Supernatural Bingo – Everybody Hates Hitler
This episode looks like a real trip with Nazi, a Golem that makes Sam look short and a “Bat Cave” for the brothers. All the more reason to take it all in with a round of Bingo!
For those that don’t remember the rules, everytime something happens in the episode that matches a square, mark it. Get a five in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally and you win! Shout Bingo and show the cat or dog your best happy dance. Or, for you more aggressive players, try to match the whole card. All answers are based on pure speculation and not known fact.
Good luck, and Mazel Tov!
B | I | N | G | O |
The brothers learn more on the Nazi regime |
The brothers find a new home |
Dean tries to communicate with the Golem |
Flashbacks are seen |
A brother gets hurt |
The golem doesn’t follow directions very well |
Dean says SOB |
A spell is performed |
Sam for once isn’t the tallest in the class |
John and or Henry is referenced |
Garth and or Kevin is referenced |
A brother gets tossed aroundby the MOTW |
Dean makes a movie or tv reference |
Sam is in research heaven |
Sam makes his bitchface |
The golem is reduced to dust |
Dean calls someone a Dick or a Douche-bag | Brothers go undercover |
Death by Fire occurs |
Sam learns some Hebrew |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
The brother’s banter and or tease with each other |
Dean punches someone or something |
The words “emet” and or “met” are used or referenced |
B | I | N | G | O |
The brother’s banter and or tease with each other |
Flashbacks are seen |
The words ’emet’ and or ‘met’ are used or referenced |
John and or Henry is referenced |
Sam makes his bitchface |
The brothers find a new home |
Dean punches someone or something |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
The golem doesn’t follow directions very well |
The brothers learn more on the Nazi regime |
Dean tries to communicate with the Golem |
Death by Fire occurs |
A brother gets tossed aroundby the MOTW |
Dean says SOB |
Dean makes a movie or tv reference |
Brothers go undercover |
Sam learns some Hebrew |
Garth and or Kevin is referenced |
A spell is performed |
A brother gets hurt |
Sam for once isn’t the tallest in the class |
The golem is reduced to dust |
Dean calls someone a Dick or a Douche-bag | Sam is in research heaven |
B | I | N | G | O |
The golem is reduced to dust |
John and or Henry is referenced |
Sam is in research heaven |
The brothers learn more on the Nazi regime |
Dean makes a movie or tv reference |
Flashbacks are seen |
Dean calls someone a Dick or a Douche-bag | Sam for once isn’t the tallest in the class |
The brothers find a new home |
The brother’s banter and or tease with each other |
The words ‘emet’ and or ‘met’ are used or referenced |
A spell is performed |
Dean tries to communicate with the Golem |
Dean punches someone or something |
A brother gets tossed aroundby the MOTW |
Garth and or Kevin is referenced |
A brother gets hurt |
Sam learns some Hebrew |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
Sam makes his bitchface |
The golem doesn’t follow directions very well |
Brothers go undercover |
Death by Fire occurs |
Dean says SOB |
B | I | N | G | O |
Brothers go undercover |
The brothers learn more on the Nazi regime |
Dean says SOB |
The brother’s banter and or tease with each other |
A brother gets tossed aroundby the MOTW |
John and or Henry is referenced |
Sam learns some Hebrew |
The golem doesn’t follow directions very well |
Flashbacks are seen |
The golem is reduced to dust |
Sam is in research heaven |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
A spell is performed |
Dean calls someone a Dick or a Douche-bag | |
Death by Fire occurs |
Dean tries to communicate with the Golem |
Sam makes his bitchface |
The words ’emet’ and or ‘met’ are used or referenced |
Sam for once isn’t the tallest in the class |
Dean makes a movie or tv reference |
The brothers find a new home |
Garth and or Kevin is referenced |
A brother gets hurt |
Dean punches someone or something |
B | I | N | G | O |
Garth and or Kevin is referenced |
The brother’s banter and or tease with each other |
Dean punches someone or something |
The golem is reduced to dust |
Death by Fire occurs |
The brothers learn more on the Nazi regime |
A brother gets hurt |
The brothers find a new home |
John and or Henry is referenced |
Brothers go undercover |
Dean says SOB |
Sam for once isn’t the tallest in the class |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
Sam learns some Hebrew |
A spell is performed |
The words ’emet’ and or ‘met’ are used or referenced |
Dean makes a movie or tv reference |
Sam is in research heaven |
The golem doesn’t follow directions very well |
A brother gets tossed aroundby the MOTW |
Flashbacks are seen |
Dean tries to communicate with the Golem |
Sam makes his bitchface |
Dean calls someone a Dick or a Douche-bag |
Download your Bingo Cards here: Supernatural Bingo – Everybody Hates Hitler PDF
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