Looking Back at S6: The Supernatural Season Six Awards – Part One
Best Acting From An Object/Being Other Than The Impala
As much as I had issues with “All Dogs Go To Heaven,” the issues all were with soulless Sam. As far as the Lucky the Dog/Skinwalker story, I enjoyed that part very much. More than most MOTW stories this season. That dog could out act anyone. He can emote! He’s the best competition Jared has ever had with puppy dog eyes. Sure he used it for creepy stalking, but didn’t Souless Sam too?

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Hurrah, it’s awards time again! I’m with you for the most part. Maybe AlphaVamp should have gotten an Honourable Mention in the best MOTW nomination. His nails alone would send manicurists screaming to the hills.
Best ending of an episode? Without doubt I am in agreement with Unforgiven. I nearly started chewing on the toenails at the end of that one. Was there ever a week as long??
Best brotherly moment? Definitely that scene, without a shadow of a doubt. While not diminishing the hugs we do get, we do, in fairness, expect (or at least hope for) a hug at least twice an episode, every episode, so when we DO get them, they can be a bit of an anticlimax. This moment, however….. The faith and trust Dean had in Sam, after being without it for so long. He knew, KNEW, Sam would come out of it, not because he’s an expert in comas or neurophysics etc, he knew he’d come out of it because Dean’s an expert in Sam.
He didn’t leave Sam food, water or a phone, he left him a gun and an address; and the result of this was much more than the sum of their parts. This was more than a piece of paper and a piece of metal; it was an invitation for Sam to join him in the fight. After years of trying to keep Sam protected from everything, he knows now he wants/needs Sam beside him, not behind him. Jeez, was there ever so much said with so little? I love that scene!
In relation to the worst ending, I’m not sure I’d call it the worst (Lucky walking off at the end of All Dogs Go to Heaven kinda had me rolling my eyes, he’s not Lassie, ffs), I do agree that the season finale was a bit muted but that’s actually a good thing.
For the past few years the finales have shown Sam and Dean completely apart, either physically and/or emotionally. I didn’t have the ‘Omigod, what about the boys’ I usually do at finales because Sam and Dean are together at the end of this one. They might not have spoken, or hugged or even acknowledged each other but they didn’t have to, they’re so united it’s unreal. How can we fear the future when the brothers are together? How can we fear for them when they have each others backs? So while I might be intrigued by this new Castiel, I’m not necessarily afraid of him (yet!). He’s up against ‘The Winchester’, for heaven’s sake. I almost feel sorry for the guy!
Oh lads, this truly is a beautiful show.
You’re SO right. Dean just let Sam know that he needed and wanted Sam with him. Sam got the message and accepted the invitation even if it meant pain for him: “I can’t leave my brother alone out there.” My personal best line of season and surely one of the series best.
I’m so with you. I don’t fear Castiel as much as I fear for him. There’s really nothing in Heaven, Hell, or in this case Purgatory that will save him from facing the united Winchester Brothers. Now that they’ve got their full bond and stronger than it’s ever been before back in place, they will mow him down if they have to in order to keep it. He better run.
Those are awesome, but please don’t forget Best Samhair Moment!
Alice, it’s nice to see that you’re able to have some fun in your present condition.
I love your irrelevant and arbitrary categories for these awards, they’re fun… I don’t need more.
It’s inspiring, too, though, as I am working on my favourite moments of season six, to follow the tradition established with the other seasons… I’m curious whether my faves will be the same… or completely different? Ah, so much to do…
Concentrate on getting better, dear friend. I’m with you in my thoughts, hoping for a soon recovery! 🙂 , Jas
You certainly sound like you’re recovering well, very good, cause now we get these oh so cool posts of yours! Love them. I’ve been a fan of SPN from the very beginning, but only found this website in January of this year (thanks to the TV Guide, no less) and I finally get to tell you the joy it brings me. I’m always on it, yes at work, I have the coolest boss in the world, she tolerates my obsession with SPN.
I agree with your awards and I so look forward to the rest of them. I love the stare down between Sam & Dean in Appointment in Samarra (my favourite episode of this season BTW). And being from Canada, I loved all the little Canadian asides in The French Mistake, especially when Dean gives the hobo $50.00 and it’s pink (gotta love the colour of our money)!
Thanks again for so much info on a great show.
Girl, would you please remember not to stress yourself to much. You have accumulated a few new writters since last summer hellatus so you don’t need to do every other article anymore.
