CW Official Promo for 10.20
Here is the promo for next week’s episode.
So this is where Claire comes back. Although she may have been whiny, the world’s biggest monster is a stretch. We also get a heavenly assassin. And Sam gets knocked out.
Are you glad Claire is coming back? Do you think Cas was looking for her? Or did he stumble on her because of this heavenly assasin? What do you think? Tell us in the comments.
No, I am not glad to see Claire back. It is a mundane story line. Hope Cas unites her with her mom and it is the last we see of her. I think this promo claiming the ultimate monster is a teenage girl is the ultimate pander to teens. Wow, Sam gets knocked out, and as we know, the whiny, now super girl teenager is the gun- toting back up for Dean. Doesn’t look like the making of a stellar episode and may even prove to be unwatchable.
Looks comedic. Late in the season for filler. Let’s get on with the show.
the last scene was so bad.The promo does not make it look exciting.
Now mini Charlie the hunter is going to grace my screen again.*barf*.
Charlie and Claire are like the sisters in the multitude of sister fics in the fan sites.I have tried many sister fics and liked none of the fics or the sisters.These episodes even fllow the pattern of most of the sister fics where the sisters are squarely on Dean’s side.
I am eagerly waiting for the season end so that I can decide whether to watch my unwatched episodes.
Why….why are we being subjected to this? Ugh. The only thing worse than the improbability of Charlie being a super secret ninja is CLAIRE being the ultra super secret ninja. I can’t even begin to relate to Claire, the gun toting, sword wheeling, ninja back up to a hunter especially when we will be subjected to unconscious Sam again. He’s another episode for your list Shante.
Bad timing for this episode. Sam is killing himself (willing to bleed to death) to save his brother and we have to stop so whiny teenager can be cool. Dean is melding into a demon and now Dean is just going to stop and be normal so to allow for a few jokes about his age.
It is like putting a 15 min ad break in the middle of a film but they seem to like Claire .
I know. They’ve finally started building up to the finale, moving this interminable story towards its conclusion and then they give us Clair? Talk about a momentum killer. The only thing I can conclude is that this episode will factor into Cas’s plot (not that Cas had much of a plot). After Metatron’s question to Cas about what his purpose is, maybe he will have some epiphany in this episode based on what happens with Clair and Amelia. I just wish they’d wrapped up Cas’s so-called plot earlier than in one of the last few episodes, because I really wanted the last few to revolve strictly around the brothers.
I never know what they want to do with CAS.
He’s brave, smart, goofy, stupid, childish, wth……
Does anyone know how he would feel about a spin-off
not him but MISHA.
I don’t think they have any idea what to do with Cas. I think that a Cas spinoff would be a great idea. They could pick a defining character any defining character and go from there. On his own show Cas can be a bada** angel because he wouldn’t be an easy out for the human protagonists. The last time Cas was handled well was season six when he was all angel, involved in his own story, and using his powers for his own people. Since then he’s been a mess.