Threads: Supernatural 9.21, “King of the Damned”

Threads: Supernatural 9.21, “King of the Damned”

As one of the season’s final episodes, “King of the Damned” contained the dramatic conclusion of the Crowley vs. Abaddon storyline. The scene was powerful, intense and brilliantly acted. It contained great special effects and the end of a diabolical, major character. Nightsky I’m the Co-Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Manager (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), Live Tweet…

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.21 – “King of the Damned

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.21 – “King of the Damned

“King of the Damned” is a representation of everything good and right and wonderful about Supernatural. Oh, did I come on too strong? Well, I meant it. This episode did not quit from beginning to end and left me with my jaw on the floor. It was especially refreshing to have a Winchester-centric episode after the…

Supernatural University:  Meta Fiction – You Decide

Supernatural University: Meta Fiction – You Decide

I loved all the aspects of Meta Fiction, including the meta ones. Robbie Thompson’s script was a profound brain teaser; Jensen Ackles’ depiction of Dean’s struggle with the effects of the Mark of Cain was masterfully subtle; Jared Padalecki brought Sam’s worry over his brother and his rage at Gadreel and Metatron into his every…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.18- “Meta Fiction”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.18- “Meta Fiction”

When I was a little girl, I couldn’t wait for bedtime—okay most of the time. No, it wasn’t because I wanted to go to sleep. It was because I knew that before that happened I’d have a bedtime story read to me by my dad. It was our bonding time—and it’s where I encountered my…

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Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.18 – “Meta Fiction” aka What’s This Show About Again?

“What makes a story work?”  Good question.  It’s one that I’m not sure I can answer at this time, and the real question is, should I have to?   “Meta Fiction” was a great story, and it’s about time there was even a small amount of movement in the angel arc, but I personally found…

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Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×18 – “Meta Fiction”

Warning: If you have not seen tonight’s episode, “Meta Fiction,” then beware spoilers ahead! Episode Summary:  So I’m going to just briefly summarize the episode and then provide some thoughts below – whether you agree or not, I had a rather confused reaction to the episode and want to share that reaction with all of…