Having said that I need to admit I love your awards but i have to agree with Tim on that Lassie statement. Never the less I am looking forward to the other parts just don’t stress yourself over it.
This was a wonderful article and I agree with all your award winners. I think that Tim has a point, too. That AlphaVamp did make an excellent honorable mention as MOTW. I found him fascinating and scary!
I hope all is going well with you. Please take care of yourself. 😆
Fret not everyone, this piece was a WIP before I headed to Nashville. I actually planned on finishing part one on Friday during the drive to Nashville, but as the story says, things when “south.” I had some time late last night after they hooked me up with another cocktail of drugs to finish and post. Parts two and three are WIP too, but they will likely be coming later in the week/early next week.
Yeah, I have to agree, the Alpha Vamp is a good call for honorable mention. I have tons more categories though, so he might still make the cut! The goal is not to repeat in the categories.
Hell ya Sam’s hair is part of the awards! Always has been. Best appearance/Worst appearance. Strangely, I’m having a hard time finding a worst appearance. It was a damn good year. Anyway, those categories will be in part two.
Alice, remember drugs are good. 😀
I agree with best teaser. I love when we start off a episode and have no idea what we missed. Why is Dean pulling up to this store, and what is Freddy Kruger going to do to him? 😆
Best ending, agree with this one also. One minute Dean is having a nice conversation with Sam, and then he (and us) hear this loud bam 😆 . Poor Sammy. Poor Dean. I think that the ending to ‘Mommy Dearest’, is a candidate for the best WTF award. 😆
The un-retiring of the Impala, with the return of Dean’s ringtone, what is there not to love. 🙂
I never liked the Charger and when it first got put into it’s place by the Impala (with a little help from Dean), and then got crushed by Castiel, I couldn’t have been happier. 😀
Just a question: the Soulless One had puppy dog eyes????????
Soulless One deserved the beatdown that he got from Dean, especially now that we know what his problem was, but I also think that when he was shot by Sammy in TMWK2M, that may have been Sammy’s payback for his brother.
Sorry, Alice, but THE HUG has to win. If Dean had touched Sammy’s shoulder or his head when he left the panic room, then maybe it would have beaten out THE HUG. 😆
I think honorable mention should go to a scene in ‘Let it Bleed’: when Dean walks into the room with two coffee mugs in hand, one for himself and one for his Sam, that small gesture spoke of how much the two of them are back as a unit. Maybe it is me, but that was almost as good as THE HUG.
Just for the record, I agree with Soulless One, I do not see Dean as a golf fan, Jensen maybe, not Dean. 😆
Alice, glad to hear that you are feeling better. Take care of yourself. Do not rush back, we still have a lot of summer hellatus to get thru.
I agree with most of your award choices.
It’s hard to watch that beat down, but I think it had to be done for many reasons—some I’m exploring in the essay that just won’t seem to end on Soulless Sam.
I love the second hug for the brotherly moment. It was one of those cheer and little girl clap moments. I love how united they are and while this hug was that big moment for us as viewers that came over half way through the season, we felt like the boys were finally together again after the events of “Swan Song.” But I almost love the moment that Dean puts that gun down by Sam more. He’s fully trusting Sam will wake up and know what to do. If that’s not true brotherly love I’d love to see someone tell me what is.
I actually rather liked Lucky myself. But then I had just gotten caught up on True Blood and kinda saw the whole episode as an homage more or less to Sam Merlotte on that show. Maybe that’s just me. . .
🙂 I love most of your award, feel like it was yesterday I was counting ’til the premiere and now the season is over…over…it really was over in a flash
I would definetely add for Crowley’s lines the ”Exit stage Crowley” xD Don’t ask why! Just love how he talked about himself at the third person
Yay, I love the season-end awards! Great job, Alice, as usual.
Hi Alice
I love your Award choices.
Can’t wait to see what else you have.
P.S Keeping my fingers crossed that your recovery is quick and you can go home soon.
I’m probably the only one but I think we should have a best Souless Sam moment award, if only as a tribute for Jared’s fantastic job. I know he’s proud of it. What do you think Alice? Please, no tomatoes at me… 😳 😉
AndreaW, best Soulless One moment, when he is shot by Sammy. 😆
Just kidding, I agree there should be a separation between the Soulless One’s best/worst moments and the real Sam’s moments.
