My Not So Pretty Nashcon Story
I’ve gotten so many great messages from people offering me well wishes, so please indulge me in telling a rather long winded story of my three days in Nashville. Call it my con report, with a twist.
Well, needless to say, Salute to Supernatural in Nashville was not what I expected. I’ve only given weird comments about what’s been happening on Twitter, because I’ve only had a phone and no laptop for the last 16 hours. So allow me to tell my story of my weekend in Nashville.
It all started Friday evening as we loaded up the car and me, the hubby, my daughter and son began what was supposed to be our six hour trip to Nashville. Things went a little “south” you might say! (I know, boo hiss). We hit very bad traffic in Cincinnati, so while pulling off for dinner I noticed something. A tiny little bump under my right eye. I know what that has meant before. I had been doing intense yardwork the previous few days and I was obviously having a small reaction to something. All it takes is some antihistamine, right? Guess what I didn’t pack.
We decided to go on a little farther, fighting more traffic all the way through Cincinnati. Of course the culprit was clear, the masses were flocking downtown to make their 7 pm Reds game. My son was instantly sad, because he’s a huge Reds fan and wanted to stay for the game (he and I have been to a few). So such luck, Tennessee was waiting for us! We were on a mission from Chuck!
Around Louisville, KY that small bump was a bigger welt. We most definitely stopped for antihistamine, although it was after we made a stop at the cavernous Liquor Barn across the street. I mean, for those of you that have never heard of the Liquor Barn, you haven’t lived! It is a chain of stores out of Lexington and Louisville that sell an insane amount of alcohol at cheaper prices than my state. They have everything. Talk about kids in a candy store! We grabbed our favorite wine at rock bottom prices, and spent a good old time checking out Kentucky’s finer liquors and the massive selection of beer.
As we left with a cart full, our euphoria waned. Right, we were still two and a half hours out of Nashville. We had Karaoke to make! One look in the mirror reminded us that we had to stop at that Walgreens across the street. The welt was a size of a quarter. I loaded up on all the Benedryl necessary.
Let me tell you something out taking Benedryl. That stuff messes you up good, especially if you take extra to avoid a potential catastrophe on J & J day. I was snoozing in the car for the rest of the trip. The kids were cranky, we were two hours behind, the hubby was tired from driving the whole way and suddenly I didn’t feel very good. Karaoke wasn’t going to happen. It wasn’t in the cards. We found our hotel nearby, checked in, and crashed.
Okay, next morning. Remember me wanting to desperately avoid that catastrophe? Chuck wasn’t listening. My right eye was swollen shut and the right side of my face was the size of a grapefruit. Hubby freaked, the kids freaked, and instantly hubby was checking his phone for nearby urgent care facilities. I had to admit my face was burning and hurt, a lot. Still, I couldn’t miss the big event! I took a ton of ibuprofen, more Benedryl, and stubbornly headed to Nashcon with my daughter. I of course conveyed all my panic over what was happening through Twitter. I figured fans would understand and support my mentality, even though the family didn’t.
Anyone remember National Lampoon’s Vacation? You know, The Griswolds endure that hell on a cross country family trip only to find out Walley World was closed? We pulled into Opry Mills drive and…we didn’t know they stopped reconstruction on the mall after the floods last year. The hotel opened, why wouldn’t the mall? That was supposed to be the entertainment for my husband and son while my daughter and I did the con. No movie theatre, no giant guitar shop, no electronics store, nothing! That also killed our plans to park at the mall and walk over to the Opryland hotel.
We drove around the hotel and couldn’t figure out the parking areas at all. We especially balked at the one we could find that wanted to charge the $18 flat rate when the husband and son only wanted to stay for a small while to see the hotel and that’s it. So, we parked at the Grand Ole Opry and walked. One of the walkways was closed, so we had to go the longer way. It was hot. Humid kill you hot. That’s when I realized maybe I wasn’t doing so good.
