Robin’s Rambles – Supernatural 8.07: “A Little Slice of Kevin”
Episode 7, Season 8
A Little Slice of Kevin
Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel
We go to the idyllic setting of Randy Raccoon Pre-School, where, while a great wind blows, a demon disappears into a restroom with Aaron, a cute little boy covered in paint–and kidnaps him. The other kids run for cover, screaming; an ungodly light shines around the closed bathroom door; when it’s all over, Aaron is gone.
Munching on Pete’s Chips, driving the Impala as “We Gotta Get Outta This Place” plays, Dean sees Cas. He drives backwards, searching–no Cas. He returns to their (Rufus’) cabin, where Sam observes he looks like he’s seen a ghost. Tornado + missing kid, reports Sam, along with other climactic abnormalities that coincide with missing people (frogs and a missing man in Tulsa, NM, a mailman disappears, earth splits open). Sam thinks demons, but this is major, and these folks have zip in common.
In a room, Crowley tortures a screaming angel Alfie (aka Samandriel), trying to get info. “I’ve given you all the names!” Alfie cries, “what more do you want?” Alfie threatens Crowley with angel retaliation, but the demon says the power grid is so whacked out in heaven, they don’t know Alfie isn’t there. He stabs him again, on the count of two instead of three (“I lied” says Crowley), but Alfie insists there are no other names–the next generation isn’t born yet–truth. “I suppose there’s no reason to keep torturing you,” says Crowley, but stabs him again.ย “Except once you get started, it’s really hard to stop.” Before he leaves, he orders Alfie kept on ice; he’s only just scratched the surface with this one.
Crowley apologizes to a group of people he has kidnapped, including Aaron, for the noise; construction standards aren’t what they were during the Inquisition. “I supposed you’re wondering why I convened this motley group.”
Kevin arrives home to be doused–again–in holy water, and he’s angry at Mama Tran. Despite the hex bags and tattoos, she still worried he’ll get possessed. He replenishes the salt line on the doorsill. She hates their life on the run. “My life,” says Kevin, “sorry I dragged you into it.” They need that bomb he used on Crowley’s demons, she says, so she went to a witch! (oh, no!) she got her off Craigstlist, scrappy, reliable, willing to kill. She didn’t give her exact quantities, so she’s in the dark. “But you told her we were making a demon bomb,” says Kevin. They bring up witch Delta on the computer, who wants the bomb recipe. “Casual encounters, no questions asked,” says Mama. “That’s another parts of Craigslist,” says Kevin, embarrassed. A former band member, Delta promises this will be wicked awesome.
Posing as FBI Roth and Malloy, Sam and Dean question the teacher who was with Aaron when he disappeared. Sam even tries an exorcism, pretending to be talking on the phone, but the girl doesn’t react. She did smell sulphur, and wants to know how they knew that. Lucky guess. They think a demon got hold of Aaron.
Later, lying in bed looking at pictures of the case on the computer, Dean sees Cas standing outside the window. Sam awakens on the other bed to ask if he’s all right. “I saw Cas,” says Dean, “right there, and earlier on the road.” “Not possible,” says Sam, “you said you made it out and he didn’t.” “I tried so damn hard to get us the he’ll out of there,” says Dean.ย “I could have pulled him out, I just don’t understand why he didn’t try harder.”ย Sam knows, “You did everything you could.” “Why do I feel like crap?” Dean wonders. “Survivor’s guilt,” suggests Sam, “You gotta walk past it, let it stop messing with your head.”