I will throw no tomatoes at anyone b/c I do not want any thrown at me. 😆
NancyL, thanks for the support. 😀 Actually, I think Jared was amazing in the scene when the two Sams face each other in the woods. Probably my favorite scene.
My personal picks:
1) The working out
2) Soulless Sam deceiving the ghouls in Caged Heat (badass)
3) Drinking tea in tiny cups with his enourmous (and sexy) hands in Clap.
I have others but I’m minority here so I better shup up while I’m in one piece. 😆
I’ve been exploring our dear Soulless Sam for the past week, so it’s nice to see others that have an appreciation for him.
Personally, I love that tea cup scene myself. It’s as close as he ever got to having an innocent expression on his face.
I’d have to say I agree with you on your picks, but for some reason I just really love it when he tels that woman she puts too much glitter in her glue. Sure, it’s rude as hell, but it’s funny!
To be honest, I think he’s hilarious in that entire episode, even when he’s being a bad “brother” to Dean. Sorry NancyL!
I actually loved the “Third kind already? You better run, man. I think the fourth kind is a butt thing.” 😆 It was also nice to see Sam in a date for a change, even if he was not our Sammy.
“Clap Your Hands” is my favorite episode, actually.
It’s funny as hell but it’s also got a serious undercurrent that makes you think. That’s what makes it work so well.
And yeah, I love that look on Soulless Sam’s face when the hippie girl says “Look Sam, they brought your brother back!” That almost happy but twisted in a bizarre way makes me laugh every time.
Lads, what’s with all this tomato throwing? Do ye not know there’s a recession on!!
There’s loads of things you can do with tomatos besides throw them, (not eat them raw, urgh. They’re like Satan’s testicles). You can whiz them up and make them into sauce for pizza, you can… ah, that’s about it really.
AndreaW, NancyL, you’re not alone in your admiration for Soulless Sam; such a complex character. My favorite moments of him are too numerous to mention but I’ve very fond memories of him. I’m delighted we got to meet him, to be honest!
I’ve been in other sites and believe me, not every place is nice like this one. I’ve had my share of tomatoes, and they were not in the pizza.
Glad to know that I’ve got company regarding Soulless Sam. He’s a bad boy, but a sexy one, huh? Like you, I’ve got my personal collection of delightful (to me) moments. So yes, I’ll miss him. 😉
Having the Soulless One for eleven (wow, didn’t realize that it was for half of the season) episodes, should make us appreciate Sam more.
He didn’t have to lose his soul to become sexy. 🙂
For the record, I hate raw tomatoes. I like my tomatoes in sauce or as ketchup. 😆
Don’t get me wrong, I missed Sammy badly. When he entered that room and I saw those puppy dog eyes again, I was in tears. And surely, he doesn’t need to lose his soul to be awesome. But Souless Sam was, well, different… A naughty version of Sammy, if I can say that. 🙂
hope you didn’t catch any e.coli with all those rotten tomatoes… 🙂
It was nice to have met him, Tim, but it is also nice that he didn’t stay for the entire season.
Would you not agree that Sammy was missed? 😉
Hope you are on your way to a quick recovery Alice!
Love your awards and agree mostly with them.
I do think puppets and mannikins are creepy though (think of Chucky) :sigh:
My most depressing ending was “Exile on Main Street” with Sam leaving Dean and seeming not to care too much. Geez! What’s happening? 😕
And I loved Lucky so that Lassie like ending was the saddest one for me.(So sue me, I love dogs) 😛
Also I thank Kripke that I don’t have to suffer all summer with the boys at odds. They are together better than ever and I hope they stay that way from now on.
Looking forward to the rest of the awards.
Bevie, Kripke is a cruel man (god).
He crashed the Impala with the boys and Dad inside, at the end of season one (and we didn’t even know if the show was renewed)
Season two gave us Sam returned from the dead, and Dean’s deal.
Season three, never mind. 🙁
Season four, Lucifer rises, Sam and Dean in danger.
Season five, Dean is with Lisa (do not get me started) and Sam (with an unseen Castiel) is under the streetlamp.
So, I agree with you, this season didn’t end that badly. Okay Castiel has gone completely power crazy, but as you say Sam and Dean are season one close.
Thank Chuck for small miracles. 😀
Okay, not sure how tomatoes and tomato puree worked it’s way so mightly in a conversation about meaningless accolades, but I’ve always admired the twisted thinking of you all here! You’re my kindred spirits!
Oh yes, the soulless one makes these lists several times. Who do you think takes the hair awards? There’s another biggie too.