Castiel, An Anthology
I figured it was about time that our little nerdy “Angel of Thursday” got his own anthology, especially in view of the trailer for the coming season.
I have put together a collection showing all sides of his character, including one featuring his “vessel” Jimmy Novak. There are sad ones but some very silly ones too, there is also one featuring his “alter ego” the wonderful Misha.
Let`s hope that some of these help to remind us how wonderful he is and here`s crossing everything that he will soon be that way again! I for one desperately want our angel (and Misha) back!
It has been a couple of collections since I have featured a track by Mumford and Sons, so I feel I can include a couple here!
I have said before how well their music suits this show and these two tracks are further examples of this theory.
The next video really falls into the “sad” category, it uses a new track by Mumford and Sons set behind images and dialogue from “The Man Who Would Be King.” I loved Season 6 but perhaps it did not move me as much as previous seasons until this episode when I was a total wreck. The vidder is danidomene and the video is very descriptively called “Liar.”
I think we need to lighten the mood a little now. This little clip just makes me smile. I love the lyric. It is Matt Pryor`s version of “Has Anyone Seen My Wings?. The video was edited by DaylightDarknight.
The next featured song is taken from the soundtrack of ‘Cold Mountain.” It is “The Scarlet Tide” by Alison Krauss. This video again takes us on a trip down memory lane using images from Season 4, the vidder is bettynoir1 and the clip is called “Against The Scarlet Tide.”
Now a very silly video, it has been made by one of the many loyal Minions using a variety of tracks to make an album of music celebrating Misha and his various roles. I am a member of a choir and we occasionally perform a medley including the minion theme song “I Will Follow Him.” This is one of the songs I really struggle with as I find myself grinning like an idiot when I sing it! This is edited by becky1978 and is called “Misha Collins – Minion Music Launch .”
This is a short clip but I think it packs quite a big emotional punch as it reminds us of Castiel at his best and his relationship with both brothers. It uses Coldplay`s track “Fix You.” I do hope that this is prophetic and Sam and Dean indeed can `fix` him! It is edited by ccmrose and is called “Lights Will Guide You Home.” As it says at the end of the video – have faith!!
I love this clip, as it features a lot of socially awkward, confused Castilel, and I find him adorable. It uses a new track for me, “New Soul” by Yael Naim and is edited by Momomaurici.
Trying to explain where we are with the story of Castiel and Dean in this next one, although I think Cas saying he “made a mistake and got confused” is a bit of an understatement! This video is made by TheHottestCupCake and features a track by Ollie Murs called “I Blame Hollywood.”
The next two clips use tracks from the same band, Athlete. The first one has been used on another Supernatural clip but I think it works wonderfully for Castiel`s journey and the situation he found himself in at the end of Season 6. The vidder is Doode25 and the song is “Rubik`s Cube.”
The song featured in the next clip is one of my favourites and it has a wonderful back story. I have taken this from Athlete`s website where the singer and writer of the track Joel Pott explains why he wrote this beautiful song:
“Black Swan Song” is a powerful and moving song about the death of Joel’s grandfather. Joel picks up the story here, “September 1944 in the woods near Arnhem, Holland, my grandfather lay alone and badly wounded struggling to write a farewell letter to his new wife.
My grandfather Major John Pott died in 2005 at the age of eighty four in Lewisham Hospital London (the same hospital my daughter was born in, an experience that inspired the song ‘Wires’). After suffering a heart attack he had felt it time to leave his home in Speyside, Scotland and go on farewell jaunt around the UK. He was very weak, but insisted upon travelling alone.
After a day sightseeing in London with my father, he collapsed and was taken to the hospital where I was able to see him and say goodbye. He held my hand and said “goodbye old chap!” and “bless you”. He died later that night with my father by his side. My dad said it was like watching a soldier fight his last battle – there was some struggle but it was a triumphant end.
His death had such a big impact on us as a family and even though we were sad to say goodbye we all felt inspired by his amazing life and death.
The funeral was a very moving celebration of an incredible man. Swallows flew overhead as bagpipes played and comrades in uniform took it in turn to stand at the foot of his grave and salute him.
After his death I knew I wanted to pay tribute to him in some way but nothing came to me for three years. I was at our barn in Wales sitting outside looking over the hills playing the guitar. I started singing the lines “all my friends and family carried me, they carried me home, carried me home” and I instantly knew where the song was coming from. I wrote from my grandpa’s perspective. I wrote about his early battles, but mainly about his last one and his longing to go to be with his wife (Anna Pott, who died a few years previously) in heaven. It was my grandpa’s symphony, “Black Swan Song.”
Joel and his father David recently paid an emotionally-charged visit to Arnhem to mark the anniversary of the battle there in which Joel’s grandfather – a paratrooper – was severely injured. After lying in the woods for nearly twenty hours he was taken to a German military hospital and after a heroic, but thwarted attempt to escape on crutches, he remained in a POW camp until released by the Americans in April 1945.
There is an incredibly moving video on You Tube of Joel. He went to the forest near Arnhem where his grandfather lay badly wounded for those 20 hours awaiting rescue. Here Joel sits and performs an acoustic version of “Black Swan Song.”
I find the video which uses this song, edited by nodadchan, very sad as it is about someone who we tend to forget in the madness of the story, Jimmy Novak, Castiel`s vessel.
I really admire the editing in this next video by feoplepeel. It looks at the choice Castiel had to make between working with Dean or Crowley, the least said about his decision the better I think. They use a wonderful track by Florence and The Machine, “Cosmic Love,” the video is called “Darkness I became.”
A short and very silly video next which uses a very old corny song “Yummy Yummy” and some wonderfully daft Castiel images and scenes from the gag reels featuring Misha. The vidder is Nyah86Production the clip is titled “Castiel – the funniest angel in the garrison.” I can`t resist any clip which includes, “Confetti, it`s a parade!”
The final video in the collection is my favourite, I think it is beautiful. Not only does it feature a song that I love, Sarah McLachlans` “Prayer of St. Francis,” but there are also some Winchester hugs in there too, always a winning factor. The vidder is kiwioflurve and the video is called “Castiel`s Prayer.”
As ever all other suggestions gratefully received. Hope there are a few here you enjoy.
Can’t wait to watch your picks, Julie, but when I have leisure to… I’m sure you picked some sweet and heartwrenching and absurd videos, eh?
Love, Jas
Hi Jas, I know there are some hear you will enjoy, just think very soon you [b]will[/b] have the time to view them!
Love Ju