We got to the con, and I started texting and trying to contact all the people I planned on seeing. Everyone was busy with photo ops or other things. I was in a good deal of discomfort, hiding my swollen face with strategically placed long red hair. We checked in and bought J & J autograph tickets. Warning number one. When I showed the ticket guy my face, his reaction should have been my clear cut sign that urgent care might have been the wiser option. He was no doctor, but he knew when something didn’t look right.
No, what did I do? I went to the cocktail station instead, thinking a $8 mixed drink couldn’t hurt. Define hurt. I wasn’t feeling as much pain, but I got pretty loopy as we took our place in the General Admission line. Or as I tweeted, the Crowley Hell line. It was very long, and because they were running late didn’t move. And I’m sitting there in that line swerving, tweeting, and having no luck tracking anyone down. Plus my daughter got cranky because 13 year olds don’t grasp the concept of the Crowley Hell line. I was also too miserable to socialize in line, the one thing I get the biggest kick of out of these cons. I love meeting new fans, but hiding half of my face with hair and slurring my speech was just a bit too off-putting.
Eventually we did get inside, my daughter and I took our seats, and it was again a great J & J panel. The highlight of my weekend. I was able to type up all the updates as it happened, get everything posted, and then hook up with a few people that I knew. Of course when I showed them my face, I should have took warning of their shocked reactions too. We ended up talking about the boys instead and laughing over the fandom’s latest distraction, Jared’s Twitter account.
We stuck around for autographs, because my daughter and I had to have our dual photo op from San Francisco signed by the J’s. The picture had to go on my daughter’s wall along with her autographed pictures of Justin Hartley, Tom Welling, and Zachary Levi. Since the Gold members started with Jensen, the ticket holders started with Jared. We showed him the picture and he remembered us from San Francisco especially since my daughter was wearing the same seal hat. He ever told her “nice hat”, just like he did in San Francisco. When he looked up and I saw Jared’s eyes widen over my face (bless him though for not saying anything), I was all out of warnings by then.
By the time we got to Jensen, my face was worse. Larger, redder, and it was burning hot. We were the last ones in the autograph line. I said hello to Guy Bee (with hidden face) who had just arrived and told him how glad I was to see he made it. I was all excited about his panel the next day, which would be first. Then we left. I did another walk back to the car in the heat and that time I thought I was going to puke. Still, we went to dinner. First stop though, Walgreens so I could get an ice pack for my bulging face.
We had a nice dinner in a part of town I never heard of. My hubby and I like checking out local brewpubs and he found a nice one near Vanderbilt University. I was about half way through my beer when it all hit me. I needed a hospital. We looked outside and what should there be but signs to the Vanderbilt University Hospital Emergency Room. We got in the car and were there in minutes (once we figured out which hospital wasn’t Children’s and the VA).
They processed me right away. I must admit, as someone whose gone through emergency rooms in Michigan and Ohio, and was stunned by their efficiency. They didn’t have any rooms available but could treat me on a bed in the hall. I didn’t mind. If it involved drugs and relief from the pain and pressure I was feeling, I was cool with it. That still didn’t stop them from profusely apologizing for treating me in the hallway. As soon as the doctors saw my face, they were definitely worried. So ticket line guy, several con goers, and Jared were right.
They ordered a whole bunch of tests. Bloodwork, CT scan, they had me on an IV drip of antibiotics in no time. A few hours later the diagnosis was clear, I had a serious infection. Cellulitis was one term I heard. I was going to be admitted. All hopes of attending Nashcon the next day were dashed. Deflated can’t begin to describe my disappointment.
This morning, after a night of antibotics, I was feeling worse. The face was still burning and bloated, if anything it looked worse, but the infection hadn’t spread. It hadn’t receded either. I was going to be here for a few days at least. I gave my pass to my son and sent my family to the con instead. There was no way they needed to hang out here while I was groggy and miserable. They did have a great time, so much so all of them want to come back to next year’s con. “I don’t know,” I replied, “Do I really want to see Nashville again?” I was joking, but it will certainly be an exercise in tempting fate.
