Supernatural Season 10 Interview with Jeremy Carver
The CW has put out a short interview with Jeremy Carver on Season 10.
What do you think? Will Sam, yet again, be shown to be evil while Dean rises above being a demon to be better than Sam?
Well not to sound overly pessimistic but….uh….yikes! Um…. Sam was not ok with Dean dying and it does sound like Sam is going to be thrown under the bus. So I’m going with since the first statement is untrue then the second statement is also false. I think I’ll go with the J’s and their interviews from now on. yeah Sam was fine with it….
Oh for crying out loud. I have come to the conclusion that JC just should NOT do interviews. He has no knack for stirring up excitement. How could anyone think Sam was OK with Dean dying? He may have been on-board with taking down Metatron but he will never be fine with Dean dying. And that bit about who is the bigger monster. Ugh! I agree with Cheryl, I’ll stick to the J’s for my S10 information.
[quote]Will Sam, yet again, be shown to be evil while Dean rises above being a demon to be better than Sam?[/quote]YES, yes, doubt.Sam is the true monster, you see.He does not need that puny Mark of Cain.
Sam… oh Sam..what are they doing to you.I am sorry but I can’t do anything.It is just too much to wish that the writers even know the story they have told.
So, throwing Sam under the bus again. Not surprised.
I have to say that I’m getting the same feeling for this season that I did pre-season 8. That year we were told that Sam didn’t look for Dean while he was gone and instead got a girlfriend. I was convinced that at least we would get some kind of scene or just Sam talking about how he reacted when Dean disappeared. But nope! We got nada. Sam didn’t look, hit a dog, found a girl and that was the end of that. I’m getting the same feelings here. There is just too much talk about who is the real monster and everyone, even the Js are pointing to the real monster being Sam. I’m not leaving until I see how things are handled, but I really have worse feelings about this upcoming season than I had about any other season. Mostly because Carver has made it crystal clear that he has absolutely NO interest in exploring Sam’s mindset or showing Sam being motivated by ANYTHING. All he cares about is Sam=bad Dean=woobie.
I agree Leah, Carver is pretty bad at interviews. He has no idea how to be intriguing and cryptic yet tantalizing at the same time the way The Kripke could. He was a master at enticing and yet manipulating the fans and I miss that about him. Yeahโฆ not a great interview and I am inclined to be pessimistic given what he’s saying. The only reason Sam has been shown to be less than a supportive brother is because they threw him under the bus last year with that awful “not looking/Amelia” plot which was so out of character as to be completely unbelievable. The real Sam, the Sam I know and love from seasons past would NEVER have done that, N.E.V.E.R. And now, they are going to have the bus back up over his mangled body to pulverize him into the pavement by having his “guilt” from not looking cause him to became the ‘true monster’ of the season in his bid to look for Dean. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Coming out of Carver’s mouth there is not one redeeming feature about this set up. I agree with anonymousN, Sam (who is human and unencumbered for the first time in his entire life BTW) will sink to incredible heinous depths to find his brother, giving Dean something else to criticize Sam about once he’s cured, and he won’t be able to blame it on demon blood or powers or being manipulated by YED, it will just be Sam showing his “true” colors. Fans vilified Sam for not looking for Dean and now they will vilify him for going to the ends of the earth in trying to save him. The hypocrisy here makes me sick; Dean can go to the ends of the earth and do something awful to save Sam, and told his greatest sin is that he “loves too well.” When Sam does the same? He’ll be eviscerated. I read some interviews with J2 and feel good about season 10 then listen to Carver and I dread it. Oh yeah.. and Demon Deanโฆ after he’s killed and maimed and done unspeakable acts? Yeahโฆ.. he’ll come out smelling like a rose. The fandom will be falling all over itself to find ways to absolve him of any blame.
Yeah I think I will go with the J’s interpretation of the show. I don’t think that Carver expresses himself very well in interviews so still optimistic here as long as Jared and Jensen are.
:):):) I stopped listening to or reading his interviews but Carver sure knows how to piss off the Sam fans. Given the direction the show has taken since S8, I don’t think it’s in JC’s nature to give Sam what could be considered a “clean win”. Guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens, how Dean’s portrayed as a demon and what Sam actually does to try to save his brother.
In the only clip we have for demon Dean, he tries to kill Sam. What could Sam do that is worse than the attempted murder of your own brother?
Nurse, begging for her life while Sam kills her. This time I’m sure Sam will move up the evil ladder to finding out that to save Dean he has to kill children and eat puppies. I put nothing, nothing past the writers in their attempt to make Dean look like a relative saint while making Sam look evil. After all, they have made ZERO attempt to give Sam any kind of sympathetic viewpoint.
