Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.19, “The Werther Project” aka Stronger Together

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 10.19, “The Werther Project” aka Stronger Together

Don’t you just love it when an episode focuses on both brothers and has a plot that equally exposes what’s going on inside those heads of theirs?  Even better, that both brothers are written in character?  Remember when that used to be a regular thing?  My inner fan girl is flailing in happiness.  See, that…

TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: “Book of the Damned” aka Sam Did What??

TV Fanatic Supernatural Round Table: “Book of the Damned” aka Sam Did What??

No doubt about it, “Book of the Damned” gave our panelists a chance to explore one rather lively debate.  We’re still trying to wrap our heads around what the hell Sam was thinking, what’s really up with newly graced Castiel and his falling apart wings, why Metratron and the Stynes did what they did and…

Thoughts on Supernatural 10.18: “Book of the Damned”

Thoughts on Supernatural 10.18: “Book of the Damned”

Phenomenal. Truly, that is the only thought I had after watching this episode. It was 42 minutes and change of fully engrossing television and one of the best episodes this season has had to offer. From the opening, which started like a scene from a Marvel adapted television series with the darkened alleyway and hooded…