Flashback – Dean, Cas and Benny are closing in on the portal out of Purgatory. Cas, certain he won’t be able to get out with Benny and Dean, thanks the latter for everything. Dean orders Cas to bag the Hallmark crap; they are ALL getting out!ย
Crowley hopes his guests enjoyed their OJ and pancakes, “Best to pack in those carbs in the morning.” One man asks the demon if they’re on a spaceship. One woman is upset about being snatched from their families on this mother ship. Crowley shows the man the tablet. “I don’t read Chinese,” the man says. “Talk about the dumbing down of America,” broods Crowley, and asks them all to give it a go before realizing the “hapless toads” are absolutely useless. A man complains he has a wife, kids, bills, can’t miss work, and where’s his one phone call Crowley injures him. One woman holds the tablet upside-down and pretends it’s the Constitution.ย
Delta visits the Trans, where Mama bastes her with holy water using a turkey baster. She hands over the bomb ingredients and asks for the bathroom. Mama is unhappy with the amount of what Delta brought, only enough for one weapon. “Just a taste of what you get when I get paid in full,” says the witch. “Not our agreement,” protests Mama. “It is now,” says Delta. Kevin watches her pretty ass walk away. “Forget it!” Says Mama, angry.ย
Sam tells Dean one Luigi Ponzi disappeared from Rome in a freak hailstorm, so it’s not only Americans who are disappearing. Dean spots Cas over his shoulder in the bathroom, but this time it’s for real–Cas is back! “Hello, Dean,” he says.ย
Cas needed to be back at full power to be seen, and now he is, but Dean is more puzzled than elated–“How did you make it out! I was there, I know that place; I know how we had to scratch and claw and kill and bleed to find that portal–it almost finished me. How are you sitting with us right now?” Cas only remembers running from Leviathan, then being on a street corner in Illinois–that’s it. “I’m dirty,” says Cas. “Purgatory’ll do that to you,” says Dean, finding a problem with Cas’ story.ย
Flashback – Benny, Dean and Cas find the open portal. Dean tells Benny he earned his trust and cuts into both their arms. “I’ll see you on the other side,” vows Benny. Dean recites Latin. Benny turns into essence and enters the cut in Dean’s arm. “Let’s go,” Dean tells Cas. They hurry to the open maw of the portal but are waylaid by two Leviathans.
“Dean, are you all right?” Sam asks. “There is something severely wrong here,” insists Dean, “I remember everything, yet he remembers nothing?–I’m just not buyin it.” “You think he’s lying?” Sam asks. “I saw the shape he was in,” says Dean, “there was no way he was fighting his ass out alone.” “Who or what got him out?” Sam asks. “Exactly,” says Dean. Cas, smiling, exits the bathroom, freshly clean from his hair to his shoes. Even his trench coat looks straight from the cleaner’s. “Better?” Cas beams.
Furious, Mama calls Delta a hooker and demands the goods. Delta tells Mama her sister’s a hooker, and she gets paid first. “Who’s the one with demons on her ass?” Mama asks Kevin for her purse. When he goes to get it, he notices the salt line in the other room was broken–and Crowley is already here. “I did good, didn’t I, your majesty,” brags Delta, and he makes her disappear. “Presumptuous twit,” he calls her. “Please, take me,” begs Mama. Before disappearing with Kevin, Crowley orders the henchman demon at his side to kill Mama and destroy the demon bomb. But Mama attacks the henchman with a plastic gun filled with holy water and escapes.
Dean enters the room, where Sam tells him the disappearances have ended. When he recites the names of the missing, Cas says them right along with him. Cas has been reverently watching television, which he says he’s missed. “How did you know those names?” Sam asks. “Prophets,” the angel replies, “angels know the names of all of them, past, present, future. Except for Kevin Tran, the others are future prophets, only one can exist at a time.”ย Sam wonders how Kevin can be a prophet if Chuck is one. Chuck must be dead Cas guesses, and the next comes off the bench if Kevin goes down. Crowley, realize the brothers. Cas thinks something is going on.ย
Mama calls to report that Crowley took Kevin.
Crowley has taken Kevin to where he’s holding his potential replacements. Either he translates the tablet or he dies and gets replaced. “You killed my mother,” Kevin bitterly reminds him. “She was plotting to kill me and my kind,” the demon reminds him, promising him a lot if he gives in, calling him cynical when Kevin predicts he’ll be killed after he reads the tablet. I’d rather it be you, wheedles the demon, who then kills a potential prophet, splattering blood all over Kevin.
The brothers are awaiting Mama at mile marker 96. Flashback: Dean beheads the Leviathans before they chow down on Cas, but not before we get an excellent slo mo fistfight. They head toward the closing portal, but Cas fails to hold on tightly enough to Dean’s hand and only Dean goes through the portal, leaving Cas behind in Purgatory.
Dean asks to talk to Cas a sec and they leave Sam in the car. “What happened?” Dean asks, “I told you I would get you out–it’s like you just gave up–didn’t you trust me?–I did everything I could to get you out!–I did not leave you!” “So you think this was your fault?” Cas asks, perturbed.ย
Mama drives up. “You think you can get him back?” She asks, explaining how they hired a witch to make demon bombs and she ratted them out.ย Sam asks why she hired a witch. “To make demon bombs, of course,” says Mama, handing over Kevin’s notes. She opens her trunk to reveal Crowley’s henchman. Dean pulls out the DKK. “Let’s talk,” he suggests.