Plus I have already seen the explanation that since Dean is a demon and Sam is in a sling, Dean ISN’T trying to kill Sam because he could kill him easily. He’s just trying to scare Sam in order to protect him. I don’t expect to hear any dialog or see any scene that will contradict that. All I’m expecting is screeds on how Sam doesn’t appreciate that Dean was trying to protect him even when Dean was demonic. The writers have very little leeway with me this season. I am ready to drop the whole show
umm…. club some baby seals, then kick some kittens and puppies to death? ๐
[quote]What could Sam do that is worse than the attempted murder of your own brother?[/quote]
Kill an innocent nurse and drain her of her blood
Kill an innocent waitress because he wants to get at the guy holding her hostage
Lead a sheriff to his death by using him as bait an not telling him about it
Using a baby as bait to catch an alpha
Not looking for Dean while he was in purgatory
Letting Lucifer out of his cage
Try to kill his surrogate father
โฆโฆโฆโฆ..just to name a few.
Dean will get a pass for trying to kill Sam because he’s a demon and it’s “not his fault.” I expect to hear that line ALOT this season. Its too bad that when it comes to Sam and the things he does and has done, compromised or not, he is always held accountable.
Sad, but true. So many times Sam is shown to be doing something bad and no one even asks for and explanation or if he gives one they tell him he’s not being honest. While Dean gets Cas, and Charlie and Kevin fluffing him.
I’ve been talking with a fellow fan over the last few days, and we’ve really started to wonder… for those viewers new to Supernatural (because viewership IS up), who haven’t been able to go back and re-watched the early seasons, what on earth is there about the Sam-of-the-Carver-era that would entice anyone to care about him? Without understanding all that he’s been through, I’d be seeing him in a pretty unsympathetic light, too. With nothing to temper the not-looking, and the “no I wouldn’t”, of course Sam would be seen in a negative light.
And now Carver wants to make Sam be more of a monster than a demon…..
Oh yay. Am I excited for this?…… A resounding No.
Thanks Carver.
that’s an interesting point; if you only started watching in S8, and had no context by viewing S1-S7, you’re right, it would be nearly impossible to view Sam in a favorable light.
I know that Jared has no power over the writers but he did express many times in the last few conventions just what kind of Sam he wants to see portrayed. If they do really want a S11 I would think that TPTB would have to keep that in mind. The J’s haven’t signed any contracts yet. Jared is very protective of his character as is Jensen so I am going to be optimistic that they will not want the characters to go too far and since the show is winding down anyway the J’s could easily just walk away.
As an aside my sister just started watching this show in S8. Her favorite character by far is Sam. I don’t think that new viewers are as hard on the show as the hardcore been there from the beginning fans.
I apologize for the wording of my question, cheryl. I’m sorry you found it offensive (based on a comment I saw elsewhere). I assure you it was not intended to be. I asked based on a genuine interest, because of another discussion.
I never stopped to think that discussing why your sister was drawn to Sam would lead to a discussion of fandom issues.
I have removed my question.
Hi st50, you are addressing Cheryl but I would like to interject that Jared’s portrayal has a lot to do with it. I don’t completely agree that Jared has been shown in a negative light as much as many Sam fans do. I DO think his POV has been lacking and he was out of the action, via unconsciousness more than usual. However I still feel he is portrayed in a positive light for the most part. This year for instance, he was VERY concerned and worried about his brother despite being angry at Dean! That was clear and apparent to anyone who was willing to see it. That some fans fail to see some of these things is a pity. His characterization is not as well done as the early seasons, but Dean has taken a drubbing the last few years also. I don’t think he has come off well at all in the writing either. Jared always shows the humanity and goodness of Sam no matter what is going on with the story IMO. Did Dean bring up any Sam’s failures (real or imagined) this season? He seemed to be more on the defensive this year. Maybe he did, IDK maybe I just block what they say in anger, or possession. Anyway my 2 cents. ๐
Edit to clarify: “That was clear and apparent to anyone who was willing to see it. That some fans fail to see some of these things is a pity.” My quoted comment was referring to the Sam haters that are on the internet who never see anything Sam does in a positive light. I was not in any way talking about st50 or anyone else that is on this site.
Even in real life things said in anger is to be taken with grain of salt. At least I do and in general I hate fighting.
The brothers will always try to be there for one another. (If they know the other one is alive)
They do have each others backs even if they are fighting and if they are with the other one.
They love one another for sure.
“Insert character name” might be influenced, possessed, controlled etc. but the thing is. If you make mistakes you can try to fix it after.
Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Sam and Dean are no different.
But in my eyes for example if you have no soul, are possessed or turned into a demon and well, you are not acting like you should and doing bad stuff.
