition in my chapter in Family Don’t End With Blood, published in May 2017.
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