Crowley gets the blood-covered Kevin alone and warns him not to be recalcitrant; it brings out the worst in him. To prove his point, the demon hacks off Kevin’s left pinky. That’s enough, Kevin agrees to do it, but the first items he reveals, Crowley already knows. “I want game-changers,” the demon insists.
Sam, Dean, Cas and Mama drive to where the henchman directed them. Sam handcuffs Mama to the steering wheel over her protests and Dean stabs the henchman in the trunk.ย
When Kevin finds a section dealing with sealing the gates of hell, Crowley is interested.ย
Cas, Sam and Dean head toward finding Kevin. They kill a demon look-out.
Kevin finds a personal farewell note from the Archangel Metatron. “Upon completion of my task, I take my leave of my Master in this world…”
Surrounded by demons, Sam uses the demon bomb to get rid of them. It works.
“We’re very near Kevin,” Cas tells Dean.
Sam enters the room where Crowley held his prisoners. They all pop up, and he assures them he’s here to help.ย
Set upon by a demon, Dean is set flying; Cas dispatches the demon with angel mojo. Noting Cas gasping for breath, Dean says, “You’re not all the way back, are you?”
Dean tries his lock picking equipment, but it doesn’t work. “I’m going in,” says Cas firmly. “You’re not strong enough,” protests Dean.ย
From what Kevin has read, Crowley realizes there are more tablets that Leviathan and Demon. He turns to see they are not alone.ย “Castiel, fresh from Purgatory,” says Crowley, “Wish you had called first–which Cas is it this time, madman or megalomaniac?” “Kevin is coming with me,” insists Cas. “He’s playing on my team now,” says the demon, blocking the angel. Angel swords appear in the hands of both demon and angel. Crowley declares it all very West Side Story and tells Cas he looks like hell, “and I should know–you’re not up for this–maybe you can get it up, but you can’t keep it up.” Cas’ eyes begins to glow a bright blue. We see his wings. “You’re bluffing,” says Crowley. “Do you want to take that chance?” Cas challenges. Crowley grabs for the tablet, which breaks when Castiel smashes it, and Crowley disappears. Dean enters, helps Cas up, and Kevin picks up what’s left of the tablet.
Outside, Sam reports that the police are coming for the remaining prophets and will take them home.ย “Garth, who does what we do, will be keeping an eye on you guys, no more going off on your own–you get it was hiring that witch that got you into all this, right?” Mama, cleaning blood from her son’s face, knows. “How you holding up?” Sam asks. Kevin’s angry–Crowley took his finger.ย Cas thinks he can fix that, Sam assures him–in the meantime, lay low till we get back to you.
Dean is annoyed that Cas didn’t wait for him back there–he could have gotten himself killed! “I didn’t get killed,” Cas reminds him, and it worked. “If it didn’t,” says Dean. “It would have been MY problem,” says Cas. “That’s not the way I see it,” says Dean. “Everything, including getting me out of Purgatory, wasn’t your responsibility,” says Cas. “You didn’t get out,” says Dean, “so whose fault was it?” “It’s not about fault, it’s about will,” says Cas, “Dean, do you really not remember?” “I lived it, Cas,” says Dean, “I know what happened.” “No,” says Cas, “you think you know–you remembered it the way you needed to.” “I don’t need to feel like hell for failing you,” says Dean miserably, “for failing you like I failed every other Godforsaken thing that I care about–I don’t need it!” “Dean,” says Cas, “really look at it”–he presses two fingers to Dean’s forehead.
Flashback: Cas flings Dean’s hand from his and orders him to go.
“See,” says Cas, “it wasn’t that I was weak or stronger than you, I pulled away, nothing you could have done would have saved me because I didn’t want to be saved.” “What the hell are you talking about,” Dean demands. “It’s where I belonged,” says Cas, “I needed to do penance for the things I did on earth and in heaven, and I saw that clearly when I was there–I planned to stay all along, I just didn’t know how to tell you–you can’t save everyone, my friend, but you try.” Sam joins them and asks if they’re okay. “Fine,” answers Cas, just setting a few things straight.ย
Cas is abruptly transported to a room with a woman who tells him he’s home. “Heaven?” Cas asks–“I’ve never been here before.” “You have,” she says, “My name is Naomi, we rescued you–Purgatory was an incursion of angels that cost many lives–consider these “chats” your repayment–tell me about Sam and Dean.” “The prophet is being kept safe,” says Cas, “the tablet has split in two; the Winchesters are trying to recover the missing piece. Why am I telling you any of this?” “Not your concern,” says Naomi, “Help the Winchesters, come when they call–you will report in to me regularly, and you will never remember having done so.” “No–I won’t do that,” insists Cas. “Now, as you were,” she says, smiling, “they won’t even notice you were gone.”