You have no control over it in my book. And even if the characters feel bad after like we have seen I don’t blame them.
But going to the interview. I thought nothing about it except that it had nothing new. I like more the J2:s and M2:s take on the new season and by that I am still as exited as I have always been. ๐
Just this damn first hellatus is killing me.
– Lilah
Well honestly I never thought to ask her because I share her love for Sam. I know that many see him as unsympathetic and useless but I guess I just don’t. Maybe my sister feels the same way I don’t know. I absolutely would never question her love for the show or it’s characters and as she is not involved in the fandom in any way I wouldn’t want to ruin her experience by pointing out how many fans hate either character. I don’t think that she is unique in the general, not online fandom. I think she is more representative of the majority of fans like you see at the conventions. Otherwise I don’t think you would see the increase in ratings and viewership around the world. Both of these guys are charming and endearing in life and on the screen. Sometimes the story telling isn’t as stellar as it could be but I have never lost my love for Sam or Dean. I guess she hasn’t either.
[quote]I know that many see him as unsympathetic and useless but I guess I just don’t.[/quote]
Hi Cherylโฆ I don’t think it’s a matter of US, the fans, thinking Sam is useless and unsympathetic, cause I don’t really think anyone here thinks that, and the Sam haters? Well, Sam could be canonized and the Sam haters would find a way to turn it into a negative; no matter what he does they will turn it around so that it’s a bad thing. We can’t change the mind set of someone like that, so there’s really no point in even trying (that goes for Dean haters too BTW). I just stay away from the sites that feed into that kind of drivel and let them go at it, screeching away at each other like cats.
I think that the problem (at least for me) stems from the fact that THE SHOW has a tendency to PORTRAY Sam in an unsympathetic light and his lack of POV only adds to that. Sam not looking for Dean came off as unsympathetic because his reasons for not looking were never clearly stated and ended up looking unjustifiable. Dean conversely did this awful thing (the possession) but was given so much POV that it was easy to sympathize or at least comprehend him. Sam was angry at Dean for over half of season nine, and though he had good reason, those reasons were never shown, addressed, fleshed out in any way that would lead to us understanding Sam’s head space and his anger. Once again he looks unsympathetic because his POV is not addressed in an adequate manner. Dean, and his pain over his brother’s anger is shown again and again and AGAIN so that we couldn’t be more aware of it, so he comes off as sympathetic. Even die hard Sam fans are having to work extra hard to make how he is and what he says make sense. I am as big a Sam fan as anyone and I had trouble this year seeing my sensitive, inquisitive resourceful Sam in the angry, caustic man that spewed out nastiness at every turn and I kept wondering thinking, “I know why Sam is angry but why aren’t we seeing it? Why won’t the writers allow us to see his hurt and pain the way that we see so often with Dean?”. It’s beginning to drive me crazy quite honestly; I want Sam to get the coverage, insight, thoughtful scenes and heartrending speeches (Sam did not have ONE this season, nor an episode that was in any way remotely centric to his issues, not one) that Dean gets on a regular basis. When was the last time we saw that? I can’t even remember. So, I know that you don’t see and have never seen Sam as unsympathetic, but unfortunately he often comes across that way simply because of a lack of attention and detail in the writing.
My point that I seemed to have made very poorly (and now I’m taking my lumps) is that I don’t think that new fans are as hard on the characters, writers, showrunner etc. as the hardcore fans are. I’m not saying anyone here is unsympathetic, a point I should have made clear, I’m saying the “out there” online fans seem to see him that way. I know almost everyone on this site loves Sam and wants to see a better storyline for his character (me too). I was just trying to point out that my sister who became a fan last year didn’t see the character assassination that many fans have seen who have been there from the beginning. I think that my sister is probably more representative of the general viewer than those of us who discuss and analyze each episode, season, who wrote the episode (something I never paid any attention to until I became an obsessed fan) and who directed it. She couldn’t answer any of those questions, she watches for pure entertainment only (as does my other sister, brother-in-law and nephews). And the only reason I even brought that up was because someone mentioned that it would be difficult to sympathize with Sam based on the last two seasons if you were a new fan. She and her family were my only examples of a new fan and how they view the characters.
I probably didn’t make that any clearer. But I wasn’t in any way saying that anyone here didn’t have sympathy for Sam. On the contrary the concern which I do share based on Carver’s comments is that Sam isn’t going to get the big save that we all want to see cleanly. I hope we are all wrong.
