Supernatural Bingo – “Of Grave Importance”
Whoo hoo! New episodes again! Whoo hoo! Ghost Bobby. Whoo hoo! Bingo cards.
The rules haven’t changed. Match five in a row up, down, or diagonally, or be really ambitious and try to fill and entire card. Either way, it’s a Bingo.
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Bobby the Ghost appears
Sam does research
Dean makes a movie/tv reference |
See rifles/guns get loaded with ammo
Any form of alcohol is consumed
Salt is used |
A Brother has an emotional moment
A body is salted and burned
Bobby says “Idjit!”
Castiel is referenced |
Dick is referenced
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
Car of the flipping week’s FREE PARKING SPACE
Bobby says “Balls!” |
Bobby’s Flask plays a vital roll |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
Brothers stay at a Motel
A Brother suffers thru an embarrassing or awkward situation |
A brother gets tossed by an angry spirit |
Black eyes are revealed |
A spell is performed
Meg and or Crowley is referenced |
Brothers meet up with an old acquaintance |
Bobby gets annoyed or angry |
An EMF reader is used
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Brothers meet up with an old acquaintance
See rifles/guns get loaded with ammo
An EMF reader is used
Castiel is referenced |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
Sam does research
Bobby gets annoyed or angry
Meg and or Crowley is referenced |
Salt is used |
Bobby the Ghost appears |
Dean makes a movie/tv reference |
Black eyes are revealed |
Car of the flipping week’s FREE PARKING SPACE
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
A Brother has an emotional moment |
Bobby says “Balls!” |
A brother gets tossed by an angry spirit |
A spell is performed
Dick is referenced
A body is salted and burned
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
Bobby says “Idjit!”
Brothers stay at a Motel
A Brother suffers thru an embarrassing or awkward situation |
Bobby’s Flask plays a vital roll |
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Brothers stay at a Motel
Castiel is referenced |
Bobby’s Flask plays a vital roll |
Bobby the Ghost appears |
Bobby says “Balls!” |
See rifles/guns get loaded with ammo
A Brother suffers thru an embarrassing or awkward situation |
Bobby says “Idjit!”
Sam does research
Brothers meet up with an old acquaintance |
An EMF reader is used
A body is salted and burned
Car of the flipping week’s FREE PARKING SPACE |
Black eyes are revealed |
Bobby gets annoyed or angry |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
Dick is referenced
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
Dean makes a movie/tv reference
Meg and or Crowley is referenced |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
Salt is used |
A brother gets tossed by an angry spirit |
A spell is performed
A Brother has an emotional moment
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
A brother gets tossed by an angry spirit
Bobby the Ghost appears |
A Brother has an emotional moment |
Brothers meet up with an old acquaintance |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
Castiel is referenced |
A spell is performed
Salt is used |
See rifles/guns get loaded with ammo
Brothers stay at a Motel
Bobby’s Flask plays a vital roll |
Meg and or Crowley is referenced |
Car of the flipping week’s FREE PARKING SPACE |
A body is salted and burned
A Brother suffers thru an embarrassing or awkward situation |
Black eyes are revealed |
Dean makes a movie/tv reference |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
An EMF reader is used
Bobby says “Idjit!”
Bobby says “Balls!” |
Sam does research
Dick is referenced
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
Bobby gets annoyed or angry
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Dick is referenced
Brothers meet up with an old acquaintance |
Bobby gets annoyed or angry |
Brothers stay at a Motel
Black eyes are revealed |
Bobby the Ghost appears |
Any form of alcohol is consumed
Sam does research
Castiel is referenced |
A brother gets toss by an angry spirit |
A Brother has an emotional moment |
Bobby says “Idjit!”
Car of the flipping week’s FREE PARKING SPACE |
Meg and or Crowley is referenced |
A spell is performed
A body is salted and burned
An EMF reader is used
Bobby says “Balls!” |
Bobby’s Flask plays a vital roll
Salt is used |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
See rifles/guns get loaded with ammo
Dean makes a movie/tv reference |
Brothers talk together on the cell phone |
A Brother suffers thru an embarrassing or awkward situation |
Here’s the .pdf attachment so you can print these out and have them right in front of you come showtime.
Supernatural Bingo – Of Grave Importance
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