Review Roundup – “The Man Who Would Be King”
Okay, you’ve seen our reviews, now find out what others are saying about this brilliant episode as well!
First, I can’t believe I’ve been leaving Tina Charles off the list! She’s been doing these recaps/reviews for a long time for TV Guide and they’re always so well done. Find out what she has to say about “The Man Who Would Be King.”
Nicole from Salted and Burned brought up two facts that particularly caught my interest. For one, the film footage shown in the beginning to Castiel’s narrative is D.W. Griffith’s “Intolerance.” So there you go film buffs! Second, Castiel borrowed 50,000 souls from Crowley? Funny, isn’t that how many he got by saving the Titantic? So was he trying to pay Crowley back? Read all about it here.
Mo Ryan of AOL TV Squad calls “The Man Who Would Be King” an all-time great episode of television. I guess she saw what I did!
Here’s Clarissa’s always solid review on TV Overmind:
Let’s not forget Bekah’s review on Support Supernatural:
Read any other really good ones? Most of what I’ve read is glowing and rightfully so. Share the link in the comments below!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Is it inappropriate to link to my own review?
I just joined the BuddyTV Featured Blogger programme so it might get a few more eyeballs now! – AmyinSydney (sweetondean)×20-the-man-who-would-be
It’s not inappropriate at all! Thanks for sharing. I’ll definitely check it out.
Gaelicspirit, always one of my favorites, has a great review at her LJ. One of my favorite lines (especially for people who don’t think Dean has his own storyline this season):
[i]I still think that Sam’s soul is going to be key to all of the struggle about the souls, but in addition to that, I see the writers as doing one thing really consistently this Season that was started long ago: Dean being the heartbeat of their story. His constant focus on doing what is right. Maybe not what the world deems right. Maybe not what is right for the greater good. Maybe right without any room for shades of gray. But right as he’s always defined it. [/i]
Her review can be found here [url][/url]
I normally link Gaelicspirit’s reviews. I couldn’t find this week’s. Thanks for the link!
Thanks for taking the time to link to other perspectives! It is nice to see what others thought, thought I must admit, your review is my favorite so far of this episode.
Thanks! You flatter me!
Here’s one that someone sent me. She has quite an impressive archive of reviews from many Sci-Fi shows.