“. . .you’re with us on this one, right, Cas?” Sam says. “Cas, you okay?” “Yes, I’m with you, if that’s all right,” says the angel, distracted, and walks away.ย Sam asks Dean if he and Cas are all right. “Yeah,” replies Dean, as distracted as Cas.
This was one of those episodes that had it all the bad villain, fighting, poignancy, our brothers working together to solve a case, humor, and of course, our favorite angel teaching Dean the truth and introducing a new mystery. I give it a solid 10 and must say, it’s my favorite episode of season 8 thus far.ย
Yay or nay on the episode? Yay for me, all the way yay!
Crowley was torturing poor angel Alfie to get names of potential prophets or future prophets, I gather. I wonder why he left him alive. I also wonder why no one came to help that poor angel, like our own Cas. Wouldn’t he sense his pain? What about Naomi?
I LOVE how very evil Crowley was in this episode! Master torturer, he cut off Kevin’s finger as casually as we might swat a fly. He’s become very scary, hasn’t he?
Is it me, or was Mama kind of foolish in getting involved with a witch in order to get her supplies? Didn’t it occur to her that a witch just might bring Crowley bearing down on them?
I thought the pacing of this episode was very exciting. I was on the edge of my seat for much of it. What about you?
Who do you think Naomi is, or who is she representing? Is this God or some evil portion of heaven suddenly so interested in the Winchesters using Cas this way?
Cas’ plan was to remain in Purgatory and not go back with Dean. If he had told Dean this, do you think Dean would have let him stay behind? I don’t. Dean would have tried to force him to go. What do you think?
[b]Yay or nay on the episode?[/b] Oh, this was definitely a yah for me! I really liked this episode a lot.
[b]Crowley was torturing poor angel Alfie to get names of potential prophets or future prophets, I gather. I wonder why he left him alive. I also wonder why no one came to help that poor angel, like our own Cas. Wouldn’t he sense his pain? What about Naomi?[/b] Poor Alfie. I think Crowley wants to get as much information out of him before he kills him. Although I don’t think he can. I seem to recall that only another angel can kill one. Alfie may be with Crowley to give him misinformation too. Naomi could be using both Cas and Alfie for her end game. Who knows? But I’m sure curious.
[b]I LOVE how very evil Crowley was in this episode! Master torturer, he cut off Kevin’s finger as casually as we might swat a fly. He’s become very scary, hasn’t he?[/b] Crowley is a master of misdirection, misinformation and deceit. His only focus has been his advancement in the demon world and to keep his position of power. That has been his goal from day one. He cares nothing for no one and holds Sam and Dean as objects used in the past to obtain his goals. However, I just love him! He’s my favorite villain and such a classy one at that! I can see him sipping wine to classic opera while torturing something. So different from Alastair!
[b]Is it me, or was Mama kind of foolish in getting involved with a witch in order to get her supplies? Didn’t it occur to her that a witch just might bring Crowley bearing down on them?[/b] Mrs. Tran is pretty new at this game. Kevin hasn’t much experience either. I seem to recall that Sam and Dean have had mixed results with witches in the past. She probably thought that this witch was one that had no love for demons and was practicing the craft to be “cool” or some type of fad.
[b]I thought the pacing of this episode was very exciting. I was on the edge of my seat for much of it. What about you?[/b] Me too. It was great!
[b]Who do you think Naomi is, or who is she representing? Is this God or some evil portion of heaven suddenly so interested in the Winchesters using Cas this way?[/b] I believe that Naomi is an angel. I also believe that Heaven is still fractured and without a strong leader. I think this is a temporary situation and that Crowley wants to take advantage of it and the remaining angels wish to prevent. It’s going to be a race for the tablets and to see who can dominant the other…heaven over hell or hell over heaven…or back to stalemate. Cas and the Winchesters are just pawns in the game.