I wonder if she’ll see better what we are talking about once she catches up? Anyone who comes to the show, early or late will at some point see all of the episodes. I can’t imagine anyone finding this show and falling in love with it (the way we all have) and then NOT going back to watch the earlier episodes. So, I’d be curious to see what she says once she’s up to date. ๐
E (or B, whatever you go by now:;)), I do think there is a difference in how someone who binge watches views the show vs people who have watched for the whole (or most of) 9 years. We’ve had almost a decade to dissect, quibble and analyze while binge watchers roll right on over to the next episode. I do think new viewers, and bingers are less likely to be critical. My family binged watched a few years ago and have always liked both characters very much. That hasn’t changed except for an occasional “(pick your character) is being a ****”. They are completely bemused by all the factions of fans and all the hoopla that goes on on websites such as this and others. They just don’t get it. I sometimes read a post to them I think is particularly mean-spirited and they go “Really?” “Why do you care what they think?” I admit they have a point. I do agree on many of the charges of lack of Sam POV and the writing not always doing either of the characters any favors sometimes but I think a lot of viewers just don’t care about that stuff they just like the show as a whole and don’t pay any attention to who writes it or what character has the pov or the best storyline. Of course this is just my gut feeling. I could be completely off base.
I gave her all my DVD’s and she watches on TNT every morning while she gets ready for work. She and her husband watch an episode (just one?:o) every night. I think they are up to the middle of S6 in their catch up so far. Like I said because she isn’t involved in the fandom I think she watches this show like any other, some episodes are better than others but so far anyway she and her family are having a blast watching the adventures of Sam and Dean Winchester.
Evidently I am the one with the obsessive compulsive Supernatural disorder.
p.s. Some of my DVD’s went to go live in Greece with one of my nephews. I hope they are having fun traveling around Europe.
I think you can put me to the binge/netflix watching category as this is my first Hellatus.
I actually like to talk all about Supernatural but in recent times I feel like I need to defend the series all around rather than talk about it (Characters, story, canon, fans etc).
Sometimes I wish that I had stayed like Cheryl’s sister or Leah’s family and not know the internet at all nor the web pages. It doesn’t change the fact though that I am still exited and I will continue to watch it to how long it goes. I have also met people that I will miss if I would go completely off the radar so they are keeping me up sometimes.
The show is very entertaining and I don’t have regrets about knowing more about the cast and how great everyone of them are. Also I wait and see where the story goes. (Even sometimes too eagerly)
I have actually watched 1-9 seasons through now 3 times and it hasn’t changed my views (season 7 only 2 times). I still dislike Leviathan season as a whole but it had also good things to counter the big bad. This view just seems really less appreciative than the others to many people. “How can you like season 8-9?” Without going to extreme lengths explaining it. I just do. ๐
[quote]a lot of viewers just don’t care about that stuff they just like the show as a whole and don’t pay any attention to who writes it or what character has the pov or the best storyline.[/quote]
*lifts hand* Fits to me like a glove. So putting a stamp on the quote. ๐
– Lilah
No worries tempers seem to flare over this show.
st50 posting my comment where I did was a crap move. I apologize for that it will never happen again.
I appreciate that, cheryl. Thanks.
If you had made your comment directly to me, nicely, I probably would’ve agreed with you. It wasn’t the most tactful way of expressing myself.
Anyway, all done now.
Carry on.
I know Jared has said he is protective of Sam. I also know that he loves playing “bad” Sam and “evil” Sam. He has expressed how much he enjoyed playing Sam soulless and possessed by Meg and as Lucifer. So I don’t know if what Jared sees as protecting Sam is the same as I do. I admit, I want just one season where we are shown and told all of Sam’s emotions, and all of his POV. I want dialog. I want characters talking about how Sam feels. I want neon lights spelling it out while pointing at Sam. I want a mime to come on and act it out. I want Marlee Matlin to give us the ASL version. And I don’t want it to boil down to Sam is bad and always angry for no reason because with Dean we get scene after scene about how HURT he is and how vulnerable he is and how he only made horrible decisions because he’s an injured woobie boy. I want Sam to get all the sympathetic outlook that Dean has had for the entire run of the series.
You are probably right. Jared did say at Jibcon that he doesn’t want Sam to be beaten down into something unrecognizable. This is the first year that Jared has talked a lot about the end of the show and what he wants to do after it’s all over. So if the character isn’t going to be that guy that begged Dean to be his big brother in S3 Fresh Blood (an episode that he specifically pointed out as his favorite and that scene as his favorite moment) I think he will walk away and into his far more important role as a Dad. Anyway my point was that the show hinges on the J’s. They seem on board for another year but not at the expense of their characters.
I agree with this. Although Sam has had his woobie and sympathetic moments (to my mind) but point taken. They have not done well by Sam the last few years. Very humorous BTW.:)
Jeremy can write great episodes like Mystery Spot but his interviews are never inspiring. I have not enjoyed his or the writers idea of Sam at all.