Reviews I Missed:  Supernatural 8.07, “A Little Slice of Kevin”

Reviews I Missed: Supernatural 8.07, “A Little Slice of Kevin”

“A Little Slice of Kevin” is an odd duck.  It’s clearly a continuation of “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?” This time the writers are Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming, and I did like this more than Dabb and Loflin’s episode 8.02.  The issue is, it’s the seventh episode of a season that’s clearly getting off to…

Reviews That I Missed:  Episode 8.02 – “What’s Up Tiger Mommy?”

Reviews That I Missed: Episode 8.02 – “What’s Up Tiger Mommy?”

So, I watched “What’s Up Tiger Mommy?” for the first time since it aired in season 8.  Now I know why I didn’t watch this again.  What a freaking mess.  The bad title ended up being the least of the issues.  Remember how the season premiere, “We Need to Talk About Kevin” felt very disjointed? …

S15 Hiatus Pic fr Jensen

Supernatural Characters Send Messages to Team Free Will

To boost the spirits of the Supernatural cast during filming, pass on some fun messages during the the final year of Supernatural, and as a gift to fans who were missing the show, a member of the SPNFamily, Kas (Capt_FrightNite on Twitter), reached out to cast members of Supernatural during COVID lockdown to request Cameo…

Inspired by Supernatural: Drawings by The Friendly Pigeon

Inspired by Supernatural: Drawings by The Friendly Pigeon

  We have so much talent in the Supernatural fandom! Fans draw, edit photos and videos, write fan fics, create costumes or props, make jewelry and much more. It’s time to showcase the #SPNFamily’s talent and ask the people behind the creations some questions!   Today I want to introduce The Friendly Pigeon to you….

Mallena’s Supernatural Musings:  10.19 “The Werther Project”

Mallena’s Supernatural Musings: 10.19 “The Werther Project”

I was underwhelmed with season ten for most of its run, so it was wonderful to watch an episode as thrilling as this one.  It has many of my favorite Supernatural elements: a scary house, great backstory, suspense, blood draining, brotherly love, surprise callbacks of yore, and a tense plot that keeps things moving at…

Thoughts on Supernatural 10.19: “The Werther Project”

Thoughts on Supernatural 10.19: “The Werther Project”

Good intentions produce negative consequence: a running theme throughout this week’s installment. It is a hard learned lesson on any day, but when you mix in spells and witches and hex boxes, well, it’s even more complicated and gets even messier. “The Werther Project” served as an epilogue of sorts to 10.18. The details of…

Threads: Supernatural 10.19 “The Werther Project”

Threads: Supernatural 10.19 “The Werther Project”

On the surface, “The Werther Project” was a very dark episode. It focused on the ugly consequences of dark magic and the tragic act of taking your own life. These themes were very real and have dire projections for the brothers’ future. Looking deeper, though, this episode also offered a few answers and one strong…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.19, “The Werther Project” aka Stronger Together

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.19, “The Werther Project” aka Stronger Together

Don’t you just love it when an episode focuses on both brothers and has a plot that equally exposes what’s going on inside those heads of theirs?  Even better, that both brothers are written in character?  Remember when that used to be a regular thing?  My inner fan girl is flailing in happiness.  See, that…