[b]Cas’ plan was to remain in Purgatory and not go back with Dean. If he had told Dean this, do you think Dean would have let him stay behind? I don’t. Dean would have tried to force him to go. What do you think?[/b] Dean wouldn’t have let Cas stay behind. He would have done everything including knocking him out and pushing him through the portal. Dean wants to save everyone and doesn’t have it in him to just let go. He will fight until the very end for his family and friends and never give up unless forced or tricked into doing so.
Note: I really liked this episode a lot. This season has been very good in my book. I hope it continues. I’ve loved all the flashbacks of Purgatory and now I’m looking forward to more showing Sam’s year with Amelia.
Oh and great review! ๐
I loved the episode too. Great review and agree with most of your comments too, so won’t repeat what you said and make everyone read the same thing twice. Have one thought and one question, though.
One thought – Crowley has an angel blade, so he can certainly kill the angel. After all, Dean killed Zachariah. If Dean can do it, then certainly the King of Hell can do so.
One question – Kevin read the tablet. So – why do they still need to go after the other half? Shouldn’t Advanced Placement be able to remember how to close the gates? Wasn’t that the original plan when they went to the auction?
Good question, Grace232. Hope they’ll answer that one, soon.
Just an aside: Anybody notice that when you hear the witch knock on the door when she goes to see the Trans, it’s actually S-O-S in morse code! 8)
Yay or nay on the episode?
– I liked it, so yay ๐
Crowley was torturing poor angel Alfie to get names of potential prophets or future prophets, I gather. I wonder why he left him alive. I also wonder why no one came to help that poor angel, like our own Cas. Wouldn’t he sense his pain? What about Naomi?
– I thought about it too, maybe he was there to steer Crowley away from Naomi and BigPlan. I liked Alfie too, hope he doesn’t get killed (on THIS show??). About Naomi, I think she’s the next Zachariah, as in another “suit” who’s there to get the job done, collateral damage is approved. I liked her too, she had potential.
I LOVE how very evil Crowley was in this episode! Master torturer, he cut off Kevin’s finger as casually as we might swat a fly. He’s become very scary, hasn’t he?
– I’m not seeing Crowley as really threatening. He’s always been more of a snake oil salesman than big bad material. A great character but to me is lacking the oomph of YED and Lucifer. Gosh, even Lilith (from 3.16) was creepier ๐ And GodCas.
Is it me, or was Mama kind of foolish in getting involved with a witch in order to get her supplies? Didn’t it occur to her that a witch just might bring Crowley bearing down on them?
– I don’t think that it’s common knowledge that witches work for demons. Atleast for non hunters. And I think that had that info been on the demon -tablet, Kevin would have freaked out more when he finds out about Delta. She was really snarky, I liked her too. This eppie had a lot interesting new characters.
I thought the pacing of this episode was very exciting. I was on the edge of my seat for much of it. What about you?
– It was an entertaining hour for sure. It just flew by.
Who do you think Naomi is, or who is she representing? Is this God or some evil portion of heaven suddenly so interested in the Winchesters using Cas this way?
– I thought she was intriguing. As I said before, I think she’s the next “suit” from heaven, รยก la Zachariah. Or she could be one of the good angels, there hasn’t been a lot of those around. Either way, I’m game. I’m also very interested in her BigPlan as well. I hope that they keep skating around the “God has left the building” issue. I’m not so keen on seeing Him step in. Let humans do his good deeds.
Cas’ plan was to remain in Purgatory and not go back with Dean. If he had told Dean this, do you think Dean would have let him stay behind? I don’t. Dean would have tried to force him to go. What do you think?
– He would’ve dragged Cas back by the collar or stayed behind with him. That’s who Dean is. But I’m not really too keen on this GuiltyDean, he’s been on the front and center way too long. I’d like him to give himself a break instead of Cas conveniently giving him a reason not to feel guilty. Dean has to learn to do that on his own. I’ve liked his badass(ish) demeanor a lot and I don’t want him going back to that repressing, drinkingm miserable mess he’s been for a few years allready.
Thanks for the review Robin!
Big Yay, for me too! Crowley is sooo evil,but hey, he is the King of Hell, pretty good for a crossroads demon. Just hope Cas can stop the Big bad from hurting the boys! He is keeping the angel for further info, but I was surprised that Cas couldn’t tell he was there. I wonder if he is a regular angel or a Noami angel?
Mama Tran, but shouldn’t kevin have known, he had read the tablet and should of known that witches work for demons.
I think Noami is a new (different) class of angels
No, dean would not have let Cass stay behind