Of course we haver another complication. We had to leave town today. The hubby had a business trip planned to Minneapolis the upcoming week and he was supposed to leave on Monday. The kids have two days of school left. And mom is stuck in a hospital 400 miles away for an undetermined amount of time. We still haven’t figured all that out yet, but that’s where we stand.
I’m going to do my best to keep the site updated while I’m here, but I’m having some bad vision issues right now. I was able to muster enough with one eye to type this. My husband did come back with plenty of great notes about the con today so I hope to have a day two con report up soon. Hopefully you’ll understand the delay.
In the meantime, don’t worry about me, I know I’ll get through this. It’s just going to take a few days. On the plus side, I’m finally getting some long overdue rest. I do blame falling to such a condition because I’ve been overworked and exhausted lately. I’m going to have to take better care of myself, I know. I send a big heartfelt thank you to all of you who sent get well messages through Twitter, site comments, and email. They really mean a lot to me and I’m sorry I can’t reply personally to them all right now. Until then, Jared’s Twitter is making me laugh. His timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Hi Alice,
Someday this story will be really, really funny. And you’ll laugh and laugh…
But in the meantime, I wish I could offer a hug, some hot tea (assuming you like tea), a cold compress or some babysitting.
I feel like your friend, which is a weird thing to say considering I’ve never met you, but that’s really how it feels.. So, as your friend, and as a mom who can’t stop mothering everyone else, don’t worry about the site. Really. Don’t worry about. We’re all big people, and we’ll be just fine.
Instead, just worry about you. Get the rest and care you need. You’re truly the only one that matters in this equation.
On the up side, hopefully they have some hot male nurses in the hospital!! (although I’m guessing they might be a bit blurry!)
Take care of you,
Pragmatic Dreamer
I am pleased to hear that you will be alright.
What [b]Pragmatic Dreamer[/b] said!
I hope you have another WONDERFUL con experience soon to make up for the loss of this one! And I hope I get to meet you in person one of this days to give you a really big, heartfelt hug!
Get better fast, and get home safely!
get well soon. sorry to hear about your time in Nashville.
Get better soon! It sounds like it really hurt!
Holy crap, Alice! I’m glad you’re feeling better. Take it easy, OK? Jared’s twitter is making us all giggle! He’s just plain adorable. 🙂
Get well soon, Alice!
Ugh!! Well, someday you will be able to laugh about all of this. In the meantime, feel better soon! I ended up with a horrible sinus infection setting in on the plane trip from the Vancouver con to Atlanta for DragonCon last year (yup, two cons, back to back, and I’m doing it again this year!) but was determined not to miss anything, especially meeting Mark Sheppard.
I’ve heard wonderful things about Vanderbilt U. Hospital. I know of one of the ER residents there, so I’m sure you are in good hands.
Rest up & get well soon!
More healing vibes coming your way Alice.
Alice, Priorities for heavens sake. Sod the site updates! Get yourself well first. Love ju
Alice, delighted to hear you’re on the mend and are making the most of your unexpected ‘free time’. And while your weekend did appear to suck eggs take comfort in the knowledge that yours wasn’t the only one. Now while my weekend didn’t culminate with me landing myself in hospital at least yours didn’t end up with you locked in a henhouse.
Moving swiftly onwards!
Anyway, should the male doctors not be to your liking, just close your eyes and think of…. [url][/url]
Seems the good doctors just got sight of the swelling!
I hope you will get well soon. Take care!
Alice, dear, I know you will be alright, soon. If the infection hasn’t spread nor receded, you’re probably dealing with the ‘afterglow’, and will be better in a matter of days.
…but for now, do what the others have suggested and look after yourself.(well, you don’t have much of a choice 😉 )
I know how it is, I’m just as – should I say: stubborn (?) when it comes to checking with a doctor. I have to feel almost undead to go see a doc, but I’m getting better at it.
You will get better at it, too, I guess.
Don’t fret over the site. What kind of friends and/or fellow-writers would we be, if we moaned about missing updates?
I can sleep well knowing that you’re being taken care of and getting better. And one day, as others mentioned above, this will be a fun story to tell with a beer at a fireplace. 😆
Get well very soon. Sending you a heartfelt hug and huge smile, Jas
Holy Crap! Alice, I can’t believe you went to the Con instead of a hospital, that’s some major dedication right there. Get yourself better before continuing with updates, the fans can wait, don’t you worry. At least you’re on the mend, get well soon.
I’m so glad you are getting good care and the rest you obviously need. So sorry about the timing, however, for I know how excited you were to meet Guy Bee and to attend his panel, glad you at least got to say hi to him!
Rest, rest and rest. We’ll amuse ourselves whilst you do and when you’re back we’ll power forward.
Very glad that your family salvaged some fun from the weekend so much so that they’re all on board for a family-con experience in the future!
Hey, Comic Con is coming and at least by then you’ll be healthy and strong!
Be well, my friend.
Please, Alice, don’t worry about the updates. I think we can all bite the bullet and wait until you’re recovered! I’m sorry you missed out on day 2, but I’m glad to hear that you’re getting your rest and getting better.
Get well soon!
Oh my gosh, Alice, that is crazy! Hope you are feeling better. As others have said, please take care of yourself. At work I have seen many cases of infection/cellulitis, often from gardening. You probably do already, but just a reminder to always wear your gloves!
Hope the meds will kick in soon so you will feel better.
And trust us we understand that you prefered to spent the day with the Js instead of the hospital.
Please, please don’t worry about the site. We ain’t going no where. We will all still be here.
Love and lots of get well wishes from Germany
WTF Alice, take care of yourself.
Leave the yardwork to hubby next time.
Sending prayers for good health via gods Kripke, Gamble and Chuck, but not the evil god Castiel.
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
Please feel better soon and have a safe trip home. Please go next year as Nashville is an amazing Town,
Hi Alice,
I am so sorry about your unfortunate weekend! Nashville is a really great time, and as weird as this sounds, if this was gonna happen, it is great you were near Vanderbilt. It is an outstanding hospital and they will take very good care of you. I enjoy your site and look forward to you being back to 100% after you GET SOME REST!!
Hi Alice,
Sorry to hear about your situation, that sucks man. The timing could not have been worse.
Hurrah for you for your dedication to still going to the Con woman! 🙂 Allthough, I have to admit, J&J within a striking distance? Wild horses wouldn’t keep me away 😀
Hope your feeling better and take your R&R. We gals (and guys) aren’t going anywhere 🙂 Sending lot’s of love your way.
Do take care, and I hope you have a speedy and full recovery.
So glad you are doing better. Take care and don’t worry about updating the site. The only updating we’re concerned about is how you are doing.
Hope you get better really soon, Alice!!!
My best wishes to you!
Take care.
Glasses or goggles for the yard work and keep them clean (my husband has had the same problem before, but not so severe). Wish I was closer, I’d take you home (always love visiting my hometown-Louisville)!
Don’t bother with a reply, just rest (although “resting in a hospital” is a bit of a stretch!
Thanks for your reporting under duress, always love reading your impressions!
So glad to hear you are on the mend, consider it a not so polite warning from nature to take it easy 🙂
Get well soon, the Supernatural fandom is a poorer place without you
Like everyone is saying, I hope you get better soon. These kind of things always decide to happen at the worst time possible don’t they?
So very sorry to hear how your con went! I too have had a friend who’s had cellulitis, so I know how serious it can be. I’m glad to hear the infection is not spreading & I hope it clears quickly! If there is anything at all that we can do, please don’t hesitate to let us know!
Oh, Alice, I’m so sorry to hear this! It sounds exactly like something that would happen to me, but, like you, I’d push on even if my head were swollen three times its normal size! Glad you’re on the mend, my friend. Here’s to a speedy recovery! Give yourself time to get all well.